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nine tailed fox

whats your zodiac Sign ?

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  1. 1. whats your zodiac Sign ?

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Rosicrucian astrologer Max Heindel wrote, "When viewed in a dynamic context, Scorpio is the source of all love, all inspiration, and through fulfillment of relationship experience, the source of all wisdom."


Some might scratch their head over this quote,...but if you ponder Pluto as a sort of outer shell, then the statement tends to become clearer.


For those interested,...this is an very interesting article on astrology, that has a Daoist like flavor to it:


Sexuality and Energy

There will be much said about the different forms of sexual expression as they manifest themselves in life. It is important to remember that above all else sex is an energy. Because this is so, the way in which an individual either distorts his sexual life or leads a healthy sexual existence depends entirely upon his or her ability to learn how to flow with the current of that sexual energy. A person who runs away from it or who blocks his flow of sexual energy may experience many problems in other areas of life. The creative drive or instinct is based upon the sexual flow. Extremely creative individuals know how to balance the sexual energy so they can get the most benefit from this divine force. Individuals who sublimate, repress, or overexpress sexual energy on a physical level tend to lose the creative power. They may never experience an in-tunement with the source of energy that provides one’s being with all possibilities and the strength to fulfill them.

We are often capable of more than we think. Most individuals, however, tend to think in unproductive mind loops. We begin a thought only to follow it through a complete circle and end up disappointed when we realize we are at the beginning again. In an effort to restructure our thinking processes, we begin the same loop over again. Much of life can be wasted in this form of “mental masturbation.” Understanding how to use sexual energy to translate our life from thought to constructive activity is one of the most closely guarded mystical secrets. When we discover it – the principle is unbelievably simple.

Sexual energy is like the current of a river. It flows endlessly and it winds, curves and moves. The secret of fulfillment is to flow with the current, seeing where it takes you, rather than putting mental predispositions on the nature of the river or your relation to it. By either fighting or denying the sexual current, we tend to short-circuit. We neutralize our creative power and tend to lead a stagnant lifestyle. Most people who complain that they are not making the progress they want many not be flowing with their sexual current. They may be ignoring this abundant reservoir of creative energy that God has given us. Because of this, they may lack the understanding needed in order to generate new activities, new beginnings, to develop new proficiencies, to achieve fulfilling ends. Those who know how to flow with the sexual current are rich in whatever the mind conceives.


Sex and Fantasy

The planet Neptune is extremely important sexually because it is symbolic of all sex fantasy. There are few people who don’t have sexual fantasies. For many, these wispy daydreams are the only way of coming in contact with the subtle unconscious. When we experience a sexual fantasy we are learning how to surface the subtle part of the unconscious as well as how to guide and control it. Sexual fantasy is similar to watching a movie in your mind. The imagination creates pictures, scenes, vignettes and stories in related sequences. These are all part of the sexual river. The conscious putting together of all these factors into a definite fantasy is one of the expressions of the creative mind learning how to ride the river. If all the different sexual factors in the unconscious remain disconnected, it is like a river flowing in seemingly purposeless directions without a central current that defines its essence.

When the conscious mind forms a sexual fantasy from the Neptunian impressions it absorbs, it is creating its own movie. It’s important to realize that the ability to do this is the same as the ability to take other factors in life and put them together in some meaningful order. Sexual fantasy is far from being something that should inspire guilt or be forbidden, for it is, at the very least, the essence of the creative process. People who are unable to create sexual fantasy are unable to construct the boat through which they must ride the river of life. Instead they fell the sexual current and have difficulty relating to it. They may fear that it will take them away from themselves, or it may take them in directions they are unaccustomed to or afraid of. The current itself is definitely a Plutonian force, but when we can combine illusion with energy, the Neptunian sexual illusion or fantasy acts as a buffer for the raw energy. We can deal with the unknown (Pluto) by creatively making it known (Neptune). The raw energy then becomes channeled through the imagination in creative fantasy.


Sex and Magnetism

Uranus is the planetary symbol of sexual magnetism. When someone has many sexual fantasies, he tends to attract many people. The combination of the fantasy (Neptune) with the magnetism (Uranus) creates a charismatic force in the personality structure. Consider the person who doesn’t fantasize. In such a person there is no associative link between Uranus (magnetic qualities) and Pluto (the sexual current). While he may attract people through the Uranus placement, he is unable to imagine (Neptune) how to constructively use the current he feels. In such cases the combination of Uranus and Pluto may express in unpleasant ways rather than with the touch of divine love that is inherent in Neptune.

The magnetic quality of sex is never really a physical thing. People believe that they are attracted to each other because of physical characteristics but that may not be the case. Uranus represent a magnetic energy that vivifies, electrifies, and gives intensity to whatever exists on the subtle (Neptune) and gross (Pluto) unconscious layers. The most beautiful female or the most handsome male with a weak Uranus will have less sexual magnetism than those people who may be less attractive but who exude a strong Uranian magnetic field in the aura. Sexual pictures and impressions may remain in the Neptune layers of the imagination unless they are sparked by Uranus.


The Sex Wall

Pluto symbolizes the raw sexual current. Neptune symbolizes the experience of creative fantasy which is further excited by Uranus. But what an individual does from this point on depends on how he relates to Saturn-the sex wall. Energy is one thing-imagination and fantasy are another. Sexual excitement is still another. None of these words describe sex activity. They are activities going on within the individual and are not yet manifested in the outside world.

When these activities are being pushed towards expression by Uranus, each of us confronts the Saturn wall before being able to express sex in reality. We cope with our personal standards, scruples, repression’s, sublimation’s, parental or religious teachings, as well as the cautious pattern symbolized by Saturn. We fear rejection. It is at this point that we all wonder if we are capable of bringing the inner sex activities into form. This is an extremely interesting phenomenon of the sex experience because it helps explain what happens to us when we repress all that has built up through Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. Instead of moving ahead through Saturn, the inner sex activity may be blocked by the same outer planets it comes from. In essence, it retrogrades back into the inner self, causing extreme frustration. Instead of symbolizing the possibility for a higher form of awareness, the outer planets remain filled with crude sex energy (Pluto), unrequited fantasies (Neptune), and nervous excitement (Uranus). If we use our Saturn to bind ourselves to the outer planets we can become incapable of understanding the higher levels of ourselves that can occur when the outer planet energy is freed.

The individual who moves through the Saturn wall, however, is able to tap into a clearer channel of this information which puts him in tune with the universe. Since information is always carried by energy, the more information available, the greater the sexual energy as well. The sex drive is replenished. The ability to move the inner sex activity through the wall of Saturn is part of a natural process that energizes both the sexual and the creative flow. Naturally, information, knowledge, and wisdom are part of this very same flow. The ability to break through the Saturn is an integral part of the growing process. The inability to break through the Saturn wall symbolizes a stagnation that may be the result of crystallizing old patterns that should be changing as we mature.


Sex Risk – Sex Freedom

If Saturn is used as preparation for sexual expression rather than an inhibiting wall, then Jupiter can represent the last part of what one must work through. Jupiter symbolize where we come out from behind the mask of Saturn and become vulnerable. All the inner sex activity is brought forward toward experience. In a sense, we all experience risk through Jupiter, because we come out of ourselves and make known our intention to experience sexual freedom. It is interesting to note that once an individual has been able to bring the inner sexual activity to Jupiter, many of the sexual fears, inhibitions, anxieties and mind blocks quickly fall away. Jupiter’s promise of reward for effort assures one of hope. Optimistic expansion tends to pervade and the risk factor diminishes.

Since Jupiter symbolizes the last part of the experience within oneself, it shows some interesting physical characteristics. It is the largest of the planets. It symbolize a tendency to exaggerate, and if the smooth flow through Saturn has been effective it is a factor in heightening the enjoyment of the sexual experience. On the other hand, some people come to the sex activity with one foot in Jupiter and one foot in Saturn. They only come through the “wall” enough to partially experience Jupiter, and they keep themselves half behind the wall for the sake of security. One manifestation can be seen in the person who is confronted with a sexual situation he wants to experience but only talks about, using Jupiter’s repetitive qualities as a device to dissipate the energy until the reason for fulfilling the sex act (Saturn and all the planets behind it) is too unfocused to continue. Most sex problems occur somewhere between the symbols Saturn and Jupiter. Healthy normal sexuality proceeds through Jupiter’s expansive feeling of the inner sex activities to Mars (the first of the personal planets),

One can feel sexuality (Pluto), imagine it (Neptune), experience inner magnetic excitement (Uranus) and feel the need to put it in form (Saturn) by abandoning all impediments to the flow of current (Jupiter). But it is not until one takes the first step in initiating sex action (Mars) that sex becomes a personal and intimate endeavor. Here all the richness of the outer planets is focused into the personal part of one’s being.


The Good – Evil Quality

Many individuals have experienced that sex carries with it tinges of the “good-evil” syndrome. On a spiritual level we say that it shouldn’t-but it often does. There is reason for this. Originating from Pluto, from the very depths of the unconscious where mankind stores away unacceptable thoughts, the sex urges must move through Saturn, where our judgmental qualities act as a filter before it is freed through Jupiter. These two planets, Saturn and Jupiter act as balancer’s between restriction and expression. They symbolically weigh each sexual situation carefully and give each person the opportunity to understand his personal role before he acts. The outer planets represent the rules of the culture and the time in history just prior to our personalizing the role we will play in the sex act.

In truth, sex is neither good nor evil. It just is. When an individual is attempting to bring the inner sex-activity into personal focus there is much yin and yang in terms of social acceptance (as represented by the sexual partner). Each person wants to feel there is sanction in doing whatever he or she needs. At this point, the ego of the partner becomes the focus of social acceptance.


Outer Sexual Expression

There is a big difference between inner sex activity and outer sex activity. One involves the creative process stemming from the sell, while the other meets the self-mirror through a partner. Once sex activity moves outward, it enters the law of cause and effect in the outer world. Action and reaction become interwoven. In the inner sex activity there is still cause and effect (action and reaction) but both roles are being played by different parts of the same person. In the outer activity this is no longer so.

Mars rules the astral or desire body. As we begin to experience outer sex activity, we start to project the mirror of inner thoughts onto a partner. As a result of these projections (causes) there are reactions from the partner (effects). It is important to realize that all outer sexual expressions depends upon the partner receiving and acting out the projected mirror. At the same time, the partner has a mirror of his own.

Are we saying that during sexual expression, individuals are really having sex with themselves? Yes, but the difference between the inner sex activity and the outer sex expression is that in the outer expression each individual is really helping the other to have sex with himself. While this exists, it is not true on all levels, nor is it true for all people. Since individuals differ, one’s astral mirror may easily dominate another. When this occurs we think of the person as being sexually selfish. The aggressive nature of Mars must be experience in order to filter the inner sex activity through the personal ego. Some people have to do it in “selfish” ways while others have a much more expansive ego and do not need strong astral mirror. The point is that this is a stage at which the free thoughts symbolized by Jupiter become focused through the personal quality of Mars to bring about physical sex. Whether the male or the female takes the leading role will depend upon two factors. First, the individual who is looking at himself most will invariably dominate the experience. Second, we must understand that some individuals are able to experience sex all the way through this point without ever coming completely through the wall of Saturn. People who complain that they are unable to each orgasm are unable to let go of their Saturnian defenses. They are not fully present in the act itself. Since Saturn is the planet of Karma, these individuals are working through sex karma with every act. The more they learn how to use Jupiter and Mars, the easier it is for them to move through Saturn. Slowly they learn their karmic lessons.


The Love Experience

As Mars energy is expended, sex changes to incorporate feelings of love and the activity moves to Venus. The harsh impatience of the Mars phase changes to gentle caring and tenderness as the energy is transmuted into a more gentle energy. The need for expression develops a need for giving and sharing. The friction of Mars becomes a delicate blending of energies as an exchange of energies is experience. The male absorbs the female energy at this stage. The female absorbs the male energy. It is at this point where the male feels more feminine. The female feels more masculine. Through the absorption of male energy she is able to experience the yang of equality of life. As the male absorbs her energy he experiences the yin quality. Thus, the love experience adds balance to what would otherwise be incomplete sexual expression. Some individuals have difficulty reaching this stage. They avoid the absorption of opposite sex energy which stops the flow of the sexual experience at Mars. By trying to hold onto the ego, sex becomes separated from love and they miss the very important energy exchange that takes place through Venus.



One of the biggest problems between people has always been communication. People are just not able to talk about what they mean to each other. Instead they circumvent, avoid, use illogical thought patters and whatever devices they can invent to keep themselves from conveying the ideas they so badly need to convey. Once a man has the female energy in him, he can understand her. In essence, he is her. The two have become one in mind. At the same time, her absorption of his energy enables her to understand him, for she is him as well as herself. This is the function of Mercury. Crude sex energy is too powerful to be handled by the mental centers in the body, but once it has been expressed through Mars and softened through Venus, it slowly rises to these same mental centers. The result is a mutual understanding between individuals which could not occur through any process other than sex. All of the understanding that each individual has a s a gift for the other (stored in the outer planets) has been filtered, refined and gently transferred as the love experience is accepted by both partners. The understanding that comes from this transfer is experienced by those who realize after sex that they seem to be on the other person’s wavelength for quite a while. There is a meshing of frequencies between the partners. If they sex activity goes all the way to Mercury, this blending into s singular frequency is extremely fulfilling and may last for weeks. Sex that ends before the harmonious transfer of energies through Venus is much less fulfilling, establishes a weaker link between the two and needs to be repeated more often with less benefit.

We have seen how sexual activity begins as crude energy (Pluto) that moves from the outermost planet inward, until it finally reaches overt expression starting with Mars. It continues inward on intimate personal levels, ultimately (when it can) reaching Mercury which symbolized that very special form of communication that sex truly is.



The ability to release pent-up emotions is possible only when an individual knows that his most private thoughts can be understood and accepted. The Moon symbolizes the reflection of the self in an attempt to find acceptance and can only be fulfilled after sexual activity has reached the level of understanding through Mercury. This complete fulfillment may also be a part of the symbolic returning to the womb. The individual feels that he or she has been nourished totally by the correct understanding source. Thus, emotional orgasm is possible. Many people experience a physical orgasm, but few know what an emotional orgasm is about. They believe that because their bodies are tired, drained or no longer able to continue the sex act, or because they have secreted certain hormones that they indeed reached orgasm. This is only on a physical level. The mental orgasm occurs through Mercury when we realize that we are fully understood by another. The emotional orgasm occurs through the Moon, when the home within oneself is reached. The Moon nourishes, and through its ability to retain memories, it can carry the strength of a single creative sexual experience within us for quite some time. It gives a feeling of birth, along with the emphasis to move forward in other areas of life.



When this complete orgasm is achieved, we have used all of our planets except the Sun, the basic idealistic perfect self. The birth feeling that results from the emotional orgasm of the Moon brings us to the center of being from which all else emanate. We find that the sexual activities start from an unresolved state (ten planets) and end with the blossoming of our center through our Sun. It is like a funneling of energies toward that one focal point of being that we always strive to attain.

Edited by Vmarco
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well i tried to modify the poll but its not possible because it will just mess up things


btw if there is an astrologer, i would like to know more about sagittarius :wub:

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btw if there is an astrologer, i would like to know more about sagittarius :wub:


I've looked at astrology quite extensively, and say that I'm very glad that I'm not a Sagittarius, nor have any Sagittarian Planets. Please don't see this as personal,...but to me, Sagittarian's overall lack the honesty necessary to authentically transcend, and thus tend to be quite shallow and dogmatic regaring their beliefs. Not saying it's impossible for a Sagittarian to actually evolve,...but it does appear to be quite a handicap. Remember,...if one really wants to be truth realized, they cannot take their philosophies with them,...and yet, for Sagittarian's, they often believe that they are their philosophies.

Edited by Vmarco

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I've looked at astrology quite extensively, and say that I'm very glad that I'm not a Sagittarius, nor have any Sagittarian Planets. Please don't see this as personal,...but to me, Sagittarian's overall lack the honesty necessary to authentically transcend, and thus tend to be quite shallow and dogmatic regaring their beliefs. Not saying it's impossible for a Sagittarian to actually evolve,...but it does appear to be quite a handicap. Remember,...if one really wants to be truth realized, they cannot take their philosophies with them,...and yet, for Sagittarian's, they often believe that they are their philosophies.


lol quite opposite for me


that means not all sagittariuns are same

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Sagittarius's are my favorite sign, They're all free spirits who aren't afraid of anything. The only problem they have is that they're so laid back and carefree they don't take responsibility for anything, They're perfectly content and optimistic about their life. Saggitarius also are explorers like aries so we're always getting along.


Scorpios seem to be my eternal enemy . I'm to energetic, immature, and impulsive. Scorpios get irritated easily, They're extremely mature and uptight, and they're extremely arrogant.

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Sagittarius's are my favorite sign, They're all free spirits who aren't afraid of anything. The only problem they have is that they're so laid back and carefree they don't take responsibility for anything, They're perfectly content and optimistic about their life. Saggitarius also are explorers like aries so we're always getting along.


bang on


Remember,...if one really wants to be truth realized, they cannot take their philosophies with them



i think each sign is equally capable of realizing the truth regardless of their different traits which they show because of their sun sign

Edited by nine tailed fox

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lol quite opposite for me


that means not all sagittariuns are same


Sure....there are alot of variables,...Moon, Mercury, Uranus, Nodes, Ascendant, etc. A characteristic about Sagittarians is that they always feel they are evolving, and thus special,...but as I said,...if they can be honest enough to transcend their philosophies,...there is a path to actually evolve.


IMO there were some really awesome Sagittarians, Osho and Gurdjieff,...but both were very honest.

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Scorpios seem to be my eternal enemy . I'm to energetic, immature, and impulsive. Scorpios get irritated easily, They're extremely mature and uptight, and they're extremely arrogant.


:wacko::blink: I can't agree. There are few types of Scorpio! Scorpio is one of the most mystic and spiritual signs but attached to sexual desires, not arrogance. Your wrong

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I am Gemini but I cannot help but thin that when considering this question it may be more appropriate to use the 12 animals of the Chinese system. I am a water Snake.

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I am Gemini but I cannot help but thin that when considering this question it may be more appropriate to use the 12 animals of the Chinese system. I am a water Snake.


Hey Water Snake,...this is your Water Snake Return year, just gave away your age,...120 years old. LOL.

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For anyone who would surmise that any of my posts here were "tasteless and can seriously hinder the spiritual practice of those who happen to read it" ... may Ken wilber respond for me:


The Conspiracy of Mediocrity


"To dare to even speak about radical transformation, let alone call other people to a higher level, is against the unstated rules. And of course, one's definitely going to be put in one's place for doing something like that. But unless the possibility of genuine transformation is actually declared, unless one is willing to demonstrate it publicallyand to call other people to the same, no one is even going to know that it's possible. And than unknowingly, everybody's going to be participating in the conspiracy of mediocrity.


The conspiracy of mediocrity is basically the conspiracy to express your own ego instead of transcending it or letting go of it. The idea has become "if I can really emote and express my self-contriction with sincerity, I'm somehow spiritual". Actually, people who are involved in this boomeritis even deny the importance of Enlightenment or Awakening, because that's saying some states are higher than others - and we shouldn't be so judgemental. But guess what? Some states are higher. And so the entire raison d'etre gets tossed out because it offends the pluralistist ego.


The spiritual experience, which ideally should be a stepping stone to less ego and greater transparency, has become a victim of our therapeutic culture, where we don't make judgements because that would hurt egoic self-esteem, and so all we do is embrace, console, and celebrate the personal self. Spiritual practice has become nothing more than a form of therapy where self-acceptance rather than ego-transcendence is the goal. And the problem is that therapists are basically pimps for samsara. They want to hold onto the egoic self-contraction and make it feel good about itself.


This conspiracy of mediocrity is very unfortunate. The great promise of the human potential movement was very straightforward - there are higher human potentials. Now, from the therapeutic culture, people say, "wait a minute. you're saying there are higher potentials, so does that mean I'm lower? because that can't be right". All of a sudden it implied a judgement, and nobody's allowed to be higher because that means someone else is going to be lower. And you're not allowed to call anybody lower; therefore nobody's allowed to be higher.


So the Human Potential movement got derailed and was replaced by this therapeutic self-expression, self-acceptence movement, which catastrophically prevents higher transformation and mystical breakthroughs. What is missing in the New Age Community is real intellectual vigor. Under the therapeutic culture, if you feel good, you're enlightened. That is mediocrity, and a conspiracy toward mediocrity.”


In our current therapeutic society people don't want to see that what they thought was meaningful may actually be meaningless.


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Hey Water Snake,...this is your Water Snake Return year, just gave away your age,...120 years old. LOL.

Not quite but I may get there yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For anyone who would surmise that any of my posts here were "tasteless and can seriously hinder the spiritual practice of those who happen to read it" ... may Ken wilber respond for me:






Youve been showing a kinder gentler, more tolerant side of your personality of late ,

I hope thats not insulting to say

continuing with that ,

Its just my opinion to leave Mr Wilber out of things for a while.

The stance he has , represents a regression.


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I thought there was more than one snake year

I think Im a Fire Rooster born on a snake year

but Im not claiming that as known fact

in case it also means Im over one hundred.

Which Im not.


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I've studied proper western astrology for about 10 years now.

In a nutshell, there's a lot to astrology beyond your Sun sign. Most people know their sun sign because our calendar is based around the sun so it's easy to work out, however in actuality all the planets including the moon are involved in astrology, and the angles they make to eachother when you were born are important. And the horizon of the earth in relation to the planets and the signs are important and create what's called "houses".

People with planets in the 8th house, 12th house or with Neptune or Pluto making an angle to their personal planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury mainly) are generally into the occult/spirituality. Neptune seeks to dissolve things, the ego included. And Pluto is more about power and makes the individual want to probe the depths of things. Atomic energy is ruled by Pluto for instance (pure power by probing the deepest aspects of physicality).

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I've studied proper western astrology for about 10 years now.


In a nutshell, the signs are important and create what's called "houses".


People with planets in the 8th house, 12th house or with Neptune or Pluto making an angle to their personal planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury mainly) are generally into the occult/spirituality.


For me, what stands out about the 12th House (having look at thousands of charts) is the preponderance of PhD's,...likely because the 12th is the House of Institutions,...besides ashrams, etc.


And yes,...Pluto is a big player in the spiritual personality of a person.


Many sciential minded astronomers do not consider Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, a Planet; nor an object of much significance. Contrary to their beliefs, astrology sees Pluto as representing fundamental principles of change and transformation, and perhaps the most dynamic vibration orbiting the Sun. From what astrophysicists know, Pluto certainly does not behave as other Planets. Pluto and its largest Moon, Charon, which is more like a binary planet, primarily because of there near equal size. Also of note is the unique synchronous rotational relationship the two share, as if engaged in an powerful electromagnetic dance. And if that is not eccentric enough, Pluto's center of mass, or barycenter, is said to be above the Planet's surface. In other words, although seemingly small, the energetic field produced from Pluto and Charon may very well be larger than most single Planets.


Very much looking forward to New Horizons reaching Pluto in July 2015.


Although I'm a Virgo Sun sign, my Chart Ruler is Pluto,...Rules Ascendant, is most elevated Planet in my chart, is most aspected Planet in my chart, and is Practical Director, that is, the Planet rising immediately before the Sun.

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For me, what stands out about the 12th House (having look at thousands of charts) is the preponderance of PhD's,...likely because the 12th is the House of Institutions,...besides ashrams, etc.


And yes,...Pluto is a big player in the spiritual personality of a person.


Many sciential minded astronomers do not consider Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, a Planet; nor an object of much significance. Contrary to their beliefs, astrology sees Pluto as representing fundamental principles of change and transformation, and perhaps the most dynamic vibration orbiting the Sun. From what astrophysicists know, Pluto certainly does not behave as other Planets. Pluto and its largest Moon, Charon, which is more like a binary planet, primarily because of there near equal size. Also of note is the unique synchronous rotational relationship the two share, as if engaged in an powerful electromagnetic dance. And if that is not eccentric enough, Pluto's center of mass, or barycenter, is said to be above the Planet's surface. In other words, although seemingly small, the energetic field produced from Pluto and Charon may very well be larger than most single Planets.


Very much looking forward to New Horizons reaching Pluto in July 2015.


Although I'm a Virgo Sun sign, my Chart Ruler is Pluto,...Rules Ascendant, is most elevated Planet in my chart, is most aspected Planet in my chart, and is Practical Director, that is, the Planet rising immediately before the Sun.


Interesting about the 12th house and phD's, that reminds me a bit of Michel Gauquelin's work regarding eminance and the cadent houses.


So if you're a Scorpio rising and Pluto is more elevated than your Sun in Virgo then you must be aged around 50 of the Pluto in Virgo or Leo Generation?


I'm of the Pluto in Scorpio generation (1984). It's in my 3rd house opposite Mercury and I also have Mars and Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto is the final depositor of all my planets and my Sun is in the 8th. So I'm a bit Plutonian in a roundabout way I suppose.

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Interesting about the 12th house and phD's, that reminds me a bit of Michel Gauquelin's work regarding eminance and the cadent houses.


So if you're a Scorpio rising and Pluto is more elevated than your Sun in Virgo then you must be aged around 50 of the Pluto in Virgo or Leo Generation?


I'm of the Pluto in Scorpio generation (1984). It's in my 3rd house opposite Mercury and I also have Mars and Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto is the final depositor of all my planets and my Sun is in the 8th. So I'm a bit Plutonian in a roundabout way I suppose.


Also,...what House, if any, does Scorpio rule. As I have an intercept, thus Scorpio rules 2 Houses (12th and 1st). So is Mercury your Planet of Oriental Appearance?

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Mercury is at a later degree of Aries than my Sun so my planet of oriental appearance would be my Venus in Pisces. That's something new for me actually, I haven't really been exposed to that term before.


By the way I started using equal houses many years ago so I don't get intercepts, I actually find it more accurate although the other house systems still hold an influence of course.

Edited by HoldorFold

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Mercury is at a later degree of Aries than my Sun so my planet of oriental appearance would be my Venus in Pisces. That's something new for me actually, I haven't really been exposed to that term before.


By the way I started using equal houses many years ago so I don't get intercepts, I actually find it more accurate although the other house systems still hold an influence of course.


Some call it (the Planet of Oriental Appearance) the Practical Director,...I came upon it in Humanistic Astrology,..and later in Frances Sakoian books.


Equal House is great for an overview,...but I came to wonder why certain Planets seemed ineffective,...many turned out to be posited within an intercept, if hidden,...thus there activation within one's everyday reality did not seem readily available. .

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Double Gemini Pisces....


ummm..Chinese is something like: fire-dragon wood-tiger fire-snake metal-monkey I think...bunch of other stuff too -

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