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  1. What would be wisest to do?

    if you watch all kind of scifi series as i have done.. You have seen this: - people using abilities wisely -people misusing abilities. then authority can stop or cannot stop them or they become the authority. -they can stay wise... or become evil after a while -or from evil they become good. Or they can forget they are immortal... (this could be the current case). Selection of who is worthy or not.. is done by initiation. tests... or elders can observe candidates and judge them by behavior and decide..
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have more questions... Why do you call it d Tao Tan Pai Yogas when it is Chinese? I have been doing wind through Treetops? I have noticed the whole set is made of building blocks of other more simple exercises. Is it possible to know what each component does in the treetops? What the effect is of each building block... what does they do? What effect do they have? What is the exercise made up as it is?
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    How did you prove yourself that it was founded by Taoist immortal Lu Tung Pin?
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I try the system time by time. This round has been going on for 2 weeks. Yesterday I tried the long form.. it sensed what I call "dark harmony"... meaning there are no colours (that is good because visual perception often bothers me. and calmer...)... That feeling came back in 3 waves..with hours of breaks between them. Inner part of elbow started to ache for a short while later. (That is touched in the exercise). It stopped. Then there was a throbbing on my big toe.. It seemed to move a lot of stuff.
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Which exercise?
  6. Unpopular Opinions

    It is written as Mississippi in Wikipedia.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have been doing Monk Gazing at Moon more regularly and I noticed a vertical chi flow on both sides of the body... The flow seems to start from the hands and go down the limbs... It is somewhat surprising outcome.. a new phenomenon I just have experienced for a week.. I wonder if it means... Have I reached some kind of stage?
  8. My experience with Spring Forest Qigong

    Hi! Can you tell about your experience about sensing ghosts? How do you perceive ghosts? Visually or otherwise? Can you communicate with them?
  9. Lotus Nei Gong process; how long?

    I can recommend. to try.. butterfly pose, a sitting a position. 15 minutes Another thing is video... at minute 8, second exericse.... for 5 minutes. maybe the first is good as wel... Try them see if they can help.
  10. Hi, I have looked into this. I watched several vides... So supposedly, Jesus was placed in this shroud after he died. Proofs why it is real: - pollen found on it, can be found in Jerusalem (though not only there, in Norht Afrika as well) -the dirt at his legs correspond what found in Jeruslam -flower oils are used as in real Jewish funerals. -the location of the blood on the shroud corresponds to what in Bible. -The size of the shroud seems to be correct (in Sirial units) Could the forger know this? What size of the shroud needs to be? -the image is produced by radiation (high intensity UV could produce it) , a group of scientist concluded, it is not painted. Did he convert his body into light? Rainbow body? - the composition of blood shows the person was tortured and went into a shock (the blood kept its color) - some part of his body looks as it were Xrays (bones are visible) - the material used corresponds to first century - weaving pattern is proper as well Proofs it is not real: - Some scientist claimed the iron oxide shows the paint was used - Carbon dating showed around 1200-1300 What do you think?
  11. Taoist wisdom is for the wise

    I would continue the story. And then Laozi shouted "Fool, you missed the point.That is not enlightlight". The student turned around and look at Laozi.. "A right, then he enlightened".
  12. Taoist wisdom is for the wise

    It reminds me of this... A crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some way of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the tree he looked up and said, "What a noble bird I see above me! Her beauty is without equal, the hue of her plumage exquisite. If only her voice is as sweet as her looks are fair, she ought without doubt to be queen of the birds." The crow was hugely flattered by this, and just to show the fox that she could sing she gave a loud caw. Down came the cheese, of course, and the fox, snatching it up, said, "You have a voice, madam, I see. What you want is wits."
  13. Life is suffering.

    Suffering may come - when the body does not work well , its tense or in pain -when your brain does not work well, external stimuli affects you too much. I think there is a dampening mechanism in brain which lessens the external responses. If that does not work. you freak out at everything.. because it is like having no skin. Everything affacts you deeply -making mistakes.. making bad decisions because acting too fast or because of inexperience. -random events.. or from other people's mistakes -not having enough exercise, sleep, not taking care ofthe body sufficiently -being in a difficult environment -too much stress, environment changes too fast, too much change.
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Can you explain what grounded means? I am familiar with the word and many usages, I just would like to know what is grounding for you. What is it? What is its significance?
  15. How exactly does females drain our Jing

    if you have a traumatic or negative experience with women . Then interacting with them, unconsciously, these experiences can weaken you by causing you tension unconsciously. And this prolonged or strong tension can weaken you. (not women weaken you but they trigger memories). The second option is.. that there are rumours of energy draining possible by anyone (not just women). I think that is less frequent...