
How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

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SW , you mentioned black holes . Light is yang+ and it use to fill the black hole with light but now its gone and its left a huge vacuum in its place that sucks light , like a vacuum cleaner sucks dirt .


Love+ is also a huge attribute ( or can be ) of yang+ . They are two separate packages but are both yang+ .


when a person or thing you "love " leaves your life in some way it leaves a black hole , not unlike the black holes of outer space that were once filled with light.


The absence of yang+ is yin- .


The absence of love+ is also yin- .


The absence of a bright body+ in space- is also yin- .


The pain- you feel when you lose- someone you love+ is yin- .


The bigger the bright object of yang+ , the bigger the hole- it leaves when it dies-.


The more Love+ you have for someone , the bigger hole- it leaves in your life when they are no more-.


You can , and if I can anyone can, see these relationships in the universe but like most , many will not even notice they're going circles every day when they wake up live their life and return to the same place they started. Almost every day of their lives.


All anyone needs to do to "get it " is practice like a piano player practice the piaon but rather than being a better piaon player you can be a better life player. THIS is what all my threads are about . Its a "way " its Tao. anyone can master it .


Look at all these good people master " the Moonlight Sonata Part 3 "



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made a mistake on the iPad edit function and so deleted this post so started an new post below at the desktop!

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Good questions and no need to apologize. I like your avatar too . If you ever choose a new one, Id like to use the one you have for mine.


ok Ive mentioned this in my my threads some place a few times . You'll find them as you read on . It will take you a while to catch up but not nearly as long as it took me to produce them .


life ( the creator of all things ) @ 0,no mass, space, location life is the " zero thing" starts with an object at 1 and then opposes it at 2. So its a thing and that which opposes the thing. The basic law of duality is now born . Its thee most basic of all things in the universe AFTER life . Its is derived FROM life .


Then we get the " law of cube " I call it . Dimension and perspectives. ( all laws are yin by the way )


its derived as a direct result of the basic law of duality


its the third step ( action ) or third law we can call the law of triality


1. 0 + 1 = 1

2. 1 x 2 = 2

3. 2 x 3 = 6


the law of triality is :


top +><- bottom




3 sets of yang and yin and the order of significance is irrelevant. you can put them where ever you like as long as you keep the dual packages in their same respective classes .


In other words its not front >< right Left><top etc etc .


it forms a cube


all items in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest groups of partials are cube . Even if its round , octagon, triangular . The shape is irrelevant.


the triangle for example still has a top and bottom left and right sides and a front and back . So does your body and so does mine . No matter which way you turn it from any perspective or point of view you will always have this "cube " effect .


a thing in the universe will not exist without it .


Even my avatar has 6 sides. front back top bottom left and right and there are no exceptions to this rule other than the basic law of duality with is where is derived from . I may have left this out in my former posts but " oh well " . im dong this from what I see right now and its not something Ive read about . You wont find this anywhere in text or internet that I know of unless its from a post ive made on similar non related forums . I get grief from others too .LOL its not just hear but Ill gladly take a beating if I can help someone in some way . It only makes me stronger in some way like Obewon and Darth vader but this is reality not SiFi.



in summery and in my own words . Yang is any thing in any universe and yin is the absence of THAT thing or lesser amount or absence




Thanks for this, this is much more succinct and something I can work with. The thread is long and dispersed with questions (its too yin, ha ha) and it may be better if your position is written in a simpler (yang) straight (yang) forward (yang) way as a new (yang) post say as an essay? :-))


An observation I had is that the objects in your position all have SIX sides I understand it basically as a 3 dimensional space or a cube as you say. X+, Y+, Z+ and X-, Y-, Z-. The iChing which I am aware of but have not studied also has SIX hexagrams. Just an observation not sure if this correlates to anything? Just a random question for the iChing gurus could the hexagrams be translated to fit this model or visa versa?


I want to understand this point as best I can and then apply it and see if it adds up to zero! Why not its a very good question and I want to understand.


I will say TO MY KNOWLEDGE the question "How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really." has not been addressed and adequately answered and its a VERY VERY VERY GOOD QUESTION!




So here is the definition "Yang is any thing in any universe and yin is the absence of THAT thing or lesser amount".




All my genuine best,


Peter S

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That's a crucial distinction. That sunny side of the hill is only sunny for a few hours a day. And the ratio of yin/yang changes with every moment. To my previous post, take the knees as an example. Standing as in the picture, the backs of the knees are yin (they form a soft hollow) to the knee caps (they're a hard protrusion). But if the person stretches the legs out, locks the knees to the rear, the yin from the back will progresively move forward, and the yang will move back. The knee caps become soft and wobbly while the hollows become stretched and firm. That's a crude way of describing qigong. It a game we play with yin and yang. For life to exist, yin and yang need to always be in flux, always trading places, or even battling with each other for position.


If you look at the picture again, everywhere the body forms a hollow is yin to the opposite side's yang. So, the small of the back is yin to the stomach's yang. The thoracic spine is yang to the chest's yin (I know it doesn't look like it in the picture, but imagaine the chest as hollow. This is also true for women, except their female parts on the chest are their yang center, yang in yin), the nape of the neck is a yin hollow to the front of the throat.


The head itself is the big yang center, but the openings are yin, etc. But the ears are very yin while the eyes have strong yang tendencies.


The palms are the yang pole to the yin soles of the feet.


But taken as a whole, the back is the yang to the front's yin (left and right are debatable). If you work in a field, the back is the "sunny side" of the body, the front is in the shade. The back is hard and protective, like a shell. We turn our backs to danger, to protect the delicate, susceptible front. But then, if you stand up and stretch to the rear, arch your back, open your chest and face to the sun, you've reversed the yin/yang order again ... and it feels good.


If you stand on one leg, that leg becomes rooted, firm, supportive, yang. In equal measure, the raised leg will (should) be relaxed, free of tension, hollow, yin. And then they trade places. This is true on a small scale for every step you've ever taken in your life.


This is yin and yang that you can "work with", apply to your every movement, and feel the benefits of, instead of playing intellectual games (which overlaod the head and make you too yang, causing a host of problems).


I suggest investigating the Wu Xing, as well. In the cosmic order, it precedes yin/yang. First, there's change, flux. Then the change gravitates toward a yin or yang state.


Very very nice! Like that. Thanks SC :-)

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I can tell you the ultimate reality of the universe :) but you will not believe me . No one does :(


Go on then tell me please :-) seriously tell me what is it? That's not an offer I get every day!



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Go on then tell me please :-) seriously tell me what is it? That's not an offer I get every day! :-)

Thank you Peter, I shall . in due time I promise. Ive mentioned it already so continue on reading but use the exercises too on my personal practice page . eh ? :) Even if I tell you , if its not real for you in some way already it will just be put in your " oh ok " file ". Its really not a matter of if you beleive me or not , Its about if you can digest it as truth or not .


When you KNOW it , you come back and tell ME ok ? :lol:


Youll know it when you "see" it .


Im here to help :)

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Thanks for this, this is much more succinct and something I can work with. The thread is long and dispersed with questions (its too yin, ha ha) and it may be better if your position is written in a simpler (yang) straight (yang) forward (yang) way as a new (yang) post say as an essay? :-))


An observation I had is that the objects in your position all have SIX sides I understand it basically as a 3 dimensional space or a cube as you say. X+, Y+, Z+ and X-, Y-, Z-. The iChing which I am aware of but have not studied also has SIX hexagrams. Just an observation not sure if this correlates to anything? Just a random question for the iChing gurus could the hexagrams be translated to fit this model or visa versa?

:lol: Thanks Peter , perhaps Daeluin can chime in here . Shes pretty well versed in that subject . Hopefully in her own words rather than a cut and paste . ?


I do not read lierature like many others do . I find peices of truth from many religious texts and philophies but follow none of them and I like it that way . If I want to know the truth I do my own investigations. Like youre doing here with me now .

There is much truth in all religons and philophies as well as much illusions and lies.


Ther Good thing is that im like an interactive book of truth . a book or text that speaks back .


The other good thing is that , i have a way to show your self the way out . Its a rope from heaven but you need to climb the rope yourself . Ill help you of course along the way up and out . Its what I live for and its why im here. To help you and anyone else outa here and return to where you started in the first place. Like when you wake up in the morning , you go do your thing and then return to where you started from again . You can be bright and happy and shine like you did when you started.

I want to understand this point as best I can and then apply it and see if it adds up to zero! Why not its a very good question and I want to understand.


I will say TO MY KNOWLEDGE the question "How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really." has not been addressed and adequately answered and its a VERY VERY VERY GOOD QUESTION!

its thee most best question anyone could ever and will ever have and I say this sincerely with all my heart . Thank you for mentiong this in your post to me . Its means so much , sincerely .



Ive never read a Taoist text ever so Im not qualified to answer you in that respect but from my own personl experiences in life ? absolutly . Knowing the answer is essential to Nirvana and 1 ness with all life in the universe.

So here is the definition "Yang is any thing in any universe and yin is the absence of THAT thing or lesser amount".




All my genuine best,


Peter S

yes and every thing is in a class of its own .


objective subjective

happy ><sad



good ><bad



Peace ><war

Freinds ><enimies



love ><hate

Laugh ><cry


you want to avoid cross pagkages like :


bright ><cry



and certainly not use two yangs and two yins like :


love><laugh or

Bright ><friends

Good ><best



etc etc.


always use the positive first and then its negative to form the package.


The other thing Peter that I have not mentioned ?


You wont get very far with it unless you pay your dues so to speak .


YOU MUST be willing to share this and take some "online beatings " :lol: from others in the figurative sense. Not physically , mentally speaking . Actually , mental and physical are the same item with opposing poles like subjectivity is to objectivly . But youll understand that when you get well into the exercises.


a good analogy Peter is that with all the complexity and confusion in the world today , its much like a twisted ball of string or yarn


the good news ?


is that you can unravel it . the more you do , the easier it gets as you go . And the less work youll need to get it ALL sorted out .


its like a tangled mess at first and as you get closer to the end, you can see it is not far away . Then suddenly , there it is . a nice straing peice of string from one end to the other end . Easy to understand yourself but impossible for others to see.


They like you, must do all of the untangling on their own . WE made the mess and only WE can unravel and get it all sorted out .


The good ? Im here to help you do that and when its all sorted out , you can use the yarn to climb out the rest of the way on your own . Where does it lead ? Nirvana and 1 ness with all life and the point of view as life the creator of all things in the universe.


Ive made it and Ive come back . for you, for Brian SW, MH, Dailuin, SW, MM, ST, CD, everyone on this forum and for all life forms in the universe. My love for life is infinite and yours can be too and I mention this with ALL MY HEART . :mellow::)






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This may seen a little off topic but Im putting here none the less.


Its on the subject of light and less light or yang and yin . Also known as Yang and less yang . or Yang and no yang . Yang and yin , not yin yang . Thats backwards. Yang comes first then yin . Like throwing a dart . The tip leads the feathers.


These shots were taken in my back yard .


Theres a star system called Sirius. Its a twin system like our own but our twin is so dark now its pretty much impossibe to see . Even when you shine a light on it , It absorbes it like a black hole sucks in light . Just not as much .


Earth is to the sun like we are to this light being .


The shots were made with a hootoo camera that send me an email when any significant motion is detected and six rapid fire photgraphs are taken by the camera that are attached to the email .


We all use to be like the light beings but like the earth to the sun we are less than them as humans and other life froms on this planet .


I can show you the way to return to this state of being and even further .


The round light is a street light behind the brick wall of my house here in Las vegas.


When the Cam first detected the being, it was higher up and then began to lower itself down as the camera took the 6 rapid fire shots.


I can make it into a GIF image and email it to anyone who wants it . Its more realistic when you see it lower itself down .


its got two eyes a head and two arms and a body . The legs are together so you wont be able to see them but there are two . The two arms are raise up and its head is turned facing the camera.


There are also more light beings in the distance that are in motion just below the street light .


This is not something I saw on YT . Its first hand by me . The next best thing would have been to see them with my own eyes . I was sleeping at the time . My body was sleeping at the time . Lets just say that ...LOL



Enjoy !!


Im going to let everyone "see" who I am in due time . We are going to start off slowly like Beethovans Moonlight Sonata part 1. Then part two and part 3









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Personally, I'd be interested in hearing more about the Sun's partner star.

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the best advise I can give you is to untangle your ball of tangled yarn and increase your yang attributes. Then you can know anything you want to know . Convincing others of what you know will be met with the same resistence I get most of the time .


all you can do is the best you can do and even then, many times its better not to , and just take a seat at the 50 yard line and watch the world go by .

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Personally, I'd be interested in hearing more about the Sun's partner star.

Im here to help you bro , you may not think so, but I am .


How can I help you today . no games.

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An observation I had is that the objects in your position all have SIX sides I understand it basically as a 3 dimensional space or a cube as you say. X+, Y+, Z+ and X-, Y-, Z-. The iChing which I am aware of but have not studied also has SIX hexagrams. Just an observation not sure if this correlates to anything? Just a random question for the iChing gurus could the hexagrams be translated to fit this model or visa versa?


:lol: Thanks Peter , perhaps Daeluin can chime in here . Shes pretty well versed in that subject . Hopefully in her own words rather than a cut and paste . ?


Sure, I'll do what I can. As TaoMaster says, Yang and Yin come before a lot of other stuff:


My technology is pre i ching technology or philosophy......... Its more basic . Its yang it came first


And therefore studying Yang and Yin should be as simple as it gets, right? And yet... we live in a world that expresses Yang and Yin in infinite ways, thermodynamics are extremely complicated and then the study of light, mass, atoms, molecules, and the way they all interact together... all of these things contain Yang and Yin, but have built upon yang and yin over myriad transformations. Every time Yang and Yin form a new paradigm, like energy and space, then those Yangs and Yins divide into their own Yangs and Yins and form a paradigm within a paradigm - a new layer of reality/illusion.


TaoMaster asked me:


Can you tell me Daeluin , is there a reference book you know of that can help anyone determine what is yang and what is yin ?


And I answered not only with a reference book, The Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth, but with explanation in my own words.


But TaoMaster quickly decided this was too complex....



I asked you a simple question in my last post to you . . :) But this is the long winded ( as you say ) reply I get back and it didnt answer my question yes or no.


Is there a reference you can direct me to that shows a person how to determine what is yang and what is yin ? Simple


yes or no ?


Im not gong to read whole books and end up no closer to my answer than the moment I started. Just a simple reference . If you cant then ok no big deal . I see now you cant . :)


I never replied to this, as I was told I said enough, but I keep being invited to say more.


See... the thing is, TaoMaster is asking questions about the root of reality, but insists that it is simple. Certainly Yang and Yin are simple. They are also subtle and paradoxical. Each contain the other, and each relates to the other differently depending on the surrounding layers and paradigms that provide a home and context for this Yang and Yin. These layers upon layers are like twists and turns in a maze, serving to hide the Original Yang and Yin from us. Our minds cannot fathom it, as they only operate within one of these layers and become quite confused when attempting to ply their logic to the paradoxical. Hence the reason for studying the foundational material our ancestors left for us. Because it IS simple, and one can use studying to unravel the complexity, if one's intention is firm.


So we say we have something.... that implies a distinction between something and something else. Bingo, Yang and Yin. Applies to any context, any naming, any creation, any thought or idea - this is a new division of Yang and Yin from some source.


And then this Yang and Yin begin to interact. Perhaps Yang shoots off like an arrow to merge with the Yin in some other dynamic, like a feeling expressed verbally to another. Or, perhaps Yang remains close to it's source and matching Yin, as an emotion being explored internally. Either way we have Yang and Yin in motion, embracing each other and inviting change.


The ancients saw how to explore this change through more complex groupings of Yang and Yin, in order to better match the reality of the current context. So our original Yang and Yin are combining into groupings of mixed Yang and Yin. In the simplest combinations we have 50% + 50% in different orders of Yang and Yin.


But again we can't leave out our law of duality. The law of duality is where the paradox comes, right from the beginning. If we name somthing, we call in its opposite. Nothing can exist as separate from other things without maintaining duality. So our original something and nothing, Yang and Yin, revolve around the center of their duality. We might even call this center Tao. It eludes comprehension. And even as Yang and Yin further polarize from 2 to 4, the change between them remains. The change between the 2 is the 3rd. The change between the 4 is the 5th. Perhaps one could perceive this as the Yang center of any Yin dynamic.


Because of this paradoxical centering principle, nothing can ever fully be removed from connection to the source, and so the direction of creation is ever one of polarization and recentering. Our 4 fources of 50% Yang, 50% Yin, also get drawn back to their center even as they expand out. And we can't forget that we are opperating under two polarities that are a part of the greater polarity, so we actually have three centers.


Thus the 4 forces unfold cyclically, always bound to their original center, like spokes are bound to a hub, even as their 2 more recent polarities also create new centers, which even more complex mixings of Yang and Yin will be drawn to revolve around.


There we have our six, and it's all explained in the Tai Ji symbol:




Lesser Yang flowing into Greater Yang

Lesser Yin flowing into Greater Yin


The two above dynamics revolve around the center of the circle.

But as Greater Yang culminates and surrenders to the birth of Lesser Yin, this operation is no longer between the original Yang and original Yin, but instead it is between Greater Yin and Lesser Yang only! And at the heart of this polarity we find Bright Yang created in the midst of Greater Yin.


This Bright Yang and its counterpart, Terminal Yin, might be seen as the Up and Down in the 6 directions of energy. Yet at this simple beginning, without context from any pre-existing layers or paradigms of Yin and Yang, we might call them Inside and Outside.


This is only using the very simply principles of polarization and centering, and the "math" our ancestors left to help understand this, via the I Ching and Taoist Cosmology have been studied for thousands of years. This math will not add up logically if one is only tapping into the conscious mind. The subconscious mind and intuition are also part of our whole and need to be reunified. The actual fabric of reality will remain mentally confusing until one reunifies with it, which is done by returning to the center.


Therefore, if one wants to study this particular and ancient perspective more in depth, I strongly advise one to feel enough of a resonance with this material to justify spending a lot of time studying it in depth and reaching one's own conclusions.


Some of my conclusions have been:

The four forces and their Center, comprise the dynamic of the Five Phases, (Five Elements), and this describes the flow of principles that are more "spiritual". There is no separation between self and other, and transformation is welcomed without struggle or attachment.


The four forces and their two polarities comprise the six directions of energy, the 6 types of Qi. I believe this dynamic contains the separation between self and other. See, at first we have the 4 forces and their common center... but as the dynamic evolves and diversifies, more of that Bright Yang and Terminal Yin begin to polarize with each other and become more of an inside and outside polarity, forming their UP and DOWN-ness, and this in turn crystallizes the entire structure, forming In-Out, Left-Right, Front-Back, all revolving around a common center. Here we see the principle by which things twist and make the way back difficult to discern. Work must be done to re-unify the two dots, following the principle of the 5 phases, dissolving one of self-other and returning to the original Yang-Yin polarity.


So it is the principle of these two dots that people like ignoring that ends up creating an inside and outside, which in my mind is the separation of self and other and the manifestation of the fabric of our material reality. At first the 2 dots were independent of each other, but as they come to rely upon each other their identity transforms.


At the level of a human being, that human has a inside, outside, and directions of orientation, but the directions of Up and Down are related to the In-Out of the Earth, even as the Up-Down of the Earth are related to the In-Out of the Sun, and so on. Also, we maybe operating in a six-qi context, but we are still comprised too of the more harmoneous 5-phase system. One might look at it as though our spirit (5) has joined the body (6) and this is what results in animated physical life as we know it. Once the original energy is exhausted, the life form can no longer remain animated and it's lightness separates from it's heaviness. So Taoists attempt to re-unify the 2 dots (my house and the other house), and work towards flowing with the principle of the 5 to harmonize the 4, to return to the 3 to the 2, and the 2 to the 1.


So the 6 directions are pretty fascinating. To continue answering the question, we evolve to the Bagua. Probably time to post this diagram:




The "Ba Gua", or, "Eight Trigrams", are 3 lines of Yang and Yin.

The middle line is sorta like the dots in the Tai Ji symbol.


So the "Eight Trigrams" help to describe how the four fources are guided inward or outward in different ways.


But those dots gravitate to an internal-external dynamic. So the hexagrams of the I Ching are comprised of a lower Trigram and it's center "dot", which is under the upper Trigram and it's center "dot." Within the context of the six directions of energy, the I Ching Hexagrams explore how these two dots are interacting within the greater flow of Yang and Yin.


Sure it is a lot to take in. Simple when compared with equations though. If this way of thinking tickles you, go study and come to your own conclusions! If this baffles and confuses you, then follow your heart to what is clear!

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Thanks Daeluin nice post and I would say it took some composing too so thanks again (not sure I understand it all yet though!)


I like TaoMaster he seems like a nice fellow and I like his enthusiasm+. :-)


Further to that I do believe his opening question is important and interesting (to me at least). At this stage I don't care if our sun has a twin as I am attempting to understand how to define Yang and Yin and I don't care at the moment about magnets either. :-)


His principle idea of defining Yang and Yin and then being able to make a rational conscious choice with that knowledge to choose Yang I find very interesting, intrigueing and hopeful. After all a Yang state seems to be pretty good! Plus from what I understand Yang is where Taoist want to get too right - imortality? By the way I am not a Taoist I am I, no labels thankyou very much.


I started to (DTD) Do The Drill or compose a list today after all the proof of the pudding is in the eating and its the fruit not the tree!


And I must say it is becoming quite insightful and also I honestly feel its quite profound and potentially life changing in a most interesting and possibly very powerful way, I still reserve judgement though until I start knowing what is Yang and choosing it more.


However I have found myself thinking of Neo in the film the Matrix seeing zeros and ones every where as I am beginning to look at the whole worlds as Yang and yin and when if ever I have a full grasp of this my decsiions will be easy and right (maybe, as like a said its early days).


Also I have come to a realise how simple it is 'in the begining+ to see which is Yang and yin but how it becomes as you mention above more complex- later. Life+><Death- or Light+><dark- is easy it becomes complex as it moves down the pyramid from- source or 'life+' as TM says to Death- or yin.


Life as a word may be more apt as I kind of think everything removed from the source+ or life+ is dead in some way or other to different degrees.


Anyway I began to picture this pyramid structure today kind of like this. I was going to populate with words as well as + & - but that is too complex for a text programme?



/ \

+ -

/ \ / \

+ + - + - - + -


Then I saw your post and thought I would have a PLAY at putting it into my interpretation of TMs 'Law of Triality 1. 0 + 1 = 1, 2. 1 x 2 = 2, 3. 2 x 3 = 6 (Everyting is in a cube space. Which I had previously played with and put in to 3 dimension).


Anyway here is what I came out with.


Yang – Top Heaven (North) Y+

Yin – Bottom Below Heaven (South) Y-

Yang Yang Summer – East (Sunrise) X+

Yin yang – Autumn – East / West Z-

Yin yin Winter – West (Sunset) X-

Yang yin Spring – West/East Z+


3 Dimensional space:


Y axis Y+ Up Y- Down

X axis X+ Left X- Right

Z axis Z+ Front Z- Back


I don't know if this has any meaning only did it 10 mins ago but thought I would share... Ha ha


Now I pressume if you wanted you could have another and another and another row of Hexagrams in the iChing which could potentially describe the world in very complex ways?


In the illustration I drew you obviously could too. And if my play was correct and described 3 dimensional space then what would the next row describe, objects in 3 dimensional space and their qualities and forces maybe a kind of Yang Yin periodic table???


Sorry if I am getting ahead of myself only having fun. :-)


All my very best.


Peter S



Two more things am I right in thinking the dots in the Taiji symbol should only be in there at the level of Autumn Summer Winter and Spring? And I pressume Autumn and Summer should swap places in the diagram you posted. Not a critsism just an observation (Sorry I do graphics for aliving! :-))



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His principle idea of defining Yang and Yin and then being able to make a rational conscious choice with that knowledge to choose Yang I find very interesting, intrigueing and hopeful. After all a Yang state seems to be pretty good! Plus from what I understand Yang is where Taoist want to get too right - imortality? By the way I am not a Taoist I am I, no labels thankyou very much.


1 Yang + 1 Yin = Tao


Tao is the root where Yang and Yin originated, and some chose to follow the way back to this root. We are already operating from within a body, so this is the foundation of our return.


We could imagine the big bang as infinite Yang unfolding in the center of a field of infinite Yin. So if the body is turned to Yang, one might use the space outside as Yin and thus make the return. So there might be focus on Yang, but it is not because Yang is better than Yin, but because this is one recipe to return Yin and Yang to Tao.


Further, even should one nurture one's Yang, first one must harmonize many polarities of Yin and yang within the body. Often this requires "choosing yin" in order to preserve yang. If one chooses Yang, one often chooses action, which spends and depletes Yang.


Even though Yang might appear to be emphasized in one sense, balance is the goal.


I think you're doing great with the diagrams!

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1 Yang + 1 Yin = Tao


Tao is the root where Yang and Yin originated, and some chose to follow the way back to this root. We are already operating from within a body, so this is the foundation of our return.


We could imagine the big bang as infinite Yang unfolding in the center of a field of infinite Yin. So if the body is turned to Yang, one might use the space outside as Yin and thus make the return. So there might be focus on Yang, but it is not because Yang is better than Yin, but because this is one recipe to return Yin and Yang to Tao.


Further, even should one nurture one's Yang, first one must harmonize many polarities of Yin and yang within the body. Often this requires "choosing yin" in order to preserve yang. If one chooses Yang, one often chooses action, which spends and depletes Yang.


Even though Yang might appear to be emphasized in one sense, balance is the goal.


I think you're doing great with the diagrams!


The above is theory or have you been there? Can tao be defined in anyway? The Second we speak of it you enter duality which is not it!


Would you say balance is a yang thing or a yin thing, positive or negative? If we harmonize and I think that is collapse a package in TM speak. What are we left with??


Is balance+ Yang+ and Inbalance- yin-???


Only trying to understand this? Also TM says Yang comes first and thats also what we are left with?? That's Life (yang) not yang yin yang so to speak.


Big Bang THEORY not fact! That means imho that we should continue theorising or I certainly will until I have all the answers. :-)

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Dao (yin + yang) is ALL things and non-things. Substance and emptiness.

Yin is best associated with emptiness; nothingness, and the "things" that best fit the description of "lacking".

Yang is associated with substance; everythingness, and the things that best fit the description of "thinghood".

Yin most largely identifies with the opposing state of thinghood, or a thing.
Yang most largely identifies as the zero point of a thing or of thinghood.

For example, thermodynamics, "cold" isnt a thing, but "heat" is, therefore heat is yang, and cold is yin.

Gravity could be Yin and Magnetism Yang, perhaps - but now i dont factually know what im talking about... :lol:

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Further, even should one nurture one's Yang, first one must harmonize many polarities of Yin and yang within the body. Often this requires "choosing yin" in order to preserve yang. If one chooses Yang, one often chooses action, which spends and depletes Yang.


Even though Yang might appear to be emphasized in one sense, balance is the goal.


I think you're doing great with the diagrams!


Too much Yang I just had some thought on that and I think it could be impossible, I think its BS? Maybe 1000 years of BS? Do you know that or have you read it?


I am wise enough to know the world is a great mystery. And so I don't believe in anything all that much and generally just take notes and store data to cross reference as 'truth' is mostly just different peoples perspectives on things. No one seems to agree but surely reality should be verifiable and agreed by all or its not real!


Say I feel proud+ really proud+ really really proud+ if I also choose humility+ and other Yang qualities thats ok is it not? I think it is? or is it to much yang?


See for me the world is described primarily through my thoughts/'i' mind. So this system is quite appealing and seems logical (early days still!!!) if we get our labels wrong we are in a right mess.









This is a genuine question. What yang from the list above or anywhere else can I have to much of? Can you name one? this is a question for me too?


Yang qi yin qi I honestly don't know what yang or yin qi is? Been doing SFQ about 1.5 years and its very good, I have no comparison but feels good. I feel the energy and sometimes I feel my body is breaking up and feel it will one day disappear and I will just be in a field of energy. But I don't know what yang or yin qi is?


The funny thing about this Drill is that the more you define things Yang+ or yin- the more references you have for Yang and yin and so it seems to be exponential (early days still)?



Also I like to give the yin qualities small starting letters! Ha ha


Interesting and all my genuine best! :-)


Peter S


Still very early days... :-)

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Peter I like your logic and your packages too . Only one mistake in the six sets. VERY good, but not 100 percent . I made mistakes too . Everyone will . You can fix it yourself later when you see it or I can point it out . Makes no difference to me .


Do you mind if I point it out . I can PM you if you want . Or public . Your choice.


What I see in the text Daeliun posted is complexity and degeneration of the actual ancient text over the years of being misenturpreted by who knows who . Im certainly fortunate for not knowing it as it would have just made it harder in some weays for me to untangle my own knoted up ball of yarn .


This is why I removed the two dots , turned it upwards with white on top and started from scratch with the simple + and - . But the I ching is the closest "thing" to what I use from scratch . And Ive never read a single page of the Iching as a means of educating my self .


I pointed out an error another guy made on the thread I started and he got pissed off . He had two yins in a package and called them yang and yin . I understand why . Its not cool to do that . I know .


The yang and yin in the asian culture has slightly different meanings But many times I see them used correctly too .


When you get it all sorted out , it will be like playing the most poetic and symentric music you will ever know . Life will become very simple and youll "see" the complexeity others use to attempt to get from point b to point a


Also , thanks again for my avatar touch up . I like my stuff all neat and tidy and you did an excelent job of it .


It does however appear the there is more white on the right side and thats because you are looking at it face to face like looking in a mirror. There is actually more white on the left side where it belongs than the right . If I used a mirror image it would look correct but not be correct.


Hope that helps you understand . :)


Thanks for all your comments and questions too . Look forward to many many more from you , Brian , SW and everyone else . :)

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Public is fine by me. Go for it. :-)


Edit: is it the fulfilled><empty?


Should it be Empty+><fulfilled-?


What ever it is can you give me a logical reason please?


Thanks by the way it's a fun game so far!


Still early days.

Edited by Infinity
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Humiliation is not a yang attribute . it refers to a lower state


Proud - ><+ Humiliated


You can stand proud+ , confident+ even if others- try to humiliate- you in some way


You can be proud+ of what youve done+ ( completed ) or be humiliated by it . Proud + up+ , high+ , confident+ .


Im FN proud of you broski :lol:


Humiliated , lower , embarrased, low self worth . I know both very very well . One feels good and the other feel like crap .


its thee most funnest game you will ever play in your life . I promise you that . Youll be a Tao master soon and pointing out my mistakes as well . That is exactly what I want . We will use two tickets. Yang and yin and it will literally and figurativly take us to heaven . I promise you that with all my heart . I promise this to every one and in the end I always keep my promise one way or another. But it needs to be done correctly and you're off to an excellent start .


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You mentioned youd like to " meet " me . Now i understand what you meant . We can meet if you like . I call it shining .


im very very good at it and you can be too . I shine my step daught allot and she texts me back because she thinks its her haveing imaginary converstions with me .


I was shinning with bearded dragon this morning too . but he also didnt know it so it wasnt much of a convo.


Thats as close as were gonna meet bro unes you drive to vegas or send me an email .


I can show you how if youd like to learn . I can show anyone whos sincerely wants to learn it .


Tonight I asked my step daughter if she would cut my hair ( shinning ) and she texted me back and said Im comming over to cut yout hair .


Latter I asked ( shinned ) her when she was comming and she texed me back and said im on my way . Nothing new for me Ive been doing it since 2010 when I went 5d and back .



Love you bro you know that :)

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Too much Yang I just had some thought on that and I think it could be impossible, I think its BS? Maybe 1000 years of BS? Do you know that or have you read it?


I apologize but this question isn't making sense to me.

We can find many truths in the world. We happen to speaking about some pretty deep stuff. It aint gonna fall in your lap, and it isn't black and white. Most are content to call it BS and move on.


What I've found is that most modern people do like the OP has - take what suits them and wrap it into a system. It isn't difficult to come up with something that works well enough to be useful. But the classics... studying the classics is a way to go deep. No, they won't explain things for you. That's what the world is for. If you want to become a wizard or immortal, study the classics.


I am wise enough to know the world is a great mystery. And so I don't believe in anything all that much and generally just take notes and store data to cross reference as 'truth' is mostly just different peoples perspectives on things. No one seems to agree but surely reality should be verifiable and agreed by all or its not real!


See Zhuangzi chapter 2. I recommend worrying about what is right for you, not what is right or wrong for everybody.


Say I feel proud+ really proud+ really really proud+ if I also choose humility+ and other Yang qualities thats ok is it not? I think it is? or is it to much yang?


See for me the world is described primarily through my thoughts/'i' mind. So this system is quite appealing and seems logical (early days still!!!) if we get our labels wrong we are in a right mess.









This is a genuine question. What yang from the list above or anywhere else can I have to much of? Can you name one? this is a question for me too?


Thing about polarity is, it is defined by its duality. How can I be really really really happy without having ever been really really sad? There's no way to quantify it without it's counterpart.


A person who is born rich can be completely unhappy with all that money can buy, but then they find emptiness and become fulfilled. A person who has nothing may be completely happy an fulfilled until suddenly they inherit a business and become wealthy but stressed out and ill.


Peace is yin - still, empty, accepting.

Violence is yang - strong, aggressive.


Yang qi yin qi I honestly don't know what yang or yin qi is? Been doing SFQ about 1.5 years and its very good, I have no comparison but feels good. I feel the energy and sometimes I feel my body is breaking up and feel it will one day disappear and I will just be in a field of energy. But I don't know what yang or yin qi is?


The funny thing about this Drill is that the more you define things Yang+ or yin- the more references you have for Yang and yin and so it seems to be exponential (early days still)?



Also I like to give the yin qualities small starting letters! Ha ha


Interesting and all my genuine best! :-)


Peter S


Still very early days... :-)



What I see in the text Daeliun posted is complexity and degeneration of the actual ancient text over the years of being misenturpreted by who knows who . Im certainly fortunate for not knowing it as it would have just made it harder in some weays for me to untangle my own knoted up ball of yarn .


This is why I removed the two dots , turned it upwards with white on top and started from scratch with the simple + and - . But the I ching is the closest "thing" to what I use from scratch . And Ive never read a single page of the Iching as a means of educating my self .


You're still posting in a Taoist Discussion thread about how the taoist classics are incorrect, under the title of TaoMaster. You said your way would make me happier, but I feel saddened by your lack of respect. I was invited to answer a question about something you haven't studied, by you specifically, and so I did, only to be dismissed yet again. You're welcome!


So much for: "The happiness I offer you will add to your happiness."


Humiliation is not a yang attribute . it refers to a lower state


Proud - ><+ Humiliated


You can stand proud+ , confident+ even if others- try to humiliate- you in some way


You can be proud+ of what youve done+ ( completed ) or be humiliated by it . Proud + up+ , high+ , confident+ .


Im FN proud of you broski :lol:


Humiliated , lower , embarrased, low self worth . I know both very very well . One feels good and the other feel like crap .


In the I Ching, hexagam 15 is known as humility, or egolessness. It represents a mountain - something strong and firm, very yang - that is buried under the earth, so no one knows it is there.


In China (and elsewhere) humility is a most noble characteristic. One who is humble cannot be humiliated - but one who is proud can be humiliated, and often will encounter all manner of obstacles to maintain their pride. Sad that one might chose their pride instead of a friend.


Hexagram 28 is known as "excess of the great," as often those who are too yang spend their energy wastefully, not understanding how to be humble and so preserve it.

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The above is theory or have you been there?


Much recorded in the texts was recorded by those who had been there.

I've marked where my own conclusions begin.

Decide for yourself where I am. ;)

I'm not pretending to be anywhere.

Not to say we aren't there right now as well. All is tao.


Can tao be defined in anyway? The Second we speak of it you enter duality which is not it!




Would you say balance is a yang thing or a yin thing, positive or negative? If we harmonize and I think that is collapse a package in TM speak. What are we left with??


Is balance+ Yang+ and Inbalance- yin-???


Balance is between polarity. The point of balance is between what is being balanced.


If we harmonize yang and yin, we are left with the source of that yang and yin.


Only trying to understand this? Also TM says Yang comes first and thats also what we are left with?? That's Life (yang) not yang yin yang so to speak.


How can Yang exist without Yin? There is no first, they are simultaneous. If one came first, then at first it isn't a duality. How would that make sense?


Big Bang THEORY not fact! That means imho that we should continue theorising or I certainly will until I have all the answers. :-)


Science likes its theories, but remember, knowledge is infinite, but our lives have limits. There are many who discover spiritual truths which science might say are impossible. But science also thought the world was flat not so far back. Those who take responsibility for uncovering their own truths will discover much that is not taught.

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