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Found 4 results

  1. Hey Dao Buddies, So like anything... but only one thing per post. If you're super weird, you can multiple-post in my thread. I go first. I have a weird obsession with raccoons. Like In my Zhan Zhuang under the hood thread I started a while back. You might recall I was trying to illustrate correct posture with raccoon images. And then I also like to make raccoon related jokes. Like -> I listen to "raccoon roll" music. (Yeah I know, weak) But seriously ? They scare the heck out of me. That's what's weird. Like when I was walking home from the office in California they were fighting to the death in the streets during mating season, and I found myself skipping steps home. I hope we can all go from here, and spark an interesting discussion about other people's weirdness. Thanks,
  2. Hello all, I hope this is the right section for posting this Few weeks ago I attended a weekend workshop about how to have Out-Of-Body experiences as a way of self-realization, for spiritual growth. The teacher showed us some techniques for charging the Tan Tien centre. If we have this centre fully charged -he claims- it will be easier for us to have OBEs. He explained us some stuff about Qi Gong's and Carlos Castaneda's way of working with the energy within to get this goal. I got quite interested so, when I got home, I surfed the net to find out more about this soft qi gong practise and I've read different comments by people talking on how the practice of qigong has made them experience OBEs (regardless they wanted them to happen or not), spiritual experiences, etc, so I'd like to know more about this way of working with one's energy system in order to grow spiritually. Since it seems that there are hundreds of qigong styles out there, according to the experts and senior qigong practitioners from this forum, what's the best qi gong style for this? Newman.
  3. Hey , so to start off with I should say that I am a complete novice in meditation, but I had some experiences that I would like to hear your opinions on. The other day I was sitting in meditation. It was the fourth time I had ever attempted meditation. I was sitting in the half lotus form and breathing deeply whilst focusing on my lower Dantien. I started feeling a weight, like someone had placed a stone in my stomach and there was this tingling sensation all around the weight. Does anyone know what this is? Is this an indication of doing something right or wrong? Or was it merely my stomach muscles reacting to the breathing or something? Okay so how does this tie in with Lucid dreaming or OBE? I am no stranger to lucid dreaming and experience lucid dreams often, but there are two scenarios that I experienced that I think could have been outer body experiences. To be clear they could have been normal lucid dreams but felt so much different. The same tingling sensation was present during both these experiences. Case 1: I was taking an afternoon nap when I had a dream of me waking up on my bed in the position I was when I fell asleep. The only reason I knew I was dreaming was because I looked at my door and saw that it was open. I never sleep with an open door, so that's when I knew I was dreaming. I walked through my house and went outside. There were dark figures standing everywhere in the streets and on the lawn. This freaked me out a bit and I woke up. Throughout this experience and for a little while after waking I felt that same tingling sensation in my head. Case 2: I was in my brothers flat taking a nap between classes when I had a dream that I had woken up and was getting out of bed and walking around In the flat. I knew something was strange and I experienced the same tingling sensation in my head again. I thought "Its happening again!" and then woke up with the tingling still in my head. Does anyone know what this tingling sensation is and if the sensation experienced whilst meditating and those of the lucid dreams/OBE's are related?
  4. Here is a BBC documentary interviewing many scientists and experts who have conducted scientific research on Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences- YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt1 of 6 YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt2 of 6 YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt3 of 6 YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt4 of 6 YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt5 of 6 YouTube - The Day I Died. NDE + Consciousness Documentary Pt6 of 6 In modern times 2 factors have allowed NDE's to be proven, modern resuscitation techniques and the fact that heart attacks are now very common. Many cardiologists are investigating this subject rigorously. With modern medicine this phenomenon has become more common as people are brought back after being pronounced clinically dead with no heartbeat and no brain function more and more through surgery, emergency medical treatments, etc. My understanding is that people before they die will often have out of body experiences leading up to their death, and when they die they float above their bodies and up to the outer atmosphere of the earth, from there they enter a tunnel with a light at the end of the tunnel, when they reach the light they begin to have a complete flashback and review of their entire lives, and then they enter into the pure light, but some are then told they can go back and that they're body has been brought back by the surgeons. People have been able to float above their bodies and see things on the floors above them that they couldn't have known, or seen things on high shelves that could only be seen if they were floating above it Here's a scientific article i found on the subject although i am sure there are even more rigorous ones with harder proof, i just don't have all that much time to read and find them at this moment Article: Near Death Experiences Oh what's that? Real data? oh too bad so sad The existence of mind and conciousness is not dependent on matter, and to view mind as being created by brain chemicals is a simplistic and ridiculous notion Although sicence is often pure nonsense, sometimes scientific studies can be very rigourous when it comes to observing a specific phenomena, the exact times when people are clinically dead are monitered closely in each case. People see things happen that they could not have seen or things that happened definitely while they were dead. The whole point of the study is to find objective evidence of and corroboration of the accounts connecting to real events. NDE have been studied for over 25 years all over the world by prestigous scientific institutions The Lancet: Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest more-