
How To Reckon "Past Lives" With Time

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Are "past lives" actually from the past?


Time doesn't 'really exist'...


All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially


Think of how the dynamics alter, when you can send energy/thought currents- "Right Now" to you, in the future and the past.


Also alternate time lines, which swing side to side, rather than the linear forward and backward- are also affected = Right Now.


Some one can be alive currently, in the dark ages, and simultaneously, also be alive 1,00 years into the future


In deep meditation, there can exist a "communion"- where these experiences are being shared


I believe lucid dreaming, also, is such a communion of multiple fractured "selves"


Premonitions, deja vu, etc can also be symptomatic of this


"Astral travel", remote viewing, etc is transferring consciousness of the primary Focal point of view, from one fractal self/vehicle to another

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I like it, but its still very speculative to me.   At what point (and what path) in the journey do you think people get that recognition? 

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I like it, but its still very speculative to me.   At what point (and what path) in the journey do you think people get that recognition? 


I worked with so many paradigms.


The thing is- they were other author's paradigms, and their reality didn't necessarily coalesce with my own


I think, for others, only when you embrace something exclusively, and hold it to be THE ultimate truth, is when you can finally see the errors


Personally I have experieneced myself on various and multiple time lines- that's when I came to this conclusion


Some shamanic types might find this construct useful too.

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Are "past lives" actually from the past?


Time doesn't 'really exist'...


All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially


Think of how the dynamics alter, when you can send energy/thought currents- "Right Now" to you, in the future and the past.


Also alternate time lines, which swing side to side, rather than the linear forward and backward- are also affected = Right Now.


Some one can be alive currently, in the dark ages, and simultaneously, also be alive 1,00 years into the future


In deep meditation, there can exist a "communion"- where these experiences are being shared


I believe lucid dreaming, also, is such a communion of multiple fractured "selves"


Premonitions, deja vu, etc can also be symptomatic of this


"Astral travel", remote viewing, etc is transferring consciousness of the primary Focal point of view, from one fractal self/vehicle to another


I like this. Great paradigm. 

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Are "past lives" actually from the past?


Time doesn't 'really exist'...


All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially


Think of how the dynamics alter, when you can send energy/thought currents- "Right Now" to you, in the future and the past.


Also alternate time lines, which swing side to side, rather than the linear forward and backward- are also affected = Right Now.


Some one can be alive currently, in the dark ages, and simultaneously, also be alive 1,00 years into the future


In deep meditation, there can exist a "communion"- where these experiences are being shared


I believe lucid dreaming, also, is such a communion of multiple fractured "selves"


Premonitions, deja vu, etc can also be symptomatic of this


"Astral travel", remote viewing, etc is transferring consciousness of the primary Focal point of view, from one fractal self/vehicle to another


I've been thinking along those lines myself, for about the same reasons. But i am far too inexperienced to further discuss it, maybe in ten years i can come up with something more substantial.


thanks for posting.

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Coming out of a long trance (might not be the best time to take notes lol) I wrote this down and left it in it's entirety. The techs might not be 100% accurate

LoneMan Paiâ„¢ - Quantum Healing
Fractured // Holographic // Fractals- defragmenting them all and fusing them into one cohesive OverSoul.
Multiple Personality Disorder is Microcosmic scale to what is the Macrocosmic "Life & Death Wheel"
We live our lifetimes Simultaneously rather than Sequential.
By Cultivating- we are gathering up all our selves- from the future and past- as well as side to side // alternate timelines.
Our focal point- the one where our primary conscious point rests at- is similar to a switchboard.
Plugging into and pulling out/disconnecting fractured life forms- using what works- lessons learned = unplug/terminate.
Info is constantly uploaded and downloaded.
Dreams are the focal point personality becoming intimate with our selves and those who we have connections with.

This is the reason we look differently in dreams as well as our connectors/those we are connected to.
Cultivating means we are generating power from all our discarnate selves.
Some stronger and some weaker.
Unifying broken pieces of a mirror/fractured personalities= until we see the total grand illusion of the puzzle.
Computer Simulation of our future catching up to our past- but alive all at the same time.
3 Tan Tien Cultivation: UpLoad/DownLoad = Server Time Outs DNS denial of service and increasing server speed and Bandwidth
Healing usually means finding the main nexus and finding the kink/disconnect/weak chain-link in the conduit coil (mortal coil)
Sending Private messages to our dreaming bodies- and scanning file discs for errors
Sympathetic Magick = like attracts like
Finding one part of the Spirit DNA means we found it all/Hologram.
Now throw in an external random god= Egregore
This is a crossroad which will hack into your backdoor ports and over ride all the commands.
External gods are Trojans which will steal your personal and private passwords= i.e., your innate and intrinsic birth right power.
Jamming your frequencies to your discarnate selves as if siphoning/hijacking your WiFi Hot Spot and stealing your bandwidth.
Healing is scanning/locating the bleed-throughs, and overlaps.
Your time-lock is where your focal point is= transmitter/receiver- your main cell tower.
Each cell in your body is a minute capacitor holding the template unique to you.
These cells constantly communicate with each other= all entanglement is energy on a physical and Quantum communication/exchange grid
The matrix of consciousness is to remain pure in order to resonate with all input/output frequencies.
All the above are prime requisites and healing directives to keep all discarnate conduits from becoming reprogrammed by a hacker.
Hacker is anyone intruding/pinging within your personal firewall/aura and allowed free reign to manipulate your motherboard
Master computer and slave computer = the whole network is designed by your higher self upon entering the physical mainframe.
Long distant healing again is simply retracing all your input/output ports and keeping them secure.
Peer to peer exchange is any energy exchange= mental physical or spiritual.
Fusing all your independent fractures selves is how to become a cohesive unified solidified Immortal.
You find all the pieces and procure one giant god out of the mortal shells.
The incoming/outgoing random narrator/dungeon master will always seek to change the game once you understand the rules.
These game changers are family, friends and anyone else who can exploit the vulnerabilities and access player variables.
A wild card getting thrown into the playing field can alter the grid nadis and node every time.
One small alteration and you lose Admin rights over all your guest log-ins (fractured wandering selves)

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I've been thinking along those lines myself, for about the same reasons. But i am far too inexperienced to further discuss it, maybe in ten years i can come up with something more substantial.


thanks for posting.

If I am here in 10 years- please do share! :)

Thank you

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LoneMouse Paiâ„¢ Presents:


"The Mouse House - The Simplest Story Never Told"


©By SonOfTheGods/SaToGa


Once upon a time, there were scientists who had a laboratory.



The scientists built a giant maze.


They dropped a male mouse, into the entrance side of the maze.


Shortly, thereafter- the mouse escaped, out the maze exit- easily.


Then the scientists dropped a female mouse into the maze, and she also escaped with no problems.


The scientists, now decided to drop- one male mouse and one female mouse, into the maze- at the same exact time.


Rather than escaping- the mice pair started copulating.


They made nests and had mice-children.


Soon they built a small city, with malls, and sporting arenas.


All the mice, seemed- so very nice.


However, the original pair of mice that were put into the maze- had since died, long ago.


The remaining mice had erected and dedicated- shrines and statues to the original mice ancestors.


Those were the true, mice gods.


All of their off spring never knew they were actually in a maze with an entrance and exit.


Many generations of mice were born and died in that maze.


Eventually the maze became over crowded.


The limited food resources, deposited into the maze, daily- by the scientists... started to deplete more rapidly now.


The starving mice, started to pray to the original mice gods, for answers and solutions.


The mice started fighting and formed different groups and coalitions.


There were majorities and minorities, factions and unions.


They all fought and killed one another- cannibalizing each other.


Disease, famine and various mice plagues- started destroying them all.


Soon all the mice died... except one, loner mouse.


This anti-social mouse, had hid and just watched from afar, the down fall of mouse society.


There were no longer anymore distractions and diversions- for all the boss mice had perished.


Once that outlaw mouse, realized he was solo- he immediately found the exit to the maze.


The End :)

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Interesting topic, SOTG. On a mod note, does this belong in Mt. Kunlun section? Or might it be more appropriate in General Discussion? Thanks.


I wasn't sure if it belonged in the larger General forum, so I thought putting it in a semi-private subforum might be better hid.


But you can move it, it's all good for me.


Thank you :)

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Interesting topic, SOTG. On a mod note, does this belong in Mt. Kunlun section? Or might it be more appropriate in General Discussion? Thanks.



I wasn't sure if it belonged in the larger General forum, so I thought putting it in a semi-private subforum might be better hid.


But you can move it, it's all good for me.


Thank you :)


I moved this to WWW

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Potential birth (rebirth) as an animal


Time doesn't 'really exist'...

All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially


But you can have a fractured conscious infusion, that is- a partial conscious input/plug in to an animal, in order to experience it.

Semi-awareness embedded partially into a domestic creature, such as a pet dog, to exhibit loyalty, simultaneously being present as the dog owner, too


Edited by SonOfTheGods

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Are "past lives" actually from the past?


Time doesn't 'really exist'...


All events happen Simultaneously, rather than, Sequentially


How do you explain your past life visiting you?


At first I thought it was a dream... but I was awake... like a streaming consciousness.  Even if I fell asleep the same story continued; wake up to same story; sleep to same story.  All night and into the morning.

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How do you explain your past life visiting you?


At first I thought it was a dream... but I was awake... like a streaming consciousness.  Even if I fell asleep the same story continued; wake up to same story; sleep to same story.  All night and into the morning.


Scrying, is one example


Gazing into a mirror and the face changes, and the clothes from another era


An old place- from long ago- it is me- somewhere else in time


An exchange of information, fixes the future

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Scrying, is one example


Gazing into a mirror and the face changes, and the clothes from another era


An old place- from long ago- it is me- somewhere else in time


An exchange of information, fixes the future


Yes... The whole thing was just like a dvr playing back a recorded memory.


I decided to try and alter the situation by 'stepping' into it... and I felt a strong shift inside me... and I suddenly felt female  :huh:

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Yes... The whole thing was just like a dvr playing back a recorded memory.


I decided to try and alter the situation by 'stepping' into it... and I felt a strong shift inside me... and I suddenly felt female  :huh:


With practice, one can make a jump forward in consciousness (I just broke my time is not linear rule lol) and connect with a future self that is not bound by our laws on the 3D plane...


It gets quite interesting


Similar to an organic computer simulation


Guides, angels, demons/daemons all become fragments/figments of the self

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How do you explain your past life visiting you?


At first I thought it was a dream... but I was awake... like a streaming consciousness.  Even if I fell asleep the same story continued; wake up to same story; sleep to same story.  All night and into the morning.


Pretty simple concept once you fully embrace the eternal now. When we open up beyond 3d reality into multidimensional beings (which we are always even when we close it down) time moves from a forward motion to a universal NOW.



From "A Course In Time Travel"


"In a normal reality, we experience

time as forward motion in the form of

instantaneous time slices. We are usually

denied access to previous or future

existence. In multi-dimensional reality, we

experience time as a universal now,

where everything that ever happened, or

ever will happen, is happening all at once.

This is not confusing to us in a multidimensional

reality, because these myriad

separate events are homogenized in a

very wonderful way that promotes a

perfection of being."



Just because our linear egoic self currently believes in 3D reality, it does not mean that other aspects of your self are caught in that belief...and when the will resides within you to break free of the illusion - you come to your own party.


Any time you clear an old ("previous" life) emotion, you are doing the same thing - whther you see it all visually is not really important (but it is fun :))


My other parts come and go and visit me all the time.


Actually, incidentally, I've had a visit from SOTG in the future - right after he leaves/left his physical body...(ie a visit in current time, but the time frame is many years into the future, which is when that visitation actually occurs/occured/is occuring).


It turns out the immortal bit worked too btw :)

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My personal sense of this is that it's organic. I see the very first proto-microbes on this planet existing for a couple billion years, and very slowly moving from the seas to the shores, and expanding, mutating. I see one unbroken mass of information, experiences, memories stored in the organic matrix that envelops everything on our planet, including the air that flows through us, it's all there, nothing ever goes lost. And in meditation, we can get a glimpse of some subtle bit (or a couple bytes, so to speak) of that awesome database of information. And then we interpret it ... Past life? No. One life.

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Pretty simple concept once you fully embrace the eternal now. When we open up beyond 3d reality into multidimensional beings (which we are always even when we close it down) time moves from a forward motion to a universal NOW.



From "A Course In Time Travel"


"In a normal reality, we experience

time as forward motion in the form of

instantaneous time slices. We are usually

denied access to previous or future

existence. In multi-dimensional reality, we

experience time as a universal now,

where everything that ever happened, or

ever will happen, is happening all at once.

This is not confusing to us in a multidimensional

reality, because these myriad

separate events are homogenized in a

very wonderful way that promotes a

perfection of being."



Just because our linear egoic self currently believes in 3D reality, it does not mean that other aspects of your self are caught in that belief...and when the will resides within you to break free of the illusion - you come to your own party.


Any time you clear an old ("previous" life) emotion, you are doing the same thing - whther you see it all visually is not really important (but it is fun :))


My other parts come and go and visit me all the time.


Actually, incidentally, I've had a visit from SOTG in the future - right after he leaves/left his physical body...(ie a visit in current time, but the time frame is many years into the future, which is when that visitation actually occurs/occured/is occuring).


It turns out the immortal bit worked too btw :)


You keep the floors vacuumed quite frequently, don't you bro? No pet hair anywhere :)

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You keep the floors vacuumed quite frequently, don't you bro? No pet hair anywhere :)


HaHa, every day bro! Nicely seen!!


It's an indispensable part of my daily work out...


That's me on the right!



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Remember that non-attachment is the best attachment. Give up your old identity. Break the illusion to create your freedom. Identifying with "I" past, present or future is a silly thing to do.


 The "I" is the formed  character, a collection of ideas and descriptions that you and others know as "you"; your "I" has been formed since the day you were born. This can also include past or future but still an illusion.

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We are travelling in a spiral through space and time.


Earth rotating around Sun is making corkscrew in orbit around center of Galaxy.


The past is the outer arms of the spiral, the present is the inner arms.


If we draw a line through the spiral, we can see that line touches all the arms.


Rotating around, we meet the "line" - a similar period in time.


We are then likely to receive energy still coming from those points.


There are many interelated spirals, thus complexity.





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