
Overactive kundalini

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You probably know that my kundalini has become active after becoming a member of AMORC, which is a Rosicrucian group. Now I wasn't a member for very long. But kundalini has been in my life for probably seven years, I never realized what it did until recently (although I suspected it)


And now it's been speeding up a notch in such a way that I can't even meditate anymore. It's been robbing me of my sleep, generating so much heat and muscle spasms and strange phenomena. It even affects my husband sleeping in the room next to mine. (The heat cast him away long ago, lol) I'm a bit concerned, because I always meditated without a teacher or a group.


I joined a yoga group recently, but it hasn't been helping me at all. Besides, I've been told by other rosicrucians that I ought to have influx from outside, a ray of some kind, which would be able to kill the kundalini, so as to reach liberation. It freaks me out, frankly.


What can I do? Should I give up walking a spiritual path? This has been a great concern of mine. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi all I can do is point you to a link I found a while ago which seemed knowledgable.



And I have read good reviews on this book: (it's currently in my Amazon saved for later section have not read it yet)



Also ask sincerely with your heart for help, it works for me.


Hope that's of some use...?


Edited by Infinity

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First, I don't know much about kundalini.


From what I've learned studying taoist principles, balance is paramount. If things are getting imbalanced, it is time to do some work to integrate the imbalanced energies with the rest of yourself. When there is too much sexual, lower vibrational energy, it is time to do some physical work and get the excess integrated and sublimated. When there is too much high vibrational energy, it needs to get grounded deeper into the body, to help sublimate the physical and avoid being scattered.


The concept of the microcosmic orbit shows the importance of cycling energy - what we bring up, we also bring back down. The goal may be to increase the overall vibration, but we also want to avoid a separation of the high vibration from the low vibration. In taoist theory, the three types of energy, jing, qi, and shen, turn into emptiness/virtue/void when they are combined in their purest, un-manifested states.


Do the kundalini practices have exercises for assisting in whole body integration? Does stillness help?


There is also the concept of turning around the light of the mind, and resting the mind on the breath, cultivating calmness and emptiness. We want the higher vibrational state to be relaxed, not frantic.


Sometimes spirituality is associated with "fire" - and in 5-phase theory and bagua, fire represents illumination and clarity. When fire is still, it causes a clarification - think of glass, or a steady flashlight. But when fire is wild, it is all consuming and unpredictable.


Again, I don't have any direct experience with kundalini (though this overactivity is a subject that seems to come up a lot). Just thought I'd share what I was feeling... I hope it doesn't cause offense, and I hope you are able to find your answers!

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Thanks everyone for your replies, it's heartwarming to read them.


@Daeluin: I don't do any exercises to stimulate the kundalini and never have. I only meditated, quieted the mind, focused on breath or counting the breath. No, I must not lie, I also sometimes surrender myself to nothingness. Like jumping off a cliff, a way to overcome the thinking process.


It seems that every spiritual thought or meditation, every relaxation amplifies the kundalini witin minutes. So I'm seriously thinking about going unspiritual for a while, maybe forever lay off the path, or at least until I come across a good teacher.


@infinity: thanks very much for the link, the information looks very useful, no new age gibberish.

Edited by Anoesjka

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It seems that every spiritual thought or meditation, every relaxation amplifies the kundalini witin minutes. So I'm seriously thinking about going unspiritual for a while, maybe forever lay off the path, or at least until I come across a good.

Sorry to hear your having such a tough time. I believe the website is in one of the links I posted, but you may consider jumping over to the kundalini support network so you can get some help from those well versed in this field.




My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldChi

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Taking a break from active, mind-based spiritual activity will be good for getting some stability back. I think i know how you are feeling right now, as if there are pieces of 'you' everywhere, and each passing day seems to make the fragments become more difficult to reassemble. Its safe to say that practices which involves 'surrender', at this point in time, will only exacerbate the situation, so i feel its best to set it aside for the time being.


In order to regroup and recapture that wholesome self, a general advice that teachers give would be to ground yourself in lots of slow, mindful, earthy activities, some of which you're probably already doing. Perhaps you might want to increase the frequency, so instead of time devoted to remaining in head space, instead, spend that time drawing satisfaction from engaging in physical space thru activity. Especially beneficial would be activity that gradually brings benefit to other living beings. The benefits of doing something positive everyday to enhance the happiness of others besides yourself is immeasurably profound! It directly deconstructs and pacifies contractive self-grasping, which is basically what a phase of K Awakening feels like when its on an active curve.

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Taking a break from active, mind-based spiritual activity will be good for getting some stability back. I think i know how you are feeling right now, as if there are pieces of 'you' everywhere, and each passing day seems to make the fragments become more difficult to reassemble. Its safe to say that practices which involves 'surrender', at this point in time, will only exacerbate the situation, so i feel its best to set it aside for the time being.


In order to regroup and recapture that wholesome self, a general advice that teachers give would be to ground yourself in lots of slow, mindful, earthy activities, some of which you're probably already doing. Perhaps you might want to increase the frequency, so instead of time devoted to remaining in head space, instead, spend that time drawing satisfaction from engaging in physical space thru activity. Especially beneficial would be activity that gradually brings benefit to other living beings. The benefits of doing something positive everyday to enhance the happiness of others besides yourself is immeasurably profound! It directly deconstructs and pacifies contractive self-grasping, which is basically what a phase of K Awakening feels like when its on an active curve.


Ah CT! It was exactly what I was thinking about. I'd like to do something for others. Good advice, also about doing more earthly things.

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Along the lines of what CT mentions is also called karma yoga, (as you already know)


For the body I believe that Gopi Krishna said he ate meals of rice and milk to help cool off kundalini gone wrong.


(with kundalini 'gone wrong' being very dangerous, thus more is not always better)

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Actually, many find a good steak (or heavy eating) is better for high energy (kundalini flows).

Edited by Jeff

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You probably know that my kundalini has become active after becoming a member of AMORC, which is a Rosicrucian group.


oh my

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I don't do any exercises to stimulate the kundalini and never have. I only meditated, quieted the mind, focused on breath or counting the breath. No, I must not lie, I also sometimes surrender myself to nothingness. Like jumping off a cliff, a way to overcome the thinking process.


That sounds familiar in terms of my own experience, although I haven't suffered from too many uncomfortable symptoms since the first month or so after I had a powerful "kundalini awakening."


Pretty scary stuff for me it was.


Jumping off cliffs, yeah.


Retain a sense of suicide.


The fool and his agnososia.


That's what turns you into a wizard.


Freaks me out too, quite honestly.


But I try to retain a simple faith that it is a natural "evolutionary" process.


It is certainly a shame good advice is difficult to find, mostly the value is to be found in first hand accounts.


Speaking for myself, I still have a tendency to overdo things.


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That sounds familiar in terms of my own experience, although I haven't suffered from too many uncomfortable symptoms since the first month or so after I had a powerful "kundalini awakening."


Pretty scary stuff for me it was.


Jumping off cliffs, yeah.


Retain a sense of suicide.


The fool and his agnososia.


That's what turns you into a wizard.


Freaks me out too, quite honestly.


But I try to retain a simple faith that it is a natural "evolutionary" process.


It is certainly a shame good advice is difficult to find, mostly the value is to be found in first hand accounts.


Speaking for myself, I still have a tendency to overdo things.



And I don't even want to be a wizard!


It happens to people, yet they don't dare speak about it. We live in times where sex isn't a taboo anymore, orgasms are for men AND women, SM is mainstream, yet talking about kundalini is not done?


If it's a natural step in our development, we should be able to talk about it, don't you think? People shouldn't be called crazy that undergo this transformation. There shouldn't be that much secrecy and myths about the whole thing, it makes the person undergoing the process feel insecure and scared.


When I first read about it, I thought that perhaps it's a metaphor, or an old wifes tale, something in the same category as Santa Claus. Hm.

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To be quite honest, I am being more than a little silly with the "wizard" thing.


It happens to people, yet they don't dare speak about it. We live in times where sex isn't a taboo anymore, orgasms are for men AND women, SM is mainstream, yet talking about kundalini is not done?


If it's a natural step in our development, we should be able to talk about it, don't you think? People shouldn't be called crazy that undergo this transformation. There shouldn't be that much secrecy and myths about the whole thing, it makes the person undergoing the process feel insecure and scared.


Those are such good questions, really.


Having said that, I am not so sure "undergoing this transformation" hasn't/isn't sending me crazy.


But the way its dealt with and treated can add several additional layers of trauma to the whole experience.


No medical professional I spoke to had even heard of "kundalini."


Or so they said.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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Yes, thanks for the info CT.


I have read that biologyofkundalini site before.


I must say that page you link there is especially pertinent to me.


I was diagnosed bipolar and am on mood stabilisers only, so really I am lucky to have stayed off the anti psychotics and anti depressants which I knew would have been inappropriate. I really have had to battle over the anti psychotics though.


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Yes, thanks for the info CT.


I have read that biologyofkundalini site before.


I must say that page you link there is especially pertinent to me.


I was diagnosed bipolar and am on mood stabilisers only, so really I am lucky to have stayed off the anti psychotics and anti depressants which I knew would have been inappropriate. I really have had to battle over the anti psychotics though.


Take care of yourself, Capt. _/\_

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To be quite honest, I am being more than a little silly with the "wizard" thing.



Those are such good questions, really.


Having said that, I am not so sure "undergoing this transformation" hasn't/isn't sending me crazy.


But the way its dealt with and treated can add several additional layers of trauma to the whole experience.


No medical professional I spoke to had even heard of "kundalini."


Or so they said.



Oh, I'm pretty sure it has to do with what you're going through. It's like trying to ride a wild horse without a saddle or reigns. But that makes information even more important, it seems.


Yet I know of people who were put in the asylum, but who came out OK in the end.

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