
pro jing cuisine

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i'm curious what kind of culinary guidelines are followed here to optimize jing and, most importantly, overall health. i've always had difficulty with my dietary choices and have gone from low fat vegetarianism to full fatty meat protocols to more or less the same result.


i figure that perhaps the innate cues that let you know when you're dialed in have been turned off or dulled enough that i cannot guide myself anymore or have never been able to, really.


"pro jing" has been mentioned in the title because i am a male and concerned with the declining sperm counts worldwide and the overabundant estrogen-mimicking compounds in the environment..etc it's also my natural state to continually seek improvement in whatever i decide to devote myself to so it's natural for me to ask this i suppose.

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You mention (the bad kind of) estrogen in men. Broccoli is one thing that can help with that.

Edited by turtle shell
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This article might be accurate about broccoli.


hmmm...maybe not, since that article is aimed at women. I'm trying to find a good source...


...I shouldn't have recommended anything. Now I'm seeing that although being good for controlling the bad type of estrogen, it might also reduce testosterone.


Nutrition advice pretty much always sucks! Unless you just say - follow intuition and personal experience above all else.

Edited by turtle shell
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I'm not sure about the specific mechanism. Basically, many vegetables have phytonutrients that resemble estrogen. They compete with estrogen for the same receptor sites, so they prevent estrogen from binding the receptors and exerting their effects.

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Sorry, sorry! Don't mind me, but I don't know if this was intentional or not, it made me laugh my ass off... and back on again...!









Yet after a slather of rib eye, I still have a hard time.



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heh sorry, I couldn't help but laugh... It's a serious topic, but the lightheartedness of a simple comment like that can take the edge off and bring in reception from readers :D Also, I have a very hard time not touching myself. I just KNOW im the reason the dinosaurs went extinct (family guy flashback).

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In my opinion, any meal that is prepared with love and consumed with appreciation is beneficial.

Mindful eating, that is taking time with each bite, slowly and thouroughly chewing and thinking on the food can enhance it's effectiveness. Meals take longer, but portions do not need to be great. Each mouthfull becomes a meditation as one follows the path that the food took on it's way to the table. Bite into an orange, and one can taste the sunshine, feel the breeze, and hear the buzzing of the insects that filled the orchard as the flower grew, was pollinated, and the fruit began to form.


My experience:


I was once obsessed with the nutritional value of food, and wanted to find out exactly what foods I should eat, and in what proportions in order to gain the optimal delivery of nutrients, with the minimal amount of waste. An associate asked me why I was doing this, and I said, "I want to be able to avoid going to the bathroom as much as possible." If that seems absurd to you, you aren't alone, because she then asked "Why go to such trouble? When you excrete, it is just dung, and dung forms soil, which plants need to grow." I immediantly replied, "yes, but when I do this, I feel less than divine."

Eventually, I began to make do with just sunshine and water. I did this for twenty nine days, with no loss of body mass or weakness (I actually felt more energetic) Healing abilities were phenomonal, and insights came fast and powerfully. At one point, I percieved the entirety of creation as one equation attempting to solve itself ... and despite the apparent complexity, it was delightfully simple. I stopped at 29 days because the thirty day mark holds a certain significance for me, and I was already beginning to experience strong egoist urges. Also, I observed that although I was not consuming in the usual way, I was draining the life out of every plant that I stayed in contact with for any amount of time. I lost three golden cypress and one juniper bonsai during that time.


Nowadays, I smoke, drink, and eat burgers when I want to. Being a living god was an interesting experience, but I don't think that I am ready for that kind of responsibility. Hmm. I usually delete a few lines at this point before posting, but seeing as I'm completely clear minded at this moment, I'll just post as it is.

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I have a culinary question... or nearby. :P


I bought a lot of goji berries from China (Tibet) and, after eating a few of them, I discovered that they are full of pesticids. Some of them could be prohibited in Europe.

Be careful when buying goji berries!


My question is: How could I clean them in the most efficient way? Looking for something "strong" like an anti-radiations treatment haha

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This is my problem with Chinese food. I've always liked it, and after going to China, really fell in love with it. But after going to China...I'm much more hesitant to buy food from an Asian market that was grown and produced in China. That place is just dirty with air pollution, pesticides, and questionable practices. I need a better source of Chinese ingredients...


Sorry, no advice on jing diet...


I've noticed recently that my system has become very sensitive to bad foods...

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I think one most also take into consideration the Body Type that the individual has when consuming foods. Most men lean towards Yang while Women Lean towards Yin...and thus they should work towards consuming foods that are there opposites. Men should eat more salads and women consume more meat....however the opposite usually occurs.


Of course that is just a general rule. I am a man and lean a bit more towards the Yin from my observations. Most importantly i think it is of great value to learn to "listen" to what your body is craving...the body knows.


-My 2 cents, Peace

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Grapefruits are not to be trusted.

Bulb Onions overheat the blood so try substituting lemongrass or long leeks instead.

Grow as many veggies as you can and eat them.

You'll know what's gone into their cultivation.

Meat is murder.

Kills animals (bad show)

Wrecks your digestion (bad show)

Is chock full of every antibiotic and pesticide residue you could care to name plus GM Frankenfodder traces too.

Fecks up LDT and Mr sex drive.

Creates halitosis and stinky armpits.

Filthy stuff.

Best avoided is meat.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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What about kidney-nourishing foods? And a reminder of the relationship between Kidney (whole system) and Jing would be nice. It's winter too (for some bums), keep them warm.

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Grapefruits are not to be trusted.

Bulb Onions overheat the blood so try substituting lemongrass or long leeks instead.

Grow as many veggies as you can and eat them.

You'll know what's gone into their cultivation.

Meat is murder.

Kills animals (bad show)

Wrecks your digestion (bad show)

Is chock full of every antibiotic and pesticide residue you could care to name plus GM Frankenfodder traces too.

Fecks up LDT and Mr sex drive.

Creates halitosis and stinky armpits.

Filthy stuff.

Best avoided is meat.


Easy to say. Financially and physiologically irresponsible to starve to death over fucked up sex drive and LDT... but eh, it's ideal never the less, just ineffecient in a part of the world where growing your own veggies is a rare sight and people prefer the fast track easy street of buying food.


Heck, im thinking of asking my aunt and uncle if the small (maybe 6x6) plot behind the shed could be worked; put in a small compost and till up the soil beside it i suppose...? Not much towork with, but WorkABLE.




(How) Does the zodiac tie into this (or everything for that matter, HAW!)?

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Eventually, I began to make do with just sunshine and water. I did this for twenty nine days, with no loss of body mass or weakness (I actually felt more energetic) Healing abilities were phenomonal, and insights came fast and powerfully. At one point, I percieved the entirety of creation as one equation attempting to solve itself ... and despite the apparent complexity, it was delightfully simple. I stopped at 29 days because the thirty day mark holds a certain significance for me, and I was already beginning to experience strong egoist urges. Also, I observed that although I was not consuming in the usual way, I was draining the life out of every plant that I stayed in contact with for any amount of time. I lost three golden cypress and one juniper bonsai during that time.


Nowadays, I smoke, drink, and eat burgers when I want to. Being a living god was an interesting experience, but I don't think that I am ready for that kind of responsibility. Hmm. I usually delete a few lines at this point before posting, but seeing as I'm completely clear minded at this moment, I'll just post as it is.

Out of curiosity, what did your practice consist of during this bigu period?



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Easy to say. Financially and physiologically irresponsible to starve to death over fucked up sex drive and LDT... but eh, it's ideal never the less, just ineffecient in a part of the world where growing your own veggies is a rare sight and people prefer the fast track easy street of buying food.


Heck, im thinking of asking my aunt and uncle if the small (maybe 6x6) plot behind the shed could be worked; put in a small compost and till up the soil beside it i suppose...? Not much towork with, but WorkABLE.


You can grow an amazing amount of food in a small space. Best tasting food you'll ever eat is what you've grown yourself.




(How) Does the zodiac tie into this (or everything for that matter, HAW!)?

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Out of curiosity, what did your practice consist of during this bigu period?





Every breath, when possible Neigong skin breathing. Lots of weidan and sitting meditation (see Tao)

I was contemplating working on breath with no breath*, but couldnt quite pull it off. It might be doable, but not at that level of understanding, still working on it, or will be, when I finish just enjoying life some more :P


Tao: absolute understanding, holding the mean (hehe ... I hadn't read TTC yet, though, which is kinda funny holding the mean not completely accomplished, there was some localized problems, like the houseplants)


Buddhist philosophy: Lots of virtue cultivation, (working on) Mastery of the negative emotional states

I couldn't get past ego, or did not want to at that time.


I am fairly certain that if I had kept going, fixed the plant issue, and really been able to let go of the self, a pure energy state would have been realised. I believe they call this 'rainbow body' or something. In any case, a physical existance would have been completely impossible - not ready for that, maybe never will want it that badly - but never is a long time :)


Other factors:

Leading up to this period, heavy meditation and spiritual work, Buddhist mind training, vegitarian diet, intense physical excercise routine (gym/judo with a one day break each week ... takes a LOT of veg. protein to keep up, I ate like a horse!)

Keen interest in the supernal sephirot - this was before '95, so the work was difficult, filled with dead ends and insoluble puzzles. Might have been a factor. Incense (cedar, sandlewood, frankincense, myrrh, and hemp - had pot smoking roomies, so contact highs were occurring regularly :P) Music: variety, all very mathematically logical stuff, clean sound. Lots of observation and appreciation of nature, respect for life.


X factors: I'm a walk-in, began experiencing the physical manifestation when this body was five years old, no memory-in-body from up to that point. I am also energy blind: I can feel subtle energy, but cannot see it. hmm, what else? Synesthesia: hearing light, feeling sound, ect. This probably helps make some connections in the brain that might be overlooked otherwise.

I think many people have reported this experience while under the influence of hallucinogens, but I don't know - they don't seem to affect me.

(edit) forgot to mention: NO SMOKING .. tobacco has been used shamanistically to banish both negative and positive energetic forces .. it is kind of like the damper rods in a nuclear reactor for subtle energy.


*Not the skill of concealing motive described in Go Rin No Sho, but actually drawing life sustaining energy without the need for air. Bringing this up has made me go do some extra study, and I now feel that this is a perversion of the meaning of breath with no breath. Spleen strengthening excercises might enable one to maintain a supply of oxygenated blood for extended periods, enabling far longer intervals without breathing. I will test this theory next time I pull the dampers out and get into practice.

Edited by ShenLung

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Heck, im thinking of asking my aunt and uncle if the small (maybe 6x6) plot behind the shed could be worked; put in a small compost and till up the soil beside it i suppose...? Not much towork with, but WorkABLE.



You can grow lots of veggies in a 6x6 space!


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Yeah, look into Permaculture.


You can grow a lot of herbs in a sunny window, and veggies on a porch. But a 6'x6' plot would seem excessive to some people who have been growing their own veggies, and making due with much less becuase of where they live. They'd get used to it pretty quick, though. :)

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