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end of the world in 5 days?

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well, am in Switzerland, and am still here ...

the experiment took place at 9.33 this morning and was a great succes as the authorities said



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well, am in Switzerland, and am still here ...

the experiment took place at 9.33 this morning and was a great succes as the authorities said




And I'm still at work ;)

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However, Hawking radiation is a theory, it has never been observed, and phenomena it predicts have not been empirically verified. Unlike Einstein's relativity theory, which yields observable phenomena. And which predicts stable, growing black holes.


There will be no immediate end of the world if these occur. The black holes might indeed be too small to notice. They will have grown bigger in four years, however. Or in four billion years. The thing is, no one knows. Safety to life on Earth is not a priority to any of our scientific projects.


This has to be pointed out with the whole "just a theory" comment. This is the same thing that "IDers" claim about Evolution despite observable evidence. And it should be noted that mini black holes are "theoretical" and have never been observed (though mathematically they give off more than they take in and would dissipate rapidly).


According to the United States National Academy of Sciences,


"Some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature that is supported by many facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena."


Hawking Radiation is not yet directly observable, but like lots of astrophysics, the math is available. It fits with other known laws and is constantly under the same rigorous testing as all real science is.




All that aside, why has all of the media made such a hoopla about today? It isn't until Oct. that they are going to try an actual collision which is when the 1 in 50,000,000 chance of something going wrong would happen. Maybe urban violence, terrorism and other real threats to peoples lives aren't interesting enough.

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Im glad most people are taking this with a pinch of salt :-) It is of course absolute nonsense. Could it be fear mongering by the media in order to sell papers? Surely not :-)


Thanks Patrick for pointing out how much of a joke "The Sun" is in the UK. It truly is scraping the barrel of journalism, if you can even call it that.


Its pretty horrendous to know scientists are receiving "death threats" over this. Sometimes I cant believe how many morons inhabit the world. That being said, better communication between the scientific community and the general public would be nice. We should note that taking what one rogue scientist says is never going to be the opinion of the community in general.


As a scientist I would find absolutely fascinating ( :wub: ) receiving a death thread for an experiment I am about to make.


"Sir, if you are going to destroy the world, I warn you:

Do it, and I will kill you!"


I suppose they found out I have a small spaceship in the backyard with which I am going to fly away!

Regarding the hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth page: check out the source page :)

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And I'm still at work ;)


It's mindboggling how the entire modern era is marinated in fear of the End of Days, or total Acopalypse. In the entire Judeo-christian era, going through the middle ages, up to now, there have been dates and times signalling the end of it all.


I've been having this feeling that maybe it has to do with unsound cosmology: Linear time structure, over-emphasis on causal explanation, rationality, mechanism, or more primitive versions of it. By default it has to END. In addition, ofcourse the idea of a primal mover, an all-encompassing eye, being it "NATURE" or "GOD" or "COSMOS" or whatever. No wonder we're clutching our fists in terror.


Limited by what we percieve as real, what human actions can tip the scale of the finely tuned heavenly balance that keeps the fires of hell at bay have changed through time. What does not change is the tendency to think that our, in the cosmic perspective of things, actions really count. In the middle ages there was a fear that if you sailed through the Gibraltar strait, you were eternally doomed. In the 18th century people didn't want to go into the Mont Blanc massif in France in fear of devils and goblins. In the 19th centuy, many feared train rides would lead to insanity, and worse, throw off some physical laws so that time-space continuum would change. And of course, since we all have witnessed the actual power of nuclear explosions, even many scientists believed that they would set the entire atmosphere on fire from the first test blast in the 30s.


They all reflect our somewhat amusing delusion of grandeur, and the misapprehention that we're actually at the cutting edge of things. That we're in control. We have been bad, naugthy really. That we're not there yet, but if we make amends, if we are good we will finally get there.


How fascinating this reflects the internal process of meditation. I can only speak for myself, but I find that the more I practice, the more I see the outer world as a direct reflection of the inner.





Edited by hagar

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I'm curious, here's a Q: for all bums:


If the LHC proves the existence of higher dimensions and or parallel worlds to our own, how will this affect your lives, world views etc.?

Edited by mwight

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I'm curious, here's a Q: for all bums:


If the LHC proves the existence of higher dimensions and or parallel worlds to our own, how will this affect your lives, world views etc.?


For me, it wouldn't change a thing. Science is an amazing tool, and our creative/conscious minds used in conjunction have brought about some remarkable achievements, inventions, revelations, etc. My undergrad study is in science so I have an amazing respect for it.


But, science is catching up very slowly to spirituality. These truths of other dimensions have been known by mystics and sages for thousands of years. Why has it taken so long? Seeing is believing. Unfortunately most of our human existence has looked outside instead of inside.


Proving externally what one can known first hand internally may spur some people towards Truth and may improve our quality of life over time. But for me personally the only validation I need is first hand experience (not blind belief, they're different).

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I heard that they have turned on the accelerator, but the first collisions wont happen for a couple of weeks. So we might all still die... or quantum leap or whatever. :o (!!!)

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check out the live webcam of the compact muon solenoid detector in CERN.

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Are we nearly there yet, are we nearly there yet?




check out the live webcam of the compact muon solenoid detector in CERN.



That funny.

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So I'm sitting here wondering....contimplating...often times I dead and is this my afterlife or maybe this is my "Hades" or "Sheol" or "Purgatory"? Are you all just figments of my imagination? :blink:

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So I'm sitting here wondering....contimplating...often times I dead and is this my afterlife or maybe this is my "Hades" or "Sheol" or "Purgatory"? Are you all just figments of my imagination? :blink:




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