mike 134

the SEX chakra

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Hey guys, two posts in two days :) I need urgent help!!!!


So my libido and sexual powers are down again. It was down a few months ago and lasted for a couple of weeks before going back up to normal, but it's been down again starting last week. At the same time my heart and my limbs are heating up, so bascially my sexual energy is being diverted to other areas where it is wasted.


I can fix this by returning all that heat to my sex center in the lower abdomen and pelvis. What are the best methods to do this? I need to supercharge that area and collect as much heat/energy/chi/prana whatever you call it, down there.


So far I've been doing this:


1. Thinking about the lower abdomen, trying to heat it up. This doesn't work that well because I can only barely heat it up.

2. Looking at porn and thinking about sex. Also not working well cause my libido is down.


Do you experts know any real methods, like spiritual ones, that might work better? I normally don't do any practices but I'll make an exception if it's my sex drive at stake. Cause I'm in my 20's and this shouldn't be happening. I can't afford to wait a few weeks and hope it resolves, I've been seeing this new girl and I need it up now!!!!


Thanks again.

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ditch the porn


retain...by unplugging your computer, sleeping naked, wearing natural materials, going to sleep early, not eating too much or after 6pm, eat a plant based diet, have fruit/vegetable smoothies with nuts couple of times a day, spend time in nature, with fresh air, live life in accordance with your heart


open the hips with semi lotus, full lotus, asian squats, seiza


use conscious masturbation masturbating without porn or fantasy


dont think of the lower abdomen, keep a relaxed awareness there, focusing is effort, concentration, ego

Edited by sinansencer
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LOL bro, 'were it's being wasted', nah man, time to evolve. :lol: Breasts = antennas. If you want to ground that heart fire, give it to your woman.


You will not be able to divert the heat back downwards unless you actually feel a real, down to earth connection between your girl and yourself, beyond your hips, otherwise no bueno. Porn is so impersonal, your heart wont put out with that. Thinking about random sexual encounters probably wont work either. It takes more than that.


Think about it like this - it takes more than that to get most girls going. Sexual energy is very similar in nature to the women that you love so much, it would be wise to treat it with the same respect and care you would give to your girlfriend. It has intelligence... It is the force that governs your bodies regenerative functions (more than sexual, immune, digestive, rhythmic cycles) and internal dynamics.

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the urgent help you need is in your stance in relation to kundalini.


what benefit can you glean from having your pragmatism about sex hijacked?

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Hmm....sounds like a tug-o-war between your lower desires and spirituality.......this is an age old problem....finding balance between heaven and earth....and something i think most practitioners struggle with. Can't really think of much advice to give except to work on deepening your own Well of Wisdom, your perspective seems to be confined to the immediate future of busting a nut....which is hardly the BIGGER PICTURE.....


Also, perhaps actually practicing some Chi-Gung will help speed up the process of you needing to use all of this energy for removing blockages....given it helps your body run more efficiently.


-My 2 cents, Peace

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I say just calm down. Stress and bad emotions harm the body...relaxation and positive emotions will benefit you. Hyperactivity is not positive, by the way. You want to be parasympathetic like all day.


A spiritual technique is to gently contract the anal sphincter...maybe doing it with the breath during exhales if that helps relax you more...but only do it when you've been calm for at least an entire day, otherwise it will just make you worse. Don't do a lot and don't do it forcefully. It just makes energy go down to the areas that are in charge of sexuality, so it will normalize that function somewhat.

Also, stretch your hip flexors, and all the important lower leg and hip muscles.


To calm down, I suggest you use the book in my signature, "Cultivating Heartfulness". Do it a lot. Or if you want to spend a little money, order a stress eraser (breathing biofeedback device) and get your scores perfect for long periods of time.

Edited by turtle shell
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By the way, collecting heat, attention, energy...in one specific area can have a slight healing effect...but it will also mostly have a stagnating effect. Meaning you will be worse off. So it's a good recommendation not to do that.

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This is just the simple yin and yang of sexual energy.


You've depleted your reserves, so there is no more yin to anchor your kidney yang. So heat is going all throughout your system but is unable to root into your lower abdomen. It's called "empty heat".


So, how to restore?

Yin, of course. Don't keep stoking the heat! Cool off, eat well, do mild exercise including stretching (to let the heat circulate and blow off). "Clear heat, nourish yin".


That you are so young and this is happening, not a good sign. Could be that you over-do it, deplete yourself, more than you should. Could be other factors (illness, stress, etc) that have contributed to this condition.


I'd strongly advise you NOT to take any sexual stimulants (herbs or other) because that would just promote the burning of what you already have too little of.


I know you said you're in an immediate situation that you want to fix, but I suggest that you take a look at your longer term situation. Restoratives and moderating your life style might be in order.


- Trunk

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good stuff everyone


only one stupid response out of 14, and i think it was meant sincerely anyway!


im glad to see such an outpouring of good advice.


Mike 134, i would advise to be honest with your girlfriend in the event of having sexual difficulties. Tell her you awakened your kundalini recently. Tell her its playing havoc with your energies cause thats what it does at first. Tell her you really like her and "its not her". If she freaks out cause youre talking about energy, find a girl who can handle those realities. Plenty of those out there. Sorry youre having difficulties, been through some of the same myself. It sucks. But it has the potential to bring you closer together, and to educate her about something she may not be familiar with. Who knows, maybe she's familiar with the idea through yoga.. maybe through direct experience. Don't be afraid to lay the truth on the table and be ready for what comes next. Its for the best in the long run! best

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LOL bro, 'were it's being wasted', nah man, time to evolve. :lol: Breasts = antennas. If you want to ground that heart fire, give it to your woman.


You will not be able to divert the heat back downwards unless you actually feel a real, down to earth connection between your girl and yourself, beyond your hips, otherwise no bueno. Porn is so impersonal, your heart wont put out with that. Thinking about random sexual encounters probably wont work either. It takes more than that.


Think about it like this - it takes more than that to get most girls going. Sexual energy is very similar in nature to the women that you love so much, it would be wise to treat it with the same respect and care you would give to your girlfriend. It has intelligence... It is the force that governs your bodies regenerative functions (more than sexual, immune, digestive, rhythmic cycles) and internal dynamics.


I liked this one best. I'd do a guy who thinks this way:-)

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I would try Clyman's Condensing breathing. I didn't write about it in my practice journal - but for about 4 weeks I experimented with Gary Clymans condensing breathing from his youtube videos - in addition to my regular Qigong practice. I would do the Condensing breathing till leg tolerance everyday - and for the rest of the day I would do condensing breathing as much as I could. This is some powerful stuff....After a few days it felt like I was taking a libido supplement....And if you've taken those supplements - you should be familiar with how it makes your dick feel bigger - and have better hang to it....That's what the condensing breathing did to my dick. You don't have to quit your regular practice either with the condensing breathing......I didn't.

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Hey thx for the responses guys there are some helpful tips here. Strangely (and thankfully!!!) my sexual prowess returned yesterday. So it was down for a week but I'm suddenly back in business, awwww yeaaaah!!!!


I'm going to try the tensing the sphincters and stretching my limbs before working out, I think that makes sense. I found Mr. Clyman's vids on youtube and I'm watching now. No way am I using any medicines or herbs hell no!


SEXUAL POWERS. like projecting magic sex energy all over your partner


Eh.... I'm projecting something but it's not magic energy lol.

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