What if it was simple

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Do you ever wonder if all this Chi Quong, Tai Chi, Nei Gong, or anything that has to do with energy work, could be simplified down to the basic level? Something so simple that is was like flipping a mental switch to make it all available to anyone at anytime.


I'm not discounting any practice or anything, but I can't help but be suspicious of anything that has been in the realm of humans for thousands of years. Humans tend to have ego issues, crave power and some have been willing to do anything to get that, including lying and killing. They have done the same to keep it.


There is no profit, monetarily or egoistically, if something is simple and free, but if you make it really complicated, then you can charge others to teach it too them, or use it to heal them.


Just something to ponder... :)

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It is simple, very simple, just hidden and kept secret.



"My masters told me the most powerful is usually the simplest.
Many Qigong exercises are too complicated and cloaked with mystery. Qigong, in its

fundamental form, is very simple."


-Chunyi Lin (spring forest qigong)

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I also sometimes ponder the awesomeness of the horse stance and the world with a lot more of it.

But with the horse stance being available for free in our world, not everyone does it and sometimes are even discouraged from doing it because of the horse stance itself. It is so painful that you don't feel like continuing.

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Mahamudra cannot be taught. But most intelligent Naropa,
Since you have undergone rigorous austerity,
With forbearance in suffering and with devotion to your Guru,
Blessed One, take this secret instruction to heart.

Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest?
Like space, Mahamudra is dependent upon nothing;
Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity,
And, your bonds loosening, release is certain.

Gazing intently into the empty sky, vision ceases;
Likewise, when mind gazes into mind itself,
The train of discursive and conceptual thought ends
And supreme enlightenment is gained.

Like the morning mist that dissolves into thin air,
Going nowhere but ceasing to be,
Waves of conceptualization, all the mind's creation, dissolve,
When you behold your mind's true nature.

Pure space has neither colour nor shape
And it cannot be stained either black or white;
So also, mind's essence is beyond both colour and shape
And it cannot be sullied by black or white deeds.

The darkness of a thousand aeons is powerless
To dim the crystal clarity of the sun's heart;
And likewise, aeons of samsara have no power
To veil the clear light of the mind's essence.

Although space has been designated "empty",
In reality it is inexpressible;
Although the nature of mind is called "clear light",
Its every ascription is baseless verbal fiction.

The mind's original nature is like space;
It pervades and embraces all things under the sun.
Be still and stay relaxed in genuine ease,
Be quiet and let sound reverberate as an echo,
Keep your mind silent and watch the ending of all worlds.

The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed,
And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends
the world of thought:
Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control -
Mind with no objective is Mahamudra -
And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained.

The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed
By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises
Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka;
The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.

By harbouring rigid precepts the true samaya is impaired,
But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside;
When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths,
When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth,
The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.

Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles,
The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.
Absorbed in Mahamudra, you are free from the prison of samsara;
Poised in Mahamudra, guilt and negativity are consumed;
And as master of Mahamudra you are the light of the Doctrine.



- Tilopa

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Perhaps, to break it down even further, to it's simplest form, we could call it intent, the secret sauce of energy movement.


Now how do you go about getting intent to work?

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Perhaps, to break it down even further, to it's simplest form, we could call it intent, the secret sauce of energy movement.


Now how do you go about getting intent to work?



ehhh....... I am not sure reality works like that. It's pretty simple but your beliefs and intentions only do so much, you need the right method to actually accomplish anything...

Edited by More_Pie_Guy

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Now how do you go about getting intent to work?

Break it down

Why are you working?

It is.



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Do you ever wonder if all this Chi Quong, Tai Chi, Nei Gong, or anything that has to do with energy work, could be simplified down to the basic level? Something so simple that is was like flipping a mental switch to make it all available to anyone at anytime.


I'm not discounting any practice or anything, but I can't help but be suspicious of anything that has been in the realm of humans for thousands of years. Humans tend to have ego issues, crave power and some have been willing to do anything to get that, including lying and killing. They have done the same to keep it.


There is no profit, monetarily or egoistically, if something is simple and free, but if you make it really complicated, then you can charge others to teach it too them, or use it to heal them.


Just something to ponder... :)


Understanding energy is very simple,...applying energy is very complex,...because energy is an illusion of those who perceive themselves to be separate. There is no energy in the Tao.

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Mahamudra cannot be taught. But most intelligent Naropa,

Since you have undergone rigorous austerity,

With forbearance in suffering and with devotion to your Guru,

Blessed One, take this secret instruction to heart.


Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest?

Like space, Mahamudra is dependent upon nothing;

Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity,

And, your bonds loosening, release is certain.


Gazing intently into the empty sky, vision ceases;

Likewise, when mind gazes into mind itself,

The train of discursive and conceptual thought ends

And supreme enlightenment is gained.


Like the morning mist that dissolves into thin air,

Going nowhere but ceasing to be,

Waves of conceptualization, all the mind's creation, dissolve,

When you behold your mind's true nature.


Pure space has neither colour nor shape

And it cannot be stained either black or white;

So also, mind's essence is beyond both colour and shape

And it cannot be sullied by black or white deeds.


The darkness of a thousand aeons is powerless

To dim the crystal clarity of the sun's heart;

And likewise, aeons of samsara have no power

To veil the clear light of the mind's essence.


Although space has been designated "empty",

In reality it is inexpressible;

Although the nature of mind is called "clear light",

Its every ascription is baseless verbal fiction.


The mind's original nature is like space;

It pervades and embraces all things under the sun.

Be still and stay relaxed in genuine ease,

Be quiet and let sound reverberate as an echo,

Keep your mind silent and watch the ending of all worlds.


The body is essentially empty like the stem of a reed,

And the mind, like pure space, utterly transcends

the world of thought:

Relax into your intrinsic nature with neither abandon nor control -

Mind with no objective is Mahamudra -

And, with practice perfected, supreme enlightenment is gained.


The clear light of Mahamudra cannot be revealed

By the canonical scriptures or metaphysical treatises

Of the Mantravada, the Paramitas or the Tripitaka;

The clear light is veiled by concepts and ideals.


By harbouring rigid precepts the true samaya is impaired,

But with cessation of mental activity all fixed notions subside;

When the swell of the ocean is at one with its peaceful depths,

When mind never strays from indeterminate, non-conceptual truth,

The unbroken samaya is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness.


Free of intellectual conceits, disavowing dogmatic principles,

The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.

Absorbed in Mahamudra, you are free from the prison of samsara;

Poised in Mahamudra, guilt and negativity are consumed;

And as master of Mahamudra you are the light of the Doctrine.



- Tilopa


1.The Ultimate Teaching cannot be taught through the senses,

however, by metamorphesizing a winged inner sense,

metasensory Gnowing can reveal,

this mystery to the Heart of our Essence.


2.Space is not understood, but merely perceived as That,

which is filled and unfilled with form;

the Ultimate Teaching is not dependent on object-ivity,

the Whole can only be realized through Wholeness.


3.can a hole be defined by what's around it?

that's not describing the hole;

likewise, Wholeness is unrecognized outside itself,

concepts and forms obscured through illusion. have a center there must be an edge,

as the ambits dissolve, the center disperses with it;

the here becomes meaningless without a there,

then the truth of Mind is no longer unfamiliar.


5.what shape and colour is a banana?

absorbing all spectral light and reflecting yellow doesn't make it yellow,

while under a microscope, neither has it a shape, until we think one is there;

the Mind's essence is beyond shape and form.


6.the predispositions of a thousand eons is incapable

of concealing the Still HeartLight of Life;

similiarly, the self-imposed cycle of suffering has no power

to cloak the HeartLight of Mind's Essence.


7.there is no void nor vaccum in space,

it is either defined or undefined;

although the true essence of Mind is Light,

that StillCauselessLight cannot be seen, only gnown.


8.the essence of Mind resembles space,

in that it embraces all that is perceived;

Rest, and Be a Silent Witness,

for through Love's Stillness, all worlds dissolve.


9.look at the body/form through a microscope,

the Mind which you do not see, transcends that Duality;

Rest Effortlessly upon the hidden jewel that's you,

Letting Go of object-iveness uncovers the Ultimate Teaching.


10.the HeartLight of the Ultimate Teaching cannot be revealed

through New Age discourses or preceptual Scriptures,

neither from the Mantravada, Paramitas or Tripitaka;

the HeartLight of Mind is shrouded by concepts and whimsy's.


11.attachment to morals or immorals cloaks HeartLight's resplendence,

yet by holding ones tongue still, the intellect quiets its fears and hopes;

then the Causeless fulcrum is embraced,

and the efforts of Duality's struggling seesaw vanish. from the bondage of beliefs,

the fiction of discourse and Scripture become apparent;

the Ultimate Teaching unbounds the bonds of self-repression,

useless suffering and useless pleasure fad away,

and the DiamondLight of the Ultimate Teaching glistens authentically.


13.ancestral fear driven zealots deride the Ultimate Teaching,

theirs is a life not experienced directly,

always viewed from a predisposed past and anticipatory future;

Real Compassion and Teachers do not avoid,

when either touches your Heart, ecstasy will unfurl.


14.Joy is realized only by Letting Go of the desire for Joy;

desires arise from ordinary knowledge,

they want for things which are not;

In Reality, everything already is.


15.transcending the effects of Duality, all struggle ceases,

the Still Nowness of Life reveals the HeartLight of Mind;

embraced by zero, the origin of ecstasy

where fear filled pasts and hope laden futures never existed.


16.Mind and Truth are synonymous

to seek truth is to believe there is a lie;

the intent of a path is to get, not to Let Go.


17.Enslaved to illusion and its transient conditions,

Duality, is like a projection on a theaters screen;

belief in the dream entanges the believer in a space-time construct,

yet nature's melody does not exist outside of things.


18.renouncing all social and moral rules,

liking nothing, hating nothing, and repiring in amoral innocense;

aware of Effortlessness is the Sly Man's way to uncovering who we are;

walking without footprints, the Ultimate Teaching is realized.


19.we divide life into self and not self,

the here and there, subject and object;

and then try to intregrate illusion with reality;

Enlightenment is the awareness that there is no Duality.


20.Light is not seen, only the conditions which keep it obscure are seen;

the Light at the Heart of Essence has no beginning nor end;

zero dimension, razer of logic, is the Holder of the Whole,

through Original Mind, the illusion of motion is evident.


21.Truth is not a path, but a Stillness,

a passivity not realized through concepts;

concepts are derived and inferred from perception,

perception validates only illusion, not Truth.


22.there is nothing to discover, but only to uncover,

positive and negative do not exist outside intellect;

all situations are neutral and impersonal,

in CauselessNowness the Ultimate Teaching becomes clear.


23.Perception sees itself as the center of the universe

blindly seeking a complete unification with separation;

identification with the universe is an attachment to the dream.


24.Divested cogitation can gaze upon the Original Thought,

divesting useless suffering invites Peace,

divesting useless happiness welcomes Love;

fear clings to past as hope clings to future.


25.The nature of a river meanders, reposes, curves and winds,

yet because Nowness is believed to be useless,

predisposition demands that the current follow you, instead of you flow-ing with it,

through that behavior, fulfillment remains elusive.


26.Triggering transformational experience is not difficult;

Connected Breathing, when activated, can jump-start an atrophied thymus,

Fixed Gazes, with auric vision, can open time to be seen as one,

holding the tongue still, can bring Stillnes to thought.


27.Through unfeigned surrender, HeartLight itself, resplendently springs its metanoia;

clear rapture coalesces from tranquility and insight,

a continuum of awakenings dawn real Compassion,

thus Birthing Human Beingness;

Ascension is merely the Letting Go of the descension.


28.Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon,

Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion,

You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment.

May this Ultimate Teaching,

Remain in the hearts of fortunate beings.


Tilopa (translate by VMarco, 1997)

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i hate when ppl like you say things like this! IS BUILDING A PLANE SIMPLE? if so build one and then navigat with it!! why do you think somone should spend their life learning, understanding, practicing somthing just to give it to you or ppl like you who dont even practice enough to understand the smallest parts of these pracitces. these practices are made complicated because of ppl like YOU! THE WEAK MINDED AND FOOL HEARTED! those who discover the powers of these practices are the ppl who dilegently practice and study and never give up. this information is simplified and made public because the human race isnt evolved mentally and spiritually to be able to handle it. as a population we are still fighting over race and its been proven that the only true difference in humans genetically is the color of our skin. so think about that, we cant even get over race and we are of the same species ( MAN ) THE HUMAN RACE!!! and imagin if Adolph Hitler learned these secrets can you imagin him with god like power literally? no you cant! these teachings are kept secret for a reason! the masses are just not ready! and if you were ready you would know what to look for and would be practicing diligently to get there! so if you are earnest in your persuits stop thinking about simplification and think of pracitce no matter how complicated you can simplify what you dont know! so learn it then simplify it! so keep practiceing and good luck!!

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Actually I hear they sell build your own plane kits, I'm sure I saw the chopper ones

It was a crappy chopper, though

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