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About NorthWide

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    suru meinmenimerriem weyetzeira mizwot elohai

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  1. Micah 5 , Jude 9-10 Remnant, Myriad is kind of like saying maximum number in metaphors. Some say 10000, others describe a large unspecified number... That is correct. It won't be the same as first century. Neither will it be a cult where you have to study magazines, on an online app. Generally I've found you need to read at least more than 5 pages of the bible a day for noticeable change. It has to come from the bible. [unexpected twist] Run the bible as a program using AI and see what happens. I honestly don't know but Micah 3, constant plowing and threshing might yield a more consistent product.
  2. The nice thing about the bible is that its not only Revelation that covers future prophecies. Here as you can see in Chapter 7 of Daniel it outlines in verse 18 and 22 that the Kingdom will be given to the saints. Verse 22 says that judgement was passed in favor of the saints. Revelation 11:15 says the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdoms of our lord. The Hebrew merely says that "The court will sit in Judgement". Perhaps the meaning is that at some point Christians get fed up with crap... How this ties in with the hierarchy/education thing: 1. Those who are saved are coheirs with Christ. (Negates a hierarchy) 2. studying the first few chapters of Revelation we understand that Jesus directs the churches, not a hierarchy. More, there are angels appointed to each church to minister to it. 3. Sermon on the Mount: Expounded upon the concepts of humility. 4. Concept of the Servant Leader (mentioned in a separate post) 5. God generally gives Knowledge to those who have understanding. So, some of these things may seem off-topic, when in reality a whole picture helps us see beyond a nuts and bolts perspective into a clear picture of when people of God realize they actually have a lot more power than what they think. Humility... Yeah it is coming. Some understand it. Knowledge, God gives to those who ask. The deal is: is that at some point in the future, Christians realize it (all Two Witness groups[two groups of people]). At that point people will complain about Christians. But the deal also is that only God can change times and law. Therefore the Antichrist is a practicing Christian. That's the scary part. Its the war within. There will always be those with false doctrines and we still see it today. Getting people to renounce themselves and tread the path of humility is only something Jesus can do. If you've reached this point and rely upon the bible... then you can use the key of the nations, yes it does exist. But you need three to pray this for knowledge and humility to be imparted like grace to Moses. It has to do with the scripture, By the words of 3 witnesses a thing may be established. Now you're probably wondering why don't we just declare the Kingdom now? Why not? It is totally in the realm of possibility at this point. There needs to be enough Christians to find some of these anointings of plagues and miracles in the Bible and start to use them. This is just going on what we know from scripture. I would say take it before Jesus in the throne room of 3rd heaven.
  3. Lord Jesus

    Here's the new location for the song.
  4. What God Looks Like

    Well if Jesus is his son... well I think its pretty obvious. Slightly red tinged middle eastern man with scars, straight Brown hair and straight teeth. Dressed in a Red Robe and a black and white ornate inner robe with a yellow foursided diamond. The red is really dark, indescribable. Almost forgot to mention he was about six foot or six foot one
  5. Lord Jesus

    This is the Key of David. You're wondering, are there other keys? Yes. Keys of the Kingdom, Keys of death (Revelation)... Keys are anointings, anything that Yahweh gives without measure. I was attempting to blend Jewish Dirge with Power Metal... voila. My wife helped a little, couldn't have done any of it without God.
  6. Cultural Christianity

    Sorry, I meant to write Cross but I ended up using the Greek word.
  7. 24 And a dispute also developed among them as to which one of them was regarded as being the greatest. 25 And He said to them, β€œThe kings of the Gentiles domineer over them; and those who have authority over them are called β€˜Benefactors.’ 26 But it is not this way for you; rather, the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant. 27 For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves. -Luke 22:24-27 Here, rather than a hierarchy of sorts, he commands that the Leaders-serve, which is more of a challenge than my past tactics used of venomous socratic rhetoric. Instead, nothing will change, and everything will just maintain the pomposity of ages of self worth and fatalistic-pride. That is the end of my argument.
  8. Cultural Christianity

    Sure. The reason people don't change is lack of humility. In the Greek, Jesus says to pick up your staurous, renounce yourself and follow me. It is the cowardly, the fearful and despondent that take issue. Every place you see, where they have their own traditions... It is the result of lack of humility. Humility allows change. Emptiness allows humility. (Philippians 2:5-11) hapzimsay
  9. Cultural Christianity

    Consider the facial similarities. Where are you based? The danish show gΓ₯ten om Odin (the enigma of Odin) is available at both DR as well as NRK, and id assume SVT as well. Its pretty good. I have great respect for the Danes as they are generally clear-cut and forthcoming. I see that as their greatest strength as they generally are not cowards. Being a coward is also worthy of death in Christianity. I studied the mythology, eddas and Havamal for a long time. I called it as I saw it, you called it as you saw it. If you wish, I will continue to discuss Mythology.
  10. Cultural Christianity

    It says: I was under the impression it was Loki, due to his bindings and imprisonment... Odin being underrepresented. Dawkins's concession, due to it being his concession, will be allowed.. Last line is old Norse: Northmann here held wide is 'the army of the north tent spread wide'.
  11. Cultural Christianity

    ᛁ αšΉαš¨α›Š αš’αšΎα›žα›–αš± αš¦α›– α›α›—α›ˆαš±α›–α›Šα›Šα›ŸαšΎ αš¦αš¨α› ᛁᛏ αšΉαš¨α›Š α›šα›Ÿαš²α›, α›žαš’α›– α›α›Ÿ α›šα›Ÿαš²α›Γ—α›Š α›α›—α›ˆαš±α›α›Šα›ŸαšΎα›—α›–αšΎα› αš¨αšΎα›ž α›Ÿα›žα›αšΎ α›šαš¨αš±αš·α›–α›šα› α›’α›–α›α›œ αš’αšΎα›žα›–αš±αš±α›–α›ˆαš±α›–α›Šα›–αšΎα›α›–α›ž. α›—α›α›Šα›α›–αš± α›žαš¨αšΉαš²α›αšΎα›ŠΓ— αš²α›ŸαšΎαš²α›–α›Šα›Šα›ŸαšΎ αšΉα›α›šα›š α›’α›– αš¨α›šα›šα›ŸαšΉα›–α›ž. αšΎα›Ÿαš±αš¦α›—αš¨αšΎαšΎ αšΊα›–αš±α›– αšΊα›–α›šα›ž αšΉα›α›žα›–.
  12. Pentagon Game

    So, after spending much time in prayer... I asked myself, does this mean anything? Does it serve a purpose? So, yes, my post was about a physical location. Purpose? Ill just continue to pray for an answer. Obviously playing the game is still an option.
  13. change name request

    Thank you
  14. Pentagon Game

    Will message, then see how to proceed. If I just start dumping information here, people will get the wrong impression. Ill explain.