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As far as I'm aware psilocybin mushrooms (the 'normal' trippy ones) are perfectly legal unless it can be shown that they've been prepared for consumption (eg cut up, measured out, dried, made into tea etc)... I think this is the case in england at least...



Not any more. Reclassified to Class A, regardless of moisture content etc, about a year ago. Heavy penalties, mind how you go etc etc...

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Mrs Yoda agrees with you... anything that's still legal is more headache than high.



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Not any more. Reclassified to Class A, regardless of moisture content etc, about a year ago. Heavy penalties, mind how you go etc etc...


Really?! :o - Wealthy land owners are gonna get a shock when they realise they're growing huge quantities of Class A drugs in their fields!


I remember there was a period of time when shrooms were being sold openly all over the place (in the UK) - I guess this reclassification was a knee jerk reaction to that... But I still wonder what they're gonna do about all the mushies growing naturally in many fields after a good rain.


Yoda - there are some very potent legal psychedelics arround... Most of the tree barks, grasses and plants that contain DMT are openly available on the net... you just have to know how to combine the right plants in the right dosages and prepare them in the right way - which is where the headache comes in... but I've heard that Ayahuasca (the resulting brew) is very powerfull... (although it also makes you puke :lol: )


There is also a plant called Salvia - the leaves are traditionally chewed for a while - apparently also very effective (but more gentle)... although the kids these days smoke powerfull extracts of this and end up having over-the-top powerfull trips for about 15 minutes... which I wouldn't recommend...

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Erowid is probably the best site for any type of drug research. It is full of information on anything from coffee to lsd and beyond.


I am 19 and have tried Salvia. I was sitting in my backyard on a bench with my best friend and, within a minute of inhaling, noticed how vibrant the grass was. I would say it was a positive experience, but the majority of people (including a few of my friends) reported very guilty, negative experiences. It is known to have a very negative effect on most people. It also has to be the worst tasting thing I've ever smoked. The effects only lasted about 10-15 minutes and then we were completely back to normal.


I smoke marijuana occasionally, but never in negative settings. I try to think of it as more of a spiritual drug, something that relaxes me. I will admit, just about anything is more fun when I am high, but I practice a conscious effort not to abuse it.


I was just thinking about mushrooms last night and how, if the opportunity presented itself, I would try them. I would probably want to ingest them through a tea rather than eating them, although I'm told that both taste terrible. I would also make sure, as someone said before, that the SET and SETTING were peaceful and positive. My dream mushroom experience would be in Yosemite on a large rock overlooking a small stream with maybe one or two of my closest friends there. I think that would change my life for the better.


If you want to see an interesting, well-done, highly informative documentary on LSD, try to find "Hoffman's Potion." I rented it on Netflix and it changed my view of hallucinogens forever. It also made me realize how sad it is that recreational users in the 60's and 70's really ruined it for people who wish to use the drug positively. I'm not pointing any fingers, but Leary kind of ruined it for everyone.


The most important thing: Keep an open mind. Don't judge anything you haven't tried.

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omggggg guys..


the legality of a substance should have little to no consequence when it comes to your decision, of whether or not you should experiment with it. If this is your major issue, you're knee deep in on the wrong side of a moral dilemma.


'give me liberty or give me death.'



I would say that pot was a major contributor to my spiritual practice. mushroom trips are better, amplified versions of marijuana trips. (in my experience.)

I will definately consider creating my own mushroom cake when I get out of the army... I would also like to cultivate psychedlic cacti.


wouldn't it be great if I cultivated a small batch of peyote.. and gave it to my child on his/her 16th birthday? gosh.. what a welcoming !


psychedlic experiences open the mind. (in fact this is the reason why I believe they are illegal.)







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wow this thread is pretty firey.


Id say the only law that matters is natural law and dharma... not that state laws do not matter but the universal ones due most.


Is it not religions and governments that brainwashed us our whole life?


The root of religions is the tao. THey all say the same thing which stemmed from Tao.


I just went out side and connect with heaven and earth. Came in, ate a banana, gave myself a self massage, did standing medition all the way through to reunion of heaven and man, enhaled a vaporizer of fine herbal substances, then studied some Harvard consciousness based research at


...ahhhhhhhhhhhh the balance. Waking up at 330, experimenting with my own consciousness for higher education. :rolleyes:


Of course, I would not admit to my school I ever do anything illegal. On the other hand, (my school is fully accredited) the president, in his inauguration speech quote "Brother Bob Marley" twice, mentioning "Babylon" four times!! My schools is based in Vermont.


I feel that Taoists are immune to laws... on some level because they know about natural law which is much more signifigant overall.


If one cultivates the wisdom and virtue which can be had with a psychedellic experience, they have a potential to teach a lot of people about peace, reality...

Edited by GrandTrinity

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Mmmmm...vaporizers. :D


If you consider yourself a regular user, you might want to check out the VOLCANO. It is the Rolls Royce of vapes. It will, however, set you back a few bucks...about 400.

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Oh, I know about the Volcano!!!!! The Aromazap is a scaled down, cheaper and smaller version but equally as effective and useful. There is no need for a volcano unless you want to trip balls and have much herbs, impress people or just have the money to spend on being extra funkdefied.


Ahh, herbal technologies of vapor :)


Anyways, as for fungi... hahaha... that be some other shiiiot.


David Deida warns that if you associate light with psychedellics (as opposed to sex), you will become very feminine.


I think this definetly happened to me on some level, making me yin. However, I like to see it as balancing my inner female. Definetly used healthfuly when used for deeper communion with ancestoral spirits...


I think its okay to use drugs, as long as you keep developing.


Ken Wilber starts his book "One taste" by talking about ravers who take E and have orgies, he says "more power to them" hahaha! :o

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Michael - et al.


Psilocybe Cubensis would be my recommendation.


I did these mushrooms about 6-8 times between the age of 19 - 24.


Setting is very important of course, this is well established.


One particular instance comes to mind and still resonates with me.

I was in Santa Cruz CA. and several of my friends (6-7 of us.) decided to take a trip.

more than 1/2 of us had done them several times (myself included).


The night was quite fun and for me eye opening.


At one point we had all been gathered around a large fire on the beach. (Nighttime Fire at the Beach, highly recommended components of a good setting!!)

I was left alone at the fire as my companions wandered around the beach a bit. I began to sense and internally see the images of people/spirits dancing around a fire. This went on for some time til I eventually left the fire.

later in the evening while we were still tripping I spoke with one friend who said he was watching my from some distance away at the fire. He proceeded to describe exactly what I had been seeing/sensing internally. VERY weird. In my experience this kind of telepathy tends to happen among people who are close and doing the mushroom.


Of the group I was probably the one most interested in the sacred shamanistic nature of the experience, though none of us were what I would describe as the mindless partying type.


Later on in the evening when everyone else was coming down I was still going (I had consumed one quite large specimen which was about 4 grams dry weight). At that point we had gathered at a small park near the beach. I had a very strong experience of hearing and chanelling a musical vibration rhythym. I was going every where I could and drumming on things to express what I was hearing. At one pont I found a small wooden ornamental bridge and found that I could make a great drum rhythym by stomping on it, and proceeded to do so for quite some time.

towards the end of the evening at the same park I had one other strong experience. I was lying against a tree, kind of surrendered to gravity like a drunken person, sprawled out on the ground. I had a very strong experience of feeling the energy of the tree I was sprawled against and then of having this energy flow through me and out one arm to connect with another nearby tree. This went on for some time and was pleasant as I recall. Very strong sensation of the energy body. All of this was several years before doing any chikung.


This evening sticks with me to this day, though my recollection of it now is somewhat dreamlike. (20 + years later!!). So I would say that I learned some things from this, and it was a positive and almost revalatory experience. I have had other experiences with Mushrooms which were fun, some mysterious, some dark and not fun (bad setting and intention!). I generally approached them with some sense of their power and sacred nature. This is best IMHO.


I recommend mushrooms over LSD as I feel that the Mushrooms carry with them an intelligence of the plant kingdom which is not present in LSD. What is the nature of this intelligence? I don't know, but I have sensed it. There is a connection between the plant and man which is there. It is an experience of less intensity and duration than LSD also. The human body is the same, and they are both having an effect as the result of chemicals, but the plant has a connection with the planet and man which has a history attached to it.


Two tips.

One: Take dried mushrooms and put into mild herbal tea while still hot. Allow to re hydrate and then eat them. Drink the tea to consume any dissolved chemical present in tea. Do not pour scalding water over the mushroom as this might be too hot and destroy some of the properties.


Two: Take Milk Thistle Seed extract 80% Silymarin. Take for several days before planned excursion to tone your liver. Take more the morning after. I wouldn't take the day of the trip or during it because it is likely that it would diminish or halt the experience. All mushrooms of this type have liver toxicity IMO. This extract has even been used successfully in Europe to halt the effects of poisonous mushrooms.


I agree with ... and Grand Trinity about legality. The only issue I would be concerned with is from whom I am acquriing my Mushrooms. Have not done them for decades, but I am sure there are sources out there.

Mostly these are grown by small enterprises domestically. They are not handled by the big nasty drug distributors out there.


Interesting side note. Mushrooms - psychedelic kinds - are sold in "Smartshops" in Holland as recently as a year ago last time I was there. I was blown away that they had refrigerators full of them FRESH!!


No wonder the EU wants to get Holland to toe the line with regards to their soft drug policies. Cannibis and mushroom lovers take note, freedom in Holland probably wont last.


BTW Michael - Lerner, I am also a 42 year old father of two youngins. Apparently I was more busy experimenting in my youth than you. Well that's what you get growin up in Northern California in the 70's - 80's.



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Thanks Craig (& others) for the solid advice. Especially from one with experience and a life situation closer to my own :)


In my perusing I ordered some kava kava. I had bought some years ago and was disappointed, tasted awful, no discernable effects. It turns out (from one website) that heat destroys the properties. The site recommended putting an ounce or two into a blender w/ 8 ounces of water, blending 4 minutes, then straining it out. Or the old fashion tea bag, squeezing in and out til it feels less oily. In both cases you strain before drinking.


In either case you use cool water then mix for better taste.



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I have tried Kava in a multitude of forms. I don't like it at all. I suppose if you are high strung it might be helpful. It is calming, but seems dulling as well.


If you are looking for something to calm I would strongly recommend Theanine. Suntheanine is a good brand which has a patent on highly purified Theanine. there are others which are derived from Green tea which are more natural but not as potent.


But Kava, yuck, what's the point.





Thanks Craig (& others) for the solid advice. Especially from one with experience and a life situation closer to my own :)


In my perusing I ordered some kava kava. I had bought some years ago and was disappointed, tasted awful, no discernable effects. It turns out (from one website) that heat destroys the properties. The site recommended putting an ounce or two into a blender w/ 8 ounces of water, blending 4 minutes, then straining it out. Or the old fashion tea bag, squeezing in and out til it feels less oily. In both cases you strain before drinking.


In either case you use cool water then mix for better taste.



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What :huh: ? You dissing the official drink of Fuji? Me and my Fujian buddies ought to... B)


I heard it makes for vivid dreams. Its legal, cheap, thought I'd try it.


Seriously, thanks for your input. Hopefully I'll have a different experience. I'm hoping it might be a nice gentle herbal nightcap every now and then. I was surprised to find out that you're not supposed to make it into a hot tea, and you're suppose to strain it before drinking.






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I was surprised to find out that you're not supposed to make it into a hot tea, and you're suppose to strain it before drinking.



and it works far better mixing it in milk rather than water...

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If you did standing meditation for the amount of time you've deliberated you would experience the same thing. Probably better to balance your brain chemicals through regulating your endocrine system... ?


Fast from a normal cycle/form of sensory stimulation prior to your meditation might bring about breakthroughs as well. Breakthroughs are hard to "schedule" with proper chi gung practice being accumulative.



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