
Eight billion years later.

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Having these long term thoughts about survival theories.

Read or watched doco on planet earth or really our solar system.


Problem is our sun will supernova in about 8 billions years.

So now we are problem solving,what to do?


The idea.

Start calculations now.

How can we use this planet as a space ship,to travel the universe.

Well there is no rush,it is a long ways off.


All input welcome.

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Hehehe.  Actually, I think, based on what I understand, is that we don't have anywhere near that much time.  In about 2.5 billion years the Earth will become uninhabitable.


Doubtful our sun will go supernova.  It is too small a star to do that.  It will inflate and then deflate into a brown dwarf.  (The inflation is what is going to do us in.)


But then, I don't expect to be here even 1 billion years from now so I doubt all this will bother my mind too much. 

Edited by Marblehead
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Still, one needs to plan ahead.  I'm diverting some investments into Interstellar flight, Solar manipulation and Interdimensional travel.  I feel small investments now will pay big dividends in the next billion years or so.  

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Hi Aussie,


Yes, this is 2 months old, but... I enjoy space stuff.

As Marblehead said, our sun is not massive enough to go supernova. It will become a red giant. There are actually people contemplating what it would take to nudge our planet to what will be the new habitable zone. Problem there is, even if we can manage that 'red giant' is only a phase, and our sun will eventually collapse in on itself. When this happens we will (if we've nudged ourselves out) be outside the new habitable zone.

All future generations would be able to do is buy some more time.

While these are interesting thoughts, we most likely will have experienced the next big extinction on Earth by that time.

I like that - small investments paying big dividends in the next billion years or so.

Now I'm going to go make some lunch. :)

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I'm going to build a giant computer, programmed to answer a single question.


Then I'm going to observe for a while to see if the expansion seems imminent.


I might eat a cookie.

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Yes, it is really of no consequence to us. It's simply enjoyable - like eating a cookie.


Expansion, contraction... us, bigger scale. :shrug:

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The more likely scenario,is some future generation,will simply leave planet earth.

Starting a new home elsewhere as space colonial invaders to Planet x.

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The more likely scenario,is some future generation,will simply leave planet earth.

Starting a new home elsewhere as space colonial invaders to Planet x.

I would speculate that a more likely scenario is a direct hit by a sizable object. Eight billion years is a long time to go round and round in the celestial shooting gallery.
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Having these long term thoughts about survival theories.

Read or watched doco on planet earth or really our solar system.


Problem is our sun will supernova in about 8 billions years.

So now we are problem solving,what to do?



Awwwwww    ......   cant I  put it off until tomorrow ? 



The idea.

Start calculations now.

How can we use this planet as a space ship,to travel the universe.


Ummmmm .... thats already happening  . 




Well there is no rush,it is a long ways off.


All input welcome.



I have to add it ;



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The more likely scenario,is some future generation,will simply leave planet earth.

Starting a new home elsewhere as space colonial invaders to Planet x.



No thanks 




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... oh God !


Now those two are getting into a TDBs  style argument with each other   :huh:

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I would speculate that a more likely scenario is a direct hit by a sizable object. Eight billion years is a long time to go round and round in the celestial shooting gallery.


We are already getting better at foreseeing and avoiding these.

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Thankyou Nungali,


Had to laugh,I was unaware of Overlord on Planet X,not the same but similar to,

"I am Groot"from Gaurdians of the Galaxy,haha.

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IMO, if sun is billion years then so as earth. In addition, I can't imagine earth as become spaceship. Man may need supreme wisdom to make earth like spaceship.

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IMO, if sun is billion years then so as earth. In addition, I can't imagine earth as become spaceship. Man may need supreme wisdom to make earth like spaceship.

Hi Haedon,


This planet will fly.


It is our home,it sustains us,and it is big enough for everyone and everything,and will make the perfect space ship which it already is that,just have steer it,and brakes,bit of planetary driver training,and we are on our way,and no need to say goodbye.

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We are already getting better at foreseeing and avoiding these.

I'm not sure we have gone very far regarding avoiding them but yes, foreseeing them has gotten much better.

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IMO, if sun is billion years then so as earth. In addition, I can't imagine earth as become spaceship. Man may need supreme wisdom to make earth like spaceship.



No ... it  already is a space ship .... it moves through space really fast ( with its power drive, the Sun ) and is an enclosed self replicating system. You cant actually get a better space ship for transporting people across space . 



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But you need to make sure your space heaters are working properly because once we leave the influence of the sun it is going to get very, very cold.

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No ... it already is a space ship .... it moves through space really fast ( with its power drive, the Sun ) and is an enclosed self replicating system. You cant actually get a better space ship for transporting people across space .



Yep. Start accelerating the Sun very gradually and pull the solar system with you.
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Ummm .... guys 


1. the sun will stay with us for heating.


2. The sun is already zooming along on a path through space and taking us with it ...  @ 70,000 Km/hr. 




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This science is a joke.  When they talk the macro level they keep adjusting the picture by billions of light years of distance and billions of yeas of time every ten to fifteen years, upholding nary anything they were saying before.  On the micro level, same deal.  Their picture of an atom used to look like a bunch of loops a few distinct electrons make around the nucleus.  Now it looks like the nucleus surrounded by a cloud of possibilities, "electron cloud."  Pretty much nothing in common with the old model. 


The way to predict the future is to study Time and Pattern.  We have nascent sciences of Pattern (chaos, fractals, power laws) in their diapers, and we have classified sciences of Time (jump rooms, Montauk chair, Project Pegasus and so on), of which no one knows much except (and only empirically at that) the guy I'm voting for when he announces his presidential candidacy, Andy Basiago.  Without these crucial pieces of the universe puzzle, it's a game of hypotheses every bit as brutal and pointless as the game of thrones.


Which is why I don't bother planning for a Western scientific future, and am working on a taoist immortalist one. 


They once asked a taoist immortal, "Miss, what will you do when our sun goes supernova?  Aren't you afraid?"  To which she responded, coyly lowering her pretty eyes, "Afraid of the supernova?..  I AM the supernova."   

Edited by Taomeow
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Seems there are assorted views.


Everything during this lifetime has been fascinating,still remember heard stories told by my grandfather of 'the hard life,driving a team of horses to plow the field.


In past 100 years we have come a long way with tech stuff,the next 100-1000 years should be interesting in what they will think up next.


Some sought of planetary propulsion,anti-grav,dark matter fuelled gizmo,who knows.

Still remember scenes from early Star Trek episodes,some of those ideas are no longer fiction.


Mmm should watch more often,everyone should,hahaha.

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