
If 'astral travel' works; how come it's not on TripAdvisor?

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Yeah, but see that kind of puts it at odds with the whole "hey you can verify your experience!" thing...


For instance, some people suggest taking something like a playing card. Shuffle a deck randomly and put a card out of your line of sight. Then astral project, find the card, see what it is, then come back to body and verify it.


I've attempted that experiment multiple times, and each time not only does the layout of the room shift, but so too does the card itself!


Maybe it's too small an "entity," maybe my focus isn't refined enough? But as soon as I turn my awareness and focus it on the card, the card itself shifts right before my eyes :wacko:


Yeah. That's the big problem. Becoming an objective observer. Because we have the power to create our own perception. And sometime we are seeing different layers at the same time.



That's why remote viewing have greater success in verification. We have someone making sure that we don't get distracted from the objectives.


But remote viewing is not as fun and immersive as 3D HD fill of vibrant color ap or obe. Sometime you don't even see an button by. Just get a sense of information only.


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Any thoughts?


For that matter, how come dropping acid or using shrooms is not on TripAdvisor? :D


I think the real problem is there are no hotels to book, and no reason for them.


BTW, what the heck is TripAdvisor? I was just assuming it was one of those online traveling things like Expedia...

Edited by DreamBliss
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Well, it might work if you take off the parking brake.


How does one take off the parking brake?


I don't know where the parking brake even is to take it off.



I have had some success with dream recall, vivid dreams, but physically experiencing going out of body and travelling somewhere, no luck thus far.

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How does one take off the parking brake?


I don't know where the parking brake even is to take it off.



I have had some success with dream recall, vivid dreams, but physically experiencing going out of body and travelling somewhere, no luck thus far.


My guess... You're either like me, not practicing regularly enough, or you're going the other extreme and trying too hard. Trying to make anything happen happens to be very trying. It also happens to make it harder for it to happen.


You need to find a method that "clicks" with you are speaks to you, and stick with it. No expectations, doing the same thing for a month to start. Pretty much the same crap you have to go through to become lucid. It could take you a week or 3 months. Practice is the key, along with a journal of your experiences. You need to record your dreams and all Out of Body Explorations.


If you are really lucky, you can find someone to take you out of your body. I have been looking for someone to do that for me for some time. You know, lend a helping hand. All you can do is ask. If you do find someone, please point them my direction once you have had your first conscious OBE.

Edited by DreamBliss
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My guess... You're either like me, not practicing regularly enough, or you're going the other extreme and trying too hard. Trying to make anything happen happens to be very trying. It also happens to make it harder for it to happen.


You need to find a method that "clicks" with you are speaks to you, and stick with it. No expectations, doing the same thing for a month to start. Pretty much the same crap you have to go through to become lucid. It could take you a week or 3 months. Practice is the key, along with a journal of your experiences. You need to record your dreams and all Out of Body Explorations.


If you are really lucky, you can find someone to take you out of your body. I have been looking for someone to do that for me for some time. You know, lend a helping hand. All you can do is ask. If you do find someone, please point them my direction once you have had your first conscious OBE.


I think for me, the main reason I have only given OBE's a passing glance is because it does not equal liberation from suffering. I have also read of some dangers of people going out and never coming back. Powers like this are a bit of a side show if you're still trapped in pain and suffering.

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I believe that APs produced by energy manipulations are symptoms of a bad practice.


I've never learned a method that doesn't require effort and clinging to achieve AP... and since I love the daoist effortless way, I think that APs will find their place in spiritual practice in a more advanced level, a sort of "spontaneous skill"

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How does one take off the parking brake?


I don't know where the parking brake even is to take it off.



I have had some success with dream recall, vivid dreams, but physically experiencing going out of body and travelling somewhere, no luck thus far.

Hehehe. You are asking the wrong dude for answers. I have none. But I do know that if we are sitting on a hill and we take off the parking brake we will start rolling.


You know that I am a Materialist so I can't speak to these things. I have had my experiencs but they are without words.


The parking brake is the belief that we can't do something before we have even tried doing it. It is in our brain, put there by people who what us to be the way they want us to be.


Thing is, in these ralms of reality it is difficult to tell the difference between something that is really happening and an illusion we have created from desire.


And not that desire is all bad but it oftentimes gets in the way of our natural flow.


I wish you success but I also wish you no illusions or delusions.

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I think for me, the main reason I have only given OBE's a passing glance is because it does not equal liberation from suffering. I have also read of some dangers of people going out and never coming back. Powers like this are a bit of a side show if you're still trapped in pain and suffering.

I greatly respect Rawn Clark who works with the Bardon Hermetic system, he was appalled by many of the quickie routs to AP. I don't remember if he named specific dangers but he warned against some modern systems. He seemed to think you needed to have gone through intermediate or advanced energy and mental work before venturing out. Thus AP was the natural evolution of advanced practice and not necessarily a goal in itself.


Yet once developed I think it can be a powerful tool for self development. But caveat emptor, for some there may be dangers external and internal.

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I greatly respect Rawn Clark who works with the Bardon Hermetic system, he was appalled by many of the quickie routs to AP. I don't remember if he named specific dangers but he warned against some modern systems. He seemed to think you needed to have gone through intermediate or advanced energy and mental work before venturing out. Thus AP was the natural evolution of advanced practice and not necessarily a goal in itself.


Yet once developed I think it can be a powerful tool for self development. But caveat emptor, for some there may be dangers external and internal.


"Astral Projection" is discussed in Franz Bardon's "initiation Into Hermetics" (of which Rawn Clark is an advanced practitioner, if I recall his writing correctly).


I put "Astral Projection" in quotes because, to my understanding, there is "mental projection" (projecting the mental body, as described in Bardon's Hermetic tradition) and a true "astral projection" (projecting the astral body as described in Bardon's Hermetic tradition).


From my understanding, true "astral projection" is a lot more intense and does involve a significant portion of a human's energetic being leaving the body (to the point where if someone touches your body as you are projecting you'll die). I think this is close to even projection in Taoism (where one of the immortals projected his spirit and had a disciple guard the body for X amount of days, after which the immortal would have returned or be "dead").


Mental projection is a bit lighter, and in my opinion is closer to the projection that, say, Robert Bruce and Robert Monroe teach.


Personally, I had decided to stay away from "astral projection" due to the numerous dangers that have been written, but my practice in lucid dreaming led me to experience phenomena as written about by Bruce/Monroe and a couple of others. Whether this is "true" "astral projection", whether it's just one end of the AP spectrum, I'm not sure. Just throwing it out there.

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What the about the yoga of the illusory body in tibetan buddhism?


I think that this should involve AP, but I've never heard a Lama establishing a link between the two practices.

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As far as I know I only ever travel in the astral in dreams.

Can do remote viewing but seldom 'to order', that comes and goes, sitters tend to contribute about half the 'necessary' for that to work well.

My guide Joanna though only ever uses astral travel.

It seems to be the vehicle of choice for those 'in spirit' from the other side of life over to this side.

Jobbing Spirit Guides can only ever be one place at once but can get to that place in a single thought.

Those who have gone onto higher things beyond where the guides live though ( we call it Summerland but it goes by many names) can multiply-locate almost 'omnipresently' - or so I am reliably informed.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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Thanks GP, great question!


"if it works"?:


It works.


I training in AP with a gnostic master about 10 years ago. It's as real as anything else pretends to be.


But in that time frame, while I was projecting daily for about 12 months, I was getting a lot of attack, and my projections were hard to control.


Now I know that it requires ones Shen to be well developed and stable so that qi follows shen and the mind can direct a synergistic control of energy through intention (Yi).


One also wants to have a well developed energy body, and protective layers of "something" in order to prevent bringing back any attachments from non-desirables.


There are different levels of astral plane, some vibrating close to the physical and others in non-local "spaces".


"How come not on trip advisor?"


Can't make money from it, the travel insurance would be too expensive, and the inflight meals are often you!


The two Roberts are a good resource for AP study (Robert Monroe (The Monroe Institute does very comprehensive courses and products in binaural beat induction of AP & Robert Bruce (Astral Dynamics is a good text).


But, you need to do the foundation work.


But, AP is a distraction unless you use it for a particular purpose - the finer of which is being able to be lucid in Bardo when the time comes.


The tibetans say if one is lucid in dream, then one can be lucid in bardo (after death). And if one is lucid in Bardo one can then take the path required for immortality.


I don't AP deliberately now days - I'm working on developing astral vision first - bringing it all to you as opposed to going there.


That in itself has enough pitfalls to keep you busy and learning to keep safe on the fringe of "other worlds" before jumping into the pool.

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I didn't read this whole thread and only scanned over the last post. My first reply was humorous. But this reply may have some negativity in it. I don't know why, but I have been feeling dark, for lack of a better word, all day. It is in that feeling/way of being that I now post, so please be forewarned.


I am sick and f-ing tired of people trying to sell me on ritual. I read a book by an authoress in the Magical path. It's called, "Magical Knowledge Book 1." Stuff like Astral Projection requires this big prepetory process - ritual.


I read how thsi previous poster studied for 10 years with some Gnostic master. OK.


Well Robert Monroe did neither of those things. And a lot of other people just up and leave their bodies as easily as probably the majority of them lucid dream. There is no spiritual growth or development requied. It is not some specicialed skill or talent. All that is going on here is some people "get it" a little faster. Unfortunately for me I am one of the slow ones, and I strongly desire to curse whatever agency or energy made me that way.


I am f-ing sick and f-ing tired of having to be slow at these things that I want to experience so badly. It is a constant struggle to have even one lucid dream. The single time I managed to astral project all I remember is talking to somebody on a park bench, something about the light, and slamming into my body. I have no memory of leaving my body and what I do remember leaves doubts that I even projected in the first place. I just say I projected, for a positive mindset. I have learned enough that trying hard to do something will just make it harder to do, and you have to step out in faith as if you have already experienced that which you wish to experience.


I read about these experiences others have. I do not seek enlightenment. But it would be really f-ing nice to have a lucid dream, for example, and ask to experience the truth about good/evil - light/dark, as is described in Wagonner's book. Or to, at the very least, leave my body, fully conscious, and explore where I live from that non-physical perspective. Is that realy too much to ask? I even changed my damn diet and went lacto ovo vegetarian so I would not have heavy foods holding me back. What do I get for all the effeort expended, reading and time spent? Vivid dreams - that's it. I am thankful for this. I know some people experience colorless dreams or lack of detail. So in this area I seem to be one of the ones to pick something up quickly - what appears to be a natural ability. But I do not believe anyone is more gifted in any area than anyone else. Like I said, some pick stuff up quicker, and maybe, if reincarnation is real, there is something from that contributing.


I just wanted to vent about this, and also request, that you stop trying to sell folks on rituals. Magic doesn't have to be cast from the tip of a wand or staff. You don't need special words. All this crap serves only to train your mind that "Hey, he's swinging that wand around a certain way and saying those words so its time for magic to happen."


I don't know how to explain this any better. The actions and words make what you are trying to do more real to you. But there is no need for a physical componant to non-physical explorations. When you hypnotize yourself, you don't have to light candles, draw symbols on the floor, utter certain words, have eaten a certain food at a certain time, yada, yada, yada. You sit back, close your eyes, and let your body fall asleep. Then you bore you consious mind to death so the subconsious takes over. THEN the magic of reprogramming yourself through self-hypnosis can happen.


In other words, throw out all the physical, "real world" crap, including rituals, that get in between you and something like astral projection. These phsyical things may be of some service, like meditation. But cut as much of the fat away from the meat as possible. All this extraneous stuff is fat, and makes non-physical activities cumbersome and weighty.


FYI, I give everyone here permission to find me and rip me out of my body if you are able and willing to. I am usually asleep between 4AM - 2PM Pacific Standard Time. I think that to ever develop the ability to leave my body and be consious, I will have to have some help. So I am asking for it. I am getting nowhere on my own, and it should be obvious I am frustrated.


Anyone can learn anything. Anything is possible - all possibilities exist. There is nothing you can not do, but you have to believe it. Your beliefs, level of openess and receptivity will determine what you experience. The only boundaries that exist are the ones you have drawn yourself or adopted from others. Someday, I pray soon, all humanity will realize this. All humanity will wake up. And every child will expeirence the truth of endless possibility for themselves.

Edited by DreamBliss

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I'd like to recommend Kurt Leland's book "The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection". The material derives from the Theosophical idea of multiple planes and bodies, the Seth Material idea of inner senses, and the author's years of experience. He gives a lot of exercises for developing the inner senses (existential, kinesthetic, relational, etc.) neccessary for having a functional vehicle out of body, none of which require that you can already astral project. And they are helpful for spiritual development in general, independent of their potential usefulness for astral projection.

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I am f-ing sick and f-ing tired of having to be slow at these things that I want to experience so badly. It is a constant struggle to have even one lucid dream. The single time I managed to astral project all I remember is talking to somebody on a park bench, something about the light, and slamming into my body. I have no memory of leaving my body and what I do remember leaves doubts that I even projected in the first place. I just say I projected, for a positive mindset. I have learned enough that trying hard to do something will just make it harder to do, and you have to step out in faith as if you have already experienced that which you wish to experience.


Hi ,


I am no expert in astral projection, travel and so on seems you have some weaknesses around separating your astral body from your physical body.


The Archaeous exercise is a nice way to do it in your waking state


(see page 4) does not exists anymore unfortunately hence the link.


The thing is in my experience it not only requires energy as in qi but also clearing the weaknesses / blockages preventing that. At least that's my feeling.


Clearing your weaknesses can be done by others like myself or by yourself using various techniques, the qi you need to build yourself.

Edited by chris d

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Had a guy at work a long time ago who blessed me by showing me the way.


He said he could go out of body and meet other travelers.

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When I was 5 I was at the dentists, and was given gas. The dentist was working in my mouth, and I got bored. I got off the table (while he was still working on me), left the room and went down the stairs to the exit, leaving my body behind. I thought nothing of until years later I realized people don't do that kind of thing.


When I was a young teen (before the internet was commonly being used in the general public) I 'woke up' inside a dream, and was absolutely amazed at the strange world I was in. I didn't do it again for several years as I had no idea what it was, and that it was even repeatable.


The two events were markedly different. Whether this was due to the medical drugs or not I don't know, but I don't think so. I think the first time I was still in this physical plane, and the second time I was in a different realm.


I think I may have has a predisposition for this kind of event due to my childhood;


As a child I used to close my eyes and visualise myself flying over the ocean and visiting my home country and looking in my friend's windows.

I also used to stare at a spot on the wall in my bedroom (when I was sent to my room for being, a lot :D) until everything went white.

I also used to lie there at night and play with the phosphenes... you know when you close your eyes it's not all black? There are thousands of tiny pinpricks of light? Well those are phosphenes, and the eye (or my eyes) can see them all the time, depending on whether or not one focuses on them. I used to make them flow in waves and then change direction...stuff like that.

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Astral Travel - look up Silver Cord - this is not difficult.


Most of this type of stuff is not "difficult".


It is difficult to ride a bike if you have never done it before but one would not say it is hard to do - but it is impossible without practice of some sort.


It is not hard to find information on how to do this - I was quite fascinated with it at one time and became proficient in it. I got lots of practice in and it was a favorite form of communication with one of my great teachers.


I have not used this ability for many years because "seeing" anywhere is easier now but astral travel is among the easier things ito learn in my recollection - partly because we are already accustom to using the silver cord without knowing it.


My favorite recollection of a silver cord was following a puppy up from his body by his silver cord and finding him, communicating very clearly with him and following him back into his body and then greeting him as he came in and then watching him leave again.


As far as going to another room fully conscious, far more miraculous is completely climbing out of your body and moving about - it is a very different feeling and quite extraordinary. Again, "seeing" kind of negates the impetus to exercise this ability but these things are very real. Practice is the key, along with a teacher and hopefully other students - lots of other students is helpful.


Instead of top down I would go after this bottom up - without effort play with this during meditation after you have settled.

If it does not happen do not worry and without effort play with it again and again and again. Unfortunately the initial experiences are typically misty and ethereal so getting a bearing is hard because we do not want to claim victory and fool ourselves (but this is also the Great Wall). By the time we get over the fear of proceeding we are usually way beyond help - we love our proclivities and indulge them until we leave this tool for our next life.

Edited by Spotless

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Astral Travel - look up Silver Cord - this is not difficult.


Most of this type of stuff is not "difficult".



No no, I guarantee that it's difficult! :D:P

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This is word for word -exactly- how i proved it to myself, also


Too bad i have to give myself awful headaches and hallucinations during the day to be able to do that, or else i'd be doing it a lot more. i settle for it happening spontaneously now


Hmmm? I'm guessing you mean taking some substance or another to help bring about the state? Here's a trick I have taught myself; make your consciousness and mental state go into that of when you are on said substance. You have been there before, so you know what it is like, just bring yourself there when needed ;). It's not quite as strong, but strong enough to work...

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An incorrect assumption


i used to raise energy to the head, then expand and contract it right before falling asleep at night


i am perfectly capable of making myself insane, no substances required :lol:


Drugs sound safer LOL. Yikes; glad you stopped doing that particular practice ;).

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