
Best Translation Of The Six Yoga's Of Naropa

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Prove it!



LOL ... Sorry SJ but not being able to disprove something doesn't automatically mean it is true. It is like saying, "Because you can't disprove God's existance is proof that God exists."


In this case we need to borrow from the very same Toltec teachings that you are referring to and say that Don Juan is merely a "Tale of Power". Being a Tale of Power we should neither believe or disbelieve it but ask ourselves sincerely, "What are the implications of this Tale of Power that can lead us to deeper knowledge and personal power."


And by all means chaps ... keep bashing on each other's self-importance, it's doing you some good. ;)


You are both strong willed and intelligent with healthy minds. If you are able to follow the proper rules of engagement then your interaction will greatly benefit this forum. You have found in each other a Petty Tyrant ... congratulations ... use it wisely.



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Nah, sorry Stig.

I've never claimed much, much less tyrant. I'll admit to being a well read, fairly smart guy who has had really good teachers. But I don't claim any special powers or being able to do anything that any of you might be able to readily do.

I'm fairly strident in my opinions and in my expression of them, but that's just me. I'm not looking for disciples or for anyone to even like me. I don't need it. But if I can save one person from buying into the bullshit, I'm happy.

I have a (as we say in Massachusetts) wicked good life, great kids, still in love with my wife, a satisfying job, some select students whom I consider my equals (I just know one page ahead of them).


Steve knows wizards. What can I say?

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I've never claimed much, much less tyrant.


I am sorry if I used a term you were not familiar with.


To briefly explain the term Petty Tyrant from the Toltec tradition (no not just Carlos). A Petty Tyrant is someone who impinges on your life ranging from a 'Small Fry' Petty Tyrant who just gives you the willies through to a Petty Tyrant proper who has the power of life and death over you. Such a person will reveal to you many inner weakness and habitual conditions, and, because these conditions are what stands in the way of achieving true freedom, a Petty Tyrant is to be welcomed and embraced.


But if I can save one person from buying into the bullshit, I'm happy.


Can I honestly, politely and humbly ask (and this is aimed at SJ as well due to the fact that he is waging the same campaign) why do you think you need to do this? Who are you to say what is "bullshit" and what is not? You are only coming from your range of perception, from your 'veiw of the world'. What is 'bullshit' to you may very well be a 'golden gem of wisdom' to someone else, and of course vice versa.


Whilst yes we have to be incredibly discerning in what we choose to believe we also have to acknowledge that, with the infinite possibilities that this incredible universe offers us, we can ill-afford to be narrow-minded in our vision.


Whenever I encounter something that is currently beyond my ability to understand or comprehend I will say, "That's interesting." I will neither believe nor not believe, it is, as I said in the previous post, to me merely a Tale of Power and I will stalk it to find what 'gift of power' it may yield me.


But this may just be more 'bullshit'...



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"Can I honestly, politely and humbly ask (and this is aimed at SJ as well due to the fact that he is waging the same campaign) why do you think you need to do this?"


You may. But let me ask you this, why do you use the phrase Sifu?

I need to do this because there are a lot of cheaters and hucksters out there. When I started here, I was the 259th person to join. You're the 7517th person to join. How many people post with any regularity? That might mean there are a lot of lurkers who may not know shit from shinola. I'd like, in some small way, help that they not get duped into some scam. Sorry, that may not be a "tale of power". Or maybe it is.

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Thanks for the radar hands description, is the instruction offer on how to do it still on the table?

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"Can I honestly, politely and humbly ask (and this is aimed at SJ as well due to the fact that he is waging the same campaign) why do you think you need to do this?"


You may. But let me ask you this, why do you use the phrase Sifu?

I need to do this because there are a lot of cheaters and hucksters out there. When I started here, I was the 259th person to join. You're the 7517th person to join. How many people post with any regularity? That might mean there are a lot of lurkers who may not know shit from shinola. I'd like, in some small way, help that they not get duped into some scam. Sorry, that may not be a "tale of power". Or maybe it is.


Please my friend I have not directed any disrespect your way.


:) You may have noticed "Sifu" is no longer used, I realised that using this title was not appropriate for this forum. I humbly apologise any pretentiousness on my behalf. I am a sifu in regards to being a teacher and instructor of taijiquan, I make no claims beyond this.


I appreciate you wanting to help people.

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"You may have noticed "Sifu" is no longer used, I realised that using this title was not appropriate for this forum. I humbly apologise any pretentiousness on my behalf. I am a sifu in regards to being a teacher and instructor of taijiquan, I make no claims beyond this."


Hi Stig,

Sorry I didn't notice. Clearly you are a class guy. My apologies.


"Buddy is jealous is all, and anal retentive, and while he may have read some boring books he has no experience of the mysterious. As it says in the TTC, those who are desireless can see the mystery. Buddy has obviously never seen the mystery, and he readily demonstrates his pathetic desires."


Of quit your whining Steve. Your just projecting your own inadequacies.


"I must say that Buddy, who is a purported nei kung teacher, who has never met a real chi kung master and felt projected energy from said master is a really low level teacher. He's jealous is all, and he's a troll, and I would appreciate it if you would not respond to the little turd on my thread. "



I knew you'd get to personal insults. It's your way. You don't know who I've met or what I can do. I'm willing to bet my martial prowess surpasses yours, however. Be careful what you say.

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"Oh look, the little turd who's been insulting me all along now makes threats when I return the insults. How brave you are, Buddy, whilst hiding behind your silver screen. Do you always underestimate your enemies?"


You reveal your true nature with your silly insults, Steve. Enemy? Don't flatter yourself. I'm easy to find, I've posted my address on this forum, please feel free to stop by. Otherwise, stop the keyboard posturing.


Post your stuff about wizards on a martial art board and see the fun ensue. You'd be filleted on Empty Flower.

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Oh look, the little turd who's been insulting me all along now makes threats when I return the insults.

Seven day Tao Bums fast. Please respect the insult policy.


Do it even if everyone else in the whole topic stops. I can't be everywhere at once.



Edited by sean

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SJ wrote: Enlightenment is one of the early steps along the path.


What do you think that enlightenment is?


I would say that an enlightened one has achieved the perfection of the four Brahma Viharas: Equanimity, Compassion, Loving-Kindness, and Sympathetic Joy. Equanimity would mean calm and balanced no matter what happens. Compassion means a deep kindness to others who suffer. Loving-Kindness is love to all, in fact, the love of a mother for her only child. Sympathetic joy would be to experienced the happiness of others just as your own happiness. They have achieved the end of suffering and dedicate themselves to the service of all beings.


What is enlightenment is a Taoist context?

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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I actually felt a bit down today, thank you


p.s. the check is in the mail

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I actually felt a bit down today, thank you


p.s. the check is in the mail




I had to pop out then because of a hurling offspring. Life, huh?

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Not suggesting the two are related at all, but T'ien Shan Pa'i purports to be from the T'ien Shan themselves. The deceased Great Grandmaster of the system lived in Taiwan as did almost all prominent Martial Artists facing Maoist persecution (he taught at the Central Kuo Shu Institute), and it spread from there by his students. Not sure what persecution he faced, but everything seems to be based out of Taiwan around the same time. The Pa'i doesn't claim to be from there though.


The system teaches primarily Shaolin based Kung-fu early in the curriculum, but the Pa'i forms are purported to be Daoist in origin (as is the originating T'ien Shan Szu).


Though it is quite likely that there is no connection between the two (whether they know it or not), i say this to point out that they both claim to be Daoist, both claim to be from T'ien Shan and both claim to be approximately the same age.


That's all.

Edited by Hern Heng

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"a la Chia pet methods,"

Chia pet? You still have to insult Steve? What do you know beyond what you've been gossiped to?


"With this method it is possible to learn much more about what the energy is doing and learning what the exercises do - as well as continuously making our hands into stronger energy tools. This method also addresses many more energy flows in the body than are done with mind/visualization practices and it is safer."


Well, this is a lot of talking. Care to provide some evidence?


"This works the same way with chi. We can give our sick energy to trees with our hands and we can take in refined energy from trees . "


How? It's easy to state this. But what evidence do have to show? I should just believe because you (or your "teachers") say it's so?


"Yes, but first answer me these questions: Do you feel chi in your body at times? Do you feel chi in your hands if you meditate with a holding the ball hand position?"


Do you mean the fact that the mind focusing on ANY part of the body will make you aware of it? That the circulatory or nervous system will respond to that focus? Please Steve. Focus on your hair, you will feel it.



"Taoists agree with the most of the above new age/Buddhist fluff but they also notice that the coin has another side."


Which Tao"ists" Steve? Care to site your source?

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