
How to become awakened

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... oh... its KIM! That's interesting! I haven't thought of him in a long time. I had a number and back and forth conversations with him back when he spent most of his time on the DharmaOverground. 


He's not a scam artist (or at least wasn't in the past) and wasn't on the fast track to becoming a guru millionaire when I knew him. I personally wouldn't list unembodied masters on my CV, but that's just me, though the fabric of ALL of this is dharma (teaching) so why would anything you experience get a pass? :)


From a practice perspective, as I said, there is nothing wrong with his basic practices. I can't vouch for the depth of his understanding, but this doesn't invalidate his teachings. As for his bhumi measurement system, I personally remain skeptical, but that's just me... I wouldn't get all caught up in that. True, persistent insight happens once, and isn't at all subtle in my experience. This is where it IS great to have a teacher that can recognize that insight and help a student deepen and refine that insight.


- edit


The deeper I look the more I feel I'd be cautious about engaging.


I am not saying he is a bad guy AT ALL, but based on this website I would recommend having other teachers at the same time if working with Kim looks interesting. 

Edited by stirling
- Deeper Reading -

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13 hours ago, Andy_W said:

Best to avoid this teacher. He is a self-proclaimed guru. Have a read around dharmawheel forum for more info.


If you believe shit some idiot has writen about Baba, who don't know him.... yes please avoid because he has said he don't want blind followers. no vajrayna lineage but has lama students......!


i studied with many other teachers, Allione, Tenzin Palmo, lamas rinpoches, qi gong and gongfu sifus.... i know Baba since 2007.. never anything shady, always open, always give support and available.... no scandal, no abuse, nothing.. most important, practice give results........ 

Edited by Kaihe

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11 minutes ago, Kaihe said:


If you are as dum a andy-w and believe shit some idiot has writen about Baba, who don't know him.... yes please avoid because he has said he don't want blind followers. no vajrayna lineage but has lama students......!


i studied with many other teachers, Allione, Tenzin Palmo, lamas rinpoches, qi gong and gongfu sifus.... i know Baba since 2007.. never anything shady, always open, always give support and available.... no scandal, no abuse, nothing.. most important, practice give results........ 


Are you Amrita Simha?

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9 hours ago, Maddie said:


Maybe not but over the years there have been "sales people" that come through here and they usually have websites to check out and I think people become a bit Jaded. 


Personal impressions (do not reflect on management):


I feel alarms going off in me when I visit these webpages. So aggressive, so comprehensive, so overstated for my taste. Yes, the practice is basic and solid but the mandala feels like the mandala of one, a very grandiose one.


I urge caution with any Westerner who calls themselves Rinpoche along with other self-appointed honorifics, who have mastered it all and studied with all the greats but cannot show one credible lineage connection. I urge great caution practicing tantra with a self-appointed master with no direct lineage connection. 




But take my words always with a grain of salt, after all I thought Lama Dorje was a grifter too… 


still do




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                           Alternatively Titled: How I Was Kicked Out of a Wonderful Sangha


I offer this as a cautionary tale–and there are levels to it. The story I am about to tell you features a group of advanced spiritual practitioners who have sincere motivation for enlightenment and how quickly a harmonious group dynamic can fall apart. 






… One more dodgy guru with anger and greed issues, and an inflated ego regarding himself and the students whom he has proclaimed to be buddhas. It will never end, but TDB is a great space to expose them. 

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Thread title, ‘How to become awakened?’

What is being ‘awakened’?



Imo it definitely would include the ability to go pleasantly through life without insulting everyone that has a different opinion. Imo seeing ‘mandalas’ has nothing to do with it (imo these are merely useless delusions).


Imo to be ‘awakened’ is to have reached the core that’s imo common to humanity. Hence such an ‘awakened’ one would be able to teach in terms that anyone can understand.

To teach in obscure terms, to me indicates the person is brainwashed in a specific culture and has not as yet achieved any awareness at all.

How to become awakened?’


Just live your life. Imo the struggles of daily life are the teaching.



Edited by Cobie
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6 hours ago, Bindi said:




… One more dodgy guru with anger and greed issues, and an inflated ego regarding himself and the students whom he has proclaimed to be buddhas. It will never end, but TDB is a great space to expose them. 


I dont know what he write but if you are wokeist & can't take scolding that he gave to all old student again yes stay away.

Edited by Kaihe
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On 15/02/2023 at 11:10 PM, forestofemptiness said:

I see, a Zen/Dzogchen/Mahamudra/Shaivite/Kriya/Yogic/Christian/Daoist/Aikido/Tai Chi 13th Bhumi Bodhisattva with 14 "masters without a physical body" who diagnoses your enlightenment based on photos for 200 euros a pop. 


Sure, sounds totally legit. 







J*sus, I thought I had seen it all but this has to constitute the most ridiculous thing I've seen.




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Folks are in desperate places, particularly of late.

To know that there are some willing to prey on this situation, being wilfully misleading and hurtful... it is deeply disturbing.


May those affected soon awaken indeed and be free of such malicious maya.


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4 hours ago, Cobie said:

To teach in obscure terms, to me indicates the person is brainwashed in a specific culture and has not as yet achieved any awareness at all.


Or that they are intentionally making the path obscure in order to control and manipulate others. True awakening brings with it a love and sense of caring for others that is at odds with grandiose self-absorption and manipulative behavior.

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You-people-are-out-of-your-mind.......... You start a smear campaign on someone you dont know, whose books you didnt read, whose teaching you never study, try or understand, and say lunatic things about prey & manipulation..... do you believe everything you read from internet????

44 minutes ago, steve said:


True awakening brings with it a love and sense of caring for others

thank you!!!! i see none of that here. i will never enter this place again.

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1 hour ago, Kaihe said:

thank you!!!! i see none of that here. i will never enter this place again.


Sorry, no one tried to make you stay a little longer. I hate to see new members come and go in such a short time.

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2 hours ago, Kaihe said:

You-people-are-out-of-your-mind.......... You start a smear campaign on someone you dont know, whose books you didnt read, whose teaching you never study, try or understand, and say lunatic things about prey & manipulation..... do you believe everything you read from internet????

thank you!!!! i see none of that here. i will never enter this place again.


Three things, the Buddha said, that cannot be hidden for long: The sun, the moon,  and the truth. 



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4 hours ago, Kaihe said:

You-people-are-out-of-your-mind.......... You start a smear campaign on someone you dont know, whose books you didnt read, whose teaching you never study, try or understand, and say lunatic things about prey & manipulation..... do you believe everything you read from internet????

thank you!!!! i see none of that here. i will never enter this place again.

We don’t need to be awakened.


We are already woke!!!!!!

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@Kaihe I am sorry this thread did take a nasty turn for you. You had some bad experiences in China, and Amrita Mandala helped you a lot. You have a lot of experience, worth hearing about I think. You read the forum for a long time, what made you finally decide to join? Does the name Kaihe  mean something (I hought of 開和 )? 

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Kaihe:‘’i will never enter this place again.‘’



Sorry, Kaihe is long gone. He didn't see angels here. That is why he left.


Edited: The quote was meant from Kaihe, not from Pak_Satrio.

Edited by ChiDragon
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5 hours ago, Cobie said:

@Kaihe I am sorry this thread did take a nasty turn for you.


Appreciate clarification on the nuances of above statement, assuming you are seeing the bigger picture here.


How about directing more urgency to empathize with potentially vulnerable members who, if not for the timely interjections from seasoned cultivators, could've fallen for this pitch? 

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17 hours ago, Kaihe said:

You-people-are-out-of-your-mind.......... You start a smear campaign on someone you dont know, whose books you didnt read, whose teaching you never study, try or understand, and say lunatic things about prey & manipulation..... do you believe everything you read from internet????

thank you!!!! i see none of that here. i will never enter this place again.


I went to the guy's website. That was enough - precisely because I don't "believe everything you read from the internet".


Grand claims require grand evidence - especially so in these arts. Many of us have a firm grounding and even decades of practice in the systems this guy believe's he is a master in, and we see how his claims deviate and go counter to the techniques, lineages, and theory of these systems.

It may be the case that he doesn't consciously try to delude others, but that he actually believes his own thoughts and image about himself. That's not the first time it happened on this planet. He may also teach things that makes sense and gives people experiences. That's not unique either.

But it is not enough.




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