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Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos

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Are you some kind of liberal?

Can you pack it in for a moment I'm having a coughing fit and your interjections are worsening them significantly.

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Is that what everyone in Istanbul thinks?

for some reason, I dont think the streets of Istanbul are supportive of being a NATO-lackey

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What do you mean by nato lackey?

istanbul is in turkey.  turkey is a nato lackey that, like the USA, doesnt listen one iota to its constituency and does what its globalist leash handlers tell it to, all the while attempting to paint their actions as having popular support.


nato flat out has zero reason to exist these days, but its an easy avenue for globalists to get their bidding done.

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Middle east is just a bunch of terortists who want to kill Americans. all the people their dont know how to use technology and are barbarians. The world would be better off with out them, if our govt hadn't been "wasting" our resources, those low life scum would take over and steal all our resources and sacrifice it to their God and leave us hungry and poor.

Good counter.  I don't agree with it but many would.

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Good counter.  I don't agree with it but many would.

I see that as a textbook example of naively using disinformative news sources as primary sources of information.  this is precisely the sort of thing that warmongers want the general public believing in.

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istanbul is in turkey. turkey is a nato lackey that, like the USA, doesnt listen one iota to its constituency and does what its globalist leash handlers tell it to, all the while attempting to paint their actions as having popular support.


nato flat out has zero reason to exist these days, but its an easy avenue for globalists to get their bidding done.

I thiught turkey was the one country that did what they wanted to and didn't listen to anyone else, was i wrong in thinking that?

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Good counter. I don't agree with it but many would.

Are you arab too? I bet you are. You guys infiltrate our country and starve our fish.

Edited by mindtooloud

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Middle east is just a bunch of terortists who want to kill Americans. all the people their dont know how to use technology and are barbarians. The world would be better off with out them, if our govt hadn't been "wasting" our resources, those low life scum would take over and steal all our resources and sacrifice it to their God and leave us hungry and poor.

Except they have wasted their resources, or more accurately your tax money. The result of their pathetic interventionism has been to increase terrorism and to reduce freedom for Americans.


Had they responded correctly to Iranian threats and the promotion of terrorism, then they would have told the Iranians to dismantle their regime, its terrorist support and cease its threats. Iran should have been made aware in no uncertain terms that failure to comply would result in military action. At this point the US should have acted. No more of this 'just war', surgical strikes and regime overthrow, it should have used deadly force immediately against the country. That is not to worry about civilian casualties, but to bomb them to a point where the people shout enough and no longer wish to support Islamic laws and religious mysticism.


Had the US pounded Iran, then the surrounding countries would have sat up and taken notice. They would realise that America meant business, that it wasn't looking to negotiate regime change or to tolerate threats of any kind. The people of those other countries would begin to be concerned that their own governments might well bring the same wrath to their own doors and demand change. It's too late now, the cats out of the bag. The middle easterners see Americans only as corrupt invaders that have no stomach for principled fighting. It's no wonder the refugees appear at borders demanding to be taken in by Europe and that newscasts are filled with stories of 'civilian caualties' as a way to lobby the US or other nations to take up the cause of more radical Islamic terrorists.

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The only reason why Iran is an Islamic Republic now is because the USA overthrew their democratically elected leader in the 1950's to replace with their stooge. I'm not sure bombing them to oblivion now is the best way to deal with the mess they have been instrumental in creating.

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The only reason why Iran is an Islamic Republic now is because the USA overthrew their democratically elected leader in the 1950's to replace with their stooge. I'm not sure bombing them to oblivion now is the best way to deal with the mess they have been instrumental in creating.

I agree. I did not say 'now'. However I suspect that at some point the USA will probably end up in conflict anyway. If Iran is supported by elements of SA and Russia, then they will develop nuclear weapons and this will make the Middle East that much more difficult to deal with. Once they know America is too afraid to attack a nuclear armed Iran it will make the entire area far more bold. The type/frequency/severity of terrorist attacks will increase and the confidence to install Islam in the West will multiply out of all proportion.


We are now counting down to a definite doomsday event that is far more incendiary than the Cold War. Israel will be squeezed and they have no option but to retaliate which will necessitate the US/Europe joining in and Russia/China will look to reposition themselves in the new paradigm.

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I thiught turkey was the one country that did what they wanted to and didn't listen to anyone else, was i wrong in thinking that?

 yeah, in the same sense as the usa is the one and only free country and we do what we want, right?


you have a lot of reading to do on banksterism, bro....follow the counterfeiting, straight to the currency, straight to the money....

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Are you arab too? I bet you are. You guys infiltrate our country and starve our fish.


Skimming through, I haven't been able to tell if you're joking or not. Either way, great comment.

"Dey took our jerbs! Dey starved our fish!"

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I see that as a textbook example of naively using disinformative news sources as primary sources of information. this is precisely the sort of thing that warmongers want the general public believing in.

I dont listen to no news, ive experienced all this first hand, ive lived in both the greatness of America and the misery of the middle east, ive experieneced bombings in the middle east, retards even blow them self up!


And ive seen what they do in America too and its not pleasant.

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Except they have wasted their resources, or more accurately your tax money. The result of their pathetic interventionism has been to increase terrorism and to reduce freedom for Americans.


Had they responded correctly to Iranian threats and the promotion of terrorism, then they would have told the Iranians to dismantle their regime, its terrorist support and cease its threats. Iran should have been made aware in no uncertain terms that failure to comply would result in military action. At this point the US should have acted. No more of this 'just war', surgical strikes and regime overthrow, it should have used deadly force immediately against the country. That is not to worry about civilian casualties, but to bomb them to a point where the people shout enough and no longer wish to support Islamic laws and religious mysticism.


Had the US pounded Iran, then the surrounding countries would have sat up and taken notice. They would realise that America meant business, that it wasn't looking to negotiate regime change or to tolerate threats of any kind. The people of those other countries would begin to be concerned that their own governments might well bring the same wrath to their own doors and demand change. It's too late now, the cats out of the bag. The middle easterners see Americans only as corrupt invaders that have no stomach for principled fighting. It's no wonder the refugees appear at borders demanding to be taken in by Europe and that newscasts are filled with stories of 'civilian caualties' as a way to lobby the US or other nations to take up the cause of more radical Islamic terrorists.

Like i said it they hadn't wasted our recourses the people from the east would act all uncivilized and just tried to invade our country and take out recourses.


And America didn't destroy Iran because they were thinking of their citizens. Iran has WMD, who is to say they won't use it on us if we were to use WMD on them??? Then so many americans would die and i can't stand to see that!


So best way to deal with it is we infiltrate their country and fuck it up beyond repair so they don't bother us.

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yeah, in the same sense as the usa is the one and only free country and we do what we want, right?


you have a lot of reading to do on banksterism, bro....follow the counterfeiting, straight to the currency, straight to the money....



I dont believe in money, so nothing financial makes sense to me

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Skimming through, I haven't been able to tell if you're joking or not. Either way, great comment.

"Dey took our jerbs! Dey starved our fish!"

'Murica! Lets go get us some McD's!!!!

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Like i said it they hadn't wasted our recourses the people from the east would act all uncivilized and just tried to invade our country and take out recourses.

And America didn't destroy Iran because they were thinking of their citizens. Iran has WMD, who is to say they won't use it on us if we were to use WMD on them??? Then so many americans would die and i can't stand to see that!

So best way to deal with it is we infiltrate their country and fuck it up beyond repair so they don't bother us.

It's likely Iran will do so anyway, if not directly, then through a proxy. Americans have already died as a result of terrorism and more will die as a result of poor foreign/domestic policy.


As I said, the cat is out of the bag. It isn't WMD that the West needs to be scared of, but their own democracies. In every middle eastern country that gained the democratic vote, the people voted in a hard line Islamist. Those same Islamists are streaming into the West and breeding, but they are gaining confidence by seeing the impotency of the US and Europe's desperate Christian tradition of self martyrdom and tolerance. How easy it is just to use the democratic system to vote Islam into power unopposed and even protected. Once Europe is lost to Islam then Russia and the USA will be threatened. Islamists believe in 40 virgins and the will of Allah. Instead of controlling sand and a rag tag army they will have serious financial and military clout.

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It's likely Iran will do so anyway, if not directly, then through a proxy. Americans have already died as a result of terrorism and more will die as a result of poor foreign/domestic policy.


As I said, the cat is out of the bag. It isn't WMD that the West needs to be scared of, but their own democracies. In every middle eastern country that gained the democratic vote, the people voted in a hard line Islamist. Those same Islamists are streaming into the West and breeding, but they are gaining confidence by seeing the impotency of the US and Europe's desperate Christian tradition of self martyrdom and tolerance. How easy it is just to use the democratic system to vote Islam into power unopposed and even protected. Once Europe is lost to Islam then Russia and the USA will be threatened. Islamists believe in 40 virgins and the will of Allah. Instead of controlling sand and a rag tag army they will have serious financial and military clout.

You have no idea what your talking aboht Karl.


WE are safe from those scum, and that is all that matters. Who cares if Europe or russia islamissize. As long as america stands strong and keeps its self safe from other possible threat countries by infiltratig and over throwing their governments, we'll be fine as the land of the free. The Islams can't hurt us.


Stop believing everything you read and try experiencing real life to try to judge whats going on for once

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You have no idea what your talking aboht Karl.

WE are safe from those scum, and that is all that matters. Who cares if Europe or russia islamissize. As long as america stands strong and keeps its self safe from other possible threat countries by infiltratig and over throwing their governments, we'll be fine as the land of the free. The Islams can't hurt us.

Stop believing everything you read and try experiencing real life to try to judge whats going on for once

I live in Europe, so I do care.


You aren't safe because America is morally bankrupt. The people running your country-and many of the people who don't inhabit those circles-have become ever more inward looking whilst attempting to build empire. This is exactly what happened in Rome. No one thought Rome would disintegrate and bring with it the dark ages, but that's what happened. Exactly as now, Rome over extended its empire making, it over taxed, over regulated, price fixed, created a kind of welfare through distribution of free wheat and debauched its currency. You should read some history so the significance of those events are contextualised. The collapse was concreted once the farmers/workers/businessmen saw no reason to continue trading. They flocked to Rome to get the free wheat and to escape the draconian taxes and price fixing. It was the people who had had enough of the Empire and they were so fed up that they literally begged the barbarians to take over.


If you understand what the whole Trump/Brexit thing is about, it is the people screaming for change. That change may come in many forms, it might be communism, it might be the rise of capitalism, but, if you have lived in Europe you would have witnessed the voluntary conversion of Western Whites and second/third generation immigrants to Islam. We currently have a Muslim Mayor who is banning advertising featuring women from the decks of London buses.

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You have no idea what your talking aboht Karl.


WE are safe from those scum, and that is all that matters. Who cares if Europe or russia islamissize. As long as america stands strong and keeps its self safe from other possible threat countries by infiltratig and over throwing their governments, we'll be fine as the land of the free. The Islams can't hurt us.


Stop believing everything you read and try experiencing real life to try to judge whats going on for once



Calling people scum is offensive and a sin against the brotherhood of man (including women and LBTQT etc.) which we are all part.  America should reach out to those less fortunate than themselves with love and kindness. After all the believe in God and Jesus don't they???

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I dont listen to no news, ive experienced all this first hand, ive lived in both the greatness of America and the misery of the middle east, ive experieneced bombings in the middle east, retards even blow them self up!


And ive seen what they do in America too and its not pleasant.

That's kinda like someone believing the 911 commission report because they happened to be in NYC that day and saw the second plane hit.  It simply does not logically follow.  The banksters' sword-arm lackey (I'm talking about the USA here) has gone on a 50+ nation rampage over the last 70 years, their praetorian guard (ciamossadfbietc) performs extrjudicial killings and organizes the destabilization of nations.  Or perhaps maybe there's some other reason that 30+ ciamossad, egyptians were killed by the russian bombing in syria....oh yeah, they were bombing ISIS, btw....


got a propaganda arm that would make Goebbels green with envy, and its a pity some fall for the propaganda enough to go blow themselves up over it - but a lot of those wouldnt even happen if it werent for the fbicia helping them out materially to plan, organize, fund, train the operations.


Like i said it they hadn't wasted our recourses the people from the east would act all uncivilized and just tried to invade our country and take out recourses.


And America didn't destroy Iran because they were thinking of their citizens. Iran has WMD, who is to say they won't use it on us if we were to use WMD on them??? Then so many americans would die and i can't stand to see that!


So best way to deal with it is we infiltrate their country and fuck it up beyond repair so they don't bother us.

50+ countries over the last 70 years, bro.  and even with all that, there was no blowback, not enough anyway, and our cia had to help create al quaeda....and when al qu aeda wouldnt behave as the cia wanted them to, then all of a sudden AQ fell off the radar and there was all this space given for ISIS to be armed trained and funded, with its head being outed as a mossad agent.


  now let's go back to that first overthrow of Iran in the 20th century - why did that happen?  it couldnt have been because they wouldnt let the oil companies do whatever the hell they wanted, and had to comply with iranian law?  and when they wanted more profits than what the iranians would let them have , we overthrew the friggin nation so that the oil companies could maximize their profits there.


I dont believe in money, so nothing financial makes sense to me

money,   currency exists whether or not you believe in it.   but at root, you just need to know that banks legally counterfeit and the central banks off the world are the hub of the counterfeiting, and the origination of the Internationalist Globalist movement, which seeks to override all national sovereignties and establish itself at the top of the earth's sand pile.


they will kill, main, defraud, you name it - to keep that position at the top of the sand pile.


it'd also be a good idea to know the difference between real money and currency

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I live in Europe, so I do care.


You aren't safe because America is morally bankrupt. The people running your country-and many of the people who don't inhabit those circles-have become ever more inward looking whilst attempting to build empire. This is exactly what happened in Rome. No one thought Rome would disintegrate and bring with it the dark ages, but that's what happened. Exactly as now, Rome over extended its empire making, it over taxed, over regulated, price fixed, created a kind of welfare through distribution of free wheat and debauched its currency. You should read some history so the significance of those events are contextualised. The collapse was concreted once the farmers/workers/businessmen saw no reason to continue trading. They flocked to Rome to get the free wheat and to escape the draconian taxes and price fixing. It was the people who had had enough of the Empire and they were so fed up that they literally begged the barbarians to take over.


If you understand what the whole Trump/Brexit thing is about, it is the people screaming for change. That change may come in many forms, it might be communism, it might be the rise of capitalism, but, if you have lived in Europe you would have witnessed the voluntary conversion of Western Whites and second/third generation immigrants to Islam. We currently have a Muslim Mayor who is banning advertising featuring women from the decks of London buses.

please, our country isnt bankrupt, america is one of the richest in the world, its your continent who is dying in debt, get your facts straight, 


and what does rome have to do with any of this? romans were overly proud and arrogant thats why they fell, us americans arent like that.


and i did live in europe, its very horrible, i feel sorry for you

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Calling people scum is offensive and a sin against the brotherhood of man (including women and LBTQT etc.) which we are all part.  America should reach out to those less fortunate than themselves with love and kindness. After all the believe in God and Jesus don't they???

pfff we believe in freedom, if you dont know this about america yet you dont know what the USA is all about.


and America reaches out to people who deserve it, not middle eastern people who try to ruin our lives along with their own,

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