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What happens after death?

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Wow, interesting thread! I like Luke's ideas re fear/satisfaction correlation.


For me, when I die, coyotes will feed on my bones and all that I am will vanish and collapse into energy to mingle again and dance among the stars. What is there to fear? Where could Tao send me that would not be okay? (-:

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An interesting thing about NDEs is most people feel they are "going home". That's significant as it implies we've done this before IMO.

Or it could just be their subconscious mind recalling stuff that has been learned over the years and nothing really happened.

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For me, when I die, coyotes will feed on my bones and all that I am will vanish and collapse into energy to mingle again and dance among the stars. What is there to fear? Where could Tao send me that would not be okay? (-:


There are two Chuang Tzu stories that say about the same thing.

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There are two Chuang Tzu stories that say about the same thing.

Yes! ZZ followed a lot of LZ's ideas. :D

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Wow, interesting thread! I like Luke's ideas re fear/satisfaction correlation.


For me, when I die, coyotes will feed on my bones and all that I am will vanish and collapse into energy to mingle again and dance among the stars. What is there to fear? Where could Tao send me that would not be okay? (-:

How do you know they will like your flesh and bones? How energy can vanish and collapse? Don't you just transform to something or dust?

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How do you know they will like your flesh and bones? How energy can vanish and collapse? Don't you just transform to something or dust?

Hiya Mig


Ohhh I'll make a tasty meal for the coyotes, and happy to do so; they're part of the circle up here. It's the "I am" part of me that will vanish; and energy is always collapsing onto itself, reappearing into something else. Or so it all seems to me. (-:


warm regards

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The energy that once was does not vanish.  It returns to the Mystery (wu).


The physical of what was is recycled.  Food for coyotes, bug, and worms; the waste from these becomes fertilizer for plants, rabbits eat the plants and deer eats the plants and man eats the deer.  The cycles of life, death, and new life.

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My gal's brief experience with it was blissful.

When I revived her, she was quite pissed at me.


"why would you do that?!?!!!"  (wake me from that )

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I once arrived at this observation based on an odd question that came to me... I forget if a friend asked it, if I read it somewhere, or if it just surfaced on my thought pond... but the question was... how is a circle open and unbroken? 


It seemed counter-intuitive, because to be a circle...well, circles are quite obviously closed. 


and then one afternoon, this idea settled in me, that it is a matter of how I perceive the circle.


When I look at a circle top down, it is unbroken and closed     O  and it contains what is within and holds back what is without.


When I shift my perception of the circle sideways

it remains unbroken, but is now open and appears like this:  I  

and permits all to pass through it without breaking.    <------I------->


so the circle is open and unbroken...

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stack enough circles together and you have a tunnel...


then you can set up a toll booth at both ends and you have income


aaaaand then we're back to taxes and death...  

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My gal's brief experience with it was blissful.

When I revived her, she was quite pissed at me.


"why would you do that?!?!!!"  (wake me from that )

I have heard of someone else, same thing.

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Will the circle be unbroken?

By and by, Lord, by and by.


EDIT: I should have read ahead... :)

Edited by Brian
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I once arrived at this observation based on an odd question that came to me... I forget if a friend asked it, if I read it somewhere, or if it just surfaced on my thought pond... but the question was... how is a circle open and unbroken?


It seemed counter-intuitive, because to be a circle...well, circles are quite obviously closed.


and then one afternoon, this idea settled in me, that it is a matter of how I perceive the circle.


When I look at a circle top down, it is unbroken and closed O and it contains what is within and holds back what is without.


When I shift my perception of the circle sideways

it remains unbroken, but is now open and appears like this: I

and permits all to pass through it without breaking. <------I------->


so the circle is open and unbroken...

I like that (-:


I've always perceived each moment as a point on a circular path, moving through time, spiral motion, open and closed. Both, same time. Then again - I always had the good drugs, heh.

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From an alternative perspective:  What happens before death?


I am more interested in the process that leads to birth .




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I have heard of someone else, same thing.


I heard the opposite - Israeli friend ( who I find very funny ) was in hospital and  was having a  bad reaction to some new medication he said ;


" I felt terrible, absolutely terrible, then I felt like I was about to faint,  things started going dark and then blacked out, it was horrible .... a horrible feeling of dread or something ... then POW !  I woke up breathing  really hard  and there are these nurses and a doctor around me telling me its okay and to calm down .... then I felt a lot better . I asked them what happened then and they said I went into shock and actually died for a minute and they revived me . "


" But then I was , 'Oh no ! ... OH NO !   "


" And they were going ; ' Its all right, you are okay, you will be all right. "


" But I was saying , 'No , no, thats not it ....... I feel terrible and feel like I am going to faint again ! " 




(He is okay and still alive . ) 

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How about some religious fantasy ......    some find that helpful .  Place a bet each way. 


Unto them from whose eyes the veil of life hath fallen may there be granted the accomplishment of their true Wills; whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another, or in any Star, or aught else, unto them may there be granted the accomplishment of their wills.

Edited by Nungali
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How about some religious fantasy ...... some find that helpful...

Who is to know what is fantasy and what is not?


I like the lines from the end of the last Harry Potter:


"Is this real? Or is it all in my mind?"


"Of course it's all in your mind, Harry, but why should that make it any less real?"



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I like that (-:


I've always perceived each moment as a point on a circular path, moving through time, spiral motion, open and closed. Both, same time. Then again - I always had the good drugs, heh.

lol me too. 

This idea of spirals has been with me most of my life. 

It resonates in my very bones. 

spirals everywhere.



Spirals are progressive circles... when viewed head on, again they can still appear as a simple circle  O



summer                winter




yet this spring is not last spring, nor the next, yet they are linked... and so it becomes

progressive and residivistic, depending on perception... a spiral action.





and it manifest open, unbroken, yet also contains and holds... holds a pattern that is repeated and is observed above and below, within and without.  form your fist and it's a spiral.. the shape of the ear, shells, rows of sunflower seeds... fibonacci everywhere


awareness and the subtle body is like this to me, yet it folds in on itself top and bottom like my avatar pic


spirals within spirals, opening and closing, upon a central point, or channel

expanding and contracting simultaneously.


To me this is the shape of the field of awareness that my body manifested and resides within.  It's the shape of morphic fields, apples, the qi fields of trees, gravitational fields around black holes...





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There`s a better....way of living...

...In the sky, Lord, in the sky...
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