
What non supernatural powers do you have?

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My Very Special Powers


I can feel comfortable traveling alone in most parts of Mexico. I can walk 10,000 steps with my pedometer with only a few stops for caffeine re-fueling. I can go to numerous workshops and retreats and not practice anything I learned there at home and still feel good about the experience. I can listen to people and usually get a pretty good feel for what they are feeling. I can stay at hotels that don't have cable, hot showers, or even toilet seats. I can eat at fancy restaurants all by myself. I can encourage people to do the thing that makes them happy-- even if it's not the same thing that makes me happy. I can be ok with getting older. I can fail at something over and over again, and still believe that I'll eventually get it and keep trying.

Edited by liminal_luke
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Oh, I am a cyclist and used to race bikes too. :) Thinking about racing this year after 5 years+ not racing. I can easily ride for 4 hours with over 3k feet climbing, over 70 miles. I used to train 9 hours a week over 150 miles.

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Taomeow: How and where did you learn that stuff?


My elders were knowledgeable. :) I learned some from family, some from books. E.g., foraging for edible wild plants (mushrooms, berries, nuts, and if you're more versatile in your wild education, herbs and roots and tubers) is a bit of a local sport among some populations in Eastern Europe, and I was taken on those expeditions since I was 5, and educated about everything that grew in the forest empirically, on location. Beginning at 13, I spent a number of summers kayaking in the wilderness with a group of enthusiasts headed by my dad. Those month-long trips, moving with the river and pitching a camp in a new place every night (or staying for 2-3 days in one spot if we liked it or if there were repairs to be made) were all about skills of the forest and the river. The more esoteric arts (like making your own weapons, or moccasins, or building an Innuit style shelter in the snow) are from books. I was on the Edible Wild forum before TTB, but felt very marginally competent to participate and mostly listened (many members were Native Americans or actual hands-on off-the-grid living folks, and my mostly European wild skills are both modest compared to some of theirs, and different). Being interested in the subject, I keep accumulating information and adding some skills little by little. Been a while since I had to put them to practice, but it's like riding a bicycle... :)



Especially the summoning+controlling rain ;)

This was a gift from ayahuasca.
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I can eat almost anything

I can spot and get close to wild animals

I can sleep through the roar of passing trains

I can walk the feet off a dog

I can read between lines

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We're not all bad ;)


Oh, you're baaaad...


...but I have to tell those who never had an intimate relationship with a Scorpio: don't know what you're missing.

The powers may not be supernatural, but...

...close enough...


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.. but really that's nothing compared to attaining the supreme power of avoiding internet arguments

I don't know. If your not on the verge of getting a suspension every 6 months or so, are you really contributing??


<I should probably put a 'just joking' symbol on more of my posts or at least a smiley face, though sometimes even I don't know if I'm joking. The damn post just writes itself. It's not so much we should be rude and insulting, but every now and then a show of passion is nice. Passion cuts through arm chair fluffy discussions.>

Edited by thelerner
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I don't know. If your not on the verge of getting a suspension every 6 months or so, are you really contributing??

At least now we get to know when the tank is going on empty :D

Seems like a workable austerity measure to curb potentially seesawing emotional upheavals.


Very un-super-natural idea and one helluva shrewd move by a brilliant mind.


One can almost guess the recipient of this TTB blue-ribbon ;) hehe...

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Yes, I'm going off topic here, but I recall once reading that the most popular combinations in marriage are Scorpio-Scorpio and then Scorpio-Taurus.

Scorpio-Taurus is a gas.


Back to topic while incorporating the off-topic: the Scorpio I used to know had all the non-supernatural skills you can think of, his philosophy of life was, "give me a problem!" :o because he thrived on finding solutions. Any obstacle was seen as a challenge to his creativity which he embraced instantly, inventing skills on the go, rigging anything that didn't work so that it works, building cheap but efficient imitations if he couldn't afford the original -- he applied these skills to everything in the material world and it was a mind-blowing show of incessant resourcefulness. The downside being that the same approach was taken toward the non-material problems and people -- and this makes for a master manipulator...

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Well a bull has enough power to crush a scorpion but a scorpion would likely kill a bull in the process of it getting close enough to do any conclusive crushing - but at that point a bull wouldn't care about the deadly sting as long it connected and also gave the crushing blow.


I'm a bull btw, and normally non-violent. :ph34r:;)

Edited by 3bob
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-_- oh and what are you Taomeow?


I have the skill to be ordinary and extraodinary at the same time.


Me too. I see it as a taoist thing, by the way, though not exclusively taoist of course. It's very un-taoist to be extraordinary all the time, or say every day nine to five. Nor is it taoist to be ordinary for all purposes without any tricks up one's sleeve. :D Contrasts, juxtapositions is what I like. I remember Castaneda's account of being shocked in excess of all his prior shocking experiences with Don Juan when one day he saw Don Juan wearing an impeccable suit, made to order and turning him into a dashing man of the world. Or the shock value of Madame Blavatsky greeting visitors in her meticulously bourgeois, formal and proper home, wearing conservative, proper clothes... no tools of the esoteric trade on exhibit, no externals to proclaim or even hint that she's extraordinary...


Oh, and I'm a Taurus, but you would never guess by just looking. :D

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In a contest between a bull and a scorpion

Id go with the bull for crushing

and with the scorpion for surviving the desert.

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Oh, and I'm a Taurus, but you would never guess by just looking. :D



Me too, girlfriend. How are we supposed to look?

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My dear Rainbow Vein - you've actually seen me in person. Did I give off the impression of a brilliantly colored tuber? :blink: although that's how I feel most of the time. actually, you may be right on target.....

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Stubborn Taurus. Hmm I like it, I often had a taurus in the past in my presence. Oh Taurus have an observant expression and are good listeners from my expirience with real interest staying down on earth but highly excited about unusual stuff, sharp thinkers and are much into pleasure if they get into it. If they believe something it will be executed until it is done. Decided is decided.

(oh those I know dont like it if I grab their necks and shoulders, pretty sensitive there.....)



You know us well.... :closedeyes: ...except "stubborn" is in the eye of the beholder, and "decided is decided," only in my dreams... :D


I am working on "stubborn the taiji way" actually -- you know, "soft cotton hiding flexible steel" kind of a deal. Soft and yielding on the outside, but push harder and you hit the stubborn part that can't be broken. :P


What are you, Friend?

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Me too, girlfriend. How are we supposed to look?


Well, if you read all those horoscope descriptions, you'd expect a female bull to look like... well...

a cow. :D

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^^ I was trying to capture **beautiful, unique earthy-ness** in an edible plant. :D



Thank you, my darling. But I'm rather glad you left my bovine appearance out of your post.

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