
Brain physiology and 'higher powers'

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On 09/10/2017 at 10:52 AM, Spotless said:

We all have clairvoyance and we all use it all the time - this is true for most subtle abilities. Everybody has more or less of the many many subtle abilities and generally we subjugate them rather than participate openly with them - this subjugation is done with diet and dissipation and unskillful means.


Could you please elaborate on this?


How would one define clairvoyance?

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4 hours ago, KuroShiro said:


Could you please elaborate on this?


How would one define clairvoyance?

The relatively mundane definition from Wikipedia:

Clairvoyance (/klɛɹˈvɔɪəns/ or /klɛəˈvɔɪəns/) (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception.[1][2] Any person who is claimed to have some such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant (/klerˈvɔɪənt/)[3] ("one who sees clearly").

I would generally also include the ability to see auras either with the naked eye or with eyes closed or both, able to see spirits, subtle energy forms such as thought forms, elemental and general energetic fields as well as see through things, see way into things and some include "knowing".


We all have subtle abilities - some more than others and some have certain abilities much more than others. Most of these abilities can be greatly expanded fairly easily. On any given day and time we are sensing things at a level tha t is almost completely lost on us. In a crowd we are scanning people from many levels - we hear their racial tones (the sound of their bodies), we are often fixated on their sexual vibrations, often we link energetically to them is any one of wpseveral areas. Our aura expands and contracts in accordance with many factors - particularly in a crowd. We use language that refers to this stuff all the time but don't realize it.


We say someone is spacey - it is a reference to a thinnish aura that is overly extended - it ungrounds the person and they "are spacey".

We say a conman or overly friendly sales person is putting on a front - this refers to the false aura they put up well in front of them with a false personality - you can literally see this type of person's aura primarily out in front of them (all hat and no cattle).


How often do you have a clear foreboding of something for no good reason - and you turn out to be correct?


Ever grab the phone just before it rang - or thought of someone just before they called - or were suddenly out of nowhere worried about your kid and then found out they were trying to contact you?


There are many here that could fill in a thousand blanks along these lines.


I was looking at someone once and their telekinesis abilities were extraordinarily high which is very rare - it turns out this tiny woman owned a moving company and it was well known and sort of a joke within her inner group that she could move and lift more than most twice her size even though she was not some small ox - she was thin and petite.


The number of abilities we all use on a regular basis is so far beyond scientific awareness as to make scientific awareness at its most tiny basic levels - it has not even scratched the surface. We have holographic scanners, extreme hearing, unlimited spacial recognition (not limited by distance), not limited by time, memory capacities not limited to the body or bodies, the abilities to feel histories at a touch, hear the ground and the earth, speak with the trees.


Others can come join in and others yet can object to "all the hearsay" - What I am talking about is generally reserved for special people or nut jobs who believe in them - but humans use all of these abilities regularly and frequently. 


Many people are sensitive and it drives them to drink or drugs or ice cream or sex or something to get rid of the overload.

Most of them have no idea what is happening and professionals are clueless s well.


I hope this was a reasonable elaboration.







Edited by Spotless
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From JAJ:


The Upper Dantian is located in the center of the Brain, in an area that encompasses the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, and hypothalamus glands...


The center of the Upper Dantian is located in the pineal gland, which is a small, reddish-gray colored gland attached to the base of the third ventricle of the Brain, in front of the cerebellum. The pineal gland is a mass of nerve matter, containing corpuscles resembling nerve cells and small hard masses of calcareous particles. It is larger in children than in adults and more developed in women than in men. The pineal gland is the organ of telepathic communication, and receives its impressions through the medium of vibrations caused by thoughts projected from other individuals. When an individual thinks, he or she initiates a series of vibrations within the surrounding energy field which is radiated out from his or her body as energetic waves and pulses. Therefore, this area is considered the space where the Shen transcends the limitations of form and merges with the infinite space of the Wuji.

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if you purify, that means you don't do the things you would do, next time its a feeling or urge, next time it is more of a feeling etc. You can start know things and do the things in mind so in real life there won't be the gross connection happen.


biological 2-3.. path fetter model is possible to achieve. Real life bodhisatva skill or what world the subtle doings are done before things appear in this world. So Buddha is done lot of things already long time before.


but this is just half the story, since enlightened being can become sentient being but they actually not become, sentient beings are just a matter of time when they disappear like a dream or false seeing.


i assume that enlightened being get to know the mechanics like a clockwork, that after 1 comes 2, so there is predictions not extrasensory perceptions.


hmmm sentience will disappear when get to know abc mechanical logic. I wonder if that means emptiness, that there is no sentience, so also therefore there can't be any sensory perception.

Edited by allinone

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"I'm interested to learn anything anyone knows about the brain and the development of clairvoyance etc."



Consider first "the" brain.


The modern brain?


Modern brain is damaged: Mother of young brain has mercury "flu shot" during pregnancy, lodging neurotoxins in the fetal brain. Umbilical cord is cut before baby eats, causing brain lesions (dead spot) as blood goes from brain to lungs and digestive organs instead of from placenta. Baby is taken and washed, removing bonding developments and mother probiotics. Baby then gets more neurotoxins injected - aluminum, mercury - and immune system impaired by vaccinating with peanut oil and human DNA, etc. Then baby is given totally wrong "food" including baby formula made with more neurotoxic metals and refined sugars. This baby is then usually grown on the flesh of tortured and drugged animals  (see PETA videos), and given about 12-16 years of programming (brainwashing) on how to function in an artificial, proprietary system of thought and living. About 50% of these manufactured person are diabetic, 50% having cancer, more than 1 in 50 "autistic", and so on.


Is THAT "the" brain that is going to somehow become "clairvoyant"?


In old texts, in any old systems for cultivation, nobody is ever referring to this new, altered, modern brain. 




- VonKrankenhaus

Edited by vonkrankenhaus
original had a word written 2 times by mistake

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2 hours ago, vonkrankenhaus said:


"I'm interested to learn anything anyone knows about the brain and the development of clairvoyance etc."



Consider first "the" brain.


The modern brain?


Modern brain is damaged: Mother of young brain has mercury "flu shot" during pregnancy, lodging neurotoxins in the fetal brain. Umbilical cord is cut before baby eats, causing brain lesions (dead spot) as blood goes from brain to lungs and digestive organs instead of from placenta. Baby is taken and washed, removing bonding developments and mother probiotics. Baby then gets more neurotoxins injected - aluminum, mercury - and immune system impaired by vaccinating with peanut oil and human DNA, etc. Then baby is given totally wrong "food" including baby formula made with more neurotoxic metals and refined sugars. This baby is then usually grown on the flesh of tortured and drugged animal flesh (see PETA videos), and given about 12-16 years of programming (brainwashing) on how to function in an artificial, proprietary system of thought and living. About 50% of these manufactured person are diabetic, 50% having cancer, more than 1 in 50 "autistic", and so on.


Is THAT "the" brain that is going to somehow become "clairvoyant"?


In old texts, in any old systems for cultivation, nobody is ever referring to this new, altered, modern brain. 




- VonKrankenhaus

 Thanks that really cheered me up ;)

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2 hours ago, vonkrankenhaus said:


"I'm interested to learn anything anyone knows about the brain and the development of clairvoyance etc."



Consider first "the" brain.


The modern brain?


Modern brain is damaged: Mother of young brain has mercury "flu shot" during pregnancy, lodging neurotoxins in the fetal brain. Umbilical cord is cut before baby eats, causing brain lesions (dead spot) as blood goes from brain to lungs and digestive organs instead of from placenta. Baby is taken and washed, removing bonding developments and mother probiotics. Baby then gets more neurotoxins injected - aluminum, mercury - and immune system impaired by vaccinating with peanut oil and human DNA, etc. Then baby is given totally wrong "food" including baby formula made with more neurotoxic metals and refined sugars. This baby is then usually grown on the flesh of tortured and drugged animal flesh (see PETA videos), and given about 12-16 years of programming (brainwashing) on how to function in an artificial, proprietary system of thought and living. About 50% of these manufactured person are diabetic, 50% having cancer, more than 1 in 50 "autistic", and so on.


Is THAT "the" brain that is going to somehow become "clairvoyant"?


In old texts, in any old systems for cultivation, nobody is ever referring to this new, altered, modern brain. 




- VonKrankenhaus

I appreciate your inclination to more natural processes of birth and growth.  But I don't share your seeming level of pessimism and vitriol over the physical condition.


To me, you lend far too much weight to the physical.  One candle alights the darkness of a thousand lifetimes.


Physical to me is gossamer, vaporous paper.  Changing in a flash.

Whereas Awareness is ever abiding the very fabric of all that we refer to as reality.  Formless and empty, it gives rise to the flesh, not the other way round.


So issues of clairvoyance, clairaudience, all faculties of mind process stem from awareness, not from the physical brain.  The form and function of the physical brain, to me, is more akin to how dew manifests on plants in early morning.  Brains and bodies stem out of awareness.  And bodies shift in response to shifts in awareness/realization.  My body healed within a few weeks of a shift in awareness, healing painful conditions that kept manifesting in my body for more than a decade.


This is a truth for me.   That bodies manifest in fields of awareness, physical manifestation is not the source of awareness.  As such, the functions of awareness supercede even the harshest limitations of the physical in my experience.

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Physical and Spiritual = same thing.


The modifications introduced have effects that span the whole process.


Without the body and brain and without the physical being, who and what is it that would be "clairvoyant"?





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2 hours ago, vonkrankenhaus said:

Physical and Spiritual = same thing.



yes, like water and clouds. 

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5 minutes ago, Apech said:


Or cows and pats?

Like patting a cow, sir? 

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10 hours ago, Apeiron&Peiron said:

In the Hagakure, Yamamoto Tsunetomo says that the strike is all about intent. Full commitment to a strike means that it should reach completion even if your head is cutoff before your sword strikes your opponent. It was something about the unity of spirit and intent beyond whatever might happen to your own body. 


I'm not sure I'd be that committed to slicing someone, though...

there are also ethical considerations (samurai codes) when slicing off the opponent's hand... 



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I actually got a future sense what is going to happen, also get a feel and who, where. And today got to know it comes true. I also acknowledged the sense fully when i received it.

The thing or issue is that when i would say it, make a statement, then wouldn't that send a signal back and then it doesn't come true due greed, because it is painful to witness person say, "told ya so".


Same thing is i noticed i am reminded the clock times. But once i did come aware that i am being reminded, then next morning if i wouldn't have an alarm set, then i would have slept in because i woke up to alarm.


so in summary the guess is that the awareness is what changes scenarios and if we not see or discern enough what is happen during that recognizion, we jump on wrong conclusions.


or i become aware, then it reminds me that 'something' is going to change or fail, be careful. So awareness is a warning.(this variant is more plausible)

Edited by allinone

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