
I became enlightened

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3 days ago i became enlightened. I haven't told anybody yet but i didn't feel the need to. Now i just write here because i feel some may be interested as well as a chance to put my own thoughts down in writing.


How it happened...


Well it took about 6 years of qigong daily meditating, quiet alot each day as well kinda filling in every spare minute but my realisation came after reading a free ebook (Posted below). During reading i suddenly realized that i had already reached an enlightened state about a year earlier and more and more often since then, but i was always searching further... for more (although i did have a suspicion that i had reached an important milestone - i had only books to go by). Suddendly i realized i had been enlightened before and didn't know it. the search was over and full enlightenment was reached. The day after i spent about 50% of the day in a fully enlightened state. It became so easy.


What happened...


I realize my body is not me. My intelligence, ego and thoughts are gone. I am watching myself from the viewpoint of god, universal life or whatever it is called. Because you realise it isn't 'your' body and you aren't just living 'your' small life any more, you realise you are just one puppet of the 'real you' (god for lack of a better term) and my previous habbit of trying to excel, strive and stress over stuff seems rediculous. My mind is blank, not thinking and my awareness is everything that is delivered to me by my senses in their entirety, no filtering by my brain (but to my surprise no extra sensory or anything like that). Not concentrating on anything so nothing goes unnoticed. I got a strong sense of knowing because i did know, i experienced everything directly, it was right in front of my eyes - unfiltered by my brain. Seeing and feeling it right in front of me, not working it out - my brain was off.


Thoughts on Meditation and Qigong...


Now i really think meditating, visulisation, etc is useless to get enlightnement, it is only good for relaxing. But then again you need to relax to begin really doing energy work. Energy work or qigong can push all the blockages open so that even if your mind is not ready to enlighten it's self the energy will allow you to experience enlightenment through force. It is forceful (MCO i am talking about mainly). Qigong is useful because it improves your health and if you are healthy enlightenment is easier to realize. Qigong is keeping a little ego, enough to remember that your body is your most valuable possession and you cherish and nourish it - and good health is the ego's main desire. You keep that awareness of god while also having enough ego consiousness to direct that life force into your body for extraordinary healing. The improved health in turn allows a stronger connection to god benefiting in both directions.


How it felt and my thoughts on enlightenment...


I had no satisfaction in having realised my enlightenment, only a realisation feeling. Perhaps a little relieved that i didn't need to meditate so much, i was starting to get over it thinking i was wasting too much of my life in a trance. Now i can meditate any time i want while doing my favorite things, just be in the enlightened state. Now i can focus on my life more and what i want to really do with it with my proper unmodified and clear view of what is actually going on. There is no yearning or desire to do something. No looking forward to doing something - that "thank god it's friday" feeling is gone just the constant love feeling - But my ego misses that (i am not in an enlightened state 24/7). But it feels very peaceful, very playful and very fun. But to the ego it's very boring, unexciting and unfulfilling, Yet the ego can vanish and so you don't feel any of those things. Finally i have never played world of warcraft but have watched others. It feels like that. Like you have a little man and you can do whatever you want with him, except that man is my body and the one playing the game is god, whome now i am a part of.




Although having experienced some clarevoyance or seemingly to me beforehand some extraordinary powers on my way to becomming enlightened there were none after being enlightened. There can not be any special powers without the ego for there is no need for them. I had read things that i would get everything after being enlightened, and i did in one way but in another way i didn't. I thought living in the now i could parry any blow but now i just realise i'm weak and i can't fight :P However i do know what to do so my body will be what i want it to be. My aches and pains are still here but spending more of my day in an enlightened state i can feel them healing while i'm doing any activity, not just while i'm in a trance. I'm sure they will be gone soon.


Fastest way to get there...


Be healthy, dont' eat too much or too little. Don't drink too much alcohol (i woulda got there much faster if i followed this one), Do exercise and learn TCM and find out what foods balance you, then you won't be fighting against your lifestyle in your qigong. If you have a good teacher he could make your progress 10x faster. I did most of it all from mantak chia's books but i made alot of mistakes along the way. Read the books i linked to below. They are very short but very good (10 pages or so). Not everything on his website i agree with but these books are good. Steps i think are...


1. quiet the mind, relax

2. do qigong exercise and have the "no think" become enlightened

3. Realise you are enlightned, stop searching

4. Bring the enlightened state into all your daily activities one by one. Soon you will bring it even into new activities automatically

5. Keep the ego in balanced check with the enlightened state and be able to switch between the two at will (what i am trying to do now)


Books :


10 dirty secrets of getting enlightened


this one is good too...


30 Second meditation

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That was an interesting read.


I've had similar experiences before, but then those experiences would subside, and I would drift back into ordinary consciousness.


I would be definitely interested if the author can keep us posted on his experiences (e.g. if they change).

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Good for you and all the mankind....

An enligheted being that has not by passed yet his ego ,announcing it in a forum.

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It's a great post!

That would be buddhist enlightenment you're referring to :-) ? Hahahahaha couldn't resist;-)


I'm glad you're somewhat happy with it. I think yes, qi-gong is about being healthy and experiencing states where that pesky ego gets into the right place in the pecking order, and, as someone reminded me the other day, the relationships between states. I don't know if I agree about your take on siddhis because things like medical qi-gong projection seem to me to be far from a purely egoistic. They're to help other people.


Of course one could argue that you're either only helping yourself or that you're interfering with their experience as part of yourself and ought to leave well alone due to 'karma' or other such ideas but I think that's bull.


The other problem is Man invented God and enlightenment as 'desireable' in the first place. I mean, talk about finally realizing you made it all up (well, I mean not you personally, as far as i know you're in the correct century for made-up-gods that still hold sway on much (most?) of our experience).


Good news!

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That is awesome my friend :D. I have been feeling like that also lately but it usually goes away, but when it does all it take's is silence to bring it back(not really bring it back it's more of a remembering thing).


I think it's great that you shared this with us, it surely did put a smile on my face :D. IMO I think everyone should just see this as it is, not put there own labels on it or judge.



Today is a good day (:

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You claim there is an I or self that became enlightened? I think not. There is much self referencing in your narrative.

Edited by ralis
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Why do you think this state is enlightenment?


He responded in a way that those who have broke-through the conditioning respond,...such as,...the univerese no longer exists for him, but that he exists for the universe,...or that thinking had ceased (for many first timers this is not realized until thinking comes back),...and that it is not necessarily pleasant to wake-up; as T. S. Eliot said, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" (which doesn't imply that Eliot was enlightened).


Of course, the above is often just a Seventh Consciousness or Sense experience,...having let go of the first 6 Senses from which ego arises. When firmly in the Eighth Consciousness, Other is equally illusory as Self.


Ultimate enlightenment (in Freethought Buddhism) is the Ninth level, which isn't consciousness in a way that dualistic meditators imagine consciousness, but best described as Still, eternal bliss,...when one realizes the so-called speed-of-light is timeless, undivided, Presence that moves neither whences nor whithers,...entirely beyond the arising and ceasing of alaya.

Edited by Vmarco
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Sounds like Jed Mckenna, and his version of enlightment. But if I,remember correctly, he was rich and running around doimg whatever he wanted and wrote a few books to show how enlightened he was.

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Sounds like Jed Mckenna, and his version of enlightment. But if I,remember correctly, he was rich and running around doimg whatever he wanted and wrote a few books to show how enlightened he was.


Aw c'mon now...Give the poor guy a break. It's definitely something...appreciate that he posted his experience and accept that he did it out of non-selfish reasons!

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An interesting read. Are you saying that Mantak Chia's Healing Tao system caused your enlightenment or helped towards it?

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He responded in a way that those who have broke-through the conditioning respond,...such as,...the univerese no longer exists for him, but that he exists for the universe,...or that thinking had ceased (for many first timers this is not realized until thinking comes back),...and that it is not necessarily pleasant to wake-up; as T. S. Eliot said, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality" (which doesn't imply that Eliot was enlightened).


Of course, the above is often just a Seventh Consciousness or Sense experience,...having let go of the first 6 Senses from which ego arises. When firmly in the Eighth Consciousness, Other is equally illusory as Self.


Ultimate enlightenment (in Freethought Buddhism) is the Ninth level, which isn't consciousness in a way that dualistic meditators imagine consciousness, but best described as Still, eternal bliss,...when one realizes the so-called speed-of-light is timeless, undivided, Presence that moves neither whences nor whithers,...entirely beyond the arising and ceasing of alaya.


Ultimate enlightenment (in Freethought Buddhism) is the Ninth level, which isn't consciousness in a way that dualistic meditators imagine consciousness, but best described as Still, eternal bliss,


Is Freethought Buddhism an equivalent to B&B (Bullshit Buddhism?)

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3 days ago i became enlightened. I haven't told anybody yet but i didn't feel the need to. Now i just write here because i feel some may be interested as well as a chance to put my own thoughts down in writing.


How it happened...


Well it took about 6 years of qigong daily meditating, quiet alot each day as well kinda filling in every spare minute but my realisation came after reading a free ebook (Posted below). During reading i suddenly realized that i had already reached an enlightened state about a year earlier and more and more often since then, but i was always searching further... for more (although i did have a suspicion that i had reached an important milestone - i had only books to go by). Suddendly i realized i had been enlightened before and didn't know it. the search was over and full enlightenment was reached. The day after i spent about 50% of the day in a fully enlightened state. It became so easy.


What happened...


I realize my body is not me. My intelligence, ego and thoughts are gone. I am watching myself from the viewpoint of god, universal life or whatever it is called. Because you realise it isn't 'your' body and you aren't just living 'your' small life any more, you realise you are just one puppet of the 'real you' (god for lack of a better term) and my previous habbit of trying to excel, strive and stress over stuff seems rediculous. My mind is blank, not thinking and my awareness is everything that is delivered to me by my senses in their entirety, no filtering by my brain (but to my surprise no extra sensory or anything like that). Not concentrating on anything so nothing goes unnoticed. I got a strong sense of knowing because i did know, i experienced everything directly, it was right in front of my eyes - unfiltered by my brain. Seeing and feeling it right in front of me, not working it out - my brain was off.


Thoughts on Meditation and Qigong...


Now i really think meditating, visulisation, etc is useless to get enlightnement, it is only good for relaxing. But then again you need to relax to begin really doing energy work. Energy work or qigong can push all the blockages open so that even if your mind is not ready to enlighten it's self the energy will allow you to experience enlightenment through force. It is forceful (MCO i am talking about mainly). Qigong is useful because it improves your health and if you are healthy enlightenment is easier to realize. Qigong is keeping a little ego, enough to remember that your body is your most valuable possession and you cherish and nourish it - and good health is the ego's main desire. You keep that awareness of god while also having enough ego consiousness to direct that life force into your body for extraordinary healing. The improved health in turn allows a stronger connection to god benefiting in both directions.


How it felt and my thoughts on enlightenment...


I had no satisfaction in having realised my enlightenment, only a realisation feeling. Perhaps a little relieved that i didn't need to meditate so much, i was starting to get over it thinking i was wasting too much of my life in a trance. Now i can meditate any time i want while doing my favorite things, just be in the enlightened state. Now i can focus on my life more and what i want to really do with it with my proper unmodified and clear view of what is actually going on. There is no yearning or desire to do something. No looking forward to doing something - that "thank god it's friday" feeling is gone just the constant love feeling - But my ego misses that (i am not in an enlightened state 24/7). But it feels very peaceful, very playful and very fun. But to the ego it's very boring, unexciting and unfulfilling, Yet the ego can vanish and so you don't feel any of those things. Finally i have never played world of warcraft but have watched others. It feels like that. Like you have a little man and you can do whatever you want with him, except that man is my body and the one playing the game is god, whome now i am a part of.




Although having experienced some clarevoyance or seemingly to me beforehand some extraordinary powers on my way to becomming enlightened there were none after being enlightened. There can not be any special powers without the ego for there is no need for them. I had read things that i would get everything after being enlightened, and i did in one way but in another way i didn't. I thought living in the now i could parry any blow but now i just realise i'm weak and i can't fight :P However i do know what to do so my body will be what i want it to be. My aches and pains are still here but spending more of my day in an enlightened state i can feel them healing while i'm doing any activity, not just while i'm in a trance. I'm sure they will be gone soon.


Fastest way to get there...


Be healthy, dont' eat too much or too little. Don't drink too much alcohol (i woulda got there much faster if i followed this one), Do exercise and learn TCM and find out what foods balance you, then you won't be fighting against your lifestyle in your qigong. If you have a good teacher he could make your progress 10x faster. I did most of it all from mantak chia's books but i made alot of mistakes along the way. Read the books i linked to below. They are very short but very good (10 pages or so). Not everything on his website i agree with but these books are good. Steps i think are...


1. quiet the mind, relax

2. do qigong exercise and have the "no think" become enlightened

3. Realise you are enlightned, stop searching

4. Bring the enlightened state into all your daily activities one by one. Soon you will bring it even into new activities automatically

5. Keep the ego in balanced check with the enlightened state and be able to switch between the two at will (what i am trying to do now)


Books :


10 dirty secrets of getting enlightened


this one is good too...


30 Second meditation

Congratulations! You had a "self-realization" of the luminosity of awareness!


Though there are definitely "deepening levels" to the experience of this. Though first: Become more familiarized with this experience in your day-to-day routine; make the experience of this more recognizable...


Sometime after you've done that....Consider looking into Advaita Vedanta.


EDIT: Fuck the blog, here's a link you should start out with instead:


http://www.sankaracharya.org/ - I recommend I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj being one of the first things you look into first.

Edited by Simple_Jack

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Aw c'mon now...Give the poor guy a break. It's definitely something...appreciate that he posted his experience and accept that he did it out of non-selfish reasons!

Lol, that's true. Though I personally would've recommended Sri Ramana Maharshi's stuff as a possibly faster route to recognizing this.

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Seems like everyone is a brain hater these days. :( .


All these direct experience enlightenment models do not integrate the wisdom of the brain, language, and thought. They shift to sensory experiences, and because it is such a big shift in how modern humans experience reality, it's suddenly deemed "enlightenment." To me this is no different than regressing into an animal's experience. Not evolving, but devolving, not responding, but reacting.


The enlightenment models today rarely have an element of growth to them. They are mostly just "hey, realize this, and you are done!" Yet, imo, these realizations are mere small steps in a greater progress one decides to seriously participate in, and what is possible is beyond what is currently imaginable by the lesser developed awareness; it is like a dog trying to imagine an entire book. (I speak partially from experience of super awareness and bodily states, things like Drew talks about here).


I believe how much significance you give to these milestones limits your potential for growth, or stagnates it. So the thinking mind, the reflective and analytic mind we have made enemies of are actually important as tools of measurement against definitive sensory experiences that one may mistake for being some ultimate stage.


Taoists and Buddhists use the term "cultivate" when they talk about spiritual practice. These shifts in our awareness can reveal a side of us that can indeed be cultivated, the life force, god, love, being, awareness, or whatever you choose to call your existence. But imo, too many people mistake this discovery to be the finality, when really, it is only beginning. It's like you've been watering the plant all wrong because you couldn't even see the plant in the first place. Now that it's been found, it needs to be nurtured wisely, and in this process the ego and the analytic mind needs to be utilized and turned into what we often call wisdom instead of being thrown out entirely.

Edited by Lucky7Strikes
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An interesting read. Are you saying that Mantak Chia's Healing Tao system caused your enlightenment or helped towards it?

In his case, it did help him to experience the luminosity of awareness. Meditation in general is needed for most people, in order to develop samatha and thereby calm the flow of discriminating thoughts (6th consciousness) so that there is more of a chance of recognition of the luminosity of awareness.

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Did you read the ebooks he posted? It's pure gold.


Aw c'mon now...Give the poor guy a break. It's definitely something...appreciate that he posted his experience and accept that he did it out of non-selfish reasons!

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Did you read the ebooks he posted? It's pure gold.




actually I didn't. I don't think I want to learn 10 dirty tricks to become enlightened or a 30-second meditation.


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