
The Problem With The Forum Admin...

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1 minute ago, Brian said:



Yeah, honestly, I think it is.  Sadly so.  One of the people I am thinking of is truly a troll in the classic sense but with an odd crusader ideology/pathology going on.  The others seem totally sincere in their persecution complexes.


Strangely, these birds seem to be flocking together (and they, not surprisingly, gain moral support & encouragement from some predictable corners).


There are many members here who don't openly claim to practice MoPai, or affiliation with our group.   They can see first hand what happens when you do. 





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So we have the analogy of a debate between Mozart and a beginner and the deciding factor is civility.


Then we have repeated reference to "eclectic."


If the Admins "own" the site - doesn't that mean someone is making a profit of all our energy?


And so who are the owners? Is it Trunk and Sean? Is this site a source of income for them then?


And so the definition of civility is somewhat sketchy.


My argument is this site is defined by the lowest common denominator: Sex sells or more specifically ejaculation sells.


So based on that argument I have proposed that ideally a Taoist forum would be based on complementary opposites.


The teacher I took classes from said that for advanced level training you need to "go on retreat" or train in Nature.


Now from his example when he went on retreat - he trained at Shaolin for 3 months - all males - and then he did 49 days of cave meditation - and said that his teacher would check up on him with his third eye. So I presume he was alone in the cave.


Alright - so speaking of Mozart and eclectic - I memorized a Mozart Sonata that I performed while in high school but I also composed my own music piece that I also performed in the recital.


It was titled: Eclectic Soup.


So I understand intimately both Mozart and eclectic.


I mean when I listen to Mozart I know the tricks he uses - harmonically.


Sure he was a genius at his trade as he was raised a musician and that is all he did - and, of course, he is famous for his Freemason message.


As far as eclectic and egalitarian - now this is the great "bait and switch" of the West - that the ideal of equality as the "civil" democracy - is actually "over seen" by a "secret" core of elites.


My point is that when I composed the music, "Eclectic Soup" which I did was maximize the harmonic potential of Western emotions in terms of tuning - and so we think today in terms of Jazz and Avant-garde and computer music, etc.


But the great bait and switch of the West is that in fact that supposed egalitarian eclectic harmony of equalized or "equal-tempered" tuning - that Mozart utilized so well - is actually not at all eclectic - it is based on geometric mean as a logarithmic scale.


We may think of this as an analogy but in fact it is the basis for Western mathematics which then structures society as a whole and so we have this ideal of equality but information in our culture is controlled by corporate ownership, which is in turn based on advertising that is 100% tax deductible - a write off - and the lawyers are also a 100% tax deduction.


So then the irony of this website is that most of the energy of the site is down in the doldrums - in the Drumpf thread - where people get emotionally very heated - because they debate liberalism as socialism being evil communists or terrorists versus some mythical free market that leads to fascism, etc.


That whole debate is still a fake paradigm of Western mind control that ignores the fundamental reality of complementary opposites.


So it's o.k. to post "soft porn" images on this site with absolutely no condemnation by the mods - like a snatch shot of an Egyptian Goddess - or a S/M "tight" leather frontal open idealist Taoist Nun. Oh that's all good fun - because the purpose of the site again is that "sex sells" or more precisely ejaculation sells - and so it is crucial to maintain that steady stream of right-brain emotional tantric commodity fetish advertising.


And so then the opposite ideology reigns supreme - that if you try to be celibate you're going to go insane (or at least it is very dangerous) and so it's best to shack up or get married, etc. and this is, of course, the "commodity unit."


The "commodity unit" is a kind of irrational magnitude of tantric technology - whereas to be celibate obviously means to repress our true freedom of eclectic egalitarian equality! haha.


So the mind control is quite deep - and this is inherent to the dependent on left-brain dominance for typing and writing, etc.


To push left-brain logic to its extreme then empties out the conceptual mind but it also requires an exorcism which then causes an opposite extreme of posting right-brain dominant soft porn images.


And so when I post images that are the result of the Western industrial "civilization" - like depleted uranium defects in babies from weapons constructed by the Liberal Elite headquarters of Massachusetts and Minnesota - or if I post the Agent Orange defect babies from a genocidal attack by the U.S. against nonwestern peasants - with Agent Orange made by Monsanto, turned into an agricultural genetic engineering corporation that has "captured" the federal regulatory agencies - and so gets promoted abroad as part of U.S. imperialism, etc.


These images are taboo on thedaobums because apparently - as I was told, since I posted them that means, I delight or like or enjoy such natural outcomes of civility.


Just as Roman civitas - civilization - polluted its drinking water with its own excrement and so had to build aqueducts - so too is Western civility a scam.


For civilization to thrive it needs to inherently have a dialectic opposite - I call this the Chimp Crackdown.


If people are starting to build up their energy while posting on this forum then they need to be slapped down into the place of "civility." haha. This is best down by posting soft-porn images that are embraced by the mods as great humor, etc.


In fact humor is often just a lower body activation to drop someone's defenses - if you can get someone to relax then their energy defenses are now gone - and their energy can then be taken.


This whole idea that there has to be a victim and then dialectically - this victim is really just oppressing everyone because the victim is blaming other people - and so the other people then blame the concept of victimhood is really what Gregory Bateson calls a "double bind."


Western logic being dualistic does not realize that time is asymmetric as complementary opposites.


And so in dialectics this is called "indeterminate reflection" or the French call it "little death" - meaning that at orgasm the conceptual mind empties out into the void or the two extremes turn into their opposites and in that moment of the extreme opposite reflecting back and realizing it has become the exact thing it was opposing - a "shock" or "little death" of the conceptual mind is experienced.


In the West this is done as a tantric S/M positive feedback or amplification of tension - it is even called a "strategy of tension" - so just as Chimps do, their are things done in secret and other parties are blamed - and everything becomes conspiratorial.


The origin of conspiracy means to breath together in secret - it was a church ritual that also involved kissing and helped to tie the community to the land. But because the West lacks real tantric training - as the Tai Chi - so then the kissing turned into a handshake.


Now what is a handshake but actually the way two male baboons great each other - they pull each others reproductive organs. And for chimps with ejaculation addiction - wearing their brightly colored ties as their business suit of Missile Envy - this closeted homosexual dynamic turns into a positive feedback of S/M imperial ejaculation.


It's not the real Taoist training that originated in the original human culture that biologically we are all from as modern humans.


So we are dealing with the Kundabuffer - it's a subconscious blockage of the lower back - that Gurdjieff revealed the West is controlled by.


People think they can "own" a website just as people think they can "own" Nature - by psychologically the male ejaculation addiction reaches limitations quite easily. Stanley Kubrick's film, "The Shining" was about this - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - is really about time as a spiral and so Redrum is really about Lacanian mirroring of the Self back into our indigenous shamanic spirit ties to the land. The Overlook is really about formless awareness that has the future and the past embedded into it.


For the mods - thedaobums is for "fun" - and so discussing politics in the ID of the website - is then ruining the "enjoyment" of the website. haha. But this dichotomy of fun and work is a false one based on the left brain repression of the libido without the proper sublimation and purification.


So when the ID is threatened the first thing to do is "dehumanize" the poster as the Other - because with repression there is then subconscious projection as oppression - and so the male who can not control his lower body to open up the pineal gland - is forced to try to ignore the information being presented.


One tactic is to ignore, a second tactic is to discuss people in the third person, a third tactic is to answer other people's questions to that "third person" with false information, a fourth tactic is to resort to ad hominem attacks, and then the fifth tactic is to go for censorship.


And so this is how "civilization" treats the world as a whole - in the last 40 years we have wiped out more life forms on the planet and created more carbon dioxide that threatens even more life - as much as the first 200 years of industrial civilization and those 200 years as much as the previous 2000 years.


So there were some 12000 languages on Earth - each adapted to their own ecological niches - but amazingly all human cultures use the 1-4-5 or Emptiness, Yang, Yin music ratios.


This is not the same as Mozart versus a beginner - real Daoism is a totally different tuning system that is more simple, yet more radical and it goes beyond the Eclectic Soup that is still contained geometrically - as civilization.


So the Westernization of Taoism (trademarked!) is much like the Westernization of Buddhism, which in turn was from Vedic Brahmin philosophy that was the root of Western civilization itself.


Some people on this forum are very open about this "agenda" to be "civilized." haha.


So in contrast traditional Asian culture - including the Berbers from West Asian matrifocal gardening - relied on humanure composting and stink pails to scare away evil spirits!


In that culture the females control the land - just as with the original human culture.


And so maybe they are not "civilized" but they know how to properly cycle their emotions and the elements - for example the males and females can not even talk to each other before they get married. haha.


In the 1980s China it was considered not proper for the female to initiate conversation with a male in public. Now maybe this is considered not civilized and not egalitarian - and that is a good debate - but if we look at say Taoist culture during the Tang Dynasty it's quite possible that the Confucian-Buddhist elements had not become dominate yet. In other words just because a culture is based on complementary opposites, does not mean it is uncivilized and so oppressive, etc.



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21 minutes ago, morning dew said:


It wouldn't surprise me if they all were the same person. I've seen all sorts of bizarre behaviour over the years on forums. :lol:


Aletheia, ZenMode aka Hancock etc are not a part of our group.



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12 minutes ago, Ilovecoffee said:



You criticize me for shutting down veins of discussion that I know will lead to 100 pages of nonsense trolling, but what you don't understand is the reason behind that because I also know it would result in a suspension or ban even if no forum rules get broken. 



You do continue saying that, don't you...

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14 minutes ago, voidisyinyang said:

So we have the analogy of a debate between Mozart and a beginner and the deciding factor is civility.


Then we have repeated reference to "eclectic."


If the Admins "own" the site - doesn't that mean someone is making a profit of all our energy?


And so who are the owners? Is it Trunk and Sean? Is this site a source of income for them then?


And so the definition of civility is somewhat sketchy.


My argument is this site is defined by the lowest common denominator: Sex sells or more specifically ejaculation sells.


So based on that argument I have proposed that ideally a Taoist forum would be based on complementary opposites.


The teacher I took classes from said that for advanced level training you need to "go on retreat" or train in Nature.


Now from his example when he went on retreat - he trained at Shaolin for 3 months - all males - and then he did 49 days of cave meditation - and said that his teacher would check up on him with his third eye. So I presume he was alone in the cave.


Alright - so speaking of Mozart and eclectic - I memorized a Mozart Sonata that I performed while in high school but I also composed my own music piece that I also performed in the recital.


It was titled: Eclectic Soup.


So I understand intimately both Mozart and eclectic.


I mean when I listen to Mozart I know the tricks he uses - harmonically.


Sure he was a genius at his trade as he was raised a musician and that is all he did - and, of course, he is famous for his Freemason message.


As far as eclectic and egalitarian - now this is the great "bait and switch" of the West - that the ideal of equality as the "civil" democracy - is actually "over seen" by a "secret" core of elites.


My point is that when I composed the music, "Eclectic Soup" which I did was maximize the harmonic potential of Western emotions in terms of tuning - and so we think today in terms of Jazz and Avant-garde and computer music, etc.


But the great bait and switch of the West is that in fact that supposed egalitarian eclectic harmony of equalized or "equal-tempered" tuning - that Mozart utilized so well - is actually not at all eclectic - it is based on geometric mean as a logarithmic scale.


We may think of this as an analogy but in fact it is the basis for Western mathematics which then structures society as a whole and so we have this ideal of equality but information in our culture is controlled by corporate ownership, which is in turn based on advertising that is 100% tax deductible - a write off - and the lawyers are also a 100% tax deduction.


So then the irony of this website is that most of the energy of the site is down in the doldrums - in the Drumpf thread - where people get emotionally very heated - because they debate liberalism as socialism being evil communists or terrorists versus some mythical free market that leads to fascism, etc.


That whole debate is still a fake paradigm of Western mind control that ignores the fundamental reality of complementary opposites.


So it's o.k. to post "soft porn" images on this site with absolutely no condemnation by the mods - like a snatch shot of an Egyptian Goddess - or a S/M "tight" leather frontal open idealist Taoist Nun. Oh that's all good fun - because the purpose of the site again is that "sex sells" or more precisely ejaculation sells - and so it is crucial to maintain that steady stream of right-brain emotional tantric commodity fetish advertising.


And so then the opposite ideology reigns supreme - that if you try to be celibate you're going to go insane (or at least it is very dangerous) and so it's best to shack up or get married, etc. and this is, of course, the "commodity unit."


The "commodity unit" is a kind of irrational magnitude of tantric technology - whereas to be celibate obviously means to repress our true freedom of eclectic egalitarian equality! haha.


So the mind control is quite deep - and this is inherent to the dependent on left-brain dominance for typing and writing, etc.


To push left-brain logic to its extreme then empties out the conceptual mind but it also requires an exorcism which then causes an opposite extreme of posting right-brain dominant soft porn images.


And so when I post images that are the result of the Western industrial "civilization" - like depleted uranium defects in babies from weapons constructed by the Liberal Elite headquarters of Massachusetts and Minnesota - or if I post the Agent Orange defect babies from a genocidal attack by the U.S. against nonwestern peasants - with Agent Orange made by Monsanto, turned into an agricultural genetic engineering corporation that has "captured" the federal regulatory agencies - and so gets promoted abroad as part of U.S. imperialism, etc.


These images are taboo on thedaobums because apparently - as I was told, since I posted them that means, I delight or like or enjoy such natural outcomes of civility.


Just as Roman civitas - civilization - polluted its drinking water with its own excrement and so had to build aqueducts - so too is Western civility a scam.


For civilization to thrive it needs to inherently have a dialectic opposite - I call this the Chimp Crackdown.


If people are starting to build up their energy while posting on this forum then they need to be slapped down into the place of "civility." haha. This is best down by posting soft-porn images that are embraced by the mods as great humor, etc.


In fact humor is often just a lower body activation to drop someone's defenses - if you can get someone to relax then their energy defenses are now gone - and their energy can then be taken.


This whole idea that there has to be a victim and then dialectically - this victim is really just oppressing everyone because the victim is blaming other people - and so the other people then blame the concept of victimhood is really what Gregory Bateson calls a "double bind."


Western logic being dualistic does not realize that time is asymmetric as complementary opposites.


And so in dialectics this is called "indeterminate reflection" or the French call it "little death" - meaning that at orgasm the conceptual mind empties out into the void or the two extremes turn into their opposites and in that moment of the extreme opposite reflecting back and realizing it has become the exact thing it was opposing - a "shock" or "little death" of the conceptual mind is experienced.


In the West this is done as a tantric S/M positive feedback or amplification of tension - it is even called a "strategy of tension" - so just as Chimps do, their are things done in secret and other parties are blamed - and everything becomes conspiratorial.


The origin of conspiracy means to breath together in secret - it was a church ritual that also involved kissing and helped to tie the community to the land. But because the West lacks real tantric training - as the Tai Chi - so then the kissing turned into a handshake.


Now what is a handshake but actually the way two male baboons great each other - they pull each others reproductive organs. And for chimps with ejaculation addiction - wearing their brightly colored ties as their business suit of Missile Envy - this closeted homosexual dynamic turns into a positive feedback of S/M imperial ejaculation.


It's not the real Taoist training that originated in the original human culture that biologically we are all from as modern humans.


So we are dealing with the Kundabuffer - it's a subconscious blockage of the lower back - that Gurdjieff revealed the West is controlled by.


People think they can "own" a website just as people think they can "own" Nature - by psychologically the male ejaculation addiction reaches limitations quite easily. Stanley Kubrick's film, "The Shining" was about this - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - is really about time as a spiral and so Redrum is really about Lacanian mirroring of the Self back into our indigenous shamanic spirit ties to the land. The Overlook is really about formless awareness that has the future and the past embedded into it.


For the mods - thedaobums is for "fun" - and so discussing politics in the ID of the website - is then ruining the "enjoyment" of the website. haha. But this dichotomy of fun and work is a false one based on the left brain repression of the libido without the proper sublimation and purification.


So when the ID is threatened the first thing to do is "dehumanize" the poster as the Other - because with repression there is then subconscious projection as oppression - and so the male who can not control his lower body to open up the pineal gland - is forced to try to ignore the information being presented.


One tactic is to ignore, a second tactic is to discuss people in the third person, a third tactic is to answer other people's questions to that "third person" with false information, a fourth tactic is to resort to ad hominem attacks, and then the fifth tactic is to go for censorship.


And so this is how "civilization" treats the world as a whole - in the last 40 years we have wiped out more life forms on the planet and created more carbon dioxide that threatens even more life - as much as the first 200 years of industrial civilization and those 200 years as much as the previous 2000 years.


So there were some 12000 languages on Earth - each adapted to their own ecological niches - but amazingly all human cultures use the 1-4-5 or Emptiness, Yang, Yin music ratios.


This is not the same as Mozart versus a beginner - real Daoism is a totally different tuning system that is more simple, yet more radical and it goes beyond the Eclectic Soup that is still contained geometrically - as civilization.


So the Westernization of Taoism (trademarked!) is much like the Westernization of Buddhism, which in turn was from Vedic Brahmin philosophy that was the root of Western civilization itself.


Some people on this forum are very open about this "agenda" to be "civilized." haha.


So in contrast traditional Asian culture - including the Berbers from West Asian matrifocal gardening - relied on humanure composting and stink pails to scare away evil spirits!


In that culture the females control the land - just as with the original human culture.


And so maybe they are not "civilized" but they know how to properly cycle their emotions and the elements - for example the males and females can not even talk to each other before they get married. haha.


In the 1980s China it was considered not proper for the female to initiate conversation with a male in public. Now maybe this is considered not civilized and not egalitarian - and that is a good debate - but if we look at say Taoist culture during the Tang Dynasty it's quite possible that the Confucian-Buddhist elements had not become dominate yet. In other words just because a culture is based on complementary opposites, does not mean it is uncivilized and so oppressive, etc.



You have quite a fascination with other people's ejaculations and orgasms.


Perhaps you should consider talking to someone about this.

Edited by Brian
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Just now, Brian said:

You do continue saying that, don't you...




There was a person I met interested in MoPai that got banned here because of something he said on another forum.


Let that sink in for a moment.




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2 minutes ago, Ilovecoffee said:




There was a person I met interested in MoPai that got banned here because of something he said on another forum.


Let that sink in for a moment.




What, exactly, did that person say?  And on which other forum?


Details matter, you see.


I might also ask, what was that person's role on this forum at the time and has that person posted here since then?

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Just now, Brian said:

What, exactly, did that person say?  And on which other forum?


Details matter, you see.


I might also ask, what was that person's role on this forum at the time and has that person posted here since then?


It absolutely does not matter.

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Just now, Ilovecoffee said:


It absolutely does not matter.



Of COURSE it matters!

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Well if I'm honest I love the disorderly craziness of the internet, so there's that that too.


If we want to be serious about the Dao we can't pretend Western culture never came into being or any other carcinogenic seed of civilisation that managed to grow into the light on the black sun for that matter. 


Who's up for some Esoteric Hitlerism?




Edited by Aletheia

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22 minutes ago, Brian said:



Of COURSE it matters!


First I would like to state this individual isn't a member of our group, but was a member of neigong forum at one point.


"Narew is banned.


I received a link to show his feeling of TTB.


It seems this board is not where he wants to be anyways."



Here were the words Narew typed on neigong forum that got him banned:






Edited by Ilovecoffee

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20 minutes ago, Brian said:



Of COURSE it matters!



That was just one example but I couldn't count the number of members that  were banned for taking up for MoPai here. 


The few members we have that also have membership here keep their mouths shut for a reason Brian.



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24 minutes ago, Aletheia said:

Blither, blither, blither ...


Is this comment I made about your hero the thing that is bothering you?



When someone posts a lie and then can't join in a simple debate but rather repeatedly share the same heaps of bullshit that have nothing to do with the question at hand then even a blind man can see that there is a giant turd on the serving platter.


I thought it was rather clever myself.  I should have added, "... someone who is so fascinated by ejaculation who posts..."


I'm putting you back on ignore now, it was fun, ta ta ... or maybe not.

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23 minutes ago, Ilovecoffee said:


No it does not.



If you say so...




Seems to me, however, that there might be some significant difference between, say, a person who joined this forum after asking on another forum whether TheDaoBums is worth visiting and a person who, perhaps, was a member of the Management Team and simultaneously posting on another forum about a covert effort to infiltrate said Management Team and replace it from within with operatives from that other forum.


Just as a hypothetical scenario, mind you.


Details matter, you see.  Specifics matter.


Of course, you are free to believe as you wish and no one (from this side of the fence, anyhow) is forcing you to participate here.




You are free to leave if you feel you are being abused or repressed.  I know I wouldn't waste my time someplace I felt I was being abused or repressed.

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1 minute ago, Brian said:



If you say so...




Seems to me, however, that there might be some significant difference between, say, a person who joined this forum after asking on another forum whether TheDaoBums is worth visiting and a person who, perhaps, was a member of the Management Team and simultaneously posting on another forum about a covert effort to infiltrate said Management Team and replace it from within with operatives from that other forum.


Just as a hypothetical scenario, mind you.


Details matter, you see.  Specifics matter.


Of course, you are free to believe as you wish and no one (from this side of the fence, anyhow) is forcing you to participate here.




You are free to leave if you feel you are being abused or repressed.  I know I wouldn't waste my time someplace I felt I was being abused or repressed.


Specifics given please see:



"You are free to leave if you feel you are being abused or repressed.  I know I wouldn't waste my time someplace I felt I was being abused or repressed."


It's a strange situation.   So we are looking for other people who feel like we do.  Those people do exist and do land here looking for MoPai,  what they find is a community of people who want to convince them MoPai is a fraud, hoax, not worth pursuing, and that there is no good evidence for it.  If we refuse to maintain a presence here, all they will be left with are you guys.





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41 minutes ago, Brian said:

You have quite a fascination with other people's ejaculations and orgasms.


Perhaps you should consider talking to someone about this.


Your statement affirms as to what voidisyinyang is talking about. The above in bold is condescending and is one of the communication problems that I see on this site. BTW, you claimed to have studied Bateson and yet are using 'double binds' consistently.

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21 minutes ago, Ilovecoffee said:


First I would like to state this individual isn't a member of our group, but was a member of neigong forum at one point.


"Narew is banned.


I received a link to show his feeling of TTB.


It seems this board is not where he wants to be anyways."



Here were the words Narew typed on neigong forum that got him banned:






Thank you!  See, details do matter after all.


Hope you don't mind but I'm going to paste that quote here for future reference:

Hahaha, the worthless cretins from TaoBums suspended my account, probably for commenting about the level of stupidity on their forum:

"Your account at The Tao Bums has been temporarily suspended.Your account will not be functional in 2 days unless further action occurs. This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expedite the unsuspension process."

"Narew, your account at The Tao Bums has been temporarily suspended.Your account will not be functional until 10 November 2014 - 02:44 AM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expedite the unsuspension process."

Among other things, I made a suggestion that the name of their forum should be changed from "The Tao Bums" to "NEW AGE Bums". Because clearly the amount of New Age nonsense there vastly outnumbers the amount of sensible taoistic or Chinese inner arts stuff, not the mention outnumbering sensible content of ANY kind.

The Tao Bums is a cesspool of idiocy, full of New Age cretins writing nonsense. And the moderation team there not only doesn't do anything about it, but in fact acts to support this idiocy, by supporting cretins vs sane people and making cretins moderators.

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Just now, Brian said:

Thank you!  See, details do matter after all.


Hope you don't mind but I'm going to paste that quote here for future reference:




The problem is Brian, he voiced an opinion on a different forum, and was punished for doing so HERE.


This isn't as complicated as you make it out to be.


Enough of our members have been banned here and broke no rules, that we tell all new members with accounts here not to claim association or interest in MoPai, or affiliation with our group.


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The Tao Bums is a cesspool of idiocy, full of New Age cretins writing nonsense.


Yes, we are, and thank god! :lol::lol:

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4 minutes ago, ralis said:


Your statement affirms as to what voidisyinyang is talking about. The above in bold is condescending and is one of the communication problems that I see on this site. BTW, you claimed to have studied Bateson and yet are using 'double binds' consistently.

That's not a double bind, ralis.


If you feel his fascination with other men's ejaculations and with the orgasms of young girls is perfectly reasonable, more power to you!

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30 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

Is this comment I made about your hero the thing that is bothering you?


No what's bothering me is I have real external projection which can measurably change the colour of skin, heal, bring down swelling, take away pain and bring calmness and you are openly saying I'm emotionally insane in your posts. I don't think it's right. That is my problem.


All you do is call me names and throw bile and hate in my direction. There's nothing which would lead anyone to believe you have an advanced abilities at all. Yet you are allowed to get away with this charade because the mods are not advanced enough to know better.


Everything I talk about is from my own personal experience that's why I can say if anyone wants to challenge my claims they are welcome to read though my posts where I describe what I've done, and I should add all prior to ever having read about these techniques, then come back to this thread and confront me.


It's very sad to me things are so confused in today's world. I'm not trying to inflate my ego or bring anyone down to my level. Some of my experiences are so beautiful and really utterly beyond description it just makes me cry. And I'm labelled emotionally challenged and sick for my troubles.


And you're acting like your above everything I say. Well you come back to me when your abilities when demonstrated are so beyond people's wildest dreams all they can do is laugh nervously when they experience them.



Edited by Aletheia

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4 minutes ago, Brian said:

That's not a double bind, ralis.


If you feel his fascination with other men's ejaculations and with the orgasms of young girls is perfectly reasonable, more power to you!


When I start reading the 18th harmonic electric third eye vibration stuff all I can think of is:




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4 minutes ago, Brian said:

That's not a double bind, ralis.


If you feel his fascination with other men's ejaculations and with the orgasms of young girls is perfectly reasonable, more power to you!


I know what the 'double bind' is and you use that technique consistently. I was referring to other posts you have made. Please read what I write carefully and not try to twist and revise!

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5 minutes ago, Aletheia said:


No what's bothering me is ....


Here's an idea!


One of you MoPai guys change your nick to MoPaiHere (or whatever), request a PPF, and then you'll have your own sub-forum  to train, fight, fuck or whatever it is you want!


PPFs even have a bit of mod tools so you can control who says what. Not sure if a PPF can be moved to The Pit - but maybe if you keep to a modicum of civility it wont have to be tried, lol

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