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About exorcist_1699

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  1. Location of the Lower Dantian

    Talking about Taoist meditation , likely the lower abdomen , a big place below the navel for men as their starting point , is the location appropriate . For women, should be middle of their breasts . Notice that the principle is wherever yang /sex pleasure / convex arises, wherever is the place. For TCM treatment , say if you want to do some acupressure or place a TCM plaster on some acupuncture point to replenish jing , then it is the " Guan Yuan " (" 關元" ) , 4-finger width below your navel :
  2. What’s the meaning of doing without doing?

    When people come across troubles and adversities, how can they do to overcome ? Most of them will try using the knowledge , experiences and material assets they get , working out some plans to solve them . On the other hand, some may adopt lessening ,even getting rid of their expectations or desires, so as to make them feel better, another way of solving their troubles . In fact, we can have some Zen's formulae , as we get in other disciplines , to treat them : 1) "Eliminate the ego, not eliminate the scenarios( those difficulties and adversities ) " ("奪 人不奪境" ). As there is no ego, to where those worries or sufferings hooked to ? 2) " Eliminate those scenarios , not the ego" ( " 奪境不奪人 " ) 3)"Eliminate both the scenarios and the ego " (" 人境俱奪") 4) "Eliminate neither the scenarios nor the ego " ("人境俱不奪") . Capable of entering the Universal or Ontological mind/ Consciousness , the core , as 4) refers to , enables us to 'make use' of no-Mind to deal with all things and matters in non-doing way ; it is only those people whose consciousness are always staying at the surface , far from the core , do they get the necessities of raising varied of ideas and emotions , or expressed in their look pretty terms: tactics or strategy , to solve problems . Below is an atom-like model of people's mind :
  3. Need some Daily Cultivation Techniques

    Because most of the post-natal jing we get is through eating and drinking , by accumulating them and paying attention to the lower abdomen , where the digestion process ends, we can arouse qi ; with qi accumulated , and arisen , we then forget it, forget that it is being forgotten , to attain Shen ; with the skill of playing with Shen , a mindless Mind , grasped and refined , we get more high quality qi accumulated ; then quantity leads to quality jumps , an intercourse between Shen and qi happens , and, embryonic breathing arises ..; notice that hardly can a mind be settled and emptied by itself ; no-mind implies hardly can it or should it raise any intention to empty itself, instead, it can be grasped and emptied by qi. This is the crucial difference between Taoist way from others' .There are 2 main thresholds to cross in this process : 1) Your capability of arousing qi by whatever way you are taught by your teacher / research 2) Your capability to understand and attain a mindless Mind ( can have varied degree of depth ) Attainment of qi lets you understand what most of the TCM writings talk about ; attainment of a mindless Mind/ a no-mind Mind lets you understand what most of the Buddhist writings talk about provided that you read classical Chinese ;
  4. end goal is Daoism ( and comparison to Buddhism's end goal )

    I do think that both Buddhism and Taoism 's goals nearly are the same : Solving troubles of Aging, Sickness, Death and Living ( Reproduce ) . The main difference is that in this process , Taoism emphasizes both physical and spiritual proofs , yet the Buddhists overlook the physical ones . In this sense, Taoism is much closer to modern science than Buddhism for at every step, it requires proof, otherwise, Taoists will look into their ways, try finding anything wrong . For example , hardly correct practice of MCO allows you suffer from any diseases; even cancer can be a piece of cake provided that you always pay attention to spiritual things , not interested in them only after having been told by the doctor that you get 3-month life to live . If you find qi not so powerful , then it is your practice problematic , you should try finding out what things wrong in your practice.. However , in the same situation , many shallow-minded Buddhists will say : the body is illusory , some kind of attachment , why care about it ..;
  5. Are most Daoist practitioners solo ?

    Only few separate writings from the whole collection of the Taoist canons are translated from the classical Chinese into English : " Secret of Gold Flower " , writings of Wu-Liu School , writings of Zhao Bi-Chen ..etc , less than 1% of the valuable Taoist writings worthy of translating into English .
  6. Are most Daoist practitioners solo ?

    Although both Taoism and Buddhism talk about Emptiness, they get very different temperament , which may reflect the original, different characters of the Chinese and the Indians : 1. The Chinese are relatively practical people who speak less , the Indians are more eager to express themselves. 2. Taoists cultivate and meditate in small groups of few people , Buddhists do them in big groups , say in hundreds, even in thousands. 3. Taoism wants to say as little as possible , Buddhism , although emphasizes that the Void or the Buddha Heart is beyond reach by words, in fact says a lot . The volume of Buddhist Sutras is huge, nobody knows its exact quantity ; Taoist Canons' volume originally was small, it is only due to the pressure of the translation of the incoming Buddhist Sutras that it gets big ; however its volume is still no match to the Buddhist ones . 4. Comparing to the zealous Buddhists who are eager to preach their briefs so as to rescue all people ( in fact, all creatures if animals can hear and understand ) of the world , Taoism is a cold , indifferent religion , whose followers think that only people who are embodied in relatively cleaner qi , hardly can they be interested in Tao , or understand its significance .
  7. Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

    Replenishment of jing , regretfully rooted in Nothingness ( " 虛" , Taoist term ) or Emptiness ( " 空" , Buddhist term ) , not rooted in the earth or any other places despite doing exercises and eating jing- enhancing food also help . But we are talking about " root " , so we refer to something fundamental . As nothingness or emptiness is invisible and difficult to deal with , I assume most people do not like it . However , by just capable of attaining an emptied Mind , without thinking of anything related to the female body or its underclothes, we can arouse sex pleasure , heat and " jumps" at the perineum or lower abdomen part is a clear proof of such a linkage . Notice that an emptied Mind gets the same character as , or is equal to , the emptiness everywhere.
  8. Does Qi cultivation supercharge human traits?

    The " Yin Fu jing " « 陰符經 » says: " 宇宙在乎手,萬化生乎身 " ( " All things come from the body ⁕ , grasp the cosmic in your own hands " ). Since the cosmic is full of qi , and our bodies are the embodiment of it , so capable of initializing qi from our bodies , manipulating it and expanding it beyond the body boundaries implies the control of the basic force of the cosmic in our own hands something possible . With the fundamental force in our hands, basic / fatal troubles of life : To live ( and to reproduce), to age , to get sick , to die (生老病死) can be solved . Of course, if you can only initialize qi and circulate it in your own body , incapable of of expanding it beyond, then there is no way of talking about the cosmic stuff ; yet talk about curing some diseases in it is still feasible . ⁕ Notice that Taoist view of the body as a mini cosmic.
  9. Why Taoism is different

    Modern physics, especially quantum mechanics , make emptiness and consciousness / observers factors or issues that need to be considered when studying the essence or basic blocks of the universe ; they are , in fact , two , out of other few topics like qi, most heavily talked topics of Buddhism and Daoism as we can find , in Daoist cannons and Buddhist Sutras , millions of pages devoted to them . Although modern science thinks that this Consciousness ( in reality, expressions of the Buddha Heart or Cosmic Mind* in minds of the crowds ) something intelligent arisen on planets billions years after the big-bang and the cooling down of those solar systems , Buddhism and Daoism think that intelligent Mind exists right at the beginning , everywhere , it is only its expressions that look seemingly after time and look required happened under certain physical conditions, for example , in the habitable zone of a solar system . *Cosmic Mind ( '天心') , Daoist term equivalent to the Buddha Heart .
  10. Lighting the kidney jing

    Our daily consciousness or scientific mind does achieve great things at our will , via separating things or phenomena into different parts, layers, relations, steps ..and then by observations and by applying logic/ maths on them , we make assumptions and finally find out those patterns and rules underlying them .. ; humans are always successful via such methods , however , they may not be suitable when we talk about studying the world of qi , or world of the Budda Mind.
  11. Cultivating the mind through the body

    Cultivating the mind via the body , which composed of jing and qi , is possible . Cultivating the mind via the mind itself is nearly impossible for whatever ways you adopt , say visualizing something , singing whatever name of your gods, focusing whatever strength on something ..etc , you are in fact : 1)in that process , using up your jing and qi, which conversely weaken your spiritual power ; for example, spending a whole day singing the name of Buddha, in fact, drain a lot of jing and qi from the practitioner, especially for old people , which makes greater spiritual achievement not likely . 2) A mind can only be nourished by a much bigger , powerful Mind , not a trivial mind itself. You , in fact, cannot grind a brick into a mirror. Or, put it in other way : If a horse cart does not move forward, which one should you whip ? The cart or the horse ?
  12. Lighting the kidney jing

    It main depends on how young you are when you start becoming capable of refining jing to qi ; to young guys, say those before their 50's , very bright sparks appear somewhere before their eyes when they pee or meditate is quite a common phenomenon . Accumulating enough high quality jing seems to be the only way..
  13. How empty is no emptiness meditation?

    No-mind is , in fact, a stage of transition , leading us from the pseudo to the genuine . Notice that this consciousness , attached to our drives, to our senses , to our emotions and to our reasoning , is so real and dominant that trying to disentangle from it and reach the super-consciousness ( I would rather call it the Cosmic Mind ) as old3bob raised above , to most people , seems unlikely . So, we need some 'skills' of detaching from them to enter another totally new status or dimension. From human's perspective , detachment from this daily consciousness leads us to no-mind , then a further detachment from no-mind may lead us ( or awaken us ) to a much greater Mind , no matter you call it as super-consciousness or Cosmic Mind . However ,we can also view it from a reverse perspective that despite its seemingly lurking and popping up from our brain , that greater Mind is , in fact , the embodiment of an external Mind from the universe on us . If the Cosmic Mind is the moon, then people's minds can be viewed as its billions reflections on lakes, pools, springs on Earth. However , methodologically, some totally new 'skills' which not presume ourselves being the reflections ( expressions ), separated from the origin/ core (' 體'), have to adopt ; and , they may read like these : - "以心求心, 心將成有" ( " Making use of your minds to search for another great Mind , then hardly can it be any way of no-mind ") <<傳 心法要>> ( for it turns out that your intention consolidates some mind(s), not eliminates it /them ) " 喜怒哀樂之未發謂之中 " ( " What is called the core is when minds and emotions just arise but not yet formed" ) <<中庸>> - "當體即是, 動念即乖" ( " At one stroke enter the core , any idea or expectation means deviation") <<傳心法要>> Assume that Dao's essence/ core is somewhere /sometime ( in future ) separated from our minds , and we should squeeze our minds chasing after it is , in fact, human's method/ way , not Dao's.. Anyway, a famous poem, written by the Daoist cum Confucian scholar , Sao Yong ('邵雍') , who lived in the Song Dynasty , tells us the relation between no-mind and the Cosmic Mind: ' 天心復處是無心 ' ( The Cosmic Mind comes on us as no-mind ) ' 心到無時無處尋 ' ( Being no-minded , to its utmost , we cannot find it anywhere ) '若謂無心便無事 ' ( Meaningless you think it is , why ) '水中何故郤生金 ' ( emerged from water , something looks gold like before our eyes )
  14. How empty is no emptiness meditation?

    Some ideas on the posts above : 1) " When I do emptiness meditation, counting my breaths, or observing my mind, there is emptiness(except for small monkeys) but no sense of bliss or emotional content whatsoever. It gets boring. " So, there is something in the background which counts , which observes, which expects ... , in that case, hardly can it be anything an emptiness meditation for a lot of minds stuck there . And, if it is not empty and pure enough, then unlikely can anything lively be nourished from it ; people will then sooner or later find their "emptiness meditation" boring , unable to continue. 2) Instead of talking about those personal experiences, higher level and dimensions stuffs, people should try using how well no-mind meditation cure disease and aging symptoms on their bodies as criteria for they are more realistic , objective enough to be measured , and are free from self-deception . 3)The skills of being no-mind , then erase it as being no-skill , no-way is crucial to our cultivation, both spiritual and physical , for they should not be separated as some pro-Buddhist ways do . It is something indispensable , just like electricians' abilities of measuring voltage , current on circuits to isolate electric failures and web programmers' abilities of writing HTML, CSS and JS codes . Unable to jump freely on different levels of attention, abstraction or attachment, whatever you call it, blocks people from understanding what genuine cultivation is .
  15. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Our spirit , appears to us as varied forms of consciousness and emotions , are in fact controlled by the jing and qi that originate from the dantian ( lower) . No matter what structure and layers we think of our mind, problems like bad memory , not having a sharp mind, unable to pull together a still mind , fail to do lengthy reasoning , uncontrolled illusions popping up....etc , their solution can be found in the area of lower dantian rather than trying to find them in the upper , area of spirit . Lower dantian is also a place we accumulate energy or nutrition for a much greater self ; let high quality jing and qi arise to naturally sublimate our spirit / shen is a way much better than people's deliberate (spiritual ) efforts . It is in this sense that we can find how clever and significant Daoism is. The terms "氣機" ( " mechanism of qi " ) and "神機" ( " mechanism of shen " ) have to be studied in details , like studies of how to set up a solar-powered system composed of electrical and mechanical parts based on varied mechanisms , so as to benefit our life .