
Things a Taoist do not eat

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Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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False Speech????


:) No my friend I speak the Truth. My lineages some of them go back to over 18,000 years on this planet (Much older than Taoism in China. Infact some of them inspired Taoism.) Some of my lineages are PURE taoist taught to me BY chinese, some are Pure Tibetan, Pure Hindu, Some are Ancient Persian & Egyptian, some are Ancient Native traditions from the Americas Some are native traditions form Indonesia. Some are MUCH older than what is "out" there going back to the one true "ABSOLUTE".


My gurus upon their request suggested I eat meat. So I do. I was vegetarian for 12 years. I have been at this I have 16 years of experience and hold a few lineages of my own & have consent from some of the best masters in the world to teach what I teach. You are welcome to come see me and stand in look me in the eyes and tell me I am a liar.


Peace to you & Success in your practice and your further cultivation. A real Master can eat whatever food he or she is provided from the Source regardless of what it is with out any complications.


If you can not do this simple thing you are not any where NEAR being a real master. If you can not transmute a HAPPY MEAL or a Whopper you are not a Master yet.


Peace to you & God Bless


Santiago Dobles



What? You know you can't eat meat and be a real master! Everyone says so!

Just kidding :lol: I agree with you.


The real deal is that some people have the body chemistry to not eat meat and some don't. I can't tell you the number of vegetarians that have come into my clinic that were anemic, but telling me they were oh-so-healthy because they didn't eat meat. But if they were oh-so-healthy why were they anemic and having problems?


Some things a person needs to understand about meat:

If you practice your qigong you will get to where you can SEE the quality of the meat. If you have not developed this, some guidelines are to purchase pasture fed and not grain fed meat. There was an article last year in one of the western MD's journals (I forget which one) that talked about the difference in omega 3 essential fatty acids , harmful fat and good fat between grain fed and pasture raised beef.


This doesn't mean that it is a great thing to eat meat every meal. The rule of golden mean applies here. A person needs balance. The other considerations are how the meat is butchered. If the animal has fear when it is killed this energy will contaminate the meat. Ideally, look for a kosher or halal butcher (I do not know what the Chinese call this) as they take this into consideration. If this type of meat is not available and you do not have the ability to SEE, then at least bless your food (SEEers bless their food as well, but it is easier to see the sick qi, which usually looks like a black cloud hovering over the food). If you have practiced energetics for a while you will have better results at this than if you didn't. Bless does NOT mean saying thanks to someone but to actually clean your food with energy.


Nope, have to agree with the above post and disagree with everyone else that says you HAVE to not eat meat to reach the Higher Levels. Simply not so.


I will give some concession to this, though. If a person is not practicing energetics and doesn't know how to bless food then today's meat supply is horrendous. Evidenced by the fact that most SEERS probably do not buy beef or pork at the grocery store (I know I can't, it is disgustingly covered with the black cloud of sick qi).

This doesn't mean that it can't be cleaned but there are healthier sources.

I personally do not like beef or pork but do eat venison, buffalo, chicken (raised without hormones and antibiotic) and turkey, but prefer fish if I can get it.


I will also concede that if it is a part of your religion not to do so then that is your business.


So my advice: Eat lots of fresh vegetables preferably that YOU grow for the most qi in the food. There is a surprisingly difference in the qi vibration if you didn't know this already. If you absolutely can't grow it try to purchase from an organic LOCAL farmer. Supplement with meat if YOUR body requires it. Bless your food at every meal.

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As requested from the moderator of TaoBum, I have moved to this forum : right now.


So if you want to talk to me or ask me anything about Taoism, please feel free to go over to this forum and enjoy the new forum. New members for discussion are also welcomed.


Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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The real deal is that some people have the body chemistry to not eat meat and some don't. I can't tell you the number of vegetarians that have come into my clinic that were anemic, but telling me they were oh-so-healthy because they didn't eat meat. But if they were oh-so-healthy why were they anemic and having problems?


Because one is a vegetarian does not mean they are eating properly.

They may not be eating flesh but what are they eating.

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Because one is a vegetarian does not mean they are eating properly.

They may not be eating flesh but what are they eating.


So true.

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... How can this post lead to people talking like this here? I wonder how?


These post always go their own way and never stay to true topic.


I addressed this because it has been stated in this thread that a person had to not eat meat in order to reach the higher levels of cultivation (not just your religion).


I also stated that what you do in your religion is your business. I also was talking about the energetic reasons why you have a valid point as well as the energetic reasons why someone else had a valid point. I think many people look to books, scriptures, what teacher said, what others do, etc, but never stop to look at the energetic reasons behind the subject.

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I am no master but I noticed a misperception of an understanding that is not clearly being pointed out. So in hopes i don't actually get involved in the issue at hand maybe i could shed some light on come miscommunication. (the misperception).


"False Speech"


Simply put, False Speech doesn't mean that you are lying. It means you are 100% not speaking in a proper manor.


False speech could be preaching improper practices and calling them Taoists teachings. If the student that is now a teacher teaching these things but believe in them it could not be all their fault because its their teacher that lead them astray.


Their are other subtleties of false speech. Like talking down to another. Their are so many subtleties of false speech and its a real art to learn how to speak without using false speech. Which can often come from good cultivation.


Weather Buddhism or Taoism (doesn't really matter which one) as long as they teach ongoing improvements of meditation they practice at least three aspects to dispel, Arrogance, Jealousy, and Greed.


I can think of many traditions that dispel these at least basic three things, Chan Buddhism, The Pure Land Sect of Buddhism "the Amitabha Buddha", The Tharavada Tradition. In Toaism its practiced in Inner Alchemy Daoism its even found in the internal martial arts. (Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguaquan, Yiquan, and Liuhebafa.)


I can tell you i'm not cultivated enough (as evident in this post) to even achieve Right Speech.

Edited by WhiteTiger

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I hope we meet one day brother. I also trained with Guru Dan Inosanto. He was my 1st "intro" to Silat. He is a great man.


Many blessings to you.


I received training from many great teachers.

One was infact to transmute ill effects of meat & also to deal with the karmas.

ALL of my teachers that knew what they where doing ate meat.

Meat is a wonderful sacrament if you know what you are doing and if you give time to Bless & honor & transmute the energies aiding you on your path that are with in the meat the almighty provides for you.


I have been very lucky & Blessed to learn from many great sources:


Bon Po



Native American indian

South American indian

Badui/Javanese & Wali Songo


kuala, Aghora & Natha Tantra


All of the real Masters I studied under ate meat with no problems or complications.


I was vegetarian for 12 years.


I can say the difference. I am thankful I listened to my teachers when they said..."its time to eat meat of you want to be able to handle what you will do later on with your body".


And guess what? They are 100% correct.


If you are Vegetarian More power to you. I wish you success.


Peace to you & may we meet one day to share and have a good meal together,


ALL FOOD comes from the "SOURCE" and if you understand and have the ability to be a conduit of "Source" you can energize enhance, change the qualities of any substance and also enhance its qualities. It can also become "MEDICINE".


Peace & God Bless


Santiago Dobles


I will only comment about the Kaula/Aghora/Natha sampradaya of Tantra in India. They are Vaama-margis (or Left-hand side of Tantric practice) and they will do many things that are prohibited in order to "Shock" the system into loosening the grip of social programmings and acquired biases and habits (samskaras). There is a Right-hand side of Tantra that is strictly vegetarian and does not indulge in meat, excitement of the senses via lower energetic means (such as promiscuity, drinking alcohol, spices, etc).


Don't know about Taoist Lineage because I don't study under a "Formal" lineage (as Mak_Sin_Ti is referring to). But from an Indian/Yogic/Ayurvedic perspective the reason for not eating meat is very simple --


Meat is Tamasic in Nature (Tamas is the Energetic State of Inertia) and is not especially good for Spiritual Practices which are Sattvic (Sattva is the purest and simplest Energetic state). Intermediary to the two is Rajas, the Kinetic state of Energy.


Here's a little primer on it I had written in the past, hopefully will be useful to bridge the semantic gap between Yoga and Taoism, titled "Gunas and Prana".


To answer another question about Onions and Garlic. Since they grow under the earth's surface, they are considered both Tamasic as well as generators of Rajas. Both of which are not considered ideal for Meditation practice, and thus considered off-limits by many Yogins.


Here's a nice one on eating in accordance with Ayurvedic principles (the Indian Traditional Medical system) --

Edited by dwai

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These post always go their own way and never stay to true topic.


I addressed this because it has been stated in this thread that a person had to not eat meat in order to reach the higher levels of cultivation (not just your religion).


I also stated that what you do in your religion is your business. I also was talking about the energetic reasons why you have a valid point as well as the energetic reasons why someone else had a valid point. I think many people look to books, scriptures, what teacher said, what others do, etc, but never stop to look at the energetic reasons behind the subject.



To clarify my position I am not of any religion.

One day I woke up and i was a vegetarian.

The desire for flesh left me.

I had no choice.

I was not affiliated with any group or teacher at the time.

It was not for animal rights or any teachings.

I had no idea whether it was better or worse to be one.

Now I can definitely say that I feel better physically and energetically.

It turned out lucky for me that vegetarians are generally healthier.


With this said i think we are all very talented in rationalizing what we enjoy eating.

I really do not know what food path will take one to the highest realms as i am not quite there yet :)

And i seriously doubt anyone else does. Eating certain ways will, however, achieve certain results.


At one point I was pulled to the idea of kunlun. Wow all these great experiences but the juicy meat and spaciness does not resonate with my being. I am not interested in labeling and attaining a dragon or golden body. When it is time and if it is to be so i will have them without name.

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Great. Thank you for reading the post.

Do not compare Taoism with those so called great master you mentioned, they are not in Taoism. Pleaes name me something you learned that IS TAOISM.


TAOISM is a chinese religion, and you are talking about budhhism, egpytian and whatever that are not chinese taught to you by a CHNESE MAN? Wow, that is like having a westerner teaching you how to speak chinese eh? Very good experience here, I really do see people false speeching without knowing they are doing it. That is also why Taoism study do have "prescept and rules" to follow that ensure the student who practise will be well trained in ethics.


Mak Tin Si


Hello Mak Tin Si,


Yes to answer your question i had personally 3 fully chinese teachers who are actual TAOIST teachers.

My "Western" Chi Kung & Nei Kung Teacher had 4 chinese Taoist Masters and spent time in China aswell.


Some of my students have been to China to study with Many masters as well who are Taoist.


Here is my question for you......


What was it before Taoism? :D


Many blessings



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Never accept traditional idealogy by face value. Always question it and find

out what the real reason behind it is. Some have real reasons for it,

others, no legitimacy.


If someone says no beef? Why not? Whats the difference between

beef and chicken. They are both meat right? Yes, but beef may

have more hormone altering nutrients. Eat too much in an advance

stage in development and you may lose your jing.


In the beginning, I would say eat what you want. In advance stages

it most likely will matter. In the advance stages, your body

is supposed to be in its purest form. Your body is full of yang.

At this point in training, you'll probably want to avoid meat altogether.

If you eat any at all, you could be releasing sperm in your sleep.

You don't need to dream sex to lose it either.

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As requested from the moderator of TaoBum, I have moved to this forum : right now.


So if you want to talk to me or ask me anything about Taoism, please feel free to go over to this forum and enjoy the new forum. New members for discussion are also welcomed.


Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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First of all, if you did study with so many masters and sect and type of stuff, WHAT ARE YOU REALLY IN?


Don't tell me you are a religion buffet person. If you are IN TAOISM, you just can be in TAOISM, if you go multi ways in TAOISM you will fail the practise and not get ANYTHING. That is the fact and what happen. In my lineage, I accept stage1 students as moon sung and they have religion-freedom for the period. But for when they decide to go into Taoism to become a Taoist, they have to give up everything and go ONE WAY ONLY. That also applys to ALL the schools and sect in Taoism too.


I cannot imagine what do you call a "master" you are talkinga bout. Like your friend's father or mother is a taoist and you just say you learn from them? Did you ever got into an attunement from the master? Did you do anything that IS TAOISM??


You ahve 3 chiense teachers who are TAOIST teachers, wow, I am very happy but what kind of relationships are yuo with them? Did you really get into their lineage and practise what is in the lineage? did you get attuned and also did you get your name in the lineage? If not, what are you learning is not TAOISM. I can say this because the TAOISM stuff must be passed on this way in the religion. So it cannot be changed. It is a part of traidition. As you can see from Dao Zhen here said that he also have to bow down to many Gods when he get into his lineage and learn the taoism practise. No one can just say I went to a seminar and I have many teachers teaching me taoism. That is not possible.


Your question of what is before Taoism is just very simple and naive. I wish you the best in finding out the truth yourself, do not try to mislead others by telling them that you are a TAOIST. A Taoist MUST be strictly into their own religion ONLY and no other religion. If you do, you already break the rule and got yourself out of the tradition. Which means you have no "FAAT" in you already. All gone. Byebye.


Mak Tin Si



What was it before Taoism? :)


You still not answer my question. :) what are you afraid of finding out??? What illusion are you afraid of losing "faith" in?


I suspect in person you would be a lot more polite if you actually met me. The one thing you seem to lack is any HUMILITY and the ability to actually sense energy.


Here is the deal.....


You "aint" doing anything new....


That is my point. Native Americans, & Many Native traditions have many things that are found in "taoism".


Bon Po was in China WAY BEFORE (10,000 years +) Taoism existed in Global History and it contains MANY of the practices found in Taoism.


I have many "Attunements" & Empowerments all of which are from LIGIT lineages and yes some of them are "Tao" aswell and some of them are from MUCH older sources of knowledge.


Your "tradition" is coming from much older traditions.


Bow down to the only one truth.


Peace to you,



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As requested from the moderator of TaoBum, I have moved to this forum : right now.


So if you want to talk to me or ask me anything about Taoism, please feel free to go over to this forum and enjoy the new forum. New members for discussion are also welcomed.


Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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I am a proponent for vegetarianism and am myself an ovo-lacto vegetarian (meaning i eat dairy and eggs)


I do not eat meat, gelatin, etc.


I think what is more important is what attachment or idea you have attached to the food.


Personally, i tend to go with morality and nutrition when it come to food.


(people do not need meat to survive, and as such is unneccesarily cruel just as cannabalism is)


However, when it is NEEDED (to actually survive), I do not see a problem with it.


Native american ate to survive and thanked the earth


We eat out of pleasure and dominance and do not respect the earth




i observe ego on this forum and as such feel compelled to comment.


(this includes myself, so in advance, please do not judge)


Ego is rampant and must dissolve.


Ego exists on this forum


Ego is not true self, but ignorance of a projected complexity of arising and ceasing things


Ego does not truely exist, and as such should not exist here, in a supposedly compassionate community.


I blame noody or anything, and do not seek change.


I only observe and share what I see.


Peace and Love, but not for the sake of ego,


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What a story. Taoism is formed by many different knowledge into one which include the shamanism, medics, kungfu, chi gung, phillosophies and many more. I canont say Taoism is only from ONE source but it for ensure combine many things and put it in a system.


For what you said, you got MANY attunements and empowerments from these people. Wow, how can one get attuned to so many? I cannot imagine what kind of people made this story for you and kept you in a fantasy. This is fun looking at your post. You really told me a fairy tale here.


I am not afraid of finding out anything because I do proove to myself and my students about what I know and teach. If you do also, good for you. But I am no interest in your fairy tales. bon Po? what is that in chinese? I cannot make out the words and it doesn't sounds neither madarine or cantonese.

Mak Tin Si


Mak Tin Si....


Your Elitism & Condensending vibe will get you nowhere. We can see clearly through your Bullshit.


Go back to basics and learn humility. You are actually far away from the TAO.

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Qi or vital energy is formless, elusive, and without tangible qualities, yet it is the subtle breath of life which permeates and vivifies the entire universe. Qi gives birth to life; it is the generative force of the whole universe. Everything that exists in the universe is a manifestation or projection of this energy - in grosser or finer states - higer or lower - frequencies of vibration....... Ni Hua Ching


In Taoism we have an important classification.


~ Ordinary Human


~ Wayfarer or DaoRen - (Taoist)


Someone who is an Ordinary Human has not yet - Entered the Way -


To - Enter the Way - can take place in many forms.


One way is to join a lineage with a formal teacher.


There are also many stories in the history of Tao where we can find divine or heavenly beijings come down and teach Ordinary Humans the Great Way - thus they Enter the Way through a unique means.


One story we can find is of Wang ChangYang of Shanxi.


He encountered two heavenly beings Zhongli Quan or (ZhengYang) and LuDong bin or (ChunYang).


They transmitted the Secret Formula in Five Sections to Wang ChongYang, and he went off and lived in a pit in the ground, and practiced these ascetic methods for many years.


Wang ChongYang went on to found the Complete Perfection Sect of Taoism, and created new guidelines for practice, and attracted 7 students who went on to found their own sects - the 7 Perfect Masters of the North -


The most well known of these sects is the Dragon Gate Sect - Lung Men Pai - founded by Qiu Changchun - Perfect Man of Eternal Spring -


Other sect founded include: Mount Sui, Nanwu, Mount Yu, Mount Hua, Mount Yu, Clarity and Stillness.


The QuanZhen school or the Complete Perfection Way advocated and followed a religious way of life which centered on self cultivation, an ascetic lifestyle, and the practice of Internal Alchemy Meditation in particular.


Some of the ascetic practices are: fasting of grains, vegetarian diet, fasting of foods, sleeping in a sitting position, extended meditation retreats in remote caves, the 100 day practice in an enclosure, and the 1,000 day practice in an enclosure - to be walled in a small room or natural enclosure continously to complete a given stage of the Internal Alchemy Practice.....


We can find some hints on practice in the names of Wang ChongYang, and his two teachers Taoist names.


ChongYang = Redoubled Yang


ZhengYang = Aligned Yang


ChunYang = Purified Yang


Why all this talk of "Yang" and to redouble, align and purify.........?


When Qi is of a high and subtle vibration it can be termed - Yang - this is usually something that is without matter / form or physicality....


Maybe we can think of the sun ray as something Yang, as you can feel it or encounter it, but you can not grasp it with your physical hand, nor can you capture it and store it in a bottle - buit it has its effects.


We could think of a stone as something of great yin, it is at a very low vibration or frequency, and has become very solid matter.


We can now understand that when the low frequency or Yin interates with the high frequency or Yang, we can have what we observe as life here in our realm.


The art of Taoist Cultivation is an art to understand the pattern of these frequency and how this in turn expresses a Natural Universal Law........


We then have methods or practice technique to gain a harmony with this Natural Universal Law.......


One practice in Taoism is to seek to cultivate the Golden Elixir....


During this course of practice, we cultivate Yang Qi.


Yin and Yang can be used to classify different things in different situations, so there is no absolute - in one situation something may be Yin, in another comparision the same thing could be termed Yang.


In this term of Yang Qi, we are looking at a very Primordial Qi, that is not a Human or an Earthly Qi.


It is a Qi that surrounds the Heaven and the Earth.....


Or more exactly it is the Qi that corresponds to the Emptiness that surrounds Heaven and Earth....


Perhaps it is something that can have a close relationship to Tao.....


The Yang Qi is something that can renew the coporeal body, and also "spiritualize" one, causing transformation, change and if one follows the course to the end, liberation, enlightenment and Union with Tao.


This is just a simple explanation, and not complete.


To cultivate Yang Qi, there are many conditions that must be met in practice and also lifestyle.


One condition is to not eat any meat products.


This is outlined in many Taoism scripture and precepts.


This is also an ascetic path, or a yogic tradition, and not something for an Ordinary Human.


If you study the ancient I Ching, it shows in a symbolic way, the whole course of development from Yin to Pure Yang.....


The path of Internal Alchemy.....


It is clearly stated to not eat any meat products.




On one level, we can look at the frequency of foods.......


Vegetables have the lowest cobination of elements.


Most vegetables can be looked at as mostly consisting of a water element.


Beef or other meats have a lower frequency, and more complex combination of elements.


In the begining of practice it is very important to create a good condition and good internal environment, so the practice methods can take root.


Diet is very important.


In my experience, this was done slowly.


When I first began to study with my teacher, he said if I felt I needed nutrition from food, it was fine to eat a little chicken or fish from time to time - beef, pork, dog and others were not allowed -


He said as I continued the practice, naturally I would not wish to eat any meat.


As the cultivation method took root, I naturally did not desire any meats, and in fact, ate very little foods, and during intensive practices, would eat very small meals of only one vegetable and drink hot water....


Yet such things were so wondeful, and the hot water began to taste like a sweet elixir....


My teacher was very kind, and said to let things change naturally through the practice.


This is a way of a renunciant......


Proper Diet is a first step, as it was taught to me.......



~ history notes on QuanZhen were taken from Redoubled Yang's Fifteen Discourses ~ Translated by Louis Komjathy

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Thank you for the explanation of yang chi. Also, your explanations have helped me to understand why I should follow through on my natural tendency to eat fewer animal products.


Concerning yang chi, my Chinese herbal doctor has given me some herbs to increase kidney yang chi, she says it will make me younger.

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Funny you should post that . . .


Last night I was lying down and thinking about 1mp or 1ma and have also been thinking about this analogy with the voice and the echo recently, too . . .


And then I caught it with the human mind . . . .


Mysterious pass is the space between the voice and the echo.


Between the part that's already cultivated over to the other side and the part that hasn't.


Like software. Or middleware.




I think that the physiological aspects of eating or not eating meat are not so important, but the fundamental issue is the attachment to meat.


Attachments create resistance and resistance lowers the flow of energy.


It's just that, generally the attachment to meat is quite strong with most people. Not as strong as lust, but not so easy to eliminate, either.


I believe if you stop eating meat all together, but still crave it - that also won't do.




For the discussion between Man Tak Si and Vajrasattva (sp?) -


It's not my business so I don't want to get involved.


However I have been curious about something for a while and wanted to (respectfully, not confrontationally) ask Vajra about it . . .


Regarding training in so many systems - what do you feel is the benefit of that?


I believe that each system of cultivation has it's own mechanisms, and to go "swapping parts" from this or that system only leads to the ultimate failure of the machine.


Hope you understand - I'm asking you to clarify why you believe this is not so - for my own understanding not to say that you are doing the wrong things.





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This is not true. Wudang and Maoshan practitioners eat whole lots of beef and eel and snakes. At least the Grand Masters and high level aspirants.


The reason, is that you NEED it if you are running a lot of energy. Beef is the only thing that can ground you at times.


There was a story about a student who felt compelled to forego the eating of meat so that his body could be "lighter' and he could merge with the Tao more easily. His teacher saw that his practice was taking him very far and so suggested that the student do a cave retreat.


The teacher placed something in a hole in the wall of the cave and covered it with a snug fitting rock. The teacher then tole his student that he had left him one of the greatest secrets of internal alchemy but that he may only resort to it when he had exhausted his practices and felt he could go no further.


After several weeks of intense practice the student's experience had plateaued and he genuinely felt stuck. He remembered the secret his teacher had left in the wall but still resisted opening it for a few more days. Finally when he could hold off no more he removed the flat rock covering the hole to reveal a tiny strip of paper. On it was written two words: "EAT MEAT".


The student took the advice and found that he had the energy and grounding he needed to break that certain barrier that all of us will eventually face, and he attained his diamond body.


I was a hardcore vegetarian for ten years prior to starting the Red Phoenix and Kunlun work. I had been doing the practices for a few months and started to feel as though I was floating and weary with no energy. Max told me that in order for me to continue, I should consider eating meat. That was the LAST thing I wanted to hear and I resisted. Then one day I too couldn't take any more and I chowed on some pepperoni, then I have enchiladas with ground beef and eventually I ordered the 'Carnivore Special" pizza and it was GOOOOD! I felt so amazing afterward and advanced very quickly with my practice.


Of course everyone should do what they feel is best for themselves, but I can guarantee that if you are running serious energy, you may find yourself in line at Wendy's salivating for a triple-decker burger or even ordering the Rib Eye at Outback Steak House.



That is very WRONG sorry but this is very harmful--if you eat meat and are doing "higher" meditations then you are asking for kundalini syndrome! but if you eat meat and are not having harmful effects then your meditations or practice may not be so high after all---sorry but thats that

Edited by Jedi777
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As requested from the moderator of TaoBum, I have moved to this forum : right now.


So if you want to talk to me or ask me anything about Taoism, please feel free to go over to this forum and enjoy the new forum. New members for discussion are also welcomed.


Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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As requested from the moderator of TaoBum, I have moved to this forum : right now.


So if you want to talk to me or ask me anything about Taoism, please feel free to go over to this forum and enjoy the new forum. New members for discussion are also welcomed.


Mak Tin Si

Edited by Mak_Tin_Si

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With the exception of a couple of posts that say "I don't because this is what I feel", which I truly respect, I haven't seen too many posts that reflect the energetic explanation of why not eat meat other than because "I said so" or "because such and such masters do not" or because " the scripture said so.


I stated my experiences in my post of what I SEE. I think that what Vajrasattva and I have both posted is that the "let us look back to the source" is being overlooked. What Mak Tin Si and Dao Zhen have posted is true from their perspective and everyone should have the courtesy to honor that. In other words, if you want to join the Taoist religion, plan on NOT eating meat. It is the tradition, with valid reasons from the point of view of that tradition. I would also like to point to the long explanation of why by Dao Shen which explains the why, and I happen to agree with him and wish to say thanks for posting that, very nice.


However, I would like to see more folks posting on the energetic reasons rather than heresay. I have already stated the energetic reasons, as my interpretation of Vajrasattva's posts, so has he. He also has, in my opinion, the wisdom to say let us look back to long before these traditions became. All traditions came from a single original truth. That truth, as I see it, is a simple understanding of vibration. I don't eat beef, pork, or meat from the grocery store because of the negative vibrations that I SEE. I also know, through the intense study of energetics, that I or any one else that puts in enough time & effort, can neutralize these negative vibrations and transmute the food by Blessing it. But I still choose more energetic sanitary versions of meat as my food source. And I prefer to eat way more fresh HOMEGROWN vegetables as my food source with meat only when I feel the need. In other words I practice Listening.


And I stand by what I have seen in clinic for close to 30 years as an energetic practitioner. Some people need some meat in their diet and some don't due to their individual metabolic chemistry. For a person to say that everyone should not eat meat does not take this fact as a contribution to the argument. But I think that everyone that does need some meat should look to more energetic sanitary versions and sources.


What I have found is anyone that puts enough time & effort into their energetic practice should possess the ability to do this: Say the exact same buffet of fruits, vegetables, and meats was laid out for us 7 days a week. If we simply practice Listening, there is no reason whatsoever that we can't choose what our body needs at any particular moment. In other words Monday we would choose something different than Thursday because that was what our body needed at THAT moment. This is truly getting back to the source.

Edited by Ya Mu

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That is very WRONG sorry but this is very harmful--if you eat meat and are doing "higher" meditations then you are asking for kundalini syndrome! but if you eat meat and are not having harmful effects then your meditations or practice may not be so high after all---sorry but thats that




Sorry brother BUT I do not have Kundalini Syndrome.


: )


I practice very "Higher" meditations.


When you know what to do with it and how to Transmute its not a problem.


Even Master Choa ate meat.






Really? Nice! I am glad that your face actually revealed with some dirty words. Nice Tao you practised.



Haha you have to be kidding me.


You need to get off your HIGH HORSE.


Come see me face to face and see if your Horse Crap that you are feeding to people will actually fly. Come see what my face will reveal.


I will till you this...You can have all the terminology in the world etc....


but an Ounce Practice is worth a Ton of Theory. Keep your theory. Experience is the True teacher.


I smell another BS "cult" leader in the making.





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