
Doctors May Be Third Leading Cause of Death

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Here is a good example how corrupt the whole "statistics" thing is.

American Cancer Society and other official cancer organisations use only people who completed their full treatment regiment in their statistics. So, if they prescribed chemo and the person died midway the course of the treatment, he is not going to be included in the "dead" number.

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agree..someone should pull the numbers on the amount of people killed by alternative 'experts' and self medicating.


What western medicine was really succesful was to cut the infant death. If you look at stats of people in preindustiral time the average lifespan is increbily law. Sometime as short as 30 years. But if you take off from the stats the kids that were dead before age 5 the average lifespan becomes much longer, something comparable to modern life.


I think medicine is strongly biased not to see slow forms of pollution and behaviours that kill you 30 years later. How they are totally ignoring the effect of cooking on enzymes even though they know (out of physics) how enzymes get turned off by warmth just beats me. It is like having a two pieces of a puzzle in front of you, knowing that they fit, and just never putting them together.

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Smile, did you use a rife machine for blood electrification?


ET, I tried the alternative dentistry experiment and it failed leaving me to pay 1.7k later in dentist fees, painful too. I didn't try a rife machine, sound waves, etc so that might could work. If I were in the same situation again, I'd just get the $200 filling and be done with it. For the record, I tried brushing with opaque soap and salt and (towards the end (it might have been too late already)) soaked the sucker in fluoride regularly. If you go the dentist route, go sooner rather than later so it's just a filling and not a root canal/crown situation.


Having said that...


If you don't go the dentist route, please report your results! I am totally convinced that it can be done. As a matter of fact, I'm hereby offering the Taobum X Prize: $20 *all cash* to the first bum who successfully regrows a portion of the enamel of a tooth!! :lol: EZ money for the K-Awake folks around here! :)

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Re. statistics, there's the joke about the statistician who tells someone who has their head in an oven and their feet in an ice bucket that they're okay, because it averages out.


I also know a statistician whose outgoing answering machine message says, "There's an 80% probability that your call is important to us." B)


Yoda, I'm sure I've met your challenge and more - reversing abcesses, gum problems, decay, etc., some more slowly than others. Teeth regenerate slowly like bone. But I don't rely on dental x-rays to tell me what's going on, because they're notoriously unreliable - even dentists will admit that they don't really know for sure what they're looking at. And they'll assume that every little shadow represents a cavity that will only get worse if not drilled, filled, billed.


I use an aggressive dental regeneration protocol, which besides various nutritional things includes "homeopathic" remedies that target the specific problems, plus oil pulling, brushing with soap, no toothpaste, no fluoride.


In order to speed up regeneration, remedies that work on the generative aspect of the life force can work quicker and more efficiently than the usual self-help methods. Rife machine is usually not necessary when you can target the problem with specific energetic medicines.


Teeth usually reflect problems going on elsewhere in the body/mind, and when the organism is trying to work out a particular mental/emotional/spiritual struggle, it can show up in the teeth. Inflammatory symptoms in the mouth can often be a sign of healing going on, but of course the dentist just wants to get rid of the symptom without understanding it in a bigger context.


I think it's pretty strange that we don't think of going to a surgeon for every little bodily problem, yet that's what a dentist is.



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You may already be a winner!! When did you heal your first tooth? Post the date and if nobody can post a sooner date, I'll have Ed deliver you your $20!



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Yoda, thanks for the offer, but I'm not sure that my progress can be pinpointed.. it's not like the teeth were sick and then at one point they were well :). They're in a process of being cured/healed. As long as I'm confident that the treatment is moving things in a healing direction rather than the disease process escalating, I call it success.


I still have further to go, because I only started pulling out all the stops with this protocol in the last year or so, and have had really bad teeth since childhood, many root canals in early years, etc.


I grew up eating pretty good quality traditional foods, very little sugar or processed foods, and still my teeth were weak.. whereas my sister eating the same foods and doing the same kind of hygiene, had perfect, strong teeth and still does. There are reasons in the inherited miasms - I got the more challenging side of the inheritance, and then traumas triggered that latent predispositon into action.


But anyway, what I can say about my situation now is that every time some pain or inflammation comes up, I can handle it myself. Granated, I've had a lot of training, and Heilkunst treatment. But the teeth that were supposed to not survive, are still standing.


(My practitioner was told in his 20's that he'd have to have all his teeth pulled by the time he was 40. He's in his 50's and has strong teeth, didn't have to sacrifice even one).


After many dental visits in which I was told I needed periodontal work and many root canals, I learned that nothing is set in stone. When I'd go back sometime later, the periodontal problem that was supposed to only get worse, is no longer there. And the decay at least doesn't seem to be getting any worse over the last few years, which is something they don't understand :).


But I'm used to the medical establishment being clueless about how I'm alive at all at this point :).


If you have an extra $20, why not start by investing it in a couple of bottles of cold pressed sesame oil and start the oil pulling routine. It's revolting at first, but you get used to it fast.



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How they are totally ignoring the effect of cooking on enzymes even though they know (out of physics) how enzymes get turned off by warmth just beats me.


Trust me, doctors understand that proteins get denatured by heat. You can't even get through the most basic physiology course without that being pounded into you. What specifically are you referring to, though? It sounds more like some sort of FDA thing?

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What is the oil pulling routine?


take at least 4 gallons of oil, preferably sesame or maybe sunflower, bundle 'em together with a rope and pull it all around town till you break a sweat. it's very purifying! :rolleyes:

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So you swish with sesame oil for 20 minutes before breakfast? Hmmm... Not sure I'm up for that.

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What's the difference between God and a doctor?......................Ans: God doesn't think he's a doctor :D

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Sean, I've been mulling over your very topic today, then arrived here after not being here for awhile to find it. Thanks! There was a National Geographic article depicting death causes and I was woeing that I'd tossed it out 2 days ago when I wanted to read it again today.


I have clients that are suffering because of pharmaceuticals either prescribed inappropriately and then effects not monitored or clients who were suddenly cut off a prescription. Either way a doctor can kill a patient.


Then I went searching about Chinese medicine and qigong and came across the quack watch website heading bashing it all as crap (and no I didn't go to read it because a lot of the energy work I do is based on "intention" and if I don't believe, I'm not effective. Self-doubt is a terrible thing.) Then a cancer site talks about no positive scientific studies to support the use of qigong with cancer. Pah!




Many worlds. Many perspectives. Many points of view. And yes herbs kill people too.


Father Paul, just as medical qigong is very effective with illnesses such as cancer and Parkinsons, it is also effective with hepatitis. Even C. I am working with someone now (and I'm still quite newbie), with C, who has gone from desperate to extremely happy with the changes brought about by lifestyle (no more street drugs and alcohol), herbs (milkthistle), and medical qigong treatments. Not cured, but the liver inflammation is not physically noticeable anymore and the liver counts are down by half.

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Motor oil is better for that method, cheaper than sesame oil ;)


Oil Pulling



Perfectly willing to try this, but does anyone have a better idea than on the page as to why it might work?


It doesn't seem like the most natural thing. At what point in evolution would we have first had access to tablespoons of refined oil?


Yours mystified,


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Perfectly willing to try this, but does anyone have a better idea than on the page as to why it might work?

Of course, replace the word 'oil pulling' with placebo and re-read the article.


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It's actually an Ayurvedic method, although in that tradition it's done for just a few minutes, and is called Gandusa. But this was researched by Dr. Karach who is not Ayurvedic, and he found the benefits comparable to what the Ayurvedic practitioners have found.


It's meant to draw toxins locally from the teeth, sinuses, throat, and somewhat the ears, as well as deeper detoxification of the blood, almost like a mini liver flush but much gentler.


The method won't disturb any dental restorations like fillings or crowns, except that over time as a filled tooth restores itself, it's possible that a filling could come out.


The reason that refined oils are recommended is only so there are no impurities, but organic unrefined oils are really best.


The 15-20minutes is the time that Dr. Karach found was usually required, but once the oil has become thin and white like milk, it won't have any further benefit, so you spit it out at that point. Depending on the person and circumstances, it will take more or less time to get to that point. I find it varies from day to day.



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Yup, although conventional medicine is often conflating correlation and causation. Bacteria and viruses show up under conditions of stress, generated internally (pleomorphism), and not always as pathogenic agents. Sometimes they're part of the organism's natural healing process which needs to be facilitated, not shut down. Depends on the specifics of the case.

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yer welcome, cat :)


Another interesting observation, FWIW.. I have a molar that's slightly loose. The opposing molar was pulled, and that's not good for the one that's supposed to bite down against it. So I started noticing pain on chewing, and the slightly loose condition. Ick.


The invasive dental scenario flashed before my eyes, so I decided to get more serious about oil pulling - can't hurt, and could only help. Now I'm noticing that I don't have any pain in that tooth, and I just ate some pretty chewy veggies. The pattern seems to be that when I take a few days or a week off from oil pulling, the tooth starts acting up again, I get more tongue coating, and other not so nice things.



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Yup, although conventional medicine is often conflating correlation and causation. Bacteria and viruses show up under conditions of stress, generated internally (pleomorphism), and not always as pathogenic agents. Sometimes they're part of the organism's natural healing process which needs to be facilitated, not shut down. Depends on the specifics of the case.


I would say that health journalism is far more confused (or disinterested) on the difference between correlation and causation. Practitioners of alternative medicine seem to be just as guilty...heck, just about everyone is. Not sure why it's such a common error.


We have a symbiotic relationship with many bacteria. Viruses, though?

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