Rebel Emperor

How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?

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How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?


Personally, I think that giving humanity unlimited amount of money is not gonna solve the issue as humanity has unlimited wants.


The only way to solve the current crisis humanity is facing right now is to transform the whole of humanity into a race of Enlightened Buddhas who has raised enough of their consciousness to be totally aware of their desires while not being controlled by their desires at all.


So you can enjoy your desires but you are not controlled by them.


And right now, I think that the only countries who can lead humanity's charge into the new golden age are countries in Asia and the Middle East who have over a million temples, mosques, and other holy places combined.


The spiritual energies in Asia and Middle East are much much higher than spiritual energies in the rest of the world.


This is why the US tried to disrupt life in the Middle East because the Middle East had very holy very powerful spiritual power in that region.


Imagine a country where every child learn to meditate from the day they start to speak.


Imagine a civilization where you will not be considered to be an adult if you are not enlightened.


This is the future of humanity.


And to transform humanity into a race of enlightened buddhas, we must first overthrow the entire System.


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Imagine a human civilization who can fly, walk through walks, materialize anything out of thin air, transform into light and back into human bodies again, never ages, never get sick, never feel tired..


Imagine a human civilization who can totally survive without any reliance on technologies at all because the inherent powers in humanity the rest of the 97% of humanity's brains get activated..


Imagine a human civilization which totally overthrows the dark UFO masters who are siphoning humanity's life energies right now..


Imagine the entire human civilization being freed of the matrix.. freed of the need for money, shelter, food and other necessities..


Won't you want that?

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Won't you want that?

No. I'm satisfied with what I have. But you go ahead on. Maybe, just maybe, some of your imagining will help some other person.

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What "system" are you talking about? Imagine someone who hangs out at yoga studios, versus someone who hangs out in dive bars. Those people are going to live in VERY different realities, even if they both only spend $20 at a time in each place. One of these people is going to develop liver disease, the other will probably attain some degree of enlightenment if they do this one pattern for their entire life.


Imagine someone who thinks of criminal acts all the time, and acts them out all the time, versus someone who thinks of ways to help people and create products people think are cool. One of those people is eventually going to end up in prison, the other, a millionaire.


"The system" that you're speaking of - the world we live in - is extremely subjective and relative. The way you overthrow it is not by watching Fox News and griping about how bad everything is, but by making different choices and intentionally deciding what kind of world you want to live in.

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How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?


Personally, I think that giving humanity unlimited amount of money is not gonna solve the issue as humanity has unlimited wants.


The only way to solve the current crisis humanity is facing right now is to transform the whole of humanity into a race of Enlightened Buddhas who has raised enough of their consciousness to be totally aware of their desires while not being controlled by their desires at all.


If you reduce the problems obscuring the Birthing of Human Beingness sufficiently enough, the key is he obliteration of Christianity,...I'd say that England would be the best Country to penetrate the Christian meme,...totally annilating this hideous virus,...and the rest of the World could not ignore it. As the delusion of Christianity falls,...Islam and Judeaism will collapse behind. Only then,...IMO,...following the collapse of theism,...can an enlightened World arise

Edited by Vmarco

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Nice to see you still have this special love for Christianity Vmarco. At least you are consistent.

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How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?

Imagine a country where every child learn to meditate from the day they start to speak.


And to transform humanity into a race of enlightened buddhas, we must first overthrow the entire System.

I think one has to start with oneself first. Otherwise its a flight of fantasy. And a dark one because you want everyone to have your set of beliefs, think the way you want them too, otherwise they're considered children, without rights(?). You sorta want to found your own religion. There are so many devils in the details too, your 'enlightenment' is not going to be others definition of it. Will you be the one who decides who's enlightened or will you force into service those who are considered to be, but probably aren't interested in joining your cause/religion.


It's been done before. Better to cultivate and be a shining example to those around you. Speak little but shine much.


Instead of a which nation, think about which block to persuade to your new found faith. Grab a bull horn and proclaim your truth from a street corner. It'll go over better then a foreign country. You already speak the language and having an American lecture Europeans or Chinese about what they're doing wrong probably won't go over too well. Here you'll only be crazy, but you never know.

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I thought that he was going to "ascend" on December 21, 2012!

Edited by Dainin
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Actually I am in the process of overthrowing "the system". My generals Samatha and Vipassana are currently doing reconnaissance and planning strategy against the enemy called "false self".


False self is a difficult and cunning opponent because his generals are conditioning and delusion. But though the campaign is difficult and slow progress is being made on the awakening front.


Conditioning and delusion are masters of camouflage and help false self to perform nasty sneak attacks which cause my kingdom great desire and then suffering, but Samatha is very cunning and sits very still for long periods of time until he can see through conditioning and delusions camouflage. Once Samatha has spotted the opponent then he gets on the radio and calls in an airstrike to Vipassana.


Vipassana flies in on his plane "loving-kindness and compassion 1" and challenges conditioning and delusion to a stare down duel. At first conditioning and delusion just laugh at Vipassana and tell him that they are not going anywhere, but Vipassana is also very patient and just keeps staring at his opponent. Then just when it seems like conditioning and delusion will never give up Vipassana shoots his penetrating insight ray out of his eyes and conditioning and delusion dissolve.


Of course a battle is then won but there isn't time for too much celebration because "false self" has many generals named conditioning and delusion and each one has a slightly different uniform. So Samatha goes back into action to find them too. But I hope to one day finally totally over throw the system and achieve ultimate victory and enter the land of Nirvana.


The End :closedeyes:

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The UK is not a christian country. Its a multi-cultural religious playground with folk pretending to be christian only on a Sunday. I would recommend a happy-clappy church service were folk speak in tongues and do hands on healing - especially for parents who when 'worshipping' 'g_d' accidently stand on their young children(yep, seen this happen!). Health & Safety are urgently required at these services :D


If your an insomniac then attend a church of england service - works every time.


Want a work out then go to a catholic funeral! Up and down like a yo-yo !!!


Eradicate all religion - mind control that works a treat ! Especially on lapsed catholics - I once said to my Mum that the fictional character know by many as Jesus may have been the first communist, didn't go down to well ! And she'd not been to a catholic church for many years.


Live from the Heart.





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Imagine a human civilization who can fly, walk through walks, materialize anything out of thin air, transform into light and back into human bodies again, never ages, never get sick, never feel tired.. <Star Trek # df382 ended up blobs of light and/or twisted insensitive beings who lost there essential humanity>


Imagine a human civilization who can totally survive without any reliance on technologies at all because the inherent powers in humanity the rest of the 97% of humanity's brains get activated.. <Star Trek again? We always use our whole brain, 10% is a popular misconception. Plus we can survive without tech now its just very time consuming>


Imagine a human civilization which totally overthrows the dark UFO masters who are siphoning humanity's life energies right now.. <I won't even go here, though I'd add the dark UFO masters may not exist>


Imagine the entire human civilization being freed of the matrix.. freed of the need for money, shelter, food and other necessities.. <in the movie, once freed from Matrix you were in living in rags, eating crappy food in underground Zion. Powerful redeeming feature is community and love>


Won't you want that? <No, to me that's wishing to be in a scify movie. >

There are enlightened people on earth right now. Imo they live good simple lives. They don't teleport or walk through walls. They aren't not trying to become the scify movie dujour, matter of fact they may not watch a whole lotta TV or pop culture movies. Most importantly they're not trying to escape into fantasy. That's what taking drugs and watching fantasy movies is about.


I bet all of them had a practice stuck to it faithfully. We live in a world of distraction, if your eyes are on what other people are doing or thinking you're not giving your practice full attention. <Constantly> Comparing yourself to others and wanting to change them is the ego's game, if you're constantly doing it you're moving in the wrong direction.

Edited by thelerner
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Well it'd be nice if I was at a level where I could actually perform miraculous things like instant healing of war victims who've lost limbs and levitate and more importantly open people's heart and then show them what real love is. From there I would tour countries, starting inside my own of course and open the very hearts and minds of my peeps then I'd jump the pond. I'd try to to start a global revolution in say 3.5 yrs lol :)


I'd make it VERY difficult for the people who are in control to stay in control.

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well i am trying to overthrow the system in myself by ceasing to care about it. it seems to work for me :) just waiting until its perfected


once i get to the point of completely not caring i can just lay down and wait for death in peace :wub: Or maybe enjoy the things i like without any fear. i don't know how i will feel when i get there

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How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?


Personally, I think that giving humanity unlimited amount of money is not gonna solve the issue as humanity has unlimited wants.


The only way to solve the current crisis humanity is facing right now is to transform the whole of humanity into a race of Enlightened Buddhas who has raised enough of their consciousness to be totally aware of their desires while not being controlled by their desires at all.


So you can enjoy your desires but you are not controlled by them.


And right now, I think that the only countries who can lead humanity's charge into the new golden age are countries in Asia and the Middle East who have over a million temples, mosques, and other holy places combined.


The spiritual energies in Asia and Middle East are much much higher than spiritual energies in the rest of the world.


This is why the US tried to disrupt life in the Middle East because the Middle East had very holy very powerful spiritual power in that region.


Imagine a country where every child learn to meditate from the day they start to speak.


Imagine a civilization where you will not be considered to be an adult if you are not enlightened.


This is the future of humanity.


And to transform humanity into a race of enlightened buddhas, we must first overthrow the entire System.

A civilization like that would depress me and me sick, no offense. It'd be boring. You've only lost hope because of the lack of technological advancements. In a hundred years humans can be living on different planets and creating 1000's of new civilizations. I hope the new age movement never goes into full swing.

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I would recommend this option.

then someone is going to have to show me a reason to believe i should care about the world enough to not just stop breathing, because despite making me very content, more emotionally stable, not tired all the time and healing energetic and physical blockages, my practice isn't showing it to me. All i see is constant room for improvement ahead of me, not some great compassion for the world that drives me to make change in it.

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We live in order to experience life. That is all there is to it. You can't experience it prior to birth and you can't experience it after you die. The time is now. We Philosophical Taoists believe that humans have the form of life with its special awareness for the purpose of allowing Tao to experience itself. Yes, we are Tao; at least, a subset of Tao.


You don't need to change the world. But you can change yourself if you are not satisfied with the life you currently have. Within individual limits, of course. You can't start flying off to Italy or India with wings you imagine you have. We all have to work with the capacities and capabilities we have. And we will never know the extent of these capabilities and capacities until we put them to the test.


One step backward isn't such a bad thing as long as you take two or more steps forward.

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but i am getting closer and closer to complete contentment. what happens when i reach it? do i just wallow in it until i die? i hope you understand that this is non-fear of death and not just regular fear of life.

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Seeking is a mistake. Wanting to change others is a mistake and is impossible, a waste of everyone's time. The System is having fun with us, and laughing at us as we are pure entertainment to the unseen watchers.


Cameron is merely a well paid actor carrying out the orders of his superiors, as is O drone a etc etc. The real power brokers are who Jim Marrs calls the 'shadow world governemt', made up of such groups as The Bilderbergers etc.


We are two legged laboratory rats. Easily distracted ! Here in the UK football is a huge distraction, as are the various mind numbing TV(Idiot Box) shows - X Factor and Britain's Got Talent to name but two. The religion of the cult of celebrity is another major diversion.


Go within.

All else is a distraction.





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i find it very funny when people say tv is a distraction, because i actually enjoy some tv programs. If i didn't have all of these distractions i would probably spend more time on meditation, but i certainly wouldn't be running out trying to physically "overthrow" anything

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