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8 hours ago, oak said:


Regarding the "imaculate conception" problem I think Meister Eckhart got it.


"We are all meant to be mothers of God...for God is always needing to be born."


I always wondered if in fact Mary wasn't the historical Jesus and the Catholic church new it all along.


Me too !


I have often suspected that Mary was not the historical Jesus .  I also suspect the Church knew this all along .



Daobums is chugging along fine today !   :) 

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3 hours ago, Mark Foote said:

I did a search on "Autobiography of a Yogi Jesus".

Among the search results:


What was yogi Bear's famous saying?


The quick summary window revealed:

Perhaps his most famous of all: "It ain't over 'til it's over." "Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical." On posterity: "I always thought that record would stand until it was broken."



Gee--I always thought it was "Smarter than the average bear!"


Give us a hint, old3bob!


Thank you for clarifying your previous train of thought




Now, Old Bob .... what do you think of Yogi Bear stepping off a 100 foot pole ?

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9 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Of course , comparing things to what the Egyptians did gives them normalcy     :)


" Here you go  .... eat this lettuce . . . .   I just jacked off on it .... well, actually, my mum did it for me . 

....    and now it will make him have my baby  ..... mwa ha ha haaarrr  /"


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Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Seth caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Seth’s semen. Horus / went to tell his mother Isis: help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Seth has done to me. And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Seth’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), and cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.


Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Seth and said to Seth’s gardener: What sort of vegetable / is it that Seth eats here in your company? So the gardener told her: he doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce. And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Seth returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus. 


-  Chester Beatty Papyrus I


What’s the matter don’t you like lettuce ?

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Apech said:

What’s the matter don’t you like lettuce ?


I take mine without the mayo thanks .


Maccas new 'Horus / Seth  Burger '  ;




Edited by Nungali
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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Seth caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Seth’s semen. Horus / went to tell his mother Isis: help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Seth has done to me. And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Seth’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), and cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.


Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Seth and said to Seth’s gardener: What sort of vegetable / is it that Seth eats here in your company? So the gardener told her: he doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce. And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Seth returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus. 


-  Chester Beatty Papyrus I


Now that’s what I call a strange religion. Anybody care to explain the story?


Edited by Cobie
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5 minutes ago, Cobie said:


Now that’s what I call a strange religion. 


Perfectly normal

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On 17/05/2024 at 6:17 AM, Taoist Texts said:

… same as yoga 

Thanks for the info.



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11 minutes ago, Cobie said:


Now that’s what I call a strange religion. Anybody care to explain the story?


I can explain it but it would take a very long post.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Nungali said:


Thank you for clarifying your previous train of thought




Now, Old Bob .... what do you think of Yogi Bear stepping off a 100 foot pole ?


could be similar to riding a 100 ft wave?



Edited by old3bob

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6 hours ago, Cobie said:


Now that’s what I call a strange religion.

oh it is par for the course.

6 hours ago, Cobie said:


Anybody care to explain the story?

This is a simple cosmological myth whereas Horus is the god of light, sun, moon, yang and Seth is the god of storms, deserts, yin. All the mutual exchange of semen and body parts are just an interplay of energy between the yin and yang. Eventually they reconcile to rule together over Egypt. The end. 

The two gods are often represented in the construct known as the sma-ta-wy - in which the sedge and papyrus, symbols of the reconciled gods, are entwined and knotted about the windpipe and lungs that symbolize the united Egypt.

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5 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

oh it is par for the course.

This is a simple cosmological myth whereas Horus is the god of light, sun, moon, yang and Seth is the god of storms, deserts, yin. All the mutual exchange of semen and body parts are just an interplay of energy between the yin and yang. Eventually they reconcile to rule together over Egypt. The end. 

The two gods are often represented in the construct known as the sma-ta-wy - in which the sedge and papyrus, symbols of the reconciled gods, are entwined and knotted about the windpipe and lungs that symbolize the united Egypt.

‘simple’ when you leave out a lot.  But basically correct.

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19 hours ago, Mark Foote said:

I did a search on "Autobiography of a Yogi Jesus".

Among the search results:


What was yogi Bear's famous saying?


The quick summary window revealed:

Perhaps his most famous of all: "It ain't over 'til it's over." "Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical." On posterity: "I always thought that record would stand until it was broken."



Gee--I always thought it was "Smarter than the average bear!"




Once upon a time Google used to be where you went when you wanted to expand your knowledge on whatever subject, but those days are long gone.  Now it's where you go to find out what kind of knowledge might keep you out of trouble with the presiding god of the moment, the Supreme Idiot Maker.  

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1 hour ago, Taomeow said:


Once upon a time Google used to be where you went when you wanted to expand your knowledge on whatever subject, but those days are long gone.   


Any tips for where to go these days when you want to expand your knowledge?

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1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:


Any tips for where to go these days when you want to expand your knowledge?

ET phone home?

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Posted (edited)


it is said that the simple and universal mantra of just AUM will help and unfold what you need;  along that line a true guru can also help reveal the same that is veiled within ourselves.


(btw I'd say that gathering tons of knowledge without it being balanced with one's state of Being makes for a heavy and problematic load to trip on) 

Edited by old3bob

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Nungali said:


Well, it seems at least two people got that .


Maybe I am past being a daobums ?


Me :  God 'forsook' Jesus - not only is it a death cult, its one without hope ."


Response ; A citation to what I thought people would know what I am talking about ..... okay then .  But then some variegates in translation with the same translation  in English .... errrmmmm ... okay then .


Then weird shit about Kashmir ( via Thomas ;)  ) .... scars on feet ???? !  Must be Jesus . 


The claim made by the acts of Thomas that he traveled to the land of the Parthians and the border of India is supported by other recordings of the time, from writers such as Ephrem the Syrian, Eusebius and Origen...

(Wikipedia, "Acts of Thomas")


I think I believe Dr. Noel King's story about Thomas in the south of India, though it was just the folklore of the village he came from.

Photo purported to be from Rosa Bal, of footprints carved in stone that were apparently found when "century-old layers of wax were removed in 1975 from an elevated stone in the inner chamber of the tomb":






More from that site, of course it must be true, I read it on the internet!


The mausolaeum of the profet Yuz Asaf and the Islamic saint Syed Nasr-ud-Dinis is today located in the middle of Srinagar's old town, Anzimar in the Khanyar quarter. The building constructed is called "Razabal" or "Rauza Bal". "Rauza" is a term used to denote the tomb of a celebrated personality, someone noble, wealthy or saintly.


Anjuna, which is Sanskit for John/Johannes, built the tomb around 89AD. The tomb was first mentioned in documents from 112AD which states, that a protective building had been constructed over the crypt.


The tomb is said to have been tended by an Israelic looking family, in an unbroken line throughout the centuries.





Then some weird linking to the top of the pole  ( that you made ) .

Then references to some practice about the top of the pole  that Shishuang made .


I suppose one is supposed to try and link that with the crucifixion and what Jesus did ?


I must be thick, as when I peer into the astral I see a sea of 'new awareness' enlightenees nodding in approval  as their minds have  been able to comprehend this twisted path .


( At least I didnt get cited passages of  Pali canon  - long ones that is )




It's one thing to believe in Jesus as the Christ through whom all of mankind's sins are redeemed, and to take as an article of faith that such a belief will permit the bearer to pass from this earth to a place in the sky where all the relatives (or maybe only the well-liked relatives) reside.  It's another thing to experience a personal helplessness to do right and take Jesus within, to "let Jesus do it" in daily life.  

That would be my understanding, Jesus is not my vehicle, although when I find my way to feeling and to extending ease in the experience of "one-pointedness" of mind, I wonder if that is not something of the feeling that a Jesus-freak attributes to the divine. 

And I'm pretty sure that when Jesus lends a hand, it goes like this:


Gautama pointed out that with concentration, “determinate thought” in action of the body can cease, in particular volition that affects the movement of inhalation or exhalation can cease.


That doesn’t mean that action of the body can’t take place, only that the exercise of will or volition is not involved.  I have many times quoted a remark I heard Zen teacher Kobun Chino Otogawa make at the end of one of his lectures at the San Francisco Zen Center:


You know, sometimes zazen gets up and walks around.


If a person “takes the attitude of someone who… lets go of both hands and feet” (as Dogen instructed), then perhaps there will come a moment when the hands and feet walk around.  At that moment, there will be new meaning to be had in cleaning cat boxes, cooking, shopping, driving, and bathing, though these experiences might not involve the attitude that advances from the top of a 100-foot pole throughout.


(Response to “Not the Wind, Not the Flag”, slightly edited)


From the post I'm working on:


Activity of the body solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness can sometimes get up and walk around, without any thought to do so. 


Action like that resembles action that takes place through hypnotic suggestion, but unlike action by hypnotic suggestion, action by virtue of the free location of consciousness can turn out to be timely after the fact. 


Everyone experiences action by virtue of the free location of consciousness all the time, though usually without a presence of mind. When such action takes place with a presence of mind, then there’s a sense of something that is not readily apparent behind the action, of the inconceivable.


Maybe some would say, "of Jesus!"



Edited by Mark Foote

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On 5/16/2024 at 1:14 AM, Apech said:

Can a virgin get pregnant without having sex with a man?



On 5/16/2024 at 1:14 AM, Apech said:

Can a man perform miracles?



On 5/16/2024 at 1:14 AM, Apech said:

Can someone rise from the dead?



On 5/16/2024 at 1:14 AM, Apech said:

upfront claims made by Buddhism and Daoism do not provoke refutation.

Buddhism does make cosmological claims which are wrong.

It's model of the mind/Abiddhama is not perfect either (though it's impressive given the period it was conceived).


Depends what you are after, Buddhism has some nice meditation practices, Christianity has interesting symbolism. They both have interesting practical messages.

That said, taking at face value the claims made by any religion is bound to lead to disappointments.

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23 hours ago, Cobie said:


Now that’s what I call a strange religion. Anybody care to explain the story?



More of a political / cultural thing than a religious thing .




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23 hours ago, Apech said:

I can explain it but it would take a very long post.


Show off !


( Dont eat the lettuce folks !  )

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6 hours ago, liminal_luke said:


Any tips for where to go these days when you want to expand your knowledge?


Well, there are OTHER   forums   that are not about  egotistical westerners pretending spiritual stuff .   ;)  

  • Wow 1

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2 hours ago, Mark Foote said:


The claim made by the acts of Thomas that he traveled to the land of the Parthians and the border of India is supported by other recordings of the time, from writers such as Ephrem the Syrian, Eusebius and Origen...

(Wikipedia, "Acts of Thomas")


I think I believe Dr. Noel King's story about Thomas in the south of India, though it was just the folklore of the village he came from.

Photo purported to be from Rosa Bal, of footprints carved in stone that were apparently found when "century-old layers of wax were removed in 1975 from an elevated stone in the inner chamber of the tomb":






These are the carved foot prints that show nail hole scars ????


They are just stylized marks to show the main outlines on the soles of the feet  , the arch and the crease behind the ball of the foot .


Jeeze man !


Anyway, at least you got another chance to cite  how once in a while, you know, Zen gets up and walks around .





More from that site, of course it must be true, I read it on the internet!


The mausolaeum of the profet Yuz Asaf and the Islamic saint Syed Nasr-ud-Dinis is today located in the middle of Srinagar's old town, Anzimar in the Khanyar quarter. The building constructed is called "Razabal" or "Rauza Bal". "Rauza" is a term used to denote the tomb of a celebrated personality, someone noble, wealthy or saintly.


Anjuna, which is Sanskit for John/Johannes, built the tomb around 89AD. The tomb was first mentioned in documents from 112AD which states, that a protective building had been constructed over the crypt.


The tomb is said to have been tended by an Israelic looking family, in an unbroken line throughout the centuries.


It was said, was it ....   an  'Israelic looking family '  was it  ?     :)


I will ignore the issue that no such word exists  and go on .... Which type of Israelic looking  ?  


Embracing Racial Diversity in Our Synagogues: Who Are Jews of Color ...




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17 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Well, there are OTHER   forums   that are not about  egotistical westerners pretending spiritual stuff .   ;)  


Do tell!  Anywhere you particularly recommend?

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Hey Apech ,  did you see the big meteor the other day ?

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, liminal_luke said:


Do tell!  Anywhere you particularly recommend?


Elbow in the ribs . com




( of course , it would depend on the type of knowledge  you seek . Eg . if it was  Greek / Roman mythology , not only would you want a good source of info (and references ) but a good navigation and index to find you way . In that case I would recommend


The Theoi Project is a digital library website about Greek mythology and its representation in classical literature and ancient Greek art. Wikipedia



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Just now, Nungali said:

Hey Apech ,  did you see the big meteor the other day ?

No I missed it!  Very disappointed.

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