
Disinformation campaign

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I have no problem with the continual plagarism or parroting of my posts,...but rearranging those words to point to something else, things quite neurotic, disinformation.



Now Now.


I think an earlier poster well established the definition I was seeking. Disinformation IS intentional.

Writing something in a way you disagree with, or twisting your words, that's just annoying, to you.


That is my Honest Belief on the matter.


Can you tell how seriously I am taking this?

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You are close to the truth. Actually 98% of all qigong is a method to open you up for demonic possession. The great deceiver will also provide you with strength, health and vitality too. Beware, the result is that you will transcend social programming and begin to see things as they truly are. As we all know, God certainly doesn't want that.


"...Then the Blessed One, having understood Brahma's invitation, out of compassion for beings, surveyed the world with the eye of an Awakened One. As he did so, he saw beings with little dust in their eyes and those with much, those with keen faculties and those with dull, those with good attributes and those with bad, those easy to teach and those hard, some of them seeing disgrace and danger in the other world. Just as in a pond of blue or red or white lotuses, some lotuses — born and growing in the water — might flourish while immersed in the water, without rising up from the water; some might stand at an even level with the water; while some might rise up from the water and stand without being smeared by the water — so too, surveying the world with the eye of an Awakened One, the Blessed One saw beings with little dust in their eyes and those with much, those with keen faculties and those with dull, those with good attributes and those with bad, those easy to teach and those hard, some of them seeing disgrace and danger in the other world.

Having seen this, he answered Brahma Sahampati in verse:


Open are the doors to the Deathless to those with ears.

Let them show their conviction. Perceiving trouble, O Brahma,

I did not tell people the refined, sublime Dhamma.


Then Brahma Sahampati, thinking, "The Blessed One has given his consent to teach the Dhamma," bowed down to the Blessed One and, circling him on the right, disappeared right there"


Apparently "Buddhists" would have unending thanks and respect for this "God"?



Edited by 3bob
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I think an earlier poster well established the definition I was seeking. Disinformation IS intentional.

Writing something in a way you disagree with, or twisting your words, that's just annoying, to you.


That is my Honest Belief on the matter.


Can you tell how seriously I am taking this?


As it's your "honest belief",...yes, I could understand the level of seriousness involved.


As for my post and the earlier poster,...the comment about parroting was established in a continuing dialogue from another thread. Honestly,...don't know if it's intentual or subconscious. Sorry you came in at the end of a lengthy dialogue,...this often happens on forums,...when there's a history between two or more posters.


But your use of "honest belief" certainly qualifies as on-topic for this thread.



Edited by Vmarco

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:lol: I told you to rely on experience rather than vague theories, and you label me a political conservative? I've told you before I tend to lean to the left in politics. How about you focus on the topic instead of trying to insult me and label me, eh?


mc² < c is not a vague scientific theory, and I have verified it. If its wrong, the whole of Buddhism and Tao are wrong. Actually, if it's a mere conjecture as your conservative mind believes, there would be no you seeking to rufute the irrefutable.


It's a damn vague scientific theory indeed. First, it's not even a real theory. Seems like something you just made up. Second, as people have told you countless times, your bogus ideas about light have nothing to do with reality. You are reifying a formless experience and confusing yourself by mish mashing religious texts and physics.

Edited by Sunya

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you label me a political conservative? I've told you before I tend to lean to the left in politics. How about you focus on the topic instead of trying to insult me and label me, eh?



No, labled yourself as someone who "shuns new, stimulating experiences and to avoid situations where the outcome is uncertain,...someone with little tolerance for ambiguity." You shouldn't be ashamed if you have an illness like conservativism, admitting it, I can adjust my posts to you,...just as I would speak differently to someone who was an alcoholic,...surely was not meant as an insult. Didn't you read the link,...based on 88 different psychological studies.


Could there be anything, from a non-conservatives point of view, vague about mc² < c


Energy is equal to the mass times the square of the so-called speed of light, which is always less than c, which is energy-less, mass-less and timeless. In other words, as simple as I can say it,..."you" are 186k mps, relatively speaking, slower than the Stillness of Undivided Light.


This not a theory, a hypothesis, conjecture, etc, is what it is, is the changeless principal of duality, for as long as duality is view as duality. All aspects of Duality are perceived, slowed down, crystallized divided light,...a dream which effects its apparent motion upon the fulcrum of Undivided Light.


Anything contrary to that is disinformation.


"Matter is not made of matter." Hans-Peter Dürr

"all matter is frozen or slowed down light" physicist David Bohm



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No, labled yourself as someone who "shuns new, stimulating experiences and to avoid situations where the outcome is uncertain,...someone with little tolerance for ambiguity." You shouldn't be ashamed if you have an illness like conservativism, admitting it, I can adjust my posts to you,...just as I would speak differently to someone who was an alcoholic,...surely was not meant as an insult. Didn't you read the link,...based on 88 different psychological studies.


Again, stop with the insults. Why do you have to be so arrogant, judgmental, and belittling? Someone that doesn't agree with your strange ideas is automatically labeled "ill" and, according to that article, of much lower intelligence than you? What elitism.


Could there be anything, from a non-conservatives point of view, vague about mc² < c


Energy is equal to the mass times the square of the so-called speed of light, which is always less than c, which is energy-less, mass-less and timeless. In other words, as simple as I can say it,..."you" are 186k mps, relatively speaking, slower than the Stillness of Undivided Light.


This not a theory, a hypothesis, conjecture, etc, is what it is, is the changeless principal of duality, for as long as duality is view as duality. All aspects of Duality are perceived, slowed down, crystallized divided light,...a dream which effects its apparent motion upon the fulcrum of Undivided Light.


Anything contrary to that is disinformation.


"Matter is not made of matter." Hans-Peter Dürr

"all matter is frozen or slowed down light" physicist David Bohm


This is all vague and has no relevance to actual experience. Quoting physicists isn't going to help your case. Calling a theory "what is" is like saying a child's crayon drawing of the Grand Canyon is equivalent to the actual Grand Canyon. No theory will ever be able to model reality because all concepts are limiting, and truth lies beyond concepts, beyond human models based on thought and reason.

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VMarco, Sunya


Your bickering says a lot more than your words.


Get a ring and work it out.


Lovingly - Craig


In other words, go somewhere else to fight. Your unseemly behavior is not wanted here (meaning on this thread - you are of course welcome to continue distracting yourselves elsewhere).

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VMarco, Sunya


Your bickering says a lot more than your words.


Get a ring and work it out.


Lovingly - Craig


In other words, go somewhere else to fight. Your unseemly behavior is not wanted here (meaning on this thread - you are of course welcome to continue distracting yourselves elsewhere).

I am reminded of a saying, "The whole world's a stage..." :D


On the macro stage outside, which is also reflected on this micro stage we call TTB, occasionally, someone comes along and insist they want to play the part of "Muhammad Ali", because he says in fact he is Muhammad Ali, the greatest. This is pure fantasy of course, and could easily rouse objections from those who are not afraid to speak up. I think Sunya and others are doing what they know is necessary to raise awareness of a one-person campaign of propagating ill-informed information. Quite appropriate, under the circumstance.

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I am reminded of a saying, "The whole world's a stage..." :D


I think Sunya and others are doing what they know is necessary to raise awareness of a one-person campaign of propagating ill-informed information.


And we should also recognize that Sunya has been shown to be part of your gang. Thus, I would refer you to post #12,...with special consideration given to the word "respect"


And remember,..."the whole world is a stage." How you wish to play it is up to you.



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Sunya has been shown to be part of your gang


There is no gang here. Just individual people finding fault with you and your posts, for obvious reasons. It's rare to find so many people going against another forum member...


I don't say this to make myself into an enemy of you or something. I accept your presence here...even if you ARE a disinformation agent! :ninja:

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Hey Vmarco,


I am a conservative. You can call me one if you wish. (I'm not a "today's" Republican though.)


I think I just went off topic. Darn!!!


Has it been determined where campaign headquarters is? We could wire-tap the place.

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I don't say this to make myself into an enemy of you or something. I accept your presence here...even if you ARE a disinformation agent! :ninja:


Yes,...I can understand that. "Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their beliefs".


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Equanimity to all silly bickering fools and their agents of folly.


I'm going back to work




PS - Metta


PPS - What would Devo do?

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I am a conservative. You can call me one if you wish. (I'm not a "today's" Republican though.)



A conservative,...perhaps some PhD is working on a cure.


In the meantime, here's that link of 88 different psychological studies on conservatives, so perhaps others here could better understand you.




Sorry that this doesn't relate to disinformation,...but since you insisted on talking about it........I in no way indorse that article on Conservatives,...I am not a psychologist.





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Yes,...I can understand that. "Most men would kill the truth if truth would kill their beliefs".


Do you also understand that this is precisely why some people don't accept your presence here?


It has nothing to do with them trying to protect their beliefs from your "truth". :lol:

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No,...both c's imply the samething,...although from two perspective. This was well explained in the 'What is Light' thread. c is c. If you cross the threshold of c, into c itself, there is no energy, mass, or time.


It's sort of dualistic love (biological, emotional, instinctive, agape, etc) and Unconditional Love, which has no opposite.



plug the numbers in, then share your answer.

couldnt resist :lol:

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