
strong energy cultivation

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That i like your logical approach to neikung :)


yeah! thanks! i put it to gether that way because the philosophy gets in the way of practice. and especially when theres no teacher to guide you through. so i took the time to learn what was meant by the philosophies and can decipher most qi gong/nei kung information out there. and once i hear the theory and philosophy i can translate it. to what it is or means. its all the same thing the same principles explained in fanciful ways due to whose system your practicing and how philosophical the creator of the style is or was. also its explained in which way the base principles are used along with healing and fighting. the philosophy is used to hide knowledge. if you dont know the philosophy then you cant figure out the techniques. lol. and they did a good job cause i see alot of people on here caught up completley in the philosophy and never really get to the practice. also they squabble over which one is rite ect... but anyway thanks it took alot of time to learn and simplify.

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Spot on, philosophy is just the words, when you get to the actual doing, more often than not; everybody is talking about the same thing just using different words to describe it.

Like Kundalini / Qi... On another thread we saw a link to a site that reckons it's all the same thing just different labels.

More people fall out over words than they do over deeds.

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"tearing" Tantien & "72-hours-Mo-Pai-rule"




When we can tear our tan tien?

How do we know that we damaged it?


What we must do to prevent the damage?



Jox, :)

Edited by Jox

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When we can tear our tan tien?

According to Jim, when you had an ejaculation and don't wait 72 hours after that before you practice exercises where energy is stored or packed into tantien, you can/will tear your tantien. This will make any further progress in your cultivation impossible. The danger of damaging your tantien becomes more and more likely the more energy you already stored into your tantien.



How do we know that we damaged it?

According to some guy on the net who claims to have a teared tantien, he always feels like molten lava leaking from his tantien into his legs or so!

But imo he maybe just has lumbago/sciatic pain syndrome/a slipped disc! But who knows!



What we must do to prevent the damage?

Jox, :)

Simply wait 72 hours after every ejaculation before doing energy cultivation exercises that transport/pack energy into your tantien!



EDIT: I have no idea what's the reason for this danger. Maybe the regrow of sperm cells drains so much energy from tantien and is weakening it somehow. However, because Jim is a believable source for training advice for me, I better keep that rule, just to be sure! Gary doesn't address that danger! His advice is simply to not ejaculate at all anymore!

Edited by Dorian Black

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I am doing my best not to make a post in this thread too. :)


Thank you, but you just did!

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Jim told me that if you have not training intensively in energy-packing-into-tantien training for some time, there is no danger to damage it, no matter how often you ejaculate!

So if your problems you discussed in the thread above are gone now, it was just a physical non-permanent reaction!

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According to Jim, when you had an ejaculation and don't wait 72 hours after that before you practice exercises where energy is stored or packed into tantien, you can/will tear your tantien. This will make any further progress in your cultivation impossible. The danger of damaging your tantien becomes more and more likely the more energy you already stored into your tantien.




According to some guy on the net who claims to have a teared tantien, he always feels like molten lava leaking from his tantien into his legs or so!

But imo he maybe just has lumbago/sciatic pain syndrome/a slipped disc! But who knows!




Simply wait 72 hours after every ejaculation before doing energy cultivation exercises that transport/pack energy into your tantien!



EDIT: I have no idea what's the reason for this danger. Maybe the regrow of sperm cells drains so much energy from tantien and is weakening it somehow. However, because Jim is a believable source for training advice for me, I better keep that rule, just to be sure! Gary doesn't address that danger! His advice is simply to not ejaculate at all anymore!


Thank you Dorian for your explanation.


I didnt know this before, and usually, I did not wait for three days... Fortunately my tantien feels warm, without leaking energy out..., but I will take care next time, if needed... ;)


Jox, :)

Edited by Jox

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Thank you Dorian for your explanation.


I didnt know this before, and usually, I did not wait for three days... Fortunately my tantien feels warm, without leaking energy out..., but I will take care next time, if needed... ;)


Jox, :)


ok! :D

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I am doing my best not to make a post in this thread too. :)


You have just began..., you should open your Pandora box...


J, :)

Edited by Jox

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You have just began..., you should open your Pandora box...


J, :)


No I can not do this to dear Dorian Black. After all, he has to meet ends too. Long live Gary J. Clyman ! He is the biggest Neigong master !

Edited by Recep Ivedik

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Thanks to Imperial for posting this video in another thread! :D
I think it should be in this thread too to illustrate "the highest achievement" in Taoist Alchemy!

Great video, dude! :D Yeah, the guy is absolutely right! That's the "highest achievement" in Taoism, but almost no one speaks today about it because they don't even know that it's possible except some very few true Tao Masters as Waysun Liao!

Let me quote Waysun Liao in his great new book "Tao: The Way Of God":
But the highest level some of the old masters achieved is what they called "daytime ascending". They could raise their energy so high that they could dissolve even their bodies into pure energy and just vanish and turn into a "saint".

It's the most highest level of immortality and the way to achieve it is to raise the Frequenzy and the Amplitude of your Chi (= your Energy Wave Function) until the matter of your body dissolves into pure energy and then you can take it with you.

Waysun Liao discusses this type of internal taoist training in the book I mentioned above in theory, but the only source for sale today for this kind of training in practice is Gary J. Clyman's "Mind Light Nei Kung" system! It contains all these highest level teachings (the Nei Kung part) of Grandmaster Waysun Liao's Temple Style Taichi lineage where you take your Chi (Life-Energy) and directly increase it's Frequenzy and Amplitude by infusing the High-Frequenzy Energy of your Mind into it to cultivate your inner vibration. You re-fuse Mind and Life again to the primordial "highest ultimate", to achieve the true "taichi"! That's the reasom why Human Chi can be the highest Chi in the universe and develop far beyond Heaven- or Earth-Chi! They are only Yang and Yin! But Human Chi can become Taichi with this kind of training! B)
Edited by Dorian Black
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Simply wait 72 hours after every ejaculation before doing energy cultivation exercises that transport/pack energy into your tantien!

meh, if I followed this rule I'd almost never have a chance to cultivate. :), These days I'm not doing much energy training, mostly stillness, and there may be some advantages to holding on to some juice.

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yeah! thanks! i put it to gether that way because the philosophy gets in the way of practice. and especially when theres no teacher to guide you through. so i took the time to learn what was meant by the philosophies and can decipher most qi gong/nei kung information out there. and once i hear the theory and philosophy i can translate it. to what it is or means. its all the same thing the same principles explained in fanciful ways due to whose system your practicing and how philosophical the creator of the style is or was. also its explained in which way the base principles are used along with healing and fighting. the philosophy is used to hide knowledge. if you dont know the philosophy then you cant figure out the techniques. lol. and they did a good job cause i see alot of people on here caught up completley in the philosophy and never really get to the practice. also they squabble over which one is rite ect... but anyway thanks it took alot of time to learn and simplify.


Amen ! Nothing to add here :)

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Yin-Yang Gong of Lei Shan Dao is a real thing. I have best friends who experienced it as a first hand.


Hey Recep, why do you speak of Lei Shan Dao ? I thought Lei Shan Dao was a fancy name David Verdesi and he's sidekick Sean Denty came up with to lure students to he's expensive visits with masters ? :) I highly doubt there is a lineage of internal alchemy/neikung called Lei Shan Dao.

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Hey Recep, why do you speak of Lei Shan Dao ? I thought Lei Shan Dao was a fancy name David Verdesi and he's sidekick Sean Denty came up with to lure students to he's expensive visits with masters ? :) I highly doubt there is a lineage of internal alchemy/neikung called Lei Shan Dao.


Please not in this thread! :excl:

If people want to discuss this issue ad infinitum, please make a thread especially for that!

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Hey Recep, why do you speak of Lei Shan Dao ? I thought Lei Shan Dao was a fancy name David Verdesi and he's sidekick Sean Denty came up with to lure students to he's expensive visits with masters ? :) I highly doubt there is a lineage of internal alchemy/neikung called Lei Shan Dao.


Dear Minkus,


Dorian Black is right. This thread is reserved for the teachings of Gary J. Clyman, greatest Neigong Master of this planet called Earth,


There is another thread about this subject, "Mo Pai and Immortality" ( You may follow there.


Best Regards,

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Dorian Black is right. This thread is reserved for the teachings of Gary J. Clyman, greatest Neigong Master of this planet called Earth,



Which DVD-s, for those who interested in Gary J. Clyman nei gong, have to have (complete system)?


Jox, ;)

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Which DVD-s, for those who interested in Gary J. Clyman nei gong, have to have (complete system)?


Jox, ;)


I hate to step in on this but Dorian's probably to busy "sucking" right now.


Ok so here's the path to internal success AND going broke all rolled up into 1.

1. Tidal wave chikung DVD because this is the foundation

2.Big Wave because he made this recently and you may as well buy it too

3. Mind Light because you want all of the unnecessary exercises in this 4 hour DVD. I mean get ready to suck and actually yell things in your very own living room!

3. Last but certainly not least the Fire Torch DVD! This puppy is so hot it needs to cool off before it can be released! Who actually knows what's on this one because the other DVDs contain the "ENTIRE FRIGGIN TEMPO STYLE ER'THING GONG" so this has to be some MIND blowing SHIT! Literally Shit. And I mean why not right? The guy has to make a living so if he bottles his own piss and shit and calls it the Golden Gatorade with Chunks, I'm sure someone would buy it right Dorian?


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