
What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

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On 1/8/2025 at 10:37 PM, silent thunder said:


Always worthy of a re-post...


"... mit herzen, mit schmerzen, gar nichts!"



Edited by Mark Foote
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1 hour ago, Mark Foote said:


"... mit herzen, mit schmerzen, gar nichts!"



Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten, daß ich so traurig bin... 

 Angry German Politician Yelling in Parliament | Stable Diffusion Online

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80 year old geezer. Was having his annual checkup. Doctor asked him how he was feeling.

"Never been better!" he boasted. "Got an 18 year old bride. Now pregnant with my child! What do you think about that?"

Doctor considered that for a moment, then said, "Let me tell you a story. I knew a guy who was an avid hunter. Never missed a season. One day he went out in a bit of a hurry, grabbed his umbrella instead of his gun."

The doctor continued, "So he was in the woods. Suddenly a grizzly bear appeared in front of him! Raised up his umbrella, pointed it at the bear, and squeezed the handle. And do you know what happened?" the doctor queried.

Dumbfounded, the old man replied, "No, what?"

The doctor continued, "The bear dropped dead in front of him."

"That's impossible!" exclaimed the old man.
"Someone else must have shot the bear."

"Well, that's kind of what I'm getting at," replied the doctor.

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I rang up an old girlfriend from the past    and said   " Do you realize I have been hung up on you all this time ?"


" Oh ? "  she said , " Then I suppose being  hung up on again  will not be a surprise to you .....  "    


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How do you ask for clarification on the identity of an elderly small woman in Switzerland ? 




Little-old-lady-who ? 


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A friend reminiscing while we sit on her verandah :


" Once when my daughter was little , about 8 , she stood up on that table there , and totally off her own , looking out at all the nature and the beautiful view out there , did this amazing invocation . She was , 'O Great Mother , I am your child of nature , I have been to the forest and I have been to the great ocean and seen your bounty , I am hungry , feed me  .... I have  been  .... '    and she went on but it was all rhymed  as well , I cant do it justice .... its like she was channeling it !  "


Me ;  " Wow  .... and so, what happened  after she finished her invocation ?"


Friend ;  " Well  ...... I made her something to eat ."



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