
What do you think you need?

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hmm yeah I heard that too. Can you enlighten me on the topic of enlightenment? Please give me some good sutras, books, ect.


Sure :)


Read Siddhartha from Hesse, Mustard Seed from Osho, anything from Nisargadatta, Ramana Maharshi and Bhagavad Gita (when you read that book most people identify with Arjuna but crucial part is that you read the book through the eyes of Krisna, the the book has the most potential when you realize that Krisna's words are your Truth).

Edited by Shagrath
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Please forgive my ignorance, but, in your own opinion, what do you think you need to become an immortal?

There is nothing I need, I am already immortal and...

there is nothing I can do, I am going to die.




In short, what do you think is the basic core essence of an Immortal?

Thinking has nothing to do with it.

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Let's start from the ground.

What do you guys think about ch'i cultivation, breathing, and meditation as the first step? :D

Edited by Imperial
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I think you need to get to know yourself before you try to do or change anything, which means studying your being on all levels with a curious detached awareness like you are looking at it for the first time.

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Let's start from the ground.

What do you guys think about ch'i cultivation, breathing, and meditation as the first step? :D


this is included if you practice this:


If you want longevity - there is a way:

Discovering what your body needs... and surrendering to this as a rule given by its nature...


the way for discovering is given by ddj 67


reading it in chinese - understanding it by using the shuowen-explanations -

learning it by heart

reciting it - following the pictures with your mind...

practicing it...

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Er, helpful perhaps to approach what a mortal is before approaching what an immortal is?

To me a mortal has body, mind (and some say spirit and some say just more mind but then they put that mind everywhere and have it change into everything, even bodies and minds and spirits) So the first part would be fully understanding what a mortal is (only because it might turn out not to be what you think at first).


So I think a person could have a realisation of some kind about their mortality and their immortality without doing anything about either, because realizing something implies it was already the case.


The other stuff, taking an individual consciousness (which if you look at the above doesn't make as much sense anymore, but I suppose since you already have what you consider to be one it also ought to be doable) and making sure it remembers itself from life to life, hum.


Physical longevity, well it depends again upon what is physical. So you can do physical things or if you see it as I posted above, you can do other things that would not be considered physical but would be considered mind or spirit.

Personally I'm having a hard time seeing where one starts and the rest stops (I perceive the change in perception as the gap, maybe I need some Zen master to bonk me on the foot?)

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Well, I'm talking on the spiritual level. I agree the that the mental (philosophical, knowledge) aspect is important, too. But, let's keep the discussion on the spiritual and celestial level (inner energy level).


Let's start from the ground.

What do you guys think about ch'i cultivation, breathing, and meditation as the first step? :D

Now, if you think the above is the first step, then what is the second? Do you guys think it is jing to ch'i conversion? Or purification into Yang? Or do you think it is opening the microcosmic orbit? :P


It would be nice to get all the steps into order. Different schools have different ways, but it would be great to break it down into the general steps for other people to see (and me :D).

Edited by Imperial

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Surrender all concept of self and become the infinite void; Surrender all concept of self and become the limitless light.

Release all attachments, even to the point of conciousness itself.

The universe breathes; Nothing endures forever.

Only the way is eternal.


If you would know life, cultivate virtue.


If you would know power, know yourself.


What more is there to say?

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how can you trust them though?

interesting question. do you trust the tai chi teacher , or some human spiritual leader, more than you would trust a spirit teacher?

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