
How to find the lower dan tian ?

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2 hours ago, Bindi said:

I’m trying to understand all these different qi emissions, what are they for apart from demonstrating some sort of energy is being emitted? Does it have healing capacity, or is it just proof of energy and shock value? 


It's used to enhance treatment. The man in the video is a doctor, mainly treats patients and uses his qi for this purpose. Truth be told, most who can faqi, not the stuff dwai is sharing, the powerful electric qi, is used by chinese medicine doctors. 

I can't think of one lineage or master who can do this that isn't a doctor and uses it to treat patients.

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10 hours ago, CloudHands said:


Is that what you are talking about ?




Not talking about this at all, maybe Dwai is.

This works on students and those who believe, but some random non believer from the street, some MMA fighter, it doesn't work. The qi cultivation from from taoist practices can be felt any onyone, regardless of what they believe or what they did before. 

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11 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

I remain a bit skeptical overall


I personally think that being sceptical is completely the right attitude.


Although people that call themselves sceptics are usually anything but.


Scepticism is a two-way street - don't believe everything that you see - but equally don't believe everything that you think and feel.


In this way, scepticism is very useful.


In my case, I never went in search of these sorts of things - I went in search of teachers that could take their students through a genuine spiritual development - and it so happens that in alchemical Daoism this 'woo woo' stuff is very much part of that. (And it gets a whole lot weirder too)


Scepticism combined with genuine curiosity and humility will get people far.


I found that my scepticism kept me from getting sucked in by fake gurus. But my curiosity kept me searching. And my humility meant that genuine teachers trusted me enough to take me in as a student.

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7 hours ago, Bindi said:

I’m trying to understand all these different qi emissions, what are they for apart from demonstrating some sort of energy is being emitted? Does it have healing capacity, or is it just proof of energy and shock value?


These skills are refined for medical use - or for assisting students. In the course of this refinement process, sometimes these things are used to demonstrate whether you've managed to progress with your training.


But the capacity for this sort of thing is just a byproduct of training.


For example, I've never learned to fa qi - but as a result of generating Yang Qi in my practice (and making an error by generating more than I can integrate) - I've hugged my partner for example and she got the electric shock... I once went to stroke a cat on the street on my way home from practice and I've never heard a cat make such a screeching noise.


You can obviously refine this skill, and be much more nuanced and exact with its application - but I simply don't have enough skill or insight into medical treatment to begin that huge field of study. You can do a lot of harm with this stuff.

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9 minutes ago, Toni said:

think about him and his mission:


I think there are better forums out there for you :)


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why? i like asian philosophies like buddhism and daoism, also practices like qigong. But one should talk seriously

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17 minutes ago, Toni said:

why? i like asian philosophies like buddhism and daoism, also practices like qigong. But one should talk seriously


If you are not getting the results nor enjoying the traditional esoteric explanations of energetics in your current meditation and qigong enthusiasm, then you could perhaps find more satisfying practices to engage. While you may want serious talk, it's often more important to have fun practice that you can truly connect with.


There are materially tangible oriental philosophies like Confucianism that emphasize purifying your own conduct and having spirit nourishing hobbies like calligraphy, gardening, and poetry. Confucian ethics and its scholar-warrior pursuits are materially verifiable, as are their results: either you grow as a human being and sacrifice enough of your ego to eventually enjoy a spotless conscience, or not. You become your own measure.

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1 hour ago, Toni said:

think about him and his mission:




First of all, this says nothing--he is actually quite terrible for an MMA fighter, which anyone who watches MMA can see.


Second, the "masters" he is fighting aren't actually skilled in the internal arts at all, as they are public teachers who often are funded by the CCP for cultural reasons, in spite of the fact many masters are either hidden or have been part of the exodus out of China. The skill of these "internal" fighters is a joke, frankly. No rooting. No power. No fajin, either. They might have learned the right intellectual technique (if they were lucky) but were shown to do it wrong.


Third, this is a spin, not factual. For a guy who hates fake news, you have the idiocy to post a video from VICE?! Granted, they are hilarious and have some interesting pieces, but they are hardly objective, basito

Edited by Earl Grey
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50 minutes ago, Toni said:

why? i like asian philosophies like buddhism and daoism, also practices like qigong. But one should talk seriously


You aren't talking seriously because you're questioning things--what you are doing is trying (and failing miserably) to be the devil's advocate. 


A devil's advocate will consider points and goes with the facts. You, however, are ignoring facts because you aren't pleased with your own experience, basito

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3 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


First of all, this says nothing--he is actually quite terrible for an MMA fighter, which anyone who watches MMA can see.


Second, the "masters" he is fighting aren't actually skilled in the internal arts at all, as they are public teachers who often are funded by the CCP for cultural reasons, in spite of the fact many masters are either hidden or have been part of the exodus out of China. 


Third, this is a spin, not factual. For a guy who hates fake news, you have the idiocy to post a video from VICE?! Granted, they are hilarious and have some interesting pieces, but they are hardly objective, basito


It is an unfortunate fact that Chinese kung fu is no longer able to fight.  He sort of exposes something that many people know.   In China forums those fa ji are heavily ridiculed.   

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1 minute ago, Master Logray said:


It is an unfortunate fact that Chinese kung fu is no longer able to fight.  He sort of exposes something that many people know.   In China forums those fa ji are heavily ridiculed.   


Would you believe that my own Xin Yi master was being offered to fly to China from the Philippines weekly so that the student could personally learn from him, having wasted his time all over China with fake masters who have no skill or power? 


That is how diluted most of the well is in China. The masters are there, but they aren't interested in money or being controlled by the CCP and the nouveau riche--they want to practice and have sincere students without the bullshit. 


Unfortunately, my teacher refused because he has a life, doesn't want the money, and doesn't want to give the skill to just anyone. 


Cue in the army of bots ridiculing him online and suddenly calling him a fake...

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This is a very interesting discussion. Please everyone don't turn this in a school/practice fight or discrediting party.

Everyone can agree or disagree and that's it no need to push disagreement into quarrels...


Putting aside the difference between fa jin and fa qi which I understand. I'd like to understand the difference between qi gong's and neidan's ways of opening the channels and filling the dantian better. Until now they look very similar to me and nobody really talks about it in this thread.

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39 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


Would you believe that my own Xin Yi master was being offered to fly to China from the Philippines weekly so that the student could personally learn from him, having wasted his time all over China with fake masters who have no skill or power? 


That is how diluted most of the well is in China. The masters are there, but they aren't interested in money or being controlled by the CCP and the nouveau riche--they want to practice and have sincere students without the bullshit. 


Unfortunately, my teacher refused because he has a life, doesn't want the money, and doesn't want to give the skill to just anyone. 


Cue in the army of bots ridiculing him online and suddenly calling him a fake...


Is he born in Philippines or migrated ?

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Nobody knows a school until he's part of it (and even...), so a little respect for what you don't really know is a basic skill everyone can try to handle here.

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13 minutes ago, Master Logray said:


Is he born in Philippines or migrated ?


My master is a Filipino. 


His master came from Hong Kong and migrated to the Philippines. He was the original body double for Bruce Lee for Enter the Dragon, but he left the day they started filming, as he couldn't cancel or rebook his ticket to Manila. 

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So, if you can shoot electric q, for real, then you are emitting a lot of juice from you which will take considerable amount of time to replenish back? Something like hours or deeply focused cultivation or maybe even MONTHS? (as I've heard in the case of someone frying an egg with faqi)


So you must Absolutely spend a lot of cultivation to produce the faqi with no way of minimizing the consumption?

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10 minutes ago, EmeraldHead said:

So you must Absolutely spend a lot of cultivation to produce the faqi with no way of minimizing the consumption?


Yes - you're using reserves of power you've built up in practice.


The length of time it takes to replenish your reserves depends on your skill level - whereby 1hr of practice at a high level of skill is equivalent to weeks worth of practice at intermediate level of skill (and many years for a beginner).


But yes - according to all of my traditional teachers - it always takes some of your reserves - and there's no way around it. Newer schools claim to tap cosmic qi and so on - but they're either not generating the level of qi we're talking about here - or they're depleting themselves unknowingly.


There's other forms of transmission that are not depleting in the same way - but they're not technically fa qi - but simply transmission - like ringing a tuning fork that others naturally align their frequency with.

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3 minutes ago, freeform said:

Newer schools claim to tap cosmic qi and so on - but they're either not generating the level of qi we're talking about here - or they're depleting themselves unknowingly.

I imagine the qi in the air isn't that 'dense'.

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47 minutes ago, CloudHands said:

This is a very interesting discussion. Please everyone don't turn this in a school/practice fight or discrediting party.

Everyone can agree or disagree and that's it no need to push disagreement into quarrels...


Putting aside the difference between fa jin and fa qi which I understand. I'd like to understand the difference between qi gong's and neidan's ways of opening the channels and filling the dantian better. Until now they look very similar to me and nobody really talks about it in this thread.


There is a nuanced understanding - each tradition will have their own slightly different definition of Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan.


In my tradition these skills are developed in 'Nei Gong'... However to get to training in Nei Gong you must already be proficient in qigong... and both the neigong and qigong are built on principles originating in Nei Dan.


Often people demonstrating these skills are practicing Nei Dan too - and that radically increases the efficiency in generating more Qi - but the skill itself is a negong skill.

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25 minutes ago, freeform said:


Yes - you're using reserves of power you've built up in practice.


The length of time it takes to replenish your reserves depends on your skill level - whereby 1hr of practice at a high level of skill is equivalent to weeks worth of practice at intermediate level of skill (and many years for a beginner).


But yes - according to all of my traditional teachers - it always takes some of your reserves - and there's no way around it. Newer schools claim to tap cosmic qi and so on - but they're either not generating the level of qi we're talking about here - or they're depleting themselves unknowingly.


There's other forms of transmission that are not depleting in the same way - but they're not technically fa qi - but simply transmission - like ringing a tuning fork that others naturally align their frequency with.


I know one practitioner who says at his level, he can replenish by just eating food and resting, but he's been doing it for years and he does faqi regularly for patients. Good guy, but he also said he doesn't waste time here anymore because too many people think they know what they're talking about and act like he doesn't know crap, but when he shows them faqi, suddenly, he's being treated like royalty as they beg to know more. 


I've found this to be the same when I show that in spite of me having no LDT, I do have martial skill and am slowly finding I can already fajin, but it's more like a kid pushing a cardboard box at the moment than my teachers who can make houses shake and fajin people across the distance of a basketball court. Once I show my skill, suddenly, people are either trying to find how I have faked it or are begging to learn. 

Edited by Earl Grey
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6 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

he doesn't waste time here anymore because too many people think they know what they're talking about and act like he doesn't know crap, but when he show them faqi, suddenly, he's being treated like royalty as they beg to know more.


power-hungry people :rolleyes:


Often they're the worst type of students too.

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9 minutes ago, EmeraldHead said:

I imagine the qi in the air isn't that 'dense'.


yes exactly - environmental qi is thousands of times less concentrated.


But great for health.


That's why people love 'forest bathing' and swimming in the sea.

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4 minutes ago, freeform said:


power-hungry people :rolleyes:


Often they're the worst type of students too.


To an extent I am power hungry, but my view is that it’s to prevent being dominated, as opposed to a certain young lad here who wants all psychic techniques (and for free!) to dominate others.

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49 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


To an extent I am power hungry, but my view is that it’s to prevent being dominated, as opposed to a certain young lad here who wants all psychic techniques (and for free!) to dominate others.


You're not power-hungry :)


At least that's not what I'd say.


Wanting to develop strength and resilience is something different.


By power-hungry - I mean being hungry for power over others.


This can be in the more obvious domination type behaviours - but can also be subtle - like wanting to appear more attractive or being more persuasive or richer, or more successful in an attempt to control others or gain something from them (money, adoration, status).


This isn't to demonise these things - they're completely natural inclinations... And can be good motivation in the very beginning.


But in the course of self-development and introspection, these desires should start to fall away - if they increase rather than fall away (and this can certainly happen!) - then something is going wrong or some adjustment needs to be made in one's training.


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