
Quantity of Chi - Infinite or Limited ?

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People like the Amma, the one who hugs everyone, say they are plugged into the source of the universe. If you see her darshan she often hugs people non stop sometimes for over 48 hours straight and in all the videos she never looks tired and is always full of love, then she goes and sings for a few hours after. And she has been doing it for over 30 years so that energy must come from somewhere most regular people don't have access to.

I agree she's a saint and plugged in to a higher power. (Turtle Shell has a good point, some can 'ride' on other people's energy.) Still, staying up for 2 days giving hugs is far different in magnitude then having access to infinite power. I can't help thinking infinite would mean godlike powers rather then extraordinary ones that are within the far end of human capability.

Edited by thelerner

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I agree she's a saint and plugged in to a higher power. (Turtle Shell has a good point, some can 'ride' on other people's energy.) Still, staying up for 2 days giving hugs is far different in magnitude then having access to infinite power. I can't help thinking infinite would mean godlike powers rather then extraordinary ones that are within the far end of human capability.


Yeah infinite power to do anything is only for a god. There are individuals with extraordinary power like Dr Yan Xin who could heal groups of over 400 people at once with extraordinary powerful Qi healings who were within the same building or vicinity as him, but as far as I am aware it was beyond his capability to heal entire towns or countries, so there were limits even for him.

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Even if they could do such amazing feats - they have the wisdom to know there are consequences for such actions. Sometimes things are meant to be as they are, and look bad from our common perspective, but may be otherwise in the bigger picture.

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Even if they could do such amazing feats - they have the wisdom to know there are consequences for such actions. Sometimes things are meant to be as they are, and look bad from our common perspective, but may be otherwise in the bigger picture.

But that would also apply to 400 people at once. The only conceivable reason to heal 400 people at once, and not 7 billion people at once, is capability to do so.

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But that would also apply to 400 people at once. The only conceivable reason to heal 400 people at once, and not 7 billion people at once, is capability to do so.



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Regardless of how much healing one may perform, consider that for the most part, people's causes and conditions are why those things manifested in the first place and it may just be their karma to experience them. I mean, if you heal someone and they just go right back to doing the things that caused the sickness in the first place, putting themselves right back on a path to sickness...have you helped them, or have you wasted your time and energy?

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But that would also apply to 400 people at once. The only conceivable reason to heal 400 people at once, and not 7 billion people at once, is capability to do so.


Practically you don't want people to be going through extreme Qi reactions when they are doing things like driving and operating machinery. But I think the people who got the healing were looking for it so it is a sort of karmic consequence of seeking what they need, also I think you needed to hear the masters voice and to be open and not resist for it to work.

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So have you experienced Amma's power yourself?

Edited by xor

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So have you experienced Amma's power yourself?


Me? I am going to see her for the first time in two weeks time

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I was asking in general since she was brought up as an examplar of sorts and rather easily accessible(in contrast to Yan Xin) touring the world.

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Me? I am going to see her for the first time in two weeks time


Is she in the UK?


Edit: Yeah just looked it up seems she's in London 21 -23 oct.

Edited by Ish

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I was asking in general since she was brought up as an examplar of sorts and rather easily accessible(in contrast to Yan Xin) touring the world.


She probably isn't the sort of Qi power master the op was looking for but I thought I would mention her as someone who seems to have access to a wider source of power. Some say she is a living Avatar, I was initially dismissive until I met someone who was so strongly impacted by her that she was practically in tears every time she spoke about her, so I was convinced I should be a bit more open minded.


Is she in the UK?


Yes Alexandra Palace on 21-23 this month, its free and anyone can go


Please report back. :)


Will do :)

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Regardless of how much healing one may perform, consider that for the most part, people's causes and conditions are why those things manifested in the first place and it may just be their karma to experience them. I mean, if you heal someone and they just go right back to doing the things that caused the sickness in the first place, putting themselves right back on a path to sickness...have you helped them, or have you wasted your time and energy?


It may depend on the context of the situation...


By way of example, Peters tells how he in 1945 in a state of shock and shattered nerves managed to obtain military leave at Luxembourg to go to Paris, obsessed with the idea of somehow finding Gurdjieff in the war’s wake. Summoning the last ounce of energy he finally located the man’s address and apartment, where he arrived ready to collapse. Gurdjieff immediately ushered him in, preparing a coffee upon observing his visitor’s condition: “I remember being slumped over the table, sipping at my coffee, when I began to feel a strange uprising of energy within myself—I stared at him, automatically straightened up, and it was as if a violent, electric blue light emanated from him and entered into me. As this happened, I could feel the tiredness drain out of me, but at the same moment his body slumped and his face turned grey as if it was being drained of life”.


Gurdjieff excused himself and limped out of the kitchen, only to return some fifteen minutes later “like a young man again, alert, smiling, sly and full of good spirits. He said that this was a very fortunate meeting, and that while I had forced him to make an almost impossible effort, it had been—as I had witnessed—a very good thing for both of us”.


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Is there any limit to the quantity of Chi that is available to us ? If we increase our store of Chi, does that mean there is less for some other entity ? Or is it infinite ?


Please state the basis for your answer - a source or reference or ?

The question presumes self and other...

That's where I found the answer to your question.

But my answer and your answer may differ so I'll keep it to myself.

You need to do the work for yourself if you really want to figure it out.

No disrespect intended.

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The question presumes self and other...

That's where I found the answer to your question.

But my answer and your answer may differ so I'll keep it to myself.

You need to do the work for yourself if you really want to figure it out.

No disrespect intended.

None taken.

However, I am quite familiar with Nisargadatta and his philosophy and its implications.


My question is below that level of abstraction.


If I go to 14th and Main, and ask the gentleman standing there - "Make me One with Everything"...

... it's because I'm hungry and want a hot dog for lunch.

Edited by Coaster
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None taken.

However, I am quite familiar with Nisargadatta and his philosophy and its implications.


My question is below that level of abstraction.


If I go to 14th and Main, and ask the gentleman standing there - "Make me One with Everything"...

... it's because I'm hungry and want a hot dog for lunch.

Thanks -


It has absolutely nothing to do with abstraction - that's the point.

It's got to be directly experienced or it's someone else's answer and we're back to believing, not knowing.

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Thanks -


It has absolutely nothing to do with abstraction - that's the point.

It's got to be directly experienced or it's someone else's answer and we're back to believing, not knowing.

I can experience eating the hot dog myself, and understand exactly what it tastes like.


But by doing that, I cannot know its source - I don't know if it is made from horse meat or dog meat, or in sanitary conditions or unsanitary conditions.


As a jiva, one is inherently limited in perception - by definition - so for information on mundane, specific topics, one must do research.


There was once this (actual) conversation between a Disciple and a Teacher:


Disciple - " I was totally broke, and getting hungry, and I prayed to God, and shortly thereafter, I came across a $20 bill on the ground ! Doesn't this mean that God will take care of everything for me ? "


Teacher - " Yes.... but why don't you make it easier on God and get a job ? "

Edited by Coaster

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Not sure why I left out the players of music but included the composers and listeners. Hmmm...




Maybe because I know I need to practice things more myself and stop posting on TTB?

I made a new rule for myself that I share with you in case you might find it useful too:

posting at TTB only "right before taiji" or "right after taiji." So far this hasn't decreased my posting, but it did increase my taiji volume. Every time I feel like saying something, I know I can't unless I do some taiji.


And now I'll have to count this-here post as "right before taiji" and do some taiji, though I was thinking more in the direction of some dinner. Thanks a lot.

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I made a new rule for myself that I share with you in case you might find it useful too:

posting at TTB only "right before taiji" or "right after taiji." So far this hasn't decreased my posting, but it did increase my taiji volume. Every time I feel like saying something, I know I can't unless I do some taiji.


And now I'll have to count this-here post as "right before taiji" and do some taiji, though I was thinking more in the direction of some dinner. Thanks a lot.


Thanks, TaoMeow. I think I owe you dinner.


And I like your rule -- I'm adopting it now.


Time for a little qigong before bed!



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I think that the answer needs to be looked at in a relative sense.


In the absolute - all that is - energy is infinite.


I am not using the word "Qi" because "Qi" is the name that we give to energy in a specific form as defined relatively from our perspective - all energy changes from one state into another.


From the perspective of a mortal organism, if qi is keeping it alive and the inevitable fate of the organism is to die, then that means that qi is limited without considering into the equation specific practices to increase qi. Having said this the qi isn't really "lost" or the organism "dies" but rather the various energy components required to assemble the physical and mental entity that is a specific form of organism disperses and loses form to be recycled.


I suspect that the ability to "store" and build up qi is potentially limitless if an organism can find a way to push those limits.

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In the beginning the quantity is limited to the vessel. After a certain stage of realization then it becomes limitless. It transforms from vessel to conduit.

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Is there any limit to the quantity of Chi that is available to us ? If we increase our store of Chi, does that mean there is less for some other entity ? Or is it infinite ?


Please state the basis for your answer - a source or reference or ?

Of course there is. Why would we die otherwise?

Chi is life...


We have a limited amount of Chi available to us. We must be wise with how we use it...purify it, exercise it to make it stronger. We can prolong the inevitable, but the physical body that survives on Chi will have to perish. That's not the say that the physical body is the end-all/be-all of everything :D


There of course is another way -- to not be there at all...all action is the action of the infinite Chi...we are merely the instrument of action (Wei wu wei?). Some call it "no self", some call it "self realization".



Edited by dwai

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The Qi of the Universe is unlimited. Ours is limited. If it wasn't, our body structure couldn't simply take it.

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The Qi of the Universe is unlimited. Ours is limited. If it wasn't, our body structure couldn't simply take it.

Respectfully, that was not the question.


The question was "Is the Qi available to us limited ?"

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