
Mating and animals ...

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When it comes to mating in the animal kingdom is it the male that chases the female, or the female that chases the male?


And do you believe that it is related to how we humans mate?


In my personal experience it's the female that picks, chooses and selects..



Happy Turkey Day by the way. At least that cooked bird in your oven was chosen by something...

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The energy outlay of the entire procreation process often dictates whether a contributor should be picky or not. Its often not a females role to select by her actions the father of her progeny , nor are males always promiscuous. 

Humans have a very variable system, due to social complexity and long childhood, So I would personally hesitate to draw much conclusion from other species behavior, taking it for what it is rather than trying to make much of alternate examples.

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13 hours ago, Stosh said:

The energy outlay of the entire procreation process often dictates whether a contributor should be picky or not. Its often not a females role to select by her actions the father of her progeny , nor are males always promiscuous. 

Humans have a very variable system, due to social complexity and long childhood, So I would personally hesitate to draw much conclusion from other species behavior, taking it for what it is rather than trying to make much of alternate examples.

Why does this matter?

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8 minutes ago, Phoenix3 said:

Why does this matter?


8 minutes ago, Phoenix3 said:

Since the original post is making

ing the presumption that the male female roles are consistent, one chasing the other, I explained the more consistent rule. Contrastingly, why would it matter to you WHAT gerbils deer or cats do?

Edited by Stosh

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I have been with two women in my life.  My high school girlfriend and my wife of 29 years.


These are the only women that have ever drawn a natural sexual response from me, the rest could draw my eye, but never stir sexual connection.  I had several early girlfriends break up with me in confusion due to my lack of being a typically pushy guy.


In each case, I let my gals know of my interest clearly, but never with force or yang energy... not once have I prodded, pursued, or pushed, it is abhorrent and not in my nature.  I simply made my interest known and allowed them to form the path to our connection.


Sexual union for me is indescribably potent, healing and is an amazing gift of life. 

I cherish it.   Looking back now I can readily perceive that my wife and I have a natural bellows rhythm to our love making and union. 


We each have our seasons and when they comingle, we come together and fly.


When either of us is not in season, we simply allow space and long ago let go of feelings of being rebuffed or rejected when one of us is not in season and not seeking that type of union.


It is a staggeringly powerful force.  I have always inherently felt this in my very being and thus have never once been able to bring myself to try and convince anyone to engage in physical expressions of intimacy.  I embrace the yin within my nature and open myself clearly to them.  When they are in a similar space... as I mentioned, then we come together in a natural rhythm and simply fly together. 


such gratitude.

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20 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

In each case, I let my gals know of my interest clearly, but never with force or yang energy... not once have I prodded, pursued, or pushed, it is abhorrent and not in my nature.  I simply made my interest known and allowed them to form the path to our connection.



This is why I've always believed it's the woman who does the work and pursues. I believe men pursuing women is something that has been conditioned into their minds in today's society. It just doesn't seem right to me.


Ive had many sexual encounters with women and it's the ones who I didn't pursue that always came to me. Like you said, "I simply made my interest known" and allowed them to open up. I know other guys who pursue and persist and it works for them. But for some reason it doesn't fit into my character make up.


I believe some men naturally don't have to try. So when they do try it becomes off putting..Too much yang energy. We're already yang so it's best we become yin in the company of a woman as she becomes more yang..


In fact, there's no "work" at all. It just happens.


Being that I'm done with just lustful encounters my interests are purely for love and family building. 


Do do you believe in polygamy?

Edited by TheCLounge
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It seems to me most humans are not monogamous by nature, so the standard western idea of marriage seems to be saturated in dissonace for many people when this mental paradigm is upheld forcefully.  In my case it is not, it is not better that I have only one partner, it is not worse, it simply reflects my nature.   Above all, I think sex, like all of life, should involve no harm and should be utterly free of shame of any kind.


Some mammals mate for life, some come together and flow apart freely.   Be radically honest with yourself and your partner and allow your true nature to express itself without force or fear or shame. 


As Oscar Wilde said it  "just be yourself... everyone else is already taken'


It is unavoidably clear in my own experience and that of my partner, that sexuality is deeply tied to our own core essential nature and power.  When I freely follow it, healing and potency flow along with it.  If I deviate from it, or allow myself to be coerced away from my nature, it is unpleasant with nasty resonance in the extreme.


Important to note, this is not The Truth, it is only my truth.  I no longer claim to know what others should or shouldn't do to be in accord with their nature.  I simply seek to be open and allow my core essential nature express itself without forcing.


wei wu wei.


In my very essence I veritably taste that we are fluid beings, not static nouns.  Sexual energy reflects this fluid nature in my life and flows in natural rhythms.  Sexual union is among the most powerful shaping forces I have encountered... so to allow it to develop and flow naturally is the only manner I can engage with it without serious dissonance.  That said, there are paths my wife and I have followed when we were young, that no longer occur.  This reflects our natural flow.


Sex can be the most horrific weapon I can conceive of... or the most healing power.  To be radically honest about my sexual nature is paramount in my life.  To hide my nature is to stifle my power.  To engage in expressions of intimacy that are not natural to me is to cause serious trauma to myself or others.


Some years ago, (seven or so at this point) my wife and I naturally delved deeply into new areas of sexual exploration after a couple decades together.  This was preceeded by many long conversations over a period of months about growing longings, shifting desires and our growing awareness of our relationship to our selves and each other. 


The core of the exploration was one where we developed a new physical vocabulary and we began consciously shaping a relationship to our very unconscious sexual energies... for this to occur naturally, we had to cultivate radical honesty and open communication and there was only one rule... in our love making, sharing of fantasies and our play, there could be no shame anywhere.  We performed a banishing ritual of shame and it has no place in our relationship.  In our play and union, we were expressing our purest, deepest natural desires of expressing our connection to one another and thus... shame was abandoned and we could say and share anything.


Particularly this banishing of shame led to a radical opening within each of us, that triggered a healing process that has reshaped our internal and external lives.  Sexual expression is utterly personal and to have it shaped, stifled or controlled in my life, is to have my power center shackled or harmed outright.


In this process, we played on many levels and we both opened up stores of internal power that triggered resonating healing.  As with all aspects of the process of awakening.  There were deep places, long buried by trauma and aversion that came to light and brought painful realizations.  But this only occured I sense, because on a deeper level, we were able to finally and comfortably, naturally be completely honest and open about our own most individual responses to this incredible power.


We now have a flowing expression of loving intimacy that I was previously unaware was possible and extends far beyond the rooms, or the trees in which we make love.  It has opened energy in every other part of our lives.


Above all, it is natural.  Never forced and never ever ever... shamed in any way.

Edited by silent thunder
altered some phrases and added others for clarity... i hope
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19 hours ago, silent thunder said:

It seems to me most humans are not monogamous by nature, so the standard western idea of marriage seems to be saturated in dissonace for many people when this mental paradigm is upheld forcefully.  In my case it is not, it is not better that I have only one partner, it is not worse, it simply reflects my nature.   Above all, I think sex, like all of life, should involve no harm and should be utterly free of shame of any kind.


If you kill something it will have a o-gasm effect, elements liberate. Sexual release is killing.

you are right no shame on killing or doing physical harm or pain etc. While feeling of shame is a o-gasm too, release of elements.


Just put a picture together and write a nice Disney like essay what might show false IQ level.

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21 hours ago, silent thunder said:

These are the only women that have ever drawn a natural sexual response from me,


its possible that you are not male. At least not alpha.


anyways responding like this way i do i get a release in throat area. Feels good. So i abuse it.

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20 hours ago, silent thunder said:

wei wu wei.


knowing its correct pronounciation, i could knwo waht it means, without knowing chinese.

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20 hours ago, silent thunder said:

should be utterly free of shame of any kind.


when do you finish? and why you start...


you must think of yourself as a sick being from start. If you think you are pure and healthy you would question why you need to do things.

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allinone, you may want to re-read Silent Thunder's post.  I find it well written, its personal, insightful, reflective.. I'm surprised anyone could find it offensive.   unless I'm misreading something and topic is mating with animals, in which case it would be problematic. 


There are some who can do celibacy just fine, and others (undoubtedly most, especially without training) who it turns overly aggressive and have problems.



Edited by thelerner

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12 hours ago, thelerner said:

allinone, you may want to re-read Silent Thunder's post.  I find it well written, its personal, insightful, reflective.. I'm surprised anyone could find it offensive.   unless I'm misreading something and topic is mating with animals, in which case it would be problematic. 


There are some who can do celibacy just fine, and others (undoubtedly most, especially without training) who it turns overly aggressive and have problems.




i don't know how to say it but when you copulate you use up energy. There is a mind and body connection. Late late after many transformations, the discharge will be seen singular like ball of light if you decide to cultivate the desire to move without doing and get a movement by insight(sexual union is you move back and forth your flesh body parts and have a special door open in split second you don't see how it works,.. life is like a imitation of spiritual).

Also you can't start see urge to consume right away, you also need see how your mind disappear to emptiness. Its happen to you and shown to you, you can't miss it since the acknowledgement happens too, so its not that hard because you don't have to worry about missing it, just need cultivation to set the conditions.


Just sit long enough and with sound mind, in 5 min you feel like you need stop, so it comes a struggle. Keep on sitting till the feelings and emotions change into desperate cry. Its pretty much energy has reached pass elbow and gets into hand and from hand it goes to emptiness and then returns and the toxicy and irritability will rebound and its possible you become retarded for a while.



i guess you all are already specialists and not need to practice years to have one meager sensation but know all channels and cavities and polarities etc.

Edited by allinone

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1 hour ago, bax44 said:




i sometimes need do that facial expression to empty something or activate movement.

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3 hours ago, allinone said:

i guess you all are already specialists and not need to practice years to have one meager sensation but know all channels and cavities and polarities etc.


that has karmic activity, i knew it and cultivated it so i don't get insulted on rebound.

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There's two schools of thought on energy.  To me it's not about saving energy.  It's about efficiently gaining and using it.  Growing my throughput.  I grow stronger by exercise, exploring my boundaries, building up, breaking down, resting.  To me sex is great.  A completeness, Excess may be bad, but like movement and laughter, this is what my body was built for.  


Without it I get cranky.   At times I see that in people who are doing celibacy but shouldn't.  They'd do better spiritually following their Tao, the wisdom of their body instead of what they've read in old books that were written for well trained monks. 


We're specialists, just people taking a different path then you.  The question we all have to answer is our path making us better people?   If one is often angry and irritated, maybe it's not. 

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18 hours ago, thelerner said:

There's two schools of thought on energy.  To me it's not about saving energy.  It's about efficiently gaining and using it.  Growing my throughput.  I grow stronger by exercise, exploring my boundaries, building up, breaking down, resting.  To me sex is great.  A completeness, Excess may be bad, but like movement and laughter, this is what my body was built for.  


Without it I get cranky.   At times I see that in people who are doing celibacy but shouldn't.  They'd do better spiritually following their Tao, the wisdom of their body instead of what they've read in old books that were written for well trained monks. 


Well get cranky and stay there you will see it will disappear without the things you do from first paragraph too. You just need extra push so you would fall over the cliff and die.


you yourself can't jump of the cliff, someone needs to push you to it. Females manage your anger, so if you decide to be alone, you will have no manager you need start deal and face the feelings of anger and irritability, cruelty etc.

Edited by allinone
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I'm an adult, I've faced my feelings of anger, irritability, cruelty etc.,  I don't need females or others to manage my anger either.  Adulthood.  Not that I'm perfect but, having sex or not doesn't mean you've got those things under control.   Not at all.  Retention can make disturbed people, worse.  


addon> so can the energy arts. Unless you've got a fair bit of practice and equanimity under your belt, gaining more energy will make you imbalanced, and the more one gets the worse it can become.  Not that celibacy or working with energy practices are bad, but they require you have the fundamentals mastered and aren't fooling yourself and disregarding problems.   

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Habitual(still thinking what the correct word here is) anger is a feeling like the sensation when you reach certain level of pee in your bladder. Real anger is like a desire to pee from different cause and its a charge in pee, what can be discharged and you forget that you have pee. Also its with taking a dump, sometimes there is a intense urge to take a dump, you think it is wet but actually it is not.


So its with anger too you need know how to cultivate that the real anger rises what isn't the dumbass anger.


So i gather and anger(it can be anything else too, like frustration, feeling of incompetency, failure etc) is intense, in its peak brain actually shows that its sensual desire, you will feel not anger as mind but a body sensation, like molten metal ball burn translated as intense urge to have a sensual release.


there is more to say in this subject.

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by the way i just got very angry writing you a post, my hands started to shake too.


+ head is painful. Similar to the migraine but without pulsation. Also i left the part out, but it would have been interesting to hear, but the politics here forbid and i would prolly gotten banned.

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16 minutes ago, allinone said:

censorship in full throttle.




No offense but I don't think it's censorship in this case. Most of your posts are really just self serving bullshit and if you're trying to be funny they aren't that either. It was cute for awhile but now it's just annoying and quite a bore.

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