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Moderator Dictatorship

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I think the "moderation" is getting way out of hand.

In recent the 60 day total ban of NAJA

+ Locking of threads without reason

+ Condescending to members

+ Other threats

Perhaps its time for a review.

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Would you like to be more specific about your complaints regarding moderation? These are some fairly significant accusations, but they also happen to be very vague other than the suspension (which is not the same as a ban) of NAJA. That particular matter is one with a very long history that I suspect you are largely unaware of.


If you are going to air your grievances, lets get them out in the open instead of dancing around them.


This will, of course, still require you to be respectful about it, as with any other thread on the boards.





good example

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Example of Condescending

"This will, of course, still require you to be respectful about it,"

I don't like your attitude

I don't think you are genuine at all.

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Who are the moderators(besides viator)? There is a link for moderating team but it tells me 8 pages of every one with a PPF so I didn't scroll through it to try to figure it out. Seems like a lot of people who used to do it, but who is it now? Props to viator for at least trying and communicating, on post about locked thread it seemed like perhaps the others weren't even very available to discuss it and come to a conclusion.

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I think the moderators do a hard job for no rewards. There was a much more laissez faire time on the board and we lost excellent members because every other month there was a flame war that made the site look like it was populated by angry children. The boards been moving toward stricter moderation. Not to everyones liking but its made it more focused, with more quality (to some extent) discussions instead of long top threads based on two guys seeing who's got the larger tool.


Its good to give the mods feedback. They won't necessarily change there decisions, but they'll listen. In the latest case they'll converse w/ NAJA and see where he's at, because people were concerned it was too aggressive.


Keep in mind these people were picked because they exhibited even handedness (thus I'm out), wisdom(I'm out again) and love of the board. I think we need to give them feed back and also trust'em too.


my 2 bits.

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thelerner, did/do you want to be a mod ?

you seem even handed/level headed imo and have been on ttb a long time.

i agree with you that the mods have a very tough job.

glad i am not one.

the recent mass exodus of previous mods is a curious event.

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The mods here have waaaaay more patience than I am for sure! Back in the day when I ran forums, I just deleted and booted as I saw fit, lol. It must be that whole cultivation / Taoist thing or something ;).

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thelerner, did/do you want to be a mod ?

you seem even handed/level headed imo and have been on ttb a long time.

i agree with you that the mods have a very tough job.

glad i am not one.

the recent mass exodus of previous mods is a curious event.

I care a lot for the board and I'm probably on it more then is healthy (since I work at home on computer). But my bias's lean toward older conservative ethos. So I'm not the counter weight we might need. I'm from the old strict martial art era, enough that if someone started a conversation calling me a dictator, then complained I wasn't treating them with enough 'respect' I'd tell'em strike 2 and to pick there next post carefully. I'd make Viator and Panda look like the most open liberal guys in the world.

I'm just plain nasty at times, enjoying the peace and quiet when everyones tossed out (just kidding, mostly).


Still we need a call out for more moderators. It's a good job, great benefits, looks good on a resume. The 'spiritual' types here are very understanding. Qualifications: Skin: like a rhino. Wisdom; As good or better then Lao Tzu. The nobility of Lincoln. The tenacity of Teng and the flippancy of Flip Wilson.

Edited by thelerner
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At the moment it is @JustARandomPanda and myself. We're running a light team while we look at some infrastructure changes to keep things moving smoothly, then it will probably grow a bit again.


I'm glad my communications have been helpful to some of you. :)


Re feminist thread you gave the impression the "moderator team" was having long drawn out discussions about that thread... and that it was taking sometime to decide etc etc?


You gave the appearance there were a number of moderators...


Now we find out there are only 2...


Doesn't seem like Panda gets involved much either/ never... good thing perhaps


So it appears that you are really the only one here moderating ?


So dictatorship is correct.


Hey if Protector + Marble want to do it they have my vote 100% whatever it is worth haa



Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 12:05 PM

***************** OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF OFFICIALITY ***********************

The feminism thread on The Tao Bums site was closed and locked on the 23rd of April CE 2013 for full and complete consideration of concerns expressed by a member of the boards about materials contained within the thread that could be experienced as being degrading toward women, and as such against the rules of the boards. Material that is disrespectful or insulting toward a member or members of the boards continues to be content which will not be tolerated.

After lengthy discussion on the matter, including involvement by the owner of The Tao Bums, it has been determined that there is an absence of qualifying material in the thread to justify the locking of the thread and ending of discussion of the subject matter contained within. We express sincere apologies to any member who has been inconvenienced by or experienced anxiety due to their inability to access the thread during this time. As is always the case, should such material arise in the thread that is insulting or degrading to women, men, or other groups represented at TTB, it will be dealt with on an individual per case basis. We of the moderators group greatly appreciate your patience while this matter was given our full and undivided attention.

************************** END OFFICIAL STATEMENT ***************************

************************* MOD MSG ****************************


Intense secret discussions are currently taking place in a secret location regarding certain contents of the thread you are asking about. Rather than provide partial or incorrect feedback that might change at a later date and time, we are continuing the discussion in an effort to provide the best possible information to the community. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but do find the conspiracy theories entertaining.


Thank you for your patience.



Posted 30 April 2013 - 08:59 PM

It was locked, not hidden. There was a feeling, because of some of the content in the thread and a general tendency for threads on this subject matter to turn in ugly directions, that contributions to it should be halted at least temporarily. The thread has been under discussion since the point it was locked, and no final decision has been reached. Based on how the discussion goes, the thread will either be left locked or unlocked. A more formal statement will be forthcoming at the point that the discussion is over. Transparency is not the same as public debate. Making the rules clear is part of what we are attempting to accomplish through our discussion. We really do appreciate everyone's patience.

Posted 09 May 2013 - 11:34 AM

Well, I am a moderator, and I have not done anything to make moderation a spectator sport. This is generally because I think it would be counter productive to the cause. The trouble is that if everyone sat in critique of every portion of discussion that moderators entered into we would begin to censor ourselves and to do things for the wrong reasons. I think transparency with regard to making clear when and why actions have been taken regarding a member or discussion is important. I think that having the entire moderation process on display for the whole of the boards would be folly. I think it would be counter productive and would lead to less effective moderators. There are degrees of transparency just like there are degrees of just about everything else in life. To look at it in black and white is to guarantee a misunderstanding of what you are evaluating, just like most other things in life as well.


Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Posted by viator on 30 April 2013 - 07:21 PM in Moderation Logs



Northern Avid Judo Ant, on 30 Apr 2013 - 14:07, said:snapback.png

you cant pose to lord, rule, administer, moderate, or even guide a community as apart from the community.

Arent we trying to keep the all and powerful Oz behind the curtain now? come on. it's not about the community, it's about the server owners.



I'm sorry you missed the "tongue in cheek" humor of my post. At the same time though, there has never been a time that you have been a guest here that discussions have not taken place in secret about how to best guide the boards.



White Wolf Running On Air, on 30 Apr 2013 - 16:57, said:snapback.png

I think the TBs needs to become more democratic.


Viator: Yes, because clearly the world has shown us that democracy can't descend into a greater tyranny than other forms of government...

^ Justifying the dictatorship?


Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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At the time of that statement there were additional moderators who are no longer part of the team. If you have a point please make it. Your ramblings are tiresome and seemingly pointless.


How can we trust what you say?

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At the time of that statement there were additional moderators who are no longer part of the team. If you have a point please make it. Your ramblings are tiresome and seemingly pointless.


That is consistent with impression I got, that maybe it was difficult to get feedback from people with time constraints or they were having second thoughts on moderating. But WWROA, has a point too, til you told us the above it seemed weird because it sounded like a lot of fuss to get the cabal together if it was only 2 people.

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I care a lot for the board and I'm probably on it more then is healthy (since I work at home on computer). But my bias's lean toward older conservative ethos. So I'm not the counter weight we might need. I'm from the old strict martial art era, enough that if someone started a conversation calling me a dictator, then complained I wasn't treating them with enough 'respect' I'd tell'em strike 2 and to pick there next post carefully. I'd make Viator and Panda look like the most open liberal guys in the world.

I'm just plain nasty at times, enjoying the peace and quiet when everyones tossed out (just kidding, mostly).


Still we need a call out for more moderators. It's a good job, great benefits, looks good on a resume. The 'spiritual' types here are very understanding. Qualifications: Skin: like a rhino. Wisdom; As good or better then Lao Tzu. The nobility of Lincoln. The tenacity of Teng and the flippancy of Flip Wilson.

i have seen you exercise great restraint and patience here. i have the rhino skin, tenacity and i can be flippant hehehe. the other qualifications you mention, i fall way way short. and i have like no tech savvy, no tech anything really.i do feel for the mods for sure. at times they can be almost in a no win situation.

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