
demonic mantra

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Christian Black Metal:




I used to play in a black metal band. Still enjoy a lot of the music, but not much into the scene now. There are a lot of people in the scene who do it for the fun, but there is a lot of hate and negative energy involved too.


As always, depends on the people.


I may start another black metal project at some point. You don't have to be a hater to make intense music.


Edit: I listened to Christian metal long before any "secular" bands. Unfortunately, the gems are few and far between as far as high quality music (maybe that's changed) on the Christian side. Extol and Lengsel were two of the best.

Edited by Cat Pillar

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I like Meshuggah...and don't think listening to metal makes you into a demon's pawn. But I guess it's true, it doesn't exactly make you calm/serene/grateful/compassionate/etc, either.


Maybe some day I will listen to Celine Dion. :P In the meantime...


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I like Meshuggah...and don't think listening to metal makes you into a demon's pawn. But I guess it's true, it doesn't exactly make you calm/serene/grateful/compassionate/etc, either.


Listening to some of the more evil stuff can start to negatively affect you if it's all you listen to. Speaking from experience.


Balance is the key.

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lots of people are listening to heavy death-metal like demonically inspired "mantra" over the air-waves, on there mp3 players or what-ever, and when people are saturated with enough of same it's then not that much of a stretch (along with several other factors) for them carry out demonically influenced acts...such is happening all over the world where school kids and adults are often being murdered - angels can only help so much in this world when or if they are rejected or dismissed in favor of the twisted dark side.


Great Post! I can put my signature under it. That is what I am continuously trying to explain to people here. Yet when I speak of Satan and its demons, they accuse me with dualism as if there is no Satan and its demons. And believe me, the most successful tactic of Satan is to make people believe that there is nothing called Satan. After all, you can not struggle against something that does not exist, can you?


Once again, congratulations, with my deepest respect.

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Make no mistake, the dark hunger is looking for a meal and it is not particular or picky about what or who it takes a bite of...


This sounds more mainstream Christian/Islamic than Advaitic to me 3bob

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the point he was trying to make wasn't about metal. hello.


it was about taking negativity in, and then the inevitable effect to that cause, which is that one begins to act in a negative way.


pop music can be negative, as pumped up kicks illustrates. the point is that if you listen to garbage, it degrades your behavior. the more garbage you listen to, the more severely your behavior degrades. As the adage goes, "garbage in, garbage out"


if you stop at metal you are missing the point. i personally like a lot of tool's work. but just want to chime in and say that 3bob is right, whether you miss the point, or deny it, or what.


darkness isn't denominational or sectarian. if an advaitan doesn't believe in darkness they are deluded. thats like not believing in light. there is a marked lack of critical thinking in this thread.

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To me this is the same kind of thing as porn, soap operas and talk shows (have the effect of turning people psychotic), certain films, video games, different kinds of music, certain books, sugar, types of food etc.


A person will likely do those things because they feel they need to, when their energy gets higher, they may feel naturally repelled by it, energy sorts itself, but at the same time maybe good to gently choose different options..

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facebook, computers etc


yeh grandmaster p that has some truth to it too imo, best to best gentle about things..idk

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Ok I will quit strengthening the idea of me with these conceptual posts but ah what the heck one more hehe


Shame, anger, pride, apathy, etc have their place they are part of the whole, in a way there is no such thing as good and bad.


Also "best to be gentle about things" Idk maybe better to be extremely forceful sometimes eg drug addicts?


Also many of these things make more money because more people in the society feel that particular way doesnt make it neccessarily good although I guess if more people "benefit" then it is better, what is good? then..


Does one choose to desire? or does the universe desire you, why would one get happy about accomplishing a desire in a way they didnt choose


So wu wei let go surrender I guess, but thats conceptual too, because Intent and structure is part of the whole


Ok Stillness movement time, but was this a bad post, am I philosophising too much in a way yes, in a way thats being uncompassionate maybe it was good.

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Slamming your d*ck in a door.

That's bad.


That's bad.

Being told by a doctor....

"Sorry you're riddled with it there's nothing we can do so don't waste your money buying any DVD box sets"

That's bad

Finding a maggot in the apple you have just bitten into.

That's bad

Finding half a maggot in same apple

That's even worse.


That's good


Bring it on Santa!

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I am thinking that there are three layers of music which can affect the mental state of a listening audience.


There is the composition itself: This is pure mathematics, and there is harmony in mathematics. When the composition shifts in irrational ways, this shift creates a disruption in the mental state. Such disruptions can prepare the mind to recieve and process new information, and are not 'bad' in and of themselves, but can certainly be used to prepare the mind to recieve negative programming.


There is then the sound quality, playing of instruments, modulation of voice, and the mixing of sounds and effects. Playing or singing off-key can have a disturbing effect, and the addition of distortion that seems to be so popular in metal these days can be very disrupting. Some music is so heavily distorted that I cannot tell if it was good music to begin with ... I don't listen to it when it is distorted this way; it just sounds like noise to me.


Finally there are the lyrics. When the message is one glorifying violence, abuse, or other negative behaviors, it isn't hard to classify the music as 'bad'. A lot of lyrics are an expression of the artist attempting to expell their own negative emotions; for the artist, this is theraputic, and the venom that comes forth is like the puss of their damaged psyches being ejected from them. A listener who has need for such a release might well be helped by going along for the ride, but there is a tendency for audiences to remain, lapping up this toxic waste and absorbing it as new information.


Sometimes a piece of music can be so disruptive that, at the end of the music, the listener has been psychically disoriented. Whatever seemingly rational information that they are exposed to before their minds have been normalized can be readily accepted and programmed into their thoughts - this could be images from a video game, from the news, ect. Combined with drugs that alter the brain's normal chemistry, particularly in a brain that is still developing (up to 25 years of age) Music and images can seriously warp one's perception of reality.

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the ultimately non-dualistic upanishads also give examples of dualism: (to be worked through)


(from Chandogya) Chapter VIII — The Doctrine of the Demons


1. Prajapati said: "Look at yourself in a pan of water and then what you do not understand of the Self come and tell me." They cast their glance in a pan of water. Then Prajapati said to them: "What do you see?" They said: "Venerable Sir, we see the entire self even to the very hairs and nails, a veritable picture."


2. Prajapati said to them: "After you have well adorned yourselves with ornaments, put on your best clothes and cleansed yourselves, look into the pan of water." After having adorned themselves well, put on their best clothes and cleansed themselves, they looked into the pan of water. "What do you see?" asked Prajapati.


3. They said: "Just as we ourselves are well adorned, well dressed and clean, so, venerable Sir, are these two reflections well adorned, well dressed and clean." Prajapati said: "This is the Self, this is immortal, fearless. This is Brahman." They both went away satisfied in heart.


4. Prajapati saw them going and said: "They are both going away without having known and without having realized the Self. And whoever of these, whether gods or demons, follow this doctrine shall perish." Virochana, satisfied in heart, went to the demons and preached this doctrine (Upanishad) to them: "The self (i.e. body) alone is to be worshipped here on earth, the self (i.e. body) alone is to be served. It is only by worshipping the self here and by serving the self that one gains both worlds—this and the next."


5. Therefore even today they say of one who does not practise charity, who has no faith and who does not perform sacrifices: "He is verily a demon"; for such is the doctrine of the demons. The demons deck the bodies of the dead with garlands and perfume, with raiment and with ornaments, for they think that thus they will win the world beyond.


Chapter IX — The Shadow Self is Perishable

1. But Indra, even before he had reached the gods, saw this difficulty: "As this reflection in the water is well adorned when the body is well adorned, well dressed when the body is well dressed, clean when the body is clean, so this reflection in the water will be blind if the body is blind, one—eyed if the body is one—eyed, crippled if the body is crippled and will perish if the body perishes.


2. "I do not see any good in this doctrine." He returned with fuel in hand. To him Prajapati said: "Well, Indra, you went away with Virochana, satisfied in heart; now for what purpose have you come back?" He (Indra) said: "Venerable Sir, as this reflection in the water is well adorned when the body is well adorned, well dressed when the body is well dressed, clean when the body is clean, so this reflection in the water will be blind if the body is blind, one— eyed if the body is one—eyed, crippled if the body is crippled and will perish if the body perishes. Therefore I do not see any good in this doctrine."

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the point he was trying to make wasn't about metal. hello.


it was about taking negativity in, and then the inevitable effect to that cause, which is that one begins to act in a negative way.


pop music can be negative, as pumped up kicks illustrates. the point is that if you listen to garbage, it degrades your behavior. the more garbage you listen to, the more severely your behavior degrades. As the adage goes, "garbage in, garbage out"


Hello there.


I don't believe in "garbage in = garbage out". Fake christians attempted to shove that garbage down my throat as a child, and I promptly spat it out. Just for everyone's information, that doctrine is not in line with the actual religion...but I won't go into that here...


Our decisions determine whether we are becoming good or evil. Our intelligence and will determine it. Our contact with other spiritual beings determines it.


They say that an accomplished spiritual practitioner can be bitten by the most venomous snake, and the poison will turn into healing nectar. This might be literally true...but it also represents that for some people, being exposed to negativity simply increases their positivity. They totally transmute the evil into good. In the midst of darkness, they shine even brighter.


If "garbage in = garbage out" were true, then our world would have self destructed a long time ago. Thankfully, there were conscious people (those who aren't simply empty processing machines for garbage) living who maintained balance. I'm of the opinion that good people are unafraid of evil...they willingly live in the midst of it, in order to change it. They do not run away from it, or point fingers saying it's garbage or evil...saying for instance that a certain kind of music is a mantra that will turn a conscious person into an agent of Satan.


Consider a bodhisattva...it's said that they descend to the hell realms in order to help others. Do you think that such a person is afraid of ANY heavy metal music (or whatever other music that's considered evil)? I don't.


Consider the tragic events of this past year. Those of the newage LOA crowd might say, "lets not look, so that we will not be cultivating negativity". Avert your eyes! But...how can you ever repair what's broken, if you are unaware of it? To be a light, means to look directly into the darkness.

Edited by turtle shell
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Hello there.


I don't believe in "garbage in = garbage out". Fake christians attempted to shove that garbage down my throat as a child, and I promptly spat it out. Just for everyone's information, that doctrine is not in line with the actual religion...but I won't go into that here...


Our decisions determine whether we are becoming good or evil. Our intelligence and will determine it. Our contact with other spiritual beings determines it.


They say that an accomplished spiritual practitioner can be bitten by the most venomous snake, and the poison will turn into healing nectar. This might be literally true...but it also represents that for some people, being exposed to negativity simply increases their positivity. They totally transmute the evil into good. In the midst of darkness, they shine even brighter.


If "garbage in = garbage out" were true, then our world would have self destructed a long time ago. Thankfully, there were conscious people (those who aren't simply empty processing machines for garbage) living who maintained balance. I'm of the opinion that good people are unafraid of evil...they willingly live in the midst of it, in order to change it. They do not run away from it, or point fingers saying it's garbage or evil...saying for instance that a certain kind of music is a mantra that will turn a conscious person into an agent of Satan.


Consider a bodhisattva...it's said that they descend to the hell realms in order to help others. Do you think that such a person is afraid of ANY heavy metal music (or whatever other music that's considered evil)? I don't.


Consider the tragic events of this past year. Those of the newage LOA crowd might say, "lets not look, so that we will not be cultivating negativity". Avert your eyes! But...how can you ever repair what's broken, if you are unaware of it? To be a light, means to look directly into the darkness.


believe what you want, its called cause and effect. you might think youre immune, and im not going to press the point.


only want to say that bodhisattvas descend to hells with the blessings of the dharma protectors and the benefit of lifetimes of virtuous conduct and the karma that it has accumulated. they dont go to take in garbage mindlessly and engage in negative behaviors. There is a huge difference. They are fully mindful (which i do agree negates a lot of the effect of negativity, but doesnt describe the average state of mind of the average human being... )

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Specifically metal? Or can we b*tch about the transformation of rap into a vehicle for sexism and violence as well:-)?


I quit listening to gangsta rap because it got too sexist.


Metal can be cathartic (I guess any music can). I used to listen to what was called 'grunge' and found it reflected my situation quite well.


If I start on LOA I won't stop b3tching. If there's obvious 'do-gooding' going on, there's going to be something awful along with it (per ramming dogmatic chorals down an innocent's throat).


Here's a song I like, which is not metal exactly

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