Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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This thread is very amusing and is a distraction from the real problem.


It doesn't really matter who holds the POTUS, given that the real power is held by the 'Military Industrial Complex' in which Eisenhower warned about this problem before leaving office. The 'Military Industrial Complex' is a vast machine that has tentacles (bases, private contractors, manufacturers, think tanks) in every state and by extension has bases in almost every part of the world. Congress writes the checks almost without question to keep the machine alive.

Edited by ralis

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I have finally seen a true miracle. I have never believed in miracles before but now I am afraid I must.


The elections have been completely rigged for the democrats but we have a republican majority this is indeed a total miracle.

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This thread is very amusing and is a distraction from the real problem.


It doesn't really matter who holds the POTUS, given that the real power is held by the 'Military Industrial Complex' in which Eisenhower warned about this problem before leaving office. The 'Military Industrial Complex' is a vast machine that has tentacles (bases, private contractors, manufacturers, think tanks) in every state and by extension has bases in almost every part of the world. Congress writes the checks almost without question to keep the machine alive.

Without the international banking cartels, the MIC would never have existed.


Without the international banking cartels, congress would not have a blank checkbook to draw from, that the other party is oh so happy to counterfeit the currency to make it happen.

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Without the international banking cartels, the MIC would never have existed.


Without the international banking cartels, congress would not have a blank checkbook to draw from, that the other party is oh so happy to counterfeit the currency to make it happen.


I agree that banks are part and parcel to the problem. As you know, nothing is going to change this problem and all the anger based discussion is not going to change a thing.

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Will this facility change? No way will the government let Los Alamos National Labs falter. Why? Nuclear research, bio weapons research and so forth.


This photo is the main part while small tech research areas are scattered throughout the canyons in the local area.



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I agree that banks are part and parcel to the problem. As you know, nothing is going to change this problem and all the anger based discussion is not going to change a thing.

I disagree with being defeatist about it, though.  The death star is not complete; the Empire's control not set in stone, its police state only partially implemented.


This is the day and age for humanity to conquer the bankster scum and re-take the planet so that people can actually enjoy the fruits of their labor without having everything of value skimmed off the top long before it ever reaches them.

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I stopped reading this thread on page 5, but remember that I had yet to read and respond to Aetherous, whose last response to me I neglected. I likely won't be clicking in here again...but just a quick response.



Not that I place less value on what you write here, but I didn't read your post, having a tendency to be busy in my life...I read one on the first page of this thread and was responding more to that as well as personal conversations I've had about this away from the forum.

But anyway...perhaps some of the quotes in your post were based on inaccuracies, or were lies of Trump, but definitely not all of them. Some that you found very disagreeable, I didn't whatsoever.


I'm happy to know that you do not place less value on what I write, especially considering the mounting number of disagreements we've had thus far :) and your busy-ness is understandable etc etc


But I would maintain that Trump has been obviously nasty and a liar for a long, long time, and that the only excuse not to have known this is to have had one's head buried in sand somewhere since the '80s!




And being involved in lawsuits when you're a celebrity businessman is not surprising.


Right, but... thousands of them? And for some of them, the issue is not just celebrity businessman fluff.



It's a big deal for a potential President to commit perjury. It's a big deal for them to delete subpoenaed emails that deal with their potential involvement in the deaths of Americans and an Ambassador. It's a big deal for them to expose confidential information to parties that shouldn't be exposed to it, as well as open it up to foreign hackers...actually a very big deal. It's a big deal to make up a blatant lie about why Americans died overseas, and tell that lie to their families, when you knew the truth. It's a big deal to have been involved in taking out a foreign government's leader, to have been part of the administration that's supplied money and weapons to rebels in that country, who later defected and became the major terrorist organization that's currently spreading through the globe...in other words, we either directly or indirectly helped to fund the IS to some extent.

I'm not mentioning the Clinton Foundation scandal, the questionable benefactors of Clinton's campaign, the racist emails and attempt to destroy Bernie's campaign, the secret service details' descriptions of her behavior toward them, the fact that people who have crossed her tend to die mysterious deaths, etc...


In my opinion it's a big deal for a potential candidate for leader to lie, full stop. Whether perjury or just lying in a hundred TV interviews, it amounts to being a liar.


And I'm not going to defend Clinton, but you cannot place blame for most of the stuff in that paragraph on her...!!


Mysterious deaths?

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Dusty, you're merely giving the impression that you've looked well into Trump's past but you havent quite brought yourself to peek into Clinton's.  If you dont know how SoS interacts with ambassadors and such, or if you dont know the ways in which she was involved in smuggling weapons that they used to destabilize Libya off through Turkey and into Syria and into ISIS's hands, then you've got some reading to do.

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Well, I watched Michael Moore's blip about Assange from in front of the Embassy.  He's a crazy bastid but I do not think he would lie about Assange here.

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Dusty, you're merely giving the impression that you've looked well into Trump's past but you havent quite brought yourself to peek into Clinton's.  If you dont know how SoS interacts with ambassadors and such, or if you dont know the ways in which she was involved in smuggling weapons that they used to destabilize Libya off through Turkey and into Syria and into ISIS's hands, then you've got some reading to do.


I'll admit at this point that, though I wasn't ever actually outspoken in favour of Clinton (I don't think I was, anyway), I was more vocal in my criticism of Trump than of Clinton, and this was partly based in a lack of knowledge of Clinton's past. I will no longer defend either candidate in any way. But my response to Aetherous concerned Trump, and I stand by everything I've said about the man. Trump and Clinton are both nasty little liars, and worse.

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the way debt has accumulated in the IMF$ system is largely based on structural imbalances in the global economy which in the physical layer translates to huge trade deficits. more debts/deficits, more fees, more derivatives, etc. this is the bankers (parasites) life blood.


trump is essentially proposing a default by saying he wants to forcefully end the imbalanced flow of trade. i think this needs to be spelt out for people who don't understand economics. he speaks of the bubble, the debt, zero interest rates. this is the heart of the problem. this is also why he shrugs off claims of increasing the debt, it's imaginary and will be voided. taking the pain now (make no mistake it will be painful) and forcing a rebalancing is FAR preferable to the alternative of letting parasites leech until the host is almost dead. it should have happened in 08, if it doesn't happen soon we're gonna have real problems.

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while I'm sure some have wet dreams of

DT wielding a big stick and beating the IMFBISfrauds over the head,

its more likely the ruby squads will roll first instead

Edited by joeblast

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there is evidence that the more productive contingent of elites is aware and been preparing for a global reset for a long time. FOFOA blog outlines global money history to this extent as it pertains to gold, which is the final fraud to be exposed when the paper gold market crashes. not a total collapse but a reconfiguring into a system where savers aren't perpetually robbed. obviously the western establishment has the most to lose in the short term and trump 'shaking things up' would be enough to press the button almost immediately. the sooner the better, in my view and if we can get some of the cheaters/thiefs in jail in the process all the better.


the concern is if the cronies remain in charge and the bust becomes unavoidable we are dragged into war as cover, distracting attention from all the corruption, financial crimes etc. then who knows what happens before the dust settles.

Edited by wilfred
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as much as this would've been delightful. possibly assange is enroute to the usa on the 'guatanamo  express'

the media is about 99% state run propaganda now and all dissenting voices to be crushed.

hillary is likely to be the first blatantly open oligarch-in-chief

Edited by zerostao
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