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does anyone in here carry a kubotan or other weapon with them when out in public?

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I currently don't carry weapons as a rule.


Well, except for my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, of course.





...and a shoe.


I thought it was a sandal on a stick ?

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I cannot legally carry weapons as I am a felon, however, I have contemplated carrying a few lead balls about 1.5 " in diameter, as they wouldn't be considered weapons. I could throw them with enough force to cause a bit of damage I think. I do often travel in some sketchy areas at night, otherwise I wouldn't consider this...

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I often neglect to remove my weapons from the car after training ... sometimes for days.


2 years back I got followed and pulled over by the cops - I was a suspect in an armed holdup (no I didnt do it ... guys ... honestly! ) one of the first questions I was asked was "Do you have any weapons on you or in the car?"


I said "Ummm .... what day is it ?" He was cool (eventually) when I explained. Once you explain martial arts cause here in NSW ( IMO ) they just go " Ohhh ... okay then.'


WTF ... its okay to have them as long as you know how to really use them and do real damage ?

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I don't really carry weapons with me. I didn't know what a Kubotan is before seeing this thread so I looked it up. I think I'll get one because it's pretty cool.


Lots of things can be used as weapons, though.


Like keys.


Gouge, grind, stab & strike - all with a key.


Wouldn't want to catch a key gouge to the ear.

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index and middle finger crossed, or a thumb pushed into to the eye socket near the nose bone...

grab the larynx and pull...

elbow to the sternum...


keys and pens are pretty functional too and most people have one on them all the time as well.


whatever gives me a chance to incapacitate and move away, but really, take my wallet, my car, my jacket whatever you want... just don't hurt an innocent while I'm in view.

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I used to carry machetes and guns and all kinds of shit, but honestly I have never been accosted, nor do I give out violent energy...I am big and scary looking, and also, I assume since I have never harmed anyone or started a fight in those ways, that I have not incurred that type of karma, and so shouldn't receive any hostility. On the real side, however, one should always be prepared, and expect the unexpected, by staying alert and flexible to swift changes. a squirt gun filled with hot pepper juice, or a pocket full of sand to throw in eyes...lots of fun surprises for those who are crafty.

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When I was the fight master for the Mn Shakespeare Co. some twenty odd years ago, I'd walk around Minneapolis with a bag full of foils, bastard swords, daggers, axes... bags with blades sticking out all over... it. was. awesome!

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On the real side, however, one should always be prepared, and expect the unexpected, by staying alert and flexible to swift changes.


A M E N ... also keeps you alive if you are a motorcycle rider ... I found that a great preparation for my later practices in Jiyu Waza .

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I want to get some studded leather arm braces could block a baseball bat with the right set.

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No one sees my weapons of dentelle noire…❤︎


Gah! My kryptonite! Particularly dangerous when paired with a stiletto heel . . . ;)

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So as you know I practice martial arts. as do other people on this forum lol. anyways I was wondering does anyone carry a kubotan or other weapon with them when out in public in case stuff goes down?


I myself sometimes will carry a kubotan if I get an "itch" to carry one but generally I dont cause I never have used one and they just take up space in a pocket and such. Online I see alot of people talking about why they carry one or other weapons and Im like "thats great but how often have you needed that"


Anywho thoughts?




I used to carry a variety of weapons...

.... and attempted to make myself the weapon for decades.

Then I realized it was time for me to let go of my fear, my paranoia, my violence.

Now I arm myself with compassion, kindness, and love.


We'll see how that works - so far, so good.

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I want to get some studded leather arm braces could block a baseball bat with the right set.


Hmmm ... I have often thought of some bamboo slats (like those sewn into Japanese 'soft' armour) set into a sleeve interior.


'Saladin' (one of my favourites) had an armoured undershirt .... damn Hashishim assassins !


There is always wearing the 'cricket protector' as well ;)


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Gah! My kryptonite! Particularly dangerous when paired with a stiletto heel . . . ;)


Another famous Aussie politician ....




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A M E N ... also keeps you alive if you are a motorcycle rider ... I found that a great preparation for my later practices in Jiyu Waza .


That would be an interesting thread - describe times where one was not aware of reality and almost got hurt because of it.




One time, cycling home from work on my 'usual path,' I cycle by a car with the rear passenger window open.


As I pass by, a mean vicious snarling dog sticks his head out and startles the fradoodles out of me..I almost crashed my bike, because I was in a mind world. If I had been on the brink I would have barely blinked a lash of an eye. How is that for a Dharma Bell?


EDIT: relationship to thread topic...I got so mad because I almost wiped out on my bike, that I wished that I had had some pepper spray on me...I think the association memory of carrying weapons and the need to be more aware confluenced me here...anyways, a few days later I went out and bought some pepper spray....

Edited by Songtsan
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Gah! My kryptonite! Particularly dangerous when paired with a stiletto heel . . . ;)


This makes me think of whips and their advantage. They could be disguised as belts or necklaces...

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That would be an interesting thread - describe times where one was not aware of reality and almost got hurt because of it.




One time, cycling home from work on my 'usual path,' I cycle by a car with the rear passenger window open.


As I pass by, a mean vicious snarling dog sticks his head out and startles the fradoodles out of me..I almost crashed my bike, because I was in a mind world. If I had been on the brink I would have barely blinked a lash of an eye. How is that for a Dharma Bell?


EDIT: relationship to thread topic...I got so mad because I almost wiped out on my bike, that I wished that I had had some pepper spray on me...I think the association memory of carrying weapons and the need to be more aware confluenced me here...anyways, a few days later I went out and bought some pepper spray....

I love dogs and cycling but some dogs sure don't love cyclists.

One time I was out on my bike and a woman's dog was off the lead and came at me for to take off my leg.

The woman shouts to the dog ( to the dog mind you).

" Rex! What have I told you about doing that?"


I was left wondering if she was expecting the dog to answer her.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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Perhaps she had told Rex to be more stealthy and come in silently from the blind side if he expects to catch a cyclist.

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I love dogs and cycling but some dogs sure don't love cyclists.

One time I was out on my bike and a woman's dog was off the lead and came at me for to take off my leg.

The woman shouts to the dog ( to the dog mind you).

" Rex! What have I told you about doing that?"


I was left wondering if she was expecting the dog to answer her.


They say that dogs instinctively understand exactly what their minders mean...I believe this...


I have another dog/bicycle/weapon story:


When I was ~16 I was riding a stolen bicycle down a dark street and a loose dog started chasing me and snarling, I was so worried about the dog that I wasn't watching where I was going and crashed into a telephone pole, wrecking my bike and injuring myself. The dog continued to harass me, and I went over and picked up a piece of wood I saw on the ground and was angrily preparing to beat the shit out of it. It stayed farther and farther away because it could sense the energy of my intent and we eventually parted ways....I am not sure what that dog had against me, but I have various theories....


The best and worst weapon one can carry is hatred and malevolence. This manifested wish will lead one not only to destroy others, but also oneself. A person who carries hatred and malevolence as their shield can be sensed from a mile away.


I know this because I myself have embodied this. Of course I have met others who carry the same burden. It is a viable energy which can literally cause someone to shake with fear. This is why in MMA/boxing matches, etc. there is the eye staring game..if one can successfully send the virulent energy towards the victim, it can create all kinds of disruption in the hardware.


This is why when I fight, I take a relaxed gaze, allowing nothing to enter...almost as if I am ignoring my opponent.


I do not practice the sending of negative Shakti, because it is of the Evil Eye.


Not my path, but it is a weapon that one can carry.

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I was once chased by a pack of five feral dogs in Brooklyn, while biking back home from my bar at 4am. There are whole sections of the old Navy yards that are just abandoned and all the locals know to stay away as there are many feral and fully wild dog packs living in the area...


There was only one dog able to keep up with me, a Sheperd. S-he got kicked several times in the face and dropped pursuit.


In the midst of the melee, while peddling my ass off and repeatedly kicking out with my right foot, I thought...

"I am in the middle of one of the biggest cities on the planet, in the modern world and fighting for my life with a pack of dogs... what are the odds?"


life is weird.

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I was once chased by a pack of five feral dogs in Brooklyn, while biking back home from my bar at 4am. There are whole sections of the old Navy yards that are just abandoned and all the locals know to stay away as there are many feral and fully wild dog packs living in the area...


There was only one dog able to keep up with me, a Sheperd. S-he got kicked several times in the face and dropped pursuit.


In the midst of the melee, while peddling my ass off and repeatedly kicking out with my right foot, I thought...

"I am in the middle of one of the biggest cities on the planet, in the modern world and fighting for my life with a pack of dogs... what are the odds?"


life is weird.



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