deci belle

The Center has no Location

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Yes, thats fine, Dear. So long as you remember that, at TTB, Michael, and everyone else, has the right to piss on whatever post they choose, so long as they do it respectfully. If you wish to assure complete adherence to your topics as you perceive them, you need to start to them in your personal practice forum. But of course you know that already.


Wait, how do you respectfully piss on a post?



That's like respectfully unzipping in the middle of an intersection, waiting for a cop, and pissing on them.... RESPECTFULLY?


(no wait, yeah, i can see it now.)

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All I meant was that anyone can post in any thread they please, so long as they do it repectfully. Pretty simple concept, no? Well, not for everyone, it seems.


The post pissing was just DB's poetic way of describing it. I think. I'm honestly not 100% clear on the definition of the term, and much less than 100% interested in it.

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urine is also known to be very medicinal - so pissing on a post could also be regarded as a high complement.

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If people's skin werent so damned thin :lol:


I'm confused by this, as where this comment leads me is likely not where I was intended to go.

Edited by Daeluin
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In my understanding, I wasn't pissing on any post, respectfully or not. But then, it seems that, once again, I'm not adhering to DB's definitions.


I'm more interested in learning her deffinitions than i am in "dealing with her" on the forum... "dealing with her" denies her any validation of her perspective, and no one can invalidate another perspective without first comprehending the perspective...


But no one comprehends DeciBelle's perspective - and at this rate, no one is going to get a chance to learn it.

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Maybe we should make a special subforum called the "Flame Bin" or maybe "Purgatory". We put posts like this in such places. And then, instead of banning people, we restrict their posting ability to that special forum and let them work their way back to the rest of the forums.


...Just a thought.


I already suggested it. Not much interest. Some other ideas I had for names were 'Wrathful Deity Land' 'Fight Club' 'Thunderdome'

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I suppose even if members are restricted to posting in certain places, or restricted from even being here, all places here and not here are still part of the center that has no location.

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I suppose even if members are restricted to posting in certain places, or restricted from even being here, all places here and not here are still part of the center that has no location.


Nah, the center that has no location is outside of here and not here.


Perhaps if people were less interested in all this crap at the end of the thread they would leave themselves more time to figure out what she's getting at. Hmm?

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Nah, the center that has no location is outside of here and not here.


Perhaps if people were less interested in all this crap at the end of the thread they would leave themselves more time to figure out what she's getting at. Hmm?


Yes, it is beyond duality...

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Nah, the center that has no location is outside of here and not here.


And I didn't say otherwise.


Perhaps if people were less interested in all this crap at the end of the thread they would leave themselves more time to figure out what she's getting at. Hmm?


My sense is the outer component of the mysterious pass is related to being flexibly centered within the ebb and flow of all that is here and not here in this vast sea of creation. In the Mysterious Female thread db references Immortal Sisters, which terms this outer component as: the balanced combination of flexibility and firmness, considered necessary to achievement of a harmonious personality. If one is unable to flexibly adapt to the ever changing environment, how can the inner component be maintained? For all db's esteemed speeches on centeredness, development of a harmonious personality did not seem at all important, despite the theme of disharmony repeatedly arising and undermining db's message every time.


Even as the center is beyond what has manifested, can we truly say what has manifested is not a part of it? If it is not, then I would imagine after one enters this center one would no longer be able to come back into creation, and yet it would appear one remains a part of creation even while maintaining connection to the center. Those who have gone all the way are believed able to return at will to guide us, or even re-incarnate if they choose to. I'm not convinced that creation is in any way separate from the root of creation, but what do I know?

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a she or a fake she?


Why does gender bother people so much? Big deal. We've likely all been male and female in past lives, and if not we'll likely have the opportunity. db is db.


Gender has nothing to do with this topic and I hope these posts are removed.

Edited by Daeluin
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I also agree, except if or when something like that is used as a pretense

~~~ mod message ~~~

be that as it may, it would be appreciated if this

particular chapter of the intricate novel that is decibelle

were left out of the discussions.

This is a very sensitive topic and will

inevitably lead down a path we don't want to take.

Consider this a proscription against further discussion of DB's sex.

~~~ end ~~~

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I consider gender comment rules to apply to all members, thus not special treatment for any one member to be pointed out in the way it has been above? Having said that I will tend to point out any form of obvious pretense and or manipulation by any member that indulges in such and any member should feel free to do the same if they sense it from me or others. Of course we need to remember there are certain rules for pointing out certain things and unfortunately such rules or ethics may be crossed from time to time being that we are human, but imo and ime that does not mean we should be walking on egg shells concerning such matters, for if we are then that is forcing membership to be fearful of commenting on any forms of pretense or manipulation... which I hope is not the majority vote in favor of such from this sites management?

Edited by 3bob
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~~~ mod message ~~~

be that as it may, it would be appreciated if this

particular chapter of the intricate novel that is decibelle

were left out of the discussions.

This is a very sensitive topic and will

inevitably lead down a path we don't want to take.

Consider this a proscription against further discussion of DB's sex.

~~~ end ~~~

I think that's rather pathetic, as those accusations were tossed about with zero evidence - if there was any, I never saw it. They were used repeatedly in a disparaging manner by more than a couple members - and fancy that, not a thing was even suggested about it, since deci's skin was obviously think enough to handle such things, she didnt complain about it, so it went completely under the mods radar. Was it too hard to imagine a lesbian building her own guitar amps, or was there something actually concrete?


Or is this just another "acceptable application of forum censorship."


Like it really matters. There's a good round number, I dont think I will need to add to.

Edited by joeblast

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Mod message could use a splash of neutrality, imo. Hanging a sign on a closed door.... just an unnecessary slap in the face.

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