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Normalcy is over-rated? what do you do?

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So I find normalcy over-rated, to me the world would be a much better place if we let people be who they are and not force them into a mold. That being said, do you do anything that is "against the norm" on purpose to gauge people reactions?



Like for instance, I live around about 2 miles away from my parents in town. So they asked me if i would spend the night and be there the next day so i could sign for some furniture when it arrived.

I did but while the people who were moving in the furniture i was watching my little pony with three pony plushies sitting on the couch watch too. when they were done I asked them if they thought this was weird and they said "We've seen weirder but this is up there"


Anywho what do you guys do? stories?


Domo Arigato MR Roboto.

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But... is weird necessarily bad?


I don't think so. Like, i find you pony guys a bit odd ( :) ) but it's not a bad thing.

Edited by Ish

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Eccentricity can be awesome. I don't really do anything on purpose to shock people, but as the days and years go by, I care less and less what critics have to say (these might be my closest friends and family, or someone with credentials, etc)...and see more and more how being eccentric can actually be the best thing to do in life. Be whoever you want!

For instance, what if people told JK Rowling that writing about magic and "hogwarts" and stuff was just too weird? I'm sure they did tell her...but what if she listened to these idiots? She wouldn't have her money and fame now...both of which are good things.


I think most people are more weird than they show themselves to be, anyway. The ones who are normal, are probably just afraid of being called abnormal. But what a pointless existence, to live in fear of the opinions of others. Yours is the only one that matters to you.

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There is no "normal" when you live spontaneously. Not even you know what you are going to be doing next.

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So I find normalcy over-rated, to me the world would be a much better place if we let people be who they are and not force them into a mold. That being said, do you do anything that is "against the norm" on purpose to gauge people reactions?



Like for instance, I live around about 2 miles away from my parents in town. So they asked me if i would spend the night and be there the next day so i could sign for some furniture when it arrived.

I did but while the people who were moving in the furniture i was watching my little pony with three pony plushies sitting on the couch watch too. when they were done I asked them if they thought this was weird and they said "We've seen weirder but this is up there"


Anywho what do you guys do? stories?


Domo Arigato MR Roboto.


I think of myself as normal, though I get told differently daily. So apparently it is some odd ideal which involves not being natural and just going with the flow. It doesn't sound very healthy to me.


Out of curiosity lately I've been asking a pretty normal *looking* friend why in the hell people keep staring at me (because they have no life most obviously). Well yesterday it was because I was wearing shorts while it was snowing. What is wrong with that?! Another day I was wearing an odd tshirt apparently (do people really notice each other's tshirts?). Then another day it was because I was hanging out with a guy way younger than myself and they probably had some thoughts... Another day I actually stopped to ask someone why they were staring; apparently it was because I was wearing dark red (instead of the usual red colour) lipstick!


"Normal" sounds really really boring btw, don't go there, you may end up with less joy in life ;).


Unless you were also *dressed* like a pony, shouldn't have phased them..... :D.

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Sometimes I do DO deliberately ... even to the extent, in the past, public 'street performance' with friends in a kind of Nasruddin Sufism.


Sometimes to break out of my own 'nomalness' (friends tell me I have NO need for that though :D )


Objectively I am told I am very NOT normal ... often 'un normal' things happen around me and associated with me ... I dont particularly notice as its part of my life, and I know no other life (personally) ... I said; "Well, it happens to you to, I've seen it."


"Yes, but only when I hang out with you ... it spreads, you should keep it to yourself." Hmmmm .


So yes , apparently I am naturally and deliberatly AB normal.


Some indigenous friends seem to think I am an abnormal white fellah but seem normal to them .... but they have very different perception .

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Hmnn, a litmus test on behavior shouldn't be what will other people think.

A better question is- does it hurt other people or myself. If it doesn't, why not.


I agree Normalcy is over rated, though sometimes you have to take care about freaking out people who's help you'll need and come in repeated contact with. At times the only difference between the mystic and those labeled insane is how public there practice is.

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Hmnn, a litmus test on behavior shouldn't be what will other people think.

A better question is- does it hurt other people or myself. If it doesn't, why not.


I agree Normalcy is over rated, though sometimes you have to take care about freaking out people who's help you'll need and come in repeated contact with. At times the only difference between the mystic and those labeled insane is how public there practice is.


Forget that, if they get freaked out, they need to work on themselves, not my problem. As long as the people at the bank, post office, butcher and grocery store think I'm awesome, the rest doesn't matter ;). Or I guess to go into further detail, we spend all day everyday trying to change for others, impress others, and be who others want. If you don't beleive me, look at the diet industry for just one very small example.

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Hint: if you set up weird shit (like ponies watching TV) and then ask "Do you think this is normal?" you detract from the 'impact' ... YOU have to act like it is perfectly normal for you.


Also ... and on the subject of such ponies it may not be what you are thinking it is ... you might be acting out an aberrant Daeomonic Cultural Impetus - note that a Daemonic Impetus in itself seems an aberration .... so I will leave it to you to meditate on what a aberrant Daeomonic Cultural Impetus might mean.

Edited by Nungali

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Hmnn, a litmus test on behavior shouldn't be what will other people think.

A better question is- does it hurt other people or myself. If it doesn't, why not.


I agree Normalcy is over rated, though sometimes you have to take care about freaking out people who's help you'll need and come in repeated contact with. At times the only difference between the mystic and those labeled insane is how public there practice is.


A Sufi definition (or 'koan' ? ) , I think, I read somewhere was ; a normal person talks to domesticated animals and a crazy person talks to wild animals.


Another similar concept to normal is that all elusive term average; an average is calculated from a number of individuals modified by extremes eg. the 'average' wage in Australia is : $1,452.00 per week... yeah ... sure !


However the 'mean' (love that term in relation to wages :) ) is $963.00. While one in ten full-time employees received weekly total cash earnings of $2,364.00 or more. I have no idea what the 'normal' weekly wage is.


Oh hang on ... yes I do ... my last boss understood that ; " Normally I would pay you .... but THIS week .... " :D

Edited by Nungali
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nungali as far as this goes?


aberrant Daeomonic Cultural Impetus does it come with tofu cause i love tofu?

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In my view, normal is pathological.

To the Buddhist, "normal" is samsara.

To the Toltec, "normal" is the mitote.


Normal is ignorance.

Normal is a complex set of agreements to which we are indoctrinated from birth with little hope of avoidance.

And these agreements, in general, blind us to the truth of who and what we are.

It's a momentous occasion when we see through normal and get a glimpse of truth.


I don't really do anything with the specific intention of shaking people up.

I do try to live true to my values and this often does have that effect anyway…


Three wonderful ways to shake people up I learned from Anthony Demello:

1. return love for hate

2. include the excluded

3. admit you are wrong


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

- Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Yep ... that even freaked me out :D

For some reason this makes me think of Silence of the Lambs…


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For some reason this makes me think of Silence of the Lambs…



Except to be abnormal ... its better to be 'good at it'.

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nungali are you being serious or joke im confused?


I am serious about 'aberrant Daeomonic Cultural Impetus' - you google that ... you will see it is real .

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Please, there is no normalcy only things happening. You like this thought because you are pleased to consider you as somebody special (a prince, a wizard, a paladin, a great warrior, a sifu, know what I mean ?) but nobody is special even if some do uncommon stuff -better question is why do many here like to think they are ?

Edited by CloudHands
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Well yesterday it was because I was wearing shorts while it was snowing. What is wrong with that?

You need a T-Shirt that says "I'm a Canadian you wimps!"

Edited by yabyum24
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Please, there is no normalcy only things happening. You like this thought because you are pleased to consider you as somebody special (a prince, a wizard, a paladin, a great warrior, a sifu, know what I mean ?) but nobody is special even if some do uncommon stuff -better question is why do many here like to think they are ?

But I have said on a number of occasions here that "we all are special and unique" and I stand by that. That is my optimistic and positive thinking side talking. Now, is any of us more special than another? I must answer "No".


But I would agree, no matter what one does it is normal for that person at that point in time. Tao just is.

Edited by Marblehead
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I never wanted to be a wizard.


On the subject of normalcy.


I once said to my father in law (aka "I'm so straight I'm a weirdo"), "I reserve the right to be a little eccentric."


To which he responded, going red and spluttering saliva unpleasantly in my direction;


"A little?! You're more than a little!"


In all fairness, he may have had a point.


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I did not write that in a bad way, I simply have difficulty with complacency (mine included) particularly when it comes more or less sneaky. I think we understand each other, I'm a more "everything is sacred" that "nothing is sacred" person.

When I read TTB there is many people I would enjoy to meet. :D


(and you did not answer about your challenge here, maybe you did not notice my question:)

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