The Biggest Nobody

Jing Replenishment: The Rooted Path Revelation

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7 hours ago, Nungali said:


Indeed .


a diversion ...


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 A story .


'Choose your fishing grounds wisely '


When  I  first moved to this area, I noticed a lack of Aboriginal people . I asked about that and got the usual answers, ignorance and cover up  ( later I learned about the massacres )  but eventually I found the 'outskirts' to where the survivors had been driven to . I had heard one or two stories or occasionally spotted one .  One day I am driving along a newly discovered toad ( for me ) , it goes along the land side of a waterway , this is where two rivers meet, before going into the ocean ,  making a huge mangrove / wetland area with lots of channels and an island in the middle . 





  I saw some houses in amongst the 'swampy conditions ' and  recognized them as probably housing some indigenous families

   ' Aha !  This where they are .'  The I saw an old guy ahead of me walking down the road with fishing rod and basket ... ;there is one , I'll pick him up '. So I stopped and asked him if he wanted a ride and he got in . Great , finally got to meet one . Later I found it it was actually 'Uncle Tom ' the  'head man ' / most senior man  and elder of these people .  He was obviously going fishing, I was interested in his experience and know how . I offered to take him to his spot . No ... 'here will do ' .


I insisted, I dont mind I will take you right there . He gave me a suspicious look, then a cheeky one ; " Nope, I know what you are up to, you want to know where my best fishing spot is . "    :D 


years later, after Tom had passed on  *   I went looking for it . I think I found it, it must be it , along  that  part of the foreshore there is only  really one  place suitable  or clear enough of mangroves and rocks  and there , there is a very old ruins of some  type of stone dock or jetty going out over the tidal mud flats and into deeper water . This must be it . But there are oyster racks just out there , just waiting to snag one's line .  So I did the 'Aboriginal thing' ; sat quietly, waited  (for a longer time than 'we' would usually wait ) watched , observed ....  the tide turned and started to go out , the water was high and it started flowing between  that dock and the oyster racks .   I noticed some shadowy forms under those oyster racks  so I got a bit of bait and dropped it in that part of the current , it went out alongside the edge of the rack and then BAM ! out came a bream, snapped it up and ducked back under the rack .  So I then asked '' Uncle Tom, can I catch one of your fish please ? "


I got a stick, broke it off and tied it to a bit of line so it floated a  prawn at the right depth , put it in the right part of the current  so it floated along the side of the rack ... BAM ! straight away , a bream .   Then again, next throw in .   Thats enough for dinner .  So I left a little offering in the grass , said thank you  and left .


More recently I went there ; tide wrong, wind wrong , it just didnt look right  ' a voice in my head ' ; if you want dinner , go over the other  side , over there on the sand flats .  Okay .  I got two small ones that I threw back , and then thats when I caught the stingray .  I am sure if an indigenous person, some time ago, had caught one they would eat it ..  Well, I suppose I had better do that  then , since I was lead to it .


That involved all sorts of  'adventure ' .   I have never done that before . I won' t describe it , you can see if you look up a youtube on how to  prepare a live stingray for cooking   .... ugh !


Anyway, suffice to say, if it happens again, I will  release it . 


So yes ,   choose the place wisely  ... but also the timing


- best times are when the Sun and Moon are both on a quarter station , the best combo seems to be when Moon is at  IC during sunset .



* he was one of the great old guy indigenous from around here  .... many of the old uncles where a 'different breed' , holding knowledge and understanding that the modern generation  ......   (wince )    'applies differently ' ... they all gone now  :( 


- Also, so is the island - virtually .  For a while the indigenous where forced to stay there , I have heard there is even an old unmarked cemetery there .  It is 'crown land '   ( basically 'seized for the Queen ' ) that someone had a cattle lease on !  Its half mangrove wetlands ! totally unsuitable for that and very flood prone  .  It sold  two years back  to  a private individual or enterprise , a huge price, the advert for the sale explained ' No access -  there is a place suitable for a helipad ' . 






I watched a lot of short film about crocodiles in Australia.  They are in fresh water, sea water, and even miles into land.  Is it safe to stay alone in fishing area you don't know?

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16 hours ago, Master Logray said:



I watched a lot of short film about crocodiles in Australia.  They are in fresh water, sea water, and even miles into land.  Is it safe to stay alone in fishing area you don't know?


Its safest to stay   alone .


Who wants to share your swimming hole with a crocodile ? 



But seriously , not always far inland  ... they cant climb waterfalls or cliffs . not do they venture far up the sides of valleys .


And they are only in the north .



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14 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

If you have Caucasian tastebuds then yes. But for Asians it tastes like stingray cooked in sambal.


To 'Caucasian' tastebuds  (without the spicy fry or sambal ) it is supposed to taste like catfish .   Or, like anything that isnt pork , lamb or beef  , to Caucasian tastebuds , it tastes  ' a bit like chicken but different ' .    :D  



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14 hours ago, Nungali said:


Its safest to stay   alone .


Who wants to share your swimming hole with a crocodile ? 



But seriously , not always far inland  ... they cant climb waterfalls or cliffs . not do they venture far up the sides of valleys .


And they are only in the north .





I forgot to mention there are plenty of big pythons, swarms of mosquitos..... even inside your house.


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The way this post deviated from the original intention is like a qi deviation lol

So allow this Esteemed Venerable Master to enlighten you regarding the Rooted Path (Earthing) :3

I remember being barefoot outside for roughly 4-6 hours. When I went back home it I felt a tingly fuzzy feeling in my mouth (pause). Anyways I remember this feeling, and this feeling was the same whilst doing the microscosmic orbit. My conjecture is that I have discovered not only does the Earth provide you with Jing, but it also naturally does the Microcosmic Orbit!!!
File:Microcosmic Orbit (3).JPG - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia

(When doing the Microcosmic Orbit, the area where you should feel the Golden Nectar is when you're going downwards from the top, specifically from the Pituitary Gland -> Throat area, down the tongue)

Btw does any fellows here knows if it's actually called Golden Nectar or not?

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16 minutes ago, Master Solo said:

The way this post deviated from the original intention is like a qi deviation lol

So allow this Esteemed Venerable Master to enlighten you regarding the Rooted Path (Earthing) :3

I remember being barefoot outside for roughly 4-6 hours. When I went back home it I felt a tingly fuzzy feeling in my mouth (pause). Anyways I remember this feeling, and this feeling was the same whilst doing the microscosmic orbit. My conjecture is that I have discovered not only does the Earth provide you with Jing, but it also naturally does the Microcosmic Orbit!!!
File:Microcosmic Orbit (3).JPG - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia

(When doing the Microcosmic Orbit, the area where you should feel the Golden Nectar is when you're going downwards from the top, specifically from the Pituitary Gland -> Throat area, down the tongue)

Btw does any fellows here knows if it's actually called Golden Nectar or not?

Mate if it was as easy as walking outside barefoot, everyone would be an enlightened immortal right now.


Ok back on topic, steaming stingray is also nice if you can’t handle spicy marinades. Does anyone know where I can get any in London? I haven’t had any in years.

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17 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

Mate if it was as easy as walking outside barefoot, everyone would be an enlightened immortal right now.


Ok back on topic, steaming stingray is also nice if you can’t handle spicy marinades. Does anyone know where I can get any in London? I haven’t had any in years.

you! you!!! what you mean go back on topic?? That was the topic!

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1 hour ago, Master Solo said:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why are you guys using my post like your in a chat group??


Is this your first day on the internet? 

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1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

This thread is about fishing now. If you want to teach anything here you have to change your name to Master Baiter 


well, in the department of teaching, to take enough rest is important in life


Fisherman in Reclusion on an Autumn River | Chinese Painting | China Online  Museum

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1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

This thread is about fishing now. If you want to teach anything here you have to change your name to Master Baiter 

No, I will change my name to Esteemed Venerable Master Solo. 
But since I am generous I will allow you to use the 'Master Baiter' name.


1 hour ago, Maddie said:


Is this your first day on the internet? 

You're a 3rd rate Daoist with a 4th rate cultivation.

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3 minutes ago, Master Solo said:

No, I will change my name to Esteemed Venerable Master Solo. 
But since I am generous I will allow you to use the 'Master Baiter' name.


You're a 3rd rate Daoist with a 4th rate cultivation.


That's not true, I'm not a Daoist at all :-). You flatter me, I'm actually a 7th rate cultivator but masquerade as a 4th rate when I'm feeling cheeky ;-).

Edited by Maddie
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Just now, Maddie said:


That's true, I'm not a Daoist at all :-). You flatter me, I'm actually a 7th rate cultivator but masquerade as a 4th rate when I'm feeling cheeky ;-).

at least you are self aware


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1 minute ago, Master Solo said:

at least you are self aware


hey I'm not 7th rate for nothing ;-)

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If any Juniors understands the dao of energy fields, allow me to give you a very brief introductory regarding energy fields with the Rooted Path.
Spiritual Wisdom 🔺 on Instagram: "“The heart has the most powerful  electromagnetic field within the human energy field and there are more  nerves going from the heart to the brain than going 


Every living being has energy fields and can be intermingled with other energy fields like a cat on your lap or cuddling but I digress. Your energy field strengthens when your feet are planted barefoot on the earth and in turn bestows healing effects and also which is apparently super controversial, dare I say again, life force.

Edited by Solo Cultivator
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Posted (edited)

Replenishment of jing , regretfully rooted in Nothingness  ( " 虛"  , Taoist term ) or  Emptiness ( " 空" , Buddhist term ) ,  not rooted in  the earth or any other places  despite doing exercises and eating jing- enhancing food also help .  But  we are talking  about " root "  , so we refer  to something fundamental . As nothingness or emptiness  is invisible and  difficult to deal with ,  I assume most people do not like it  .  However , by just capable of attaining  an emptied Mind , without thinking of anything related to the female body or  its underclothes,  we can arouse   sex pleasure , heat  and  " jumps"  at the perineum or lower abdomen part  is  a clear proof of such a linkage . Notice that an emptied Mind gets the  same character  as , or  is  equal to ,  the emptiness  everywhere.


Edited by exorcist_1699

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