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Found 188 results

  1. Hell Taobums

    Hello Taobums, My name is Jock and im trying to meet new freinds who share the same interests as me.
  2. Most of the inhabited world is now blanketed in electromagnetic pollution. Many of the top scientists researching this topic have concluded the high levels of electromagnetic pollution have a detrimental effect on human health and the health of the ecosphere we live in. The extent of this damage is rarely acknowledged and is in my opinion one of the most pressing but difficult issues of today. There is active resistance to these conclusion due to the how critical mobile phones, WIFI, and laptops, etc. are to the functioning of business and convenience living. This information is well-summurised in this documentary called Resonance; Beings of Frequency: As a qigong practitioner, not only have I experienced greater sensitivity to the negative effects of EM pollution, but in discussion with others, it seems this situation is inhibiting the natural energetic development of qigong cultivation. With people who do not consciously cultivate one way or another, the effects seem to be worse. If you are a long term practitioner have you noticed similar experiences in the build up of EMF over the last 30 years? In terms of protection, it seems a significant but also limited amount can be achieved through energetic 'shielding'. Many protection devices are also on the market with inconsistent results, some seem to be outright exploiting people. Mindfullness practices and holding composure and cohesion of one's awareness also seems of benefit. This is consistent with ancient Oriental theories of 'Evil Wind' and strengthening the mind to create no way for it to enter. It seems there are new technologies on the horizon which could replace the current devices, although this could be quite a challenge to do, similar to new energy technology. Please share any thoughts or techniques you have found useful....
  3. I have been studying various martial arts now, manly Wing Chun. And I am looking for an internal art to straighten my outer, if any one has an art that I should try I would appreciate your suggestion.
  4. Self Taught Neigong?

    Hello fellow wayfairers, I find myself with very low energy now and for the past, maybe, 6 months. Before that time and especially a few years back I was typically a high energy person and fairly well centered/grounded. I think Qigong/neigong is the way to fix that for me. I have 2 books which came highly recommended, The Way of Energy by Master Lam Kam Chuen and Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body by Bruce Frantzis. Ive begun practicing Zhang Zhuang along with some of the internal techniques and body alignments Frantzis talks about and I have felt a increasingly strong chi sensation as I practice as if I'm improving and tapping into my chi. I also feel more energetic after a practice session. The closest things to chi instruction I have near me is a shoddy Aikido dojo and a young american Tai Chi Chuan instructor that claims to have spent time studying it in China. Now my question is, is it possible to learn Qigong exclusively from books, videos, and mindful practice? Anyone here have success with self/book taught Qigong for healing themselves? Should I try out the Tai Chi guy? I appreciate your help friends
  5. Hiya Bums, So I went ape shit on Amazon and bought 11 books so far on qigong, ninjutsu and IMAs. I've also been to local Ninjutsu and Tai Chi classes. Tomorrow, I'll be checking out some Bagua. At this point, I'm kungfoozed My inner Dude is telling me I've to slow down and the Dude's always right. I need you bums to opine for me. What got me into this whole business was this need to reconnect with my body, befriend my body. So, I started doing Yoga, Shaking and Qigong. Then, it spilled over into some martial arts due to good ole Glenn Morris. And I kept on being pulled in My goals are: 1. Spiritual refinement with self-defense - which is what got me into Ninpo 2. Health, Vitality, Vigor, Virility - Qigong and sexual yoga 3. Energy work and healing - understanding my subtle body, meridians/chakras etc. With this in mind, and not wanting to trip myself up by cross-training in a bunch of things, what would you all advice? I get the feeling I might mess myself up by doing ninjutsu, taijiquan and bagua all at once Or should I just distance-train in Hoshinjutsu and call it good? What would you suggest for the goals that I mentioned? Cheers for reading, Sri
  6. The following is a documentary (in Mandarin) from China, from the early nineties or so I believe, showing a Chinese qigong master demonstrating various impressive looking feats. I realize that any decent stage magician could duplicate such feats using magician's tricks, but that doesn't mean that what is shown in this video is necessarily tricks. Some of the feats perfomed by the qigong master in this documentary are things such as breaking cutlery in various ways, breaking a brick at a distance without touching the brick and then getting an audience member to repeat the same feat, and a few other things including doing a qigong healing session on someone and pulling reddish liquid out of the patient's forehead without breaking their skin, and transporting a fish out of a river or lake or whatever supposedly by using qigong and making the fish appear in a basin of water (yeah I know this sounds very fishy ). If you post a comment saying that you believe this is nonsense because any magician can do tricks like that you won't be saying anything that isn't already understood, but the information I am looking for is if anyone knows who the qigong master is who is shown in this documentary, and if anyone knows any details about him. I don't speak mandarin so I don't know what they say about this qigong master in this video. "The Possibilities of Qigong"
  7. Greetings!

    I just registered and would like to say a respectful hello to everyone. I so often end up here on the Tao Bums fora when I google qigong topics that I thought I might as well register, and maybe even contribute where I can.
  8. Hey, Nice to have stumbled across this. Probably won't be here often, but good to know it exists. The more I practice, the more it reveals itself to me from the simplest decisions I make to the responses I receive from clients. Peace out.
  9. Qigong exercise or massage for feet?

    Is there a Qigong exercise or massage (or whatever) that helps eliminate pain in the soles of one's feet?
  10. This paper was originally written for our students. We thought it might benefit the Taijiquan, Qigong, Kung Fu and Nei Dan community so we are sharing it as a free PDF download. The Science of Qi Healing A Survey of the Research and Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong Practices by Ted Nawalinski, Sc.D. Available as a PDF, free download
  11. Here is a page with video teachings by Michael Tse covering a wide range of topics including Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, and Taoism Tse Qigong Centre videos-
  12. Wu Dang Temple Monks

    National Geographic documentary "Wu Dang Temple Monks"-
  13. A part of a BBC investigative series about religion. Here the religious and spiritual systems of China are examined including the principles and practice of Taoism- [media][/media ] [media][/media ]