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Balancing Left and Right

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Since starting my practices some 4 years ago, I have come to realise that the left side of my body is more sensitive to energy and more relaxed than my right side.


My left testicle has been tingling since starting, and the duct leading from it seems to act as a kind of antenna - picking up energy at various times and tingling immensly in doing so. The right testicle seems lifeless in comparison.


I had an experience about two years ago now where I was lying in bed sleeping. I was on my back and my vertebrae were in good alignment. An experience occured that was not a dream and not what I would call a awaking experience either... A snake shot up my spine and went to the left eye, where an androgynous figure floated before me and as the snake reached my eye the figure and snake met and become one. There was much beauty and colour, and the whites of this androgenous figure's eyes were whiter than any white I have seen.


Another experience I had was around this time last year. I was given a symbol after losing all knowledge of my body and being confronted with a brilliant light. The symbol was that of a trishula, and I had yet another experience within the left channel. My understanding is that I was given this symbol to tell me that I needed all three spinal channels to be clear: the left, right and centre. Also, judging from my experiences I think I may've succeeded in clearing the left to some degree.


Why is my right side so lifeless in comparison? Well, something taiji has taught me is that I have trouble rooting with my right foot. Also, I hold plenty of tension in my right shoulder as well as the neck. When belly breathing the right side of my abdomen has difficulty in expanding into the hip... although, this has started to loosen dramatically of late. On top of this my right eye is also my lazy eye, and there is tension held in the muscles that control its movement. AND I regularly suffer from foot cramp... but guess what, it only happens in the right foot.


One interesting consquence is that I find it very difficult to do visualisation from the centre or from the right - I always appear to be observing from the left side. So whether my visual experiences are looking within the body from within or from without it's generally the left that I see.


So far I have just been focussing on my practices in the anticipation that it will one day sort itself out. I attempt to be mindful of it, and not forceful. Intuition has brought me to this forum to raise the question about practices that exercise the right channel. There are many practitioners here with vast amounts of cumulative knowledge in esoteric fields, and I would appreciate input from you all :)


Yours in humble request,


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Your right side is built up more muscular than your left side because of your right-handedness. The muscles are more dense and it often feels less sensitive.It's just as sensitive, but your perception is not. Most of your martial arts forms are biased towards right sided development. It's said that the right hemisphere controls the mathematical, logic part of your brain, while the left side deals with the intuitive, more artistic side.


people who are right handed are usually dominant in the left side of their brain, so your snake whipping up your right side and into the left hemisphere of your head symbolizes that energetic connection.


I still have problems with balance on my right foot thanks to a motorcycle accident over 30 years ago. You just keep practicing and working at it and you improve bit by bit. If you can practice for 10 years you may get a basic understanding of what you are doing. That's why many practice well into their old age, because they never stop learning...

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Keep your eye on the ball and you might see something amazing!



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Dam I can't get these to go clockwise! Hmm so what does that say about my brain?



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




No matter how hard I try I can't get it to go clockwise!


if you see this going clockwise then you are right brain side user, and vice versa .. you can concentrate to make it go the other way. it might be a delusion , but two people watching it at the same time can see it going in a different way.


The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.

Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.

If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.

Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.


The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.

Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.

If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.

Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Edited by Patrick Brown

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Dam I can't get these to go clockwise! Hmm so what does that say about my brain?

That your consciousness is in the habit of repressing information from your unconscious.


Try using your peripheral vision. Look at something else while keeping the dancers in your peripheral awareness. When you shift your direct gaze, the dancers change their direction of rotation if you don't lose awareness of them: look to the right, they will rotate counterclockwise, look to the left, they will go clockwise.


Peripheral vision processes information you are not directly paying attention to, and feeds it to the parts of the brain you are not directly/consciously accessing. There was a thread along the lines of this one a while back, you might find it in the archives.

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Keep your eye on the ball and you might see something amazing!



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




Dam I can't get these to go clockwise! Hmm so what does that say about my brain?



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




No matter how hard I try I can't get it to go clockwise!

Oh man just look at the shadow near the foot then look back at the dancer.Do it a few times and have that dancer turning anyway you like.

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Oh man just look at the shadow near the foot then look back at the dancer.Do it a few times and have that dancer turning anyway you like.

OK I managed to get it to go clockwise but it's difficult. I've always had problems with stuff like this. :blink:

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OK I managed to get it to go clockwise but it's difficult. I've always had problems with stuff like this. :blink:

Brother you just gotta let it flow,you control the dancer by giving up control of the dancer.

Ps you would every right in wanting to smack me in the head for saying something so glib, but I'am afraid its true :D

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Cheers Lino :)


My right nostril only opened up pretty recently - think this might be a good way for me to go.


Yours humbly,



this works very well.


also try doing neti cleansing with neti pot.

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Cheers Lino :)


My right nostril only opened up pretty recently - think this might be a good way for me to go.


Yours humbly,



this works very well.


also try doing neti cleansing with neti pot.

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neti pot is dope^


I decided to post in this old thread because I have long had questions regarding the left and right side of the body and my experience seems somewhat relative. One of my main goals from Qigong is to attain symmetric control over my body where my mind acts in a mirrored fashion while operating the body. It seems to me that a balanced left and right side are necessary to achieve this harmony in the bodymind.


What are your experiences with the left and right side of the body and how do they relate?



Last night I had an intense experience where I surrendered my consciousness to an encroaching presence and felt my consciousness be sucked into my left eye. It was looney-toon-esque, as "myself" sort of tunneled out like the end of an episode.. as if to say "thats all folks!" At this point it felt as though my left eye contained my past and was projecting a conical tunnel backwards, while my right eye contained my future and was projecting forwards. Above these two in the middle rested presence which quietly watched.

What is the relation of the eyes to your life? Future, past, and in-between...


Any thoughts would be much appreciated,



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