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19 hours ago, sean said:

I love so-called internal martial arts like baguazhang and taijiquan and MMA style arts like Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Judo and boxing.


I find the oft-antagonistic divide between these two "camps" unnecessary and I hope to see more cross-pollination between them in my lifetime.


I also wish this wasn't weird, but it seems unfortunately so for some reason? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




I was just thinking about this - Joe Rogaine is always making fun of traditional Chinese "animal" styles based on training forms - repetition of pre-arranged sets, etc. The idea is that if the Qi-energy worked then why has it not been displayed as winning the MMA "arena"? But Rogaine does not contexualize the MMA business which is based on very specific rules. So for example if you watch Old Skool Kungfu movies - when there is a qigong master - then one of the jokes to counteract the power of the qigong master is to display scantily clad ladies - to throw those images at the qigong master. Another hint is Old Skool qigong master training is called "Virgin Kungfu" - so obviously these concepts go completely against MMA that is entirely based on promoting scantily clad females and not based on celibacy. And the big difference is that in the real Old Skool training - it is ONLY to be used for Self-Defense - and so that immediately negates the MMA "rules" - because MMA is a business that goes against the self-defense only INTENTION. A high level qigong master has to FEEL the pain of their opponent before any action is taken. I posted this recently on my blog:


I do not train in martial arts but qigong is the foundation of martial arts. One of my teachers was a black Kungfu master in the 1960s - Jim Nance he would always win but he would always bawl afterwards. A Chinese master said to him - you see your opponent in slow motion right? Jim thought that was his secret. So the reason Jim cried is that his third eye was seeing the future and so external reality was slowed down relative to his spirit. But then external reality had to exist INSIDE of him first. So whatever he did to the other person he had to FIRST do to himself. That is why martial arts training is based on Defense first. So the Chinese master told Jim that he now needed to train in qigong or aikido. That was in the 1960s and Jim did not meet a qigong master till 1995 - or Chunyi Lin. I met Chunyi Lin in 1999.


So as Chunyi Lin says - his wife is his Tai Chi bodyguard since qigong is based on a different intention than physical fighting. So in qigong the intention is the Emptiness itself and the Emptiness does the work for us. So for example qigong master Yan Xin had a friend who stayed with him closely but Yan Xin warned the friend that his friend would get sick. Why? Because when Yan Xin heals people - there is an after effect of the illnesses of people still needing to be cleared back into the Emptiness. So his friend kept absorbing the sickness of other people as Yan Xin was healing them. This is mentioned in the Yan Xin book free online.


So Joe Rogaine has no idea what he's talking about - if a male in MMA gets hit in the balls then he gets a 15 minute break. Whereas a real qigong master in martial arts has to suck his whole reproductive organ BACK inside his body - and again this is entirely based on celibacy training. MMA is more about marketing and business promotion as a commodity fetish. Certainly MMA fighters are dangerous and could all easily beat me up. That's not the point - the point is what is the truth of reality in the larger context. As Dr. David Palmer points out the qigong fever in China of the 1980s was actually to help China become Westernized!! So it served its purpose and now the real qigong masters like Yan Xin are back in hiding while China unleashes its nuclear weapons and high tech surveillance of the "new empire" on Earth. haha. It's really just Westernization amped up - and Mother Nature is still in control in the end.


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7 minutes ago, voidisyinyang said:

So Joe Rogaine has no idea what he's talking about ....



Anything weird about you Drew.... just wondering ?

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My money on Sean.... Legs have more power imo, but we'll see.



Edited by Sebastian
Added pic without license
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29 minutes ago, Sebastian said:

My money on Sean.... Legs have more power imo, but we'll see.




Legs.... Mmm...


Reminds me of something that happened when some of my friends were in Santa Monica last year. We overheard a few guys having a conversation. 


Bro 1: "I love breasts."


Bro 2: "I love them too, but I prefer legs."


Bro 3: "I can't make up my mind, I love legs and thighs, but the real thing for me is if they're dark instead of white."




Bro 1: "Uh, what?"



Bro 2: "You vegan or somethin', miss? We didn't know this was a safe space for you, we were just talking about what kinda chicken we like."

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I learned abdominal breathing at the age of 15 from a billboard in the park in the beatiful little spa town of Druskininkai in Lithuania where I was on vacation with my parents.  I had no idea what that weird billboard was about and why it suggested you breathe in a weird way.  It weirded me out so I decided to experiment with following the instructions.  I liked the weirdness of that experiment so much that I kept breathing like that, almost every night before going to sleep, for the next 5 years or so.  It would be years before I encountered this weirdness again, in a taoist context.  I wonder who erected that billboard and why.  My parents, as well as my uncle and aunt and cousin who were on vacation there with us, never noticed it.  I'm not aware of anyone ever noticing it in the month that we were there.  So I'm wondering if it may have been my future self that put it there.         

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3 hours ago, Sebastian said:


Anything weird about you Drew.... just wondering ?

this girl in first grade insisted my name was Weird, spelled backwards. She kept pursuing me around, repeating this for days. Maybe it was cuz in first grade I used to stick my chest out to impress the girls. So finally I asked the teacher if this was true - is my name really Weird spelled backwards? No. I felt immediately vindicated. Except I didn't realize that behind the scene the females were scheming and soon I was forced to go on a date with this girl, led by my oldest sister and I guess my mom and her mom. So I remember we went ice skating and then I was on the floor of her apartment - shag carpet - and we were eating gold fish crackers. It was all very awkward as I tried to be nice about the whole thing.


Then once before lunch the boys were told to go wash our hands on the other side of the school. So we decided to have a contest who could hold their breath the longest. I ended up winning by a long shot, passing out, and waking up with my friend's face over me, asking, "Drew are you ok?" Blood streaming out of the back of my skull, he explained how I had hit the two concrete walls and then the concrete floor. My "Aim Sky High" orange t-shirt was soaked in blood and I left a long trail of blood on the way to the nurses office.


So then doing my qigong research 30 years later I kept discovering how Western medical science says it's impossible to hold your breath till you pass out on your own as your "anterior cingulate gyrus" over-rides your pre-frontal cortex. So after reading this in three books, then I began to wonder. The I read the book "Heroes" by professor Michael Lesy - about how people who suddenly do extraordinary acts are able to do so due to suppressed emotional energy. Lesy was from the college where I did my first year - Hampshire  College. Lesy had researched a series of individuals - studying their lives - and making this case that was very compelling.


So then I realized that the reason I had been able to hold my breath till I passed out was due to my suppressed anger about being forced to go on that date. When I mentioned this to my mom - then my mom told me how the girl's mom had been a prostitute. I asked how she knew this and she didn't really answer. The girl's apartment though was right near by our church and I remember discovering a huge vibrator in the back driveway behind the church - whether that was connected to the prostitute or not who knows.


So in the end the girl was correct - I did end up with my name really being WeIrd since I took my "I" out of my name Drew and I reversed my consciousness backwards.



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6 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


Legs.... Mmm...


Reminds me of something that happened when some of my friends were in Santa Monica last year. We overheard a few guys having a conversation. 


Bro 1: "I love breasts."


Bro 2: "I love them too, but I prefer legs."


Bro 3: "I can't make up my mind, I love legs and thighs, but the real thing for me is if they're dark instead of white."




Bro 1: "Uh, what?"



Bro 2: "You vegan or somethin', miss? We didn't know this was a safe space for you, we were just talking about what kinda chicken we like."




Similar situation, talking to  work mate at  a bar  "What  should we do after  this ?"


" We could go and visit Ingrid and Jane."


"Yeah ... they are pretty good value."


Woman sitting near us ; " Excuse me ?   What  do  YOU consider is  ''good value' ?


Me;  " They are our other workmates, they are fun, up for a laugh or an adventure ."


Her ;  " Oh ! I see .......   sorry, I thought you where talking about prostitutes . " 

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5 hours ago, Taomeow said:

I learned abdominal breathing at the age of 15 from a billboard in the park in the beatiful little spa town of Druskininkai in Lithuania where I was on vacation with my parents.  I had no idea what that weird billboard was about and why it suggested you breathe in a weird way.  It weirded me out so I decided to experiment with following the instructions.  I liked the weirdness of that experiment so much that I kept breathing like that, almost every night before going to sleep, for the next 5 years or so.  It would be years before I encountered this weirdness again, in a taoist context.  I wonder who erected that billboard and why.  My parents, as well as my uncle and aunt and cousin who were on vacation there with us, never noticed it.  I'm not aware of anyone ever noticing it in the month that we were there.  So I'm wondering if it may have been my future self that put it there.         


Okay that DOES lead to something weird about me ;


At a  young age I used to get taken to the doctor for 'asthma and bronchitis '  (  idiots !  I used to sit in a lounge room everynight that was filled with my fathers cigarette smoke and  when I went to the doctors, his 'surgery' had windows and doors shut and a smouldering cigarette in an ash tray on his desk !   - after I moved out of the family home and changed doctors , no more asthma  :rolleyes: )


But I remember  early on, during an examination the doctor asked me, and pointed out to my parents  " Why are you breathing like that? You seem to be using your stomach instead of your lungs." I was told I wasnt using the capacity of my lungs properly and thats why I had respirator problems . S o I had to learn to  breath using my chest more .   Which didnt really work .     After that I  started experimenting with 3 fold breathing  ( expand stomach,  expand chest then lift shoulders up ) .... but most of the time, when I dont think about it  .....  < hang on  >    ... yep,    abdomen goes out, I breathe in .


Turns out its not weird at all but entirely natural for all mammals in a relaxed state .


- stupid doctor !


I was born in a 'relaxed' state  ( well, thats one word for it) . Apparently as a very young child I was taken I was taken in for tests as it was feared I wasnt developing properly in certain areas. After the tests they told my parents ' No, nothing is wrong with him, he can do all these things he is supposed to be able to do by now , its just that he doesnt seem to do them unless HE wants to . "


I was a lazy baby   :D  





( Oooo, I like point 3 ; 



  2. Accept the reality that Danny may develop in ways very different than what you intended. This was a difficult discussion with the parents. We work hard to provide material benefits and emotional support for our children. We sacrifice and often place our kids’ needs before our own, hoping and praying that our efforts will pay off.

Sometimes they don’t.

Sometimes our children disappoint us. They make terrible decisions and fail to take advantage of extraordinary opportunities. We don’t understand any of this because there is no explanation for their behavior.

We are forced to accept the uncomfortable truth that in spite of our best efforts kids really do determine their own destiny. "




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4 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:

this girl in first grade insisted my name was Weird, spelled backwards. She kept pursuing me around, repeating this for days. Maybe it was cuz in first grade I used to stick my chest out to impress the girls. So finally I asked the teacher if this was true - is my name really Weird spelled backwards? No. I felt immediately vindicated. Except I didn't realize that behind the scene the females were scheming and soon I was forced to go on a date with this girl, led by my oldest sister and I guess my mom and her mom. So I remember we went ice skating and then I was on the floor of her apartment - shag carpet - and we were eating gold fish crackers. It was all very awkward as I tried to be nice about the whole thing.


Then once before lunch the boys were told to go wash our hands on the other side of the school. So we decided to have a contest who could hold their breath the longest. I ended up winning by a long shot, passing out, and waking up with my friend's face over me, asking, "Drew are you ok?" Blood streaming out of the back of my skull, he explained how I had hit the two concrete walls and then the concrete floor. My "Aim Sky High" orange t-shirt was soaked in blood and I left a long trail of blood on the way to the nurses office.


So then doing my qigong research 30 years later I kept discovering how Western medical science says it's impossible to hold your breath till you pass out on your own as your "anterior cingulate gyrus" over-rides your pre-frontal cortex. So after reading this in three books, then I began to wonder. The I read the book "Heroes" by professor Michael Lesy - about how people who suddenly do extraordinary acts are able to do so due to suppressed emotional energy. Lesy was from the college where I did my first year - Hampshire  College. Lesy had researched a series of individuals - studying their lives - and making this case that was very compelling.


So then I realized that the reason I had been able to hold my breath till I passed out was due to my suppressed anger about being forced to go on that date. When I mentioned this to my mom - then my mom told me how the girl's mom had been a prostitute. I asked how she knew this and she didn't really answer. The girl's apartment though was right near by our church and I remember discovering a huge vibrator in the back driveway behind the church - whether that was connected to the prostitute or not who knows.


So in the end the girl was correct - I did end up with my name really being WeIrd since I took my "I" out of my name Drew and I reversed my consciousness backwards.




Now your backwards name sounds like a Siberian peasant   


Gnayni Ysidiov

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On 9/12/2019 at 10:38 PM, sean said:

I have an intense, visceral disgust of lavender. I'm not "smell-sensitive" in any other way. I can tolerate all manner of dank cheese, pungent fish, fragrant smoke, any other plant oil I've encountered, etc. I just can't stand lavender. Which sucks because hippies love putting that shit in everything now. 😤




Oh snap!  I wear lavender like... e v e r y  d a y !!!!!!!!   Or patchouli....  

Hmm... I feel like everything about myself is weird so picking ONE weird thing is just.... hmmm.....

Oh ok I got it.  


When I was in 5th grade they had a contest on halloween to see who had the scariest costume.  All the other kids were dressed like witches and ghouls and ghosts etc.  I showed up in a suit and tie with a little briefcase and glasses.  When I walked across the stage the audience was laughing and confused, when the principle asked me what I was I said "The IRS".  LOLLL  

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11 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:

this girl in first grade insisted my name was Weird, spelled backwards. She kept pursuing me around, repeating this for days. Maybe it was cuz in first grade I used to stick my chest out to impress the girls. So finally I asked the teacher if this was true - is my name really Weird spelled backwards? No. I felt immediately vindicated. Except I didn't realize that behind the scene the females were scheming and soon I was forced to go on a date with this girl, led by my oldest sister and I guess my mom and her mom. So I remember we went ice skating and then I was on the floor of her apartment - shag carpet - and we were eating gold fish crackers. It was all very awkward as I tried to be nice about the whole thing.


Then once before lunch the boys were told to go wash our hands on the other side of the school. So we decided to have a contest who could hold their breath the longest. I ended up winning by a long shot, passing out, and waking up with my friend's face over me, asking, "Drew are you ok?" Blood streaming out of the back of my skull, he explained how I had hit the two concrete walls and then the concrete floor. My "Aim Sky High" orange t-shirt was soaked in blood and I left a long trail of blood on the way to the nurses office.


So then doing my qigong research 30 years later I kept discovering how Western medical science says it's impossible to hold your breath till you pass out on your own as your "anterior cingulate gyrus" over-rides your pre-frontal cortex. So after reading this in three books, then I began to wonder. The I read the book "Heroes" by professor Michael Lesy - about how people who suddenly do extraordinary acts are able to do so due to suppressed emotional energy. Lesy was from the college where I did my first year - Hampshire  College. Lesy had researched a series of individuals - studying their lives - and making this case that was very compelling.


So then I realized that the reason I had been able to hold my breath till I passed out was due to my suppressed anger about being forced to go on that date. When I mentioned this to my mom - then my mom told me how the girl's mom had been a prostitute. I asked how she knew this and she didn't really answer. The girl's apartment though was right near by our church and I remember discovering a huge vibrator in the back driveway behind the church - whether that was connected to the prostitute or not who knows.


So in the end the girl was correct - I did end up with my name really being WeIrd since I took my "I" out of my name Drew and I reversed my consciousness backwards.



Actually I did that in like second grade.  I was trying to make myself turn purple to impress someone, I learned that closing my wind pipe would do it, next thing I knew I was being woken up and taken to the nurse's office lol  

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35 minutes ago, Symph said:

Oh snap!  I wear lavender like... e v e r y  d a y !!!!!!!!   Or patchouli....  

Here's me en route to meet up with you, but knowing you wear lavender:




I do love patchouli though! I mix it with sandalwood.




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I would like to thank the brave souls, like Taomeow, that have multiple entries in this thread.


And also present you with your honorific gifts:


1) One submission (you've earned a raccoon pin)




2) Two submissions (you've earned a full fledged raccoon badge that you can saw on)




3) Three submissions or more, you've won an honorific raccoon Halloween costume, to proudly display your weirdness everywhere you go.





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.....  'someone'  is into furries















(Not that it is weird or anything like that    ;)   )



I  saw a doco on it . First you saw various people, then the people in their outfit then they interviewed them .


One was a young couple, they seemed normal, they actually made a point of demonstrating that they where normal . Then you saw them normally playing in their outfits, they ran around the yard, they played with a ball a bit, they patted each other  .... al normal .


Then they where interviewed , the guy kept saying how normal  they where, they just like dressing up .  The girl  was giggling .  Then the guy was saying , "Its for fun, its not  a fetish or kinky .... its not like we get dressed up in our costumes and have sex or anything. "      And then the girl bursts out laughing  and ;  " What ! ?  The first time we tried them on you wanted to have sex with me and we did ! "


Guy ;  " Ohh !         Ummmm   ... errrmmmmm   ......     :blush:  .    '" 





...  in a tv doco interview . - talk about 'dumping someone in it' ! 



Edited by Nungali

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I guess I should not post here without revealing something as well .



I get into 'bothers'   with the intellectually disabled .  ( I have written about that before here ) There was that time at the beach in Melbourne.  And that time the disabled guy attacked me ... and I had to use  extremely gentle aikido . The guy at the picnic ground that got agro as he thought I had come to take him to an institution.   Another one that thought I magically disabled his car .


Oh shit, the more I think about it the more I am remembering them .


Why ......     why  me   ......    wh h h h  iy 









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2 hours ago, Nungali said:

I guess I should not post here without revealing something as well .



I get into 'bothers'   with the intellectually disabled .  ( I have written about that before here ) There was that time at the beach in Melbourne.  And that time the disabled guy attacked me ... and I had to use  extremely gentle aikido . The guy at the picnic ground that got agro as he thought I had come to take him to an institution.   Another one that thought I magically disabled his car .


Oh shit, the more I think about it the more I am remembering them .


Why ......     why  me   ......    wh h h h  iy 










I notice that this is not uncommon for certain kinds of people involved in the Art. Happens to me often too that people want to cause a ruckus because they feel like it with me, and a couple other friends too. We have yet to isolate the energetic signature behind it, but it’s really not ideal.

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11 hours ago, Symph said:

Actually I did that in like second grade.  I was trying to make myself turn purple to impress someone, I learned that closing my wind pipe would do it, next thing I knew I was being woken up and taken to the nurse's office lol  

did you close your wind pipe with your hand? That is a practice that goes around - there's a term for it - a qigong master that posted here - his son died from doing that. There were kids in 6th grade that would make each other pass out - or themselves - by holding their hand over their neck. It cuts off the blood supply to the brain - not the same as holding the breath. I remember watching those kids but I got sent out of class for math. There was this other nerd kid and me - we made a computer program grant to get the school a science grant and the principal took us out for deep dish pizza. I didn't do any of the work. haha. The teacher said I should go to private school and that was my last year in public school.



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2 minutes ago, voidisyinyang said:

did you close your wind pipe with your hand? That is a practice that goes around - there's a term for it - a qigong master that posted here - his son died from doing that. There were kids in 6th grade that would make each other pass out - or themselves - by holding their hand over their neck. It cuts off the blood supply to the brain - not the same as holding the breath. I remember watching those kids but I got sent out of class for math. There was this other nerd kid and me - we made a computer program grant to get the school a science grant and the principal took us out for deep dish pizza. I didn't do any of the work. haha. The teacher said I should go to private school and that was my last year in public school.



No actually I would basically swallow and then hold it.  And I remember doing it long enough I would start shaking but I was like "MUST KEEP GOING SO PEOPLE THINK I'M COOL!!!!"  Or something lol  I really do specifically remember though that the trick was swallowing and then holding that swallowed state, it's more intense than just not breathing.  I've never even thought about whether or not I was defying medical science lol though it really doesn't seem like it.  Also I do remember that while I passed out for just a few seconds and my head hit the floor, I was only out for probably less than a minute before seeing everyone around me and being scolded by the teacher, who I believe told me how stupid what I just did was, and rightfully so lol

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1 minute ago, Symph said:

No actually I would basically swallow and then hold it.  And I remember doing it long enough I would start shaking but I was like "MUST KEEP GOING SO PEOPLE THINK I'M COOL!!!!"  Or something lol  I really do specifically remember though that the trick was swallowing and then holding that swallowed state, it's more intense than just not breathing.  I've never even thought about whether or not I was defying medical science lol though it really doesn't seem like it.  Also I do remember that while I passed out for just a few seconds and my head hit the floor, I was only out for probably less than a minute before seeing everyone around me and being scolded by the teacher, who I believe told me how stupid what I just did was, and rightfully so lol

wow - yes the school nurses screamed at me while blood was streaming out of my skull - "Don't ever hold your breath again!!" After that I didn't swim under water for years. haha.

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And I would like to amend the prize structure to provide Drew with the "best newcomer" award, for sharing his very personal story from first grade. I know the girl thought your name was "Weird" backwards.... you should have said, "no.... more like shrewd backwards". And then you give her a cool grin.... 


This prize comes with a raccoon high five,




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1 minute ago, Sebastian said:

And I would like to amend the prize structure to provide Drew with the "best newcomer" award, for sharing his very personal story from first grade. I know the girl thought your name was "Weird" backwards.... you should have said, "no.... more like shrewd backwards". And then you give her a cool grin.... 


This prize comes with a raccoon high five,




1 minute ago, Sebastian said:


Oh ok Drew, gets a coon five right out the gate eh??  YOU ARE MY NEMESIS NOW.  




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For his highly unique Halloween costume of an IRS agent, I nominate member Symph for the most originality newcomer prize, and provide him with this unique Raccoon necklace. This symbolizes the unbroken bond between two raccoons. Cherish this well, this is the highest Dao Bums civilian honor.



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2 minutes ago, Sebastian said:

For his highly unique Halloween costume of an IRS agent, I nominate member Symph for the most originality newcomer prize, and provide him with this unique Raccoon necklace. This symbolizes the unbroken bond between two raccoons. Cherish this well, this is the highest Dao Bums civilian honor.



My plan worked!!  Now the precious is mine!!!  It was never about you Drew, I just wanted the preciousssssss


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