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Status Updates posted by zen-bear

  1. Hi Charlie,
    Happy New Year.

    I am still back east in Lenox, MA, teaching in residence at a beautiful holistic spa/retreat center called Eastover Estate.  Now going on 15 months.  All going great guns out here...although it's freezing cold with lots of snow these past few days.

    Your notice about your 2nd retinal detachment event made me think that perhaps one of the FP Qigong seated (MSW) meditations might help.  It is  one the remaining 15 MSW meds that are not published on the DVD series (and probably won't be). It's also not any more difficult to do than any of the published MSW meds.

    If you are interested in learning it, I can teach it to you via Skype in a 30-minute private lesson (at the usual rate).  Again, no guarantees, but this MSW med works directly on the eyes and face.


    1. ridingtheox


      Sorry to be so slow responding.  I have had a busy period with life on the ranch.    The detachment has stabilized and actually retreated slowly.  

      Also our fixed income situation continues to tighten.   Would love to have a face to face,  but just not affordable  ...




  2. P.S. I'm a huge fan of Rob Brezny also. He's highly gifted and annointed to do what he does.

  3. Hi, Thanks for your observation and note of support. Glad that that virulent mess got sorted out. Serendipitous--or maybe karmically just--that Jeremiah Z. offered a very thoughtful and complimentary closing. And the mods. 15 min. later locked the thread, forever freezing young ms. Lew's groundless rants and threats.

  4. Bubbles, Thank you for your even-handed attempt to moderate the irate and irrational ragings of Share Lew's daughter. Very unfortunate and unseemly bitterness that honors no one. But because she has made very erroneous and slanderous statements, I am having to reply and counter with proof of otherwise. Thanks again. Terry Dunn

  5. Hi Bill, can you please do me a quick favor? Please send me back a copy of the email that I sent you Sat. morning (commending you on your tact in allowing Share lew's daughter to be "right" even though she was very wrong with her belief about her father never having taught wrongly.The TC Ruler was not the only occasion Share Lew withheld the truth and instead planted time-wasting c...

  6. Hi Charlie, howya doing? Hope all's well with you. I hope your FP practice is expanding and that you're delving into the not-so-basic Basic FP exercises that lead up to the Vol.4 Long Med.that you do so well. I've started to teach the Level 2 FP Qigong in my Sat. classes.I think you would enjoy them as they are very Tai Chi like.However,Level 2 FP energy feels very different than L...

  7. Hi Charlie, I can meet you tomorrow in Sa.Monica at the same park. No Sat class tomorrow because everyone is sick with flu or out of town. So it will probably be just me and you.So you lucked out--you get a private lesson at public rate. Call me if you want to discuss (310) 622-2925. Otherwise see you manana at 11am. I gave Fu-Dog From Florida 2 days of priv lessons last week. Went great! B...

  8. Glad to hear that you're practicing the Long Form Standing Med. consistently plus two short Dragons. Happy Year of Your Dragon and Congrats again on your daughter giving birth!

  9. Thanks for your notes, Charlie. Looking forward very much to meeting you at the end of March when you come to L.A. Tai Chi class is Sat. mornings and I hope my new Qigong class will be starting again soon on Wed. nights. Location yet undetermined. L.A. traffic would be daunting compared to the wide open of AZ. But I'll give you the hours to avoid being on the LA freeways.

  10. Hello Cihan, I want to answer your first question and then later respond in detail to your report on the progress of your FP practice after I've had time to read it carefully. It's 2:40 am. in Los Angeles at the moment, and I need to retire as i have a long day tomorrow.

    *But for now: You are doing the breathing sequences in the best possible manner...as slowly and as relaxed as p...

  11. Hi charlie, Did you get my PM sent after your Dec. 28 message? I don't see it here and I'm puzzled. I said, yes, of course, I will be in LA in early February. We will make definite plans to get together. And you can come to class or get private lesson if you desire. and I said Hearty Congrats regarding the arrival of your grandchild. Best, Terry

  12. Hi Charlie, I just posted details of two Flying Phoenix lessons that I taught last Saturday and on Tuesday, Dec.27. Try the Tuesday lesson if you have time (it's all seated FP Meditations). Best, Terry

  13. Still getting adjusted to new environment. Am planning to hit the road and teach much, much more as soon as i stabilize the DVD business and get corporate sponsorship for the PBS project. All the best, Terry

  14. --just moved out of my home of the past 19 yrs. twas all set to go nomad and house-sit in Taos NM for 4 mos + 6 mos in Jackson WY, but was invited to share large house with a dear college friend in the Encino hills on 2 gorgeous acres overlooking the west San Fernando Valley. She's a busy physician and needed help with her 88 yr old mother. So I traded my healing services for spectacular ne...

  15. Hi Charlie, Glad to hear you're practicing the basic Standing FP meditations on Vol.1. With your Tai Chi experience and good results already from the Long Form Standing Med. of Vol.4, I think you may discover that the Basic Standing Flying Phoenix meditations to be not so basic...Try to do at least 3 or 4 of them in one session...5 minutes of each is fine. Over past 3 wks, I completed a mo...

  16. Sihing Garry,I've been so buried in still tons of legal crap that I forgot what new video clip you said you had put up and where. It was about a week ago. I assume it was on your WBBM site. I'llgo look for it there. But it would help if you told me what Form or demo you had put up. Looking forward to seeing it. Yes, my life is a swirling storm of s__t right now! Hope yours is fine...

  17. Hi, sorry I missed your message on Sat. Just now read it. Very glad to hear you had powerful "eyes open" practice. Yes, working in front of the mirror magnifies the effects of this Qigong--not so for all qigong systems. I might also suggest doing the basic standing meditations in Vol.1 such as "Monk Gazing At Moon" and "Monk Holding the Peach" in front of the mirror. Ey...

  18. Charlie,Thanks again for re-introducing me to Hayley Westenra. I've enjoyed exploring her performances one Youtube clip at a time during downtime. I've returned to her Benedictus several times--each time,more moving. I'm always moved by young prodigious talent when it surfaces. This is the Jackie Evancho piece that stunned me(starts 4:20): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6GA88T-1nw...

  19. I mean Inessa Gilante:

  20. speaking of good ol' Leopold, I just found the best-named blogsite in the entire internet: http://chainsawfellatio2.blogspot.com/2011/08/rimsky-korsakov-scheherazade-stokowksi.html

  21. speaking of ol' Leopold, I just found the best- named blogsite in the entire internet: http://chainsawfellatio2.blogspot.com/2011/08/rimsky-korsakov-scheherazade-stokowksi.html

  22. btw, I think your range of interest is worldly and renaissance: grass fed beef, tai chi, opera, solar power, peace. I like Puccini operas the best. I used to have old girlfriend in the 80's, an Italian damsel who played 2nd violin in L.A. chamber orchestra..so I saw every opera for 3 yrs...even a Czechoslovakian opera. Cheers, Terry Dunn

  23. Hi Rene, Thanks for your last post FP Qigong thread.I have favor to ask: if have an account on amazon.com,I would greatly appreciate any critique or review of the CKFH DVD's on the product pages as they dropped/lost old page of reviews.Thanks if you can help. Sifu Terry

  24. Hi Malganis, Thanks for your post on the FP Qigong thread.I have 2 favors to ask:would you allow me to possibly use your postings in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on the Flying Phoenix Qigong system? Also, if you are fan of the FPQ system, and have an account on amazon.com,I would greatly appreciate any critique,review of the CKFH DVD's on the product pages as they lost old page...

  25. Hi Lloyd, I'm not sure if you got my last message,but I was in trial from July 7 through July 25, and my existence was literally 2 weeks+ of consecutive all-nighters. I'm very sorry that you landed in L.A. right smack dab during my time of battle. Please let me know if you're ever out this way again.In the meantime,ifyou have questions re FP Qigong,feel free to give me a call. Best...