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About thelerner

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    Been here long enough to know better

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  1. Zz and the Gongsun Longzi

    South Park is sometimes brilliant, sometimes droll. The Marklar episode was brilliant philosophy. If I had to write a dissertation for a doctorate in philosophy, I'd use that episode. Obviously I wouldn't pass but then again there's not much money in philosophy. Writing for TV on the other hand..
  2. Zz and the Gongsun Longzi

    and the Gongsun Longzi text is off my reading list..
  3. Simpsons did it
  4. What are Buddha 's teaching on householders

    One thing I like about Buddhism is they didn't overly dwell on metaphysics, tending to be focused on here and now. Can't help thinking after-life theology is mostly about conjecture and control.
  5. Transgender Q&A

    If I'm reborn as a human in the next life.. I will file a complaint. I want some time off. for my good or bad behavior.
  6. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    Here's what comes to my mind. Once you've attained wisdom you can 'live every second without hesitation (thought)'. On a daily basis we don't confront evil as much as ignorance. The conditioned mind waivers and judges, considering past and future. The wise mind acts or not, moves through life, leaving a smoother path. Thing is, an idiot also acts without thinking and leaves chaos and trouble. Until one has attained wisdom, thus leaving a path of peace, gaining wisdom is important. So, imo, its not just quiet mind we're after but a wise one informed by solid dharmic traditions.
  7. Is the ming men at or below the belly button?

    For me, there's a 'point' lower and more inner that I seem to strike during deep relaxed breathing.
  8. I'm more interested in seeing the advanced students rather than the master. They show if the system is learnable. Same with the martial arts, it's not the sensei you'll become, if you're diligent, it's the senior students under them. Are they talented, are they balanced? Or in the case of this thread, do they have similar 'powers'? The masters have given their whole life to the system, huge sacrifice. Top students give a few hours a day, everyday for decades.
  9. where is the cat thread?

    You Are a country man. I'm still waiting for the alley cat that prowls around my house daily to bring me some restaurant coupons.
  10. tooth regeneration

    Not too esoteric but I rinse my mouth out vigorously a few times a day. After meals and whenever I'm in the washroom I'll rinse and spit til no teeny bits of food appear. This should also de-acidify my mouth, hopefully slowing or halting cavities. A bit more esoteric when I do a yoga-nidra relaxation routine at night- where you slowly relax parts of the body, I'll end by energetically circling my gums a few times, slowly in both directions. The hope being where you put your attention/chi blood and healing follow. I expect at my low level its a minor thing but do it a couple hundred times a year and it might add up to something. At my last dental visit a few days ago my dentist was surprised at the health of my teeth. Something that did not always happen in my youth since At 7 I learned a quarter would get me fistful of jelly beans.
  11. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    Ya know, today is national Deep Dish Pizza day, not kidding. just what the US needs, <sarcasm> I hope we have a national Off-the-Grid weekend. Turn off or minimize all things electric for the weekend. What'll you do, what'll you eat, how will you entertain yourself and the kids?? Figure it out, you'll be the better for it. guess I'm describing the Sabbath, the one day a week when the Jews go Amish. Orthodox ones anyway. For the Amish I guess it'd be a day of.. What are those English playing at?
  12. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    Can't a country boy live in a house, have a 9 to 5 job, and still practice homesteader skills? To me a country boy enjoys quiet and outdoors but doesn't have to be a mountain man, hermit or living off the grid. It's about the spirit of independence. Strong, capable, resilient.. enjoying nature and having skills. So, imo, it's still possible, in degrees, for anyone, even city folk, who don't mind learning new things and getting their hands dirty. It doesn't mean they can live off the land, but they can get closer to it. Here in the US that spirit is strong in many Western states especially Alaska. With it comes a host of possible problems, boredom, drugs etc. but many rewards too.
  13. I think it can be a big help but works better when it's accompanied by Dharma/wisdom talks from the lineage. We tend to run into the same bullshit- self created and the stuff the world throws at us. Wise men from every tradition have good thoughts on how not to step in it. addon: I think the what makes it change a person's character is integration. My sensei used to say 'Don't leave your Aikido on the mat'. After a meditation session the assistant teacher once said 'This is the feeling you should have when you do Aikido'. (just another reason why you don't see much of it in MMA ) When I'm good**, the sense of peace I get from meditation stays with me. ** only good 3 random hours each day.
  14. Dao Bums (here i am)

    when I get my horse and buggy, you're the first person I'll go for a ride with.
  15. Dao Bums (here i am)

    Raises hand. I'll take the extra horse. I'll need it for my stuff. by the way, anyone got a spare wagon??