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Found 45 results

  1. an affair to remember

    The soldier and the hunchback ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? - a question leads to an answer , which leads to another question, which leads to an answer , which leads .... The benefit of accrued experience and knowledge , that hopefully leads to understanding and wisdom . Yes, or , whoever you relate to . Eg . I spent a lot of time looking after a friends small children , during that I lerant patience and tolerance and kindness to children . Now when I interact with children , I apply that . Hmmm ... good point . Perhaps not ....... things do 'shift' though into other dynamics . ' . One needs one's own clarity to be clear with others. Some cover their confusion in all sorts of ways , its rather frustrating ... but a 'truth teller' can be frustrating too ; " Your not even really my boyfriend ! Why are you hanging around all the time, haven't you got your own things to do and your own place to look after ?" Okey dokey , I go and do that then . ... 3 days later , on the phone ( crying ) " Where have you been, why have you abandoned me ! " sorry for confusions , he is Just a guy we make fun of here . the crux of that part was 'oad' ( orgasm at a distance ) in reference to my friend who floated through the window - we never actually touched ( at a distance ) but had amazing energy interaction ('orgasm' ) I too can be obscure at times . ( Hmmm ..... I should look at that ) ...... another reason for 'obscurity' - we have complex thoughts and think others are 'on the same page ' so when we reveal part of or the end of those thoughts , it can appear obscure to others . Good question . None of it might be a mistake . Then again, everytime we think " Damn , I should have done ...... instead ' we could think of it as a mistake . I suppose the main point is NOT if we make a mistake but what we learn . But sometimes there are easier ways 'to make a mistake' - one can observe another's recklessness, say in driving and observe their results ; they have now have a life long disability , and/or have injured others , NOW they have learned to drive safely . You could go down that path or maybe observe the other's mistake and drive carefully yourself or maybe have a near miss ' mistake' and start driving more safely because of that. I hope I havent been to obscure or explained the obvious to you
  2. Even when I was young and flexible I never managed full lotus - I later found out through an X-ray for back pain that my L4and L5 are fused together (from birth) - which probably explains why. I think that it is advantageous if you can do it - certainly Buddhist tantra recommends having your knees below the level of the LDT. This is to align the nadis and so on so you don't get problems arising from poor posture. But not essential, half lotus, or chair sitting is ok - but cross legged with your knees next to your ears is not ok. The Orgasm at a Distance thing is a bit controversial (there are a few threads on it) - my personal view is that while it is possible it should not be a goal - it might happen spontaneously but should be let go of immediately - especially if it is occurring with random people including underage girls (as in the case of Voidisyinyang) - not only is it unethical but also the subtle bodies of such beings are undeveloped/very mutable and should not be interfered with. There is a heart centre 'orgasm' which occurs which is more or less benign and more loving than sexual - it has to do with joy and wonder and wishing the best for everyone and world. This is free from the desire/lust or power control which impacts sexual feelings normally. Sex is a natural energy closest to spirituality - nothing wrong with it of course - but be careful its very powerful and can distort you.
  3. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I wondered when we would get to .... ..... wait for it ..... orgasm at a distance .
  4. Some more advice needed on practice

    Hey, if I really wanted to be mean, I could tell him to go check out the guys who do Mo Pai and Lone Man Pai. The former would not even acknowledge him, the latter might interest him because they do mix chaos magick with neigong and are pretty accessible, but whether he's got enough understanding of magick is irrelevant since it's their own way of using magick. And of course, Starjumper himself is a guy who has a lot to say about wizards, especially the weather wizard on page one of this thread. While I'm at it, the actual Crowley student Nungali would have a lot more to say about self-initiates. Oh, and who could forget Mr. Orgasm at a Distance and his ffffrrrreeee PDF on Taoist Alchemy?
  5. In the world of illusions, I'd like to believe that this is all some silly daydream of the butterfly and that Drew being Drew is one of the many oddities out there. In the atheistic world, it is a make-believe world he lives in, but it is still abhorrent that Drew is boasting about his orgasms at a distance for people, which, back in our day, would be a lot worse than just "undressing someone with your eye". In the cultivators world and karmic world, there are serious ethical issues for the nonconsensual acts of orgasm at a distance, and no amount of rationalization for it can change the fact that nobody asked to have their etheric bodies penetrated by Drew or anyone else. The end result is, I hope none of it is real, because even if it is, it's disgusting.
  6. Elitom (supposed breatharian) outed as Perv-predator -

    I don´t think anybody is saying that "orgasm at a distance" is inherently evil. Actually, I imagine it could be quite beautiful in the right circumstances -- namely between two people who consciously intend for it to happen. The issue isn´t about whether orgasm at a distance is ethical per se or whether or not it´s a bona fide Daoist phenomenon. The issue is consent. It´s not illegal to sit in full lotus in public, nor should it be. It´s probably not illegal to give people orgasms at a distance either, simply because most legal types wouldn´t believe it´s possible. But we´re not really talking about legality here -- we´re talking about ethics. So are you saying that you never intended to give anybody an orgasm at a distance but your energetic development was such that it "just happened" on it´s own? I´m not sure that takes you entirely off the hook. If you know that that kind of thing is likely to happen when you sit in ful lotus in public then maybe you shouldn´t sit in full lotus in public. Not because it´s illegal to do so, but because being careful about how your energy effects others is the decent thing to do. Still, I´ll grant you that accidentally triggering an orgasm in someone is less pervy than intentionally doing so. What I´m not hearing from you is any sort of contrition or acceptance of responsibility, whether or not your O at a D incidents were intentional or not. Just for fun, I wonder what kind of reaction from people you would get if you said something like this... I´ve made some mistakes as a Daoist cultivator. Years ago I worked very hard to gain a certain kind of power but in my youthful immaturity I didn´t have the wisdom to know how to use this power correctly -- or even how to contain it. As a result, I gave some young girls who didn´t consent to have sex with me orgasms from a distance. Sometimes I even felt proud of my ability to do this. Looking back, I see that this was wrong. I see now how my earlier posts about this subject might be upsetting to people, especially perhaps to people who have themselves been victims of nonconsensual sex or know people who have been. I am truly sorry for any discomfort I´ve caused forum members. Because I´m acutely aware of the peryy side of my own shadow self, and aware of the damage it can cause, I´m particularly vigilant about perviness in other´s as well. That´s why I started this thread about Elitom. Nobody should be sexually assaulted, not in the usual physical sense and not energetically from a distance either. Of course you didn´t write this. I did. Something like this is what I wish you´d written.
  7. Elitom (supposed breatharian) outed as Perv-predator -"orgasm at a distance"&sortby=newest
  8. Elitom (supposed breatharian) outed as Perv-predator -

    Two people consensually exchanging erotic energy at a distance as part of a spiritual practice is one thing; one person imposing their erotic energy on an unsuspecting fast food eating stranger another. I do recall you saying, @voidisyinyang, that you gave young women "orgasms at a distance" at McDonalds. Am I misremembering this? Looking back, what do you think of this incident(s) now? Do you think it was OK? Would you do it again? I get that you would like this thread to be about the sexual behavior of someone else and not about yourself. But the fact is that some of us who were around to hear your stories of years ago are not going to move past this without some sort of further clarification from you. I`m not. This is a tough subject to talk about. Many people have been on the receiving end of nonconsensual sexual experiences, including, I`m sure, many Bums. Other people have loved ones who have been traumatized by nonconsensual sexual experiences. Feelings run strong! Like it or not, you are in the crosshairs of this discussion. You might want to move on but people simply won`t let you, especially not when you`re focusing on other people`s sexual behaior. If you`d be willing to talk about your previous "orgasm at a distance" postings in a really human, nondefensive way I think that would go a long way towards clearing the air.
  9. Elitom (supposed breatharian) outed as Perv-predator -

    Void`s posts don`t make a lot of sense to me personally so I tend to skip over them. Still, he does appear to be a very practiced guy who knows a lot. I`m glad he`s here. If people benefit from his perspective -- and I think some do -- that`s all for the better. @WHITEROOMENERGYMINE1 probably wasn`t reading Void`s posts, now several years old, when he was talking about his infamous "orgasm at a distance." I like what @freeform said above about cultivation magnifying base desires and can easily imagine that`s what happened to Void. It would be nice to get some historical perspective from @voidisyinyang on the whole "orgasm at a distance" phenomenon. Does he feel in retrospect that it was wrong? Does he feel contrite? Perhaps Void has already made such a statement and I missed it. If so, I`m prepared to let bygones be bygones. Let the person without pervy feelings throw the first stone. (With regret, Luke sets down his rock.)
  10. I will share a story about something that happened a few years ago in Manila that parallels this. I had already been off social media for a couple years, so to hear of this drama was particularly baffling and seeing the parallels here between Mr. Orgasm at a Distance and outing another pervert. There was a lad whom I will simply call "Koko" who became involved in two threads on the subjects of cat calling and harassment of women, which is quite common in a city that increasingly looking like a suburb of Los Angeles in terms of mindset from social movements to rampant consumerism and shock capitalism. "Koko" kicked out the original two founders of one Facebook advocacy group and continued to take advantage of the unique situation in the current regime's special privilege for bloggers, awarding them press passes. "Blogging" in the Philippines means even running a Facebook page, no matter how ridiculous that sounds. In the other page, he was characterized as making the causes about himself rather than the actual advocacy, posting constantly about how he was awarded for his "activism" and invited to events. It was later revealed with screenshots that Koko's behavior was no different than the people he was calling out for their behavior--the screen captures of his text messages, e-mails, and private messages on Facebook showed at times that he was worse, including trading his girlfriend for an Xbox 360 that her new boyfriend offered in exchange for him to get her to break up with him, which he agreed to enthusiastically saying that women were like consoles: outdated very quickly when newer, sexier ones are always coming with better and improved "features" (referring to tits and ass). At the time of this writing, Koko has had several accounts banned on social media and is a person non grata amongst multiple groups and business establishments for his hypocritical behavior, including when it was eventually revealed how he had stolen the pages from the original founders and set back the movements greatly. Now, while it may be amusing to look at Drew and Elitom here as a kettle and teapot situation, the parallel I am drawing is that on the one hand, some people may not even realize that their behavior is actually as bad as--if not worse than--the people they are outing. Drew might not realize it, and that's one thing, but if he is cherrypicking what is appropriate or not, well, I have no other comment to say besides throwing my hands up in the air and sighing, rolling my eyes, and walking off because there's nothing else to be said, res ipsa loquitur, "the thing speaks for itself".
  11. very advanced energy practice

    orgasm at a distance
  12. PK abilities - real or imaginary?

    Yes the O at a D (orgasm at a distance as mutual psychic climax) is definitely PK - and yes it does create real Love. Michael Winn discusses this also. The first time it happened - the young lady leapt up into the air in orgasmic bliss and cried out. Yes that was in McDonald's but that was just the first time. Then I had a female stalker at work. To build up the love requires at least 50 mutual psychic climaxes. See the energy has to stay in the vagus nerve and so converts from dopamine to serotonin and then from serotonin to oxytocin. It is a deep right side vagus nerve from the dorsal lower body - to the right side of the heart.
  13. For those new to the forum who aren't aware of this guy, here is some background you should check out before getting involved: Here's some poop on his favorite subject, Orgasm at a Distance: You can search for orgasm at a distance, or O at a D and find it mentioned in other places. He has also vehemently asserted that anyone who makes love is a terrible pervert, as if what he does isn't perverted.
  14. Crowley and Daoism

    O at D stands for Orgasm at a Distance. The practice, in which a male causes a female in his view to have an orgasm by using energy manipulation at a distance, was bragged about extensively by one of the members here who now goes by the name of Voidisyinyang.
  15. Spring Forest Qigong is alchemy training but Chunyi Lin is not part of the current alchemy marketing fad on the interwebs. haha. So at first Chunyi says to do three times more standing active exercise than sitting passive meditation or that standing active meditation is "cultivating" the qi while sitting meditation is "harvesting" the qi. The key with alchemy training, as Chunyi emphasizes, is to focus on the lower tan tien - and so the spirit light as fire gets under the jing as water and the result is the spirit-qi as a rainbow lotus steam. As Chunyi says the more you go into the Emptiness the more power you have. I finished my master's degree by doing self-directed research in qigong training with Chunyi Lin when I was 29 years old. The younger you are and the more pure you are then the faster results you get. I discovered the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" which I realized closely follows the teachings of Spring Forest Qigong. So the foundation of the meditation is the "small universe" alchemy practice which is also the foundation of the Taoist Yoga book and the Quick Fire practice is based on the standing active exercise. The Level 3 Sun and Moon meditation then follows Chapters 6 to 11 in the Taoist Yoga book. In Level 3 is taught fasting for enlightenment. As a geek to prepare for the Level 3 retreat in 2000 I did a week long fast just taking a half glass of water. Contrary to the typical fast making someone weaker instead I had the strongest qi energy yet and I opened up my third eye. I started the fast when my lower tan tien had gotten very hot and by the end my skull was soft and pulsating with qi and opening up for spirit travel. At the Level 3 retreat I smelled cancer - well I didn't know it was cancer but this man in the front of a huge room smelled like death. I wondered how people could stay in the same room with him but then Chunyi said how qigong masters can smell cancer as a kind of rotting flesh smell. During a break I went to ask Chunyi "what I should do?" He said, "Let me read your aura." I never told him I had fasted for the week. He responded "Keep your mouth shut." I realized I had been meditating with my mouth open because I had misunderstood his instructions since he starts the exercise with breathing with the mouth open to clear out the bad energy. But also I didn't realize that Chunyi was initiating me into Enlightenment as a Ch'an answer - "keep your mouth shut" as in - don't talk about what you are experiencing if you want to advance. So after he answered me he left the room as it was a break and I went to sit down at my spot. Suddenly my brain was on fire! I realized that Chunyi was working to open up my third eye after he left the room. What I didn't realize is that it's actually easier for the qigong masters to do long distance healing as the mind doesn't get in the way as easily. I could not even handle the fire in my brain and my mind could not handle it. I wanted it to stop. But as the meditations continued - we were in full lotus doing meditation - and other experiences happened to me. For example when I was in my retreat room I realized that the man with cancer was in the room next to me - I could smell him - his rotting flesh - through the walls. This was strange since when Chunyi had healed him while he was in the big retreat room his cancer smell of death went away! But I could also hear the man had a woman with him and she was lusting after him and so that made his cancer smell come back! They were having sex and I felt very bad for him that he had used the energy for lust but then his female friend had chased after his energy. So also when I was in full lotus in my room - I had been in full lotus for hours while in the group meditation and so now the pain was great in full lotus in my room. So I just made the "sword fingers" and I pointed them at my feet and my qi energy was strong enough that just circling my "sword fingers" then sent qi into my feet and legs and opened up the blockages and made the pain go away. Also when we are in group meditation and Chunyi was in full lotus I could actually see yuan shen light arising out of Chunyi's head - shaped as a human as a light - and it would form above his head and then break off and float out towards a specific student to be healed in the room. Then after it broke off another spirit would form over his head and break off and drift out to another student to be healed. And so on. As I watched this amazed then I saw several spirits shaped like humans but as yellow light float into the room from outside and they hovered around Chunyi. I never said anything to anyone but Chunyi later explained that someone had seen these spirits and so he said those were dead people that had come to him to get healed. Ironically I had just read of this possibility in the biography of the most famous Buddhist monk master of Thailand - Phra Achran Mun. Not only did he also have dead people as spirits go to him to get healed but he also could read the minds of all his students and respond to them. So then after the retreat I had more experiences that brought me out of my enlightenment. I was practicing in a room I rented nearby the university - and I would order rare books via interlibrary loan - so I read meditation and yoga books as a break to my practice. But I did not study the "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" book enough! I was comparing various schools of meditation, studying nondualism. I also attended the Spring Forest Qigong guilds - the once a month weekend practice group meetings at another local private university. At one of those meetings Chunyi announced suddenly that "there can be no thoughts of sex" if you want success in your training. But also he said to get to an advanced level requires "going on retreat" or going out into Nature to live in harmony where the energy is pure. At that guild meeting he also mention jing energy - and so that's when I knew that Chunyi had trained in alchemy. Another time as I took more classes - I had brought the TAoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book to class with Chunyi but the book was never in the open - it was in my backpack. Yet Chunyi announced he had been practicing the "small universe" to a very deep level lately and then he quoted a passage directly from Taoist Yoga that is the stage of practice just before the "Yang shen" leaves the body - creating another fully formed physical body. In fact at the Level 3 retreat I had asked Chunyi if he had ever created a "yang shen" body and he told me that indeed when he had been meditating in his home in China then afterwards his friends said they had seen him outside his house at the same time. Also at that Level 3 retreat Chunyi shared how once when he was in deep meditation in the mountains in full lotus he then levitated up spirally - 3 meters he said - while he was in full lotus next to a pine tree. I had also read of this ability in the biography of Phra Achra Mun, the most famous Buddhist master monk of Thailand - his colleague had also levitated. Chunyi said if you want to see if someone is a real qigong master just see how long they can sit in full lotus in ease. So as I continued my full lotus training after the retreat as I said I had more experiences. At the first guild meeting after the retreat, the assistant of Chunyi, Jim Nance, was at our breakout practice group and Jim asked me to share my fasting experience. As I did so then this old lady asked me to practice healing on her. As I pulled out her blockages - I had forgotten that Chunyi had taught to never pull the blockages out of the top center of the skull. I was standing to her side while she was sitting and as I pulled the blockage out of the center of her skull I felt this heavy electromagnetic "blob" get pulled out of the top center of her skull. Immediately as I felt that she burst out bawling - even though I was not touching her never and she could not see what I was doing. She kept bawling for at least 15 minutes and every one had left the room and she left to go downstairs. I went downstairs and I saw my friend from the University. I said - "you're not going to believe what just happened" and as I said this the old lady suddenly was walking toward us - she was still bawling but someone else had their arm around her, comforting her. I realized I had accidentally pulled her spirit out of her body!! So then I went back to my room to keep practicing. But another experience I had was when I went to the local hippie-punk anarchist collective cafe where I had hung out with my university friend and another male who practiced meditation. But when I went in there I saw his sister across the room and as our eyes met suddenly I got this orgasmic blast of energy shoot up my spine. I was shocked that my eyes meeting with hers would cause this orgasmic climax and I went back into my room in disbelief. I was not able to process conceptually what had happened and I didn't realize that my energy had gone into hers and holographically she had lowered the frequency of my energy. If I had studied the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book in more detail I would have known that I had taken in "bad air" because I had looked at a "form of love" and so my "heart's fire" had gone out of my eyes into hers, thereby deconverting my yuan qi into "generative fluid." Only the Quick Fire method - the deep fasting breathing activated by the standing "moving of yin and yang" with the knees bent and the thighs lowered - only this has the power to reverse this lowering of the frequency of the energy. But I did not understand this need for the purification process as harmonization of the yin and yang. So when Chunyi Lin had taught at Level 3 to "use your consciousness" to "go into the Emptiness" and this creates the yin/yang energy and to keep is simple as the most powerful - I had to think - what is the difference between my consciousness and the Emptiness? So as I continued my full lotus meditation then my sense of consciousness vanished by the room was spinning around me. It wasn't just dizziness - it was like a spacetime vortex. What I had not realized - if I had studied Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality in detail - is that in chapter 11 it details how if your spirit leaves your body without enough qi surrounding the spirit then this dizziness will happen. I had gone into the Emptiness as a nirvikalpa samadhi experience but I didn't realize that this spacetime vortex was caused by my spirit light not having enough Emptiness yuan qi to power it and so my spirit got confused. Instead I was desperate for an answer. When I came out of that meditation I had the experience that "who am I" is most definitely not anything in this 3D spacetime - that my "mind" is not the real me - instead the Emptiness is the real me. So I had been using the Yan Xin meditation tape as a supplement to my Spring Forest Qigong training since the first initiation Chunyi had to qigong was a Yan Xin healing. But after that Emptiness experience I threw away the meditation tape since I felt that I didn't need any external tools as they were not the real reality. Also I got rid of my journal I had kept for several years since 1994 - because that was all just a product of my mind and not the real "me." When I told Chunyi about what had happened he said I had an "enlightenment experience" but that my mind was confused. Indeed Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality details that this confusion is caused by the first enlightenment experience. Around this time I had also begun going to practice healing on my mom and so I drove up to my parents to heal my mom. The first time I had practiced on her she did not really feel much. She said she just felt more relaxed. But since I had fasted and meditated the whole time my qi energy was very strong. But when I went to the house my mom immediately began screaming at me the worst she had ever screamed. She was going ballistic since I had not had any food in over a week and so to get her to stop screaming I just ate a bunch of food real fast. Then I said - do you want the healing still? She said yes and she sat in a chair in her room. As I healed her then strong qi when out of my hands into her body and I could sense she had a liver blockage. Then she got so sleepy that I had her lie on her bed and I kept healing her until she fell asleep. Then I left the house and I drove back to the city. But I did not understand what had happened. I had worked so hard to train as a healer and yet she just was more angry than ever before and since my energy was so pure I was very sensitive to negative emotions. I had felt betrayed that this was the punishment I got for working so hard. I didn't realize that when I had healed my mom I had actually done a spirit exorcism of her and that is why she was screaming ballistic when I entered the house. She had a liver blockage from drinking too much alcohol and this is why she was so angry. But I didn't understand this connection. Instead I decided I was no longer going to meditate. I began lowering my meditation levels. Before I had healed my mom - which was on Wednesday - on Monday I had gone to work. Since I was in school I only worked 15 hours a week but when I went to work I had not eaten in a week and yet I had more energy than ever before! When I was at work then I was alone in the back room doing my job but then this manager entered the room - a female younger than me. As I worked then I felt this strong qi emanating out of the center of my brain into the female - and the qi was filling the room. At the same time I could sense what the female was thinking and feeling and I realized that my pineal gland was transducing her thoughts and feelings into my brain so I knew what she was experiencing. Then her boss entered the room - another female who was the director. Suddenly the female manager said to her boss that she should promote me to also be a manager. The director was surprised to hear this as my position was not even based on any experience that would qualify me. Instead I offered to the director to give a talk to the workers about my qigong training and she agreed. I had given a previous talk about sweatshop activism and now I would give a talk about qigong. So then I decided to break my fast that Monday since I was at work and not just meditating all the time. I went to this nearby African restaurant that I frequented - the owner was born in Ghana but she had lived in Germany - and the food was traditional and mainly vegetarian. I decided to get a tofu soup with greens. But there was sea salt in it and the salt literally tasted like poison to me! I could barely eat it. Also there was a female that came into the shop and strangely she talked to the female owner - the shop was small and so I was nearby. The female said very blatantly how it was not good to point your feet at the guru. Suddenly I recalled that while I was at the Level 3 retreat that weekend I had gotten tired in full lotus and so instead I had pointed my feet at Chunyi while he was also in full lotus. I was shocked to hear the lady say this but I never asked her if she had been at the Spring Forest Qigong retreat. I thought maybe it had been just a synchronicity. In fact at this point in time I thought I really would like to just quit my job and go meditate outside Chunyi's house to figure out how to deal with my energy. Chunyi had said to call him if we have questions but I didn't have the money to pay him for the calls. At that time he had given out his home number since he was still doing his healing out of his home - he didn't have a qigong center. I also didn't want to intrude on his home life. Instead I figured that if Chunyi was a real spiritual master then he should be able to teach me at a distance. But I did go to local bookstore to look for answers - this is the used bookstore where I had found the "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" book. I saw a Sri Chimnoy book and at a whim I opened it up. The very first passage I saw was a student asking the Sri Chimnoy about what causes the spinning sensation during meditation. His answer was that was just the Cosmic Shakti and don't worry about it. Well that wasn't enough for me - I still wondered what had happened and I needed more details. I kept researching and I discovered Ch'an Master Nan, Huai-Chin. His books had lots of details from mayahana Buddhism which was new to me. Sure enough he said that what commonly happens in modern times is that a person trains and then gets "heroic over-exuberance" by using their spiritual powers and so they "fall back into the worldly mundane." I continued studying his books - I had to read them three times to digest the new information but those three books are now out of print. I didn't save the books since again I was detached from conceptual reality - but those books are now very valuable. haha. When I did return back to another Level 3 class for Chunyi Lin he goes around touching everyone's forehead to open up our third eye. I had stopped practicing as much but never the less my channels were open enough that when he touched my forehead I then felt strong magnetic bliss in the center of my forehead. At this point I wondered if this sensation would go away. I wondered if the energy was just some psychological phenomenon or if the enlightenment was permanent. So I completely stopped the qigong training to see what would happen. So then my energy channels closed up and at the same time - I thought that if the Emptiness is every where then there is just as much Emptiness in a pile of crap than in anything else. I was friends with homeless old hippies who dumpster dived for food and so I began doing the same with them out of solidarity. Also I had taken my AFrican-American coworkers out to lunch at the local Chinese restaurant. I had been vegetarian up till then but they all ate lots of meat. I realized they had lots of jing energy and so I figured why should I not eat meat also - why should I be more "holier than thou" than my African-American coworkers. So I began eating meat. I didn't realize that the qigong training is based on frequency harmonization as purification. Instead I was basing my philosophy on nondualism as a permanent static Emptiness and I did not realize that the Emptiness is actually an eternal process of yin-yang energy harmonization. And so my energy channels closed up even more and even worse my energy was now going up the front of my body and out of my mouth and eyes. I did not know what was happening to me and so I kept studying books. After a couple months of not practicing - the magnetic bliss was still in the center of my brain and so I realized that I had undergone permanent transformation. That this was the new me. I had done it - I had broken on through to the other side. I realized that my qigong training was now going to be the rest of my life. When I saw Chunyi again he had said that I should have kept on practicing and I should have called him with questions. Well he didn't say that directly to me but in general to the class. But he has a way of answering your personal questions as a general answer to the class based on his reading of the energy. I kept training on my own but the problem was that females kept chasing after me and when they flirted with me then the qi would turn into generative fluid and get lost as nocturnal ejaculation. So then I began sitting in full lotus in public during the day as I thought this would be "pre-emptive defense" and at this point I was already posting on this forum - thetaobums. I didn't realize that sitting in full lotus was making it worse! Even though I could stop the nocturnal ejaculations - or at least make them less - I didn't realize this was causing my energy to just go out of my skull instead. So I was sitting in full lotus in a McDonald's with the assistant from my favorite used bookstore. He sat there every day - he was obese from eating junk food and he like to spy the University females as the McDonalds was right by the University and his table faced the counters. Of course he never said this - he tried to hide this by studying his books, etc. He was ostensibly an intellectual but self-taught with some courses he took on occasion. So as I sat in full lotus I was facing the condiments dispenser - I couldn't see any females and I didn't want to look. But suddenly this young Chinese female worker from McDonalds began cleaning the dispensers while in front of my full lotus. I could not move while in full lotus at my eyes were at the level of her backside. Suddenly she lept into the air and she yelled out in bliss and at the exact same time orgasmic ejaculation shot up my spine. I could not believe what had just happened - and my friend pretended not to have noticed. But when I returned the next day the young Chinese female was laughing in bliss at the sight of me and she pushed her coworkers aside so she could take the register to make sure she could serve me. Then I knew that what I had suspected had happened really did happen - we had a mutual climax. But I wanted to test this out if it was really true and so I went to a study area of the University and I spied a comely fetching young female. I sat across from her while she was studying and she was dressed attractively and I also was studying as I did - only I sat in full lotus. I could feel the qi energy building up and being sucked in by her energy and as it built up then suddenly it would discharge the qi into her and at the same time I could sense she climaxed also. I kind of glanced up but she tried to pretend it didn't happen. So as I kept reading in full lotus the energy built up again but a bit stronger intensity and again it discharged into her as qi and she climaxed at the same time. After the 2nd time she then put her book down and she pretended to go to sleep in front of me. So then I kept sitting in full lotus and the energy built up again into a stronger intensity and discharged into her and now when the climax hit the internal ejaculation was stronger up the spine. At the moment it happened she then looked up at me and tears were going down her face. That confirmed to me that we had mutual climaxes. That this was real. Of course I felt terrible about it and I was determined not to do that again. But at the same time I also pondered the meaning of this. No longer were females all dressed up to attract a mate - no longer were they using sex as a kind of limited supply energy to leverage males who could provide the means to help raise a family, etc. In other words I had completely bypassed the bourgeois commodity fetish "consumer unit" reproductive sex dynamics. Also I thought that this is my own body and I can sit in full lotus in public if I want to - I'm not breaking the law. So I decided I would keep sitting in full lotus in public. But females kept pursuing me and actively "pumping" the energy out of me or staring at me, etc. I had awakened a beast so to speak and I posted all these experiences online so that I would get critical feedback. So then I continued having these experiences which I dubbed the "O at a D" or "orgasm at a distance" and the responses online were shock or anger or disbelief, etc. So I kept collating the experiences but I realized they were not limited to just the mutual climax. Still I had many mutual climaxes and some I would call "repeat customers." I realized that females were going into what primatologists called "female display behavior" and so I had to study more science to figure out what was happening - with the vagus nerve - and I studied more qigong, etc. But at the same time - I had other experiences which deepened my understanding. I could also heal people's anger blockages - at a distance - and their sadness blockages. I was in full lotus at work and a young male walked into the room and when my eyes met his then I was overwhelmed by sadness. I blurted out - "Why are you so sad!!" and he was shocked. He was so shocked that I would know his inner emotions since his face was normal and he had not said a word to me. As he stood in silence in shock then I suddenly realized he had just come back from a smoking break. I had been a lone in the room - no one else was there. I then heard myself saying - "you know smoking causes depression." He was 24 years old and we had discussed energy training before. He was interested but more in that bohemian manner but soon after he quit smoking and his sadness went away. Another time I was reading in full lotus in Burger King and I could see out of the corner of my eye this big Native American man with his food tray looking to see where to sit. As our eyes met then suddenly my liver filled with his anger. I knew I had to be careful and I didn't look at him again but he walked slowly past me. I was concerned he might attack me as I exorcised his anger - my liver got hot and then my pineal gland shot qi back at him - out of the back of my head as he sat behind and to the right of me. I was in one side of the restaurant and he was 90 degrees to me. I kept reading and slowly the burning heat in my liver went away and I realized I was safe. Suddenly he walked towards me and he said one thing to me: Thank you. I barely glanced up at him since I didn't want to risk him smelling me - as the qi energy going out of my skull would also pull up the lower body anaerobic bacteria of my intestines. I had to constantly use purification essential oil - I used tea tree oil as antiseptic and then peppermint to cover up the tea tree oil. So I had adapted into my own strange - very strange - free tantra inner city healing qigong practice. I biked around the city, and I read books in the libraries or used bookstores - and while in full lotus reading I had psychic energy healing exchanges with strangers. Mainly the "O at a D" experiences. I even had a precognitive "O at a D" once. I didn't realize I was using up my Yuan Qi energy. No one on thetaobums could explain to me what was happening - in terms of alchemy - and in fact people on thetaobums had insisted I should not study the Taoist Yoga book as it was too dangerous. haha. So I had to keep pondering the philosophy and study science and more meditation and qigong books. At work I was able to work at nights when no one else was there and so I was able to build up my energy again. I biked to work in the winter and it was very cold out in Minnesota and when I got to work I wanted some quick energy - there was a candy bar machine but it was just a metal box. When I went to put in the quarters then the quarters stuck to the side of the machine and rolled "up" the side of the metal box as my hand went over the quarters, wondering what was happening. I then decided to check my qi levels so I put my hands facing each other - my palms - and sure enough I felt strong magnetic force pushing my hands apart. I realized I had moved the quarters at a distance - telekinesis. Soon after this young female coworker began "hanging around" after wards at work - pretending she needed to shovel papers - when in fact I knew she was overstressed. She was one of the few females left and my job was being automated and the computer manager had destroyed all the "turf" - the pieces of paper I organized - the paper which people called for the nonprofit fundraising. The workers were desperate since they could not make quota since the computer manager was transferring the turf to a new leased supercomputer speed dialer. So she was too stressed from the new impossible work conditions and she was hanging after work stalking me when normally I had been working alone. I felt sorry for her and so I filled her with energy and she survived the crunch. As I continued to do that - she even got promoted to be a manager. And as I continued to send energy into her then she got promoted to being the director. She still was stalking me and she would come in after her daytime shift was done and then she would pretend to have work to do while I worked - she would sit across from me. The problem was that since her jing energy was low then I had to eat a lot of meat to have energy to turn into qi for her and then I ate a lot of garlic and cilantro to purify the meat. But I still had to use tea tree oil as antiseptic and peppermint. I was a mess. Finally she said - after years of me doing this - that I had a "lot of charm" but too bad I could not talk. So I increased my tea tree oil output and I would take turns sending energy to her and then talking in between. After a couple hour tantra session like that she left and soon after I collapsed asleep from a tantra tea tree oil overdose. The thing is that sending the energy is right brain dominant and so you can not talk while sending the energy but I could read at the same time since reading is left brain dominant. So I could read and send energy at the same time. I had dozens - hundreds of "O at a D" experiences and stories which I could relate. You have to first have energy to send. But the qigong master Chunyi said in his guild talk that he doesn't practice tantra since the energy you take in is too low frequency - when the female climaxes - the energy is just an energy blockage that you take in. Even though if the female has strong jing energy and you take that in when she climaxes it is still lower frequency. So I would have to convert that female jing energy back into qi. I realized I could fast if I was around females with strong jing energy - through the mutual climaxes as tantra. But as Bill Bodri and Master Nan, Huai-chin state the tantra practice is inherently limited to "emptying out the lower realm of form." This is what happened with the female coworker as we continued having mutual climaxes - then it went past lust and when together we had our hearts interwoven as qi energy. This was the yuan qi activated but that was the limit of the practice. And during physical separation there was sadness because lust is rooted out of the lungs - the lungs are the alchemical foundation of the water element - the lungs as metal are passion and so cause the yin qi as the heart's fire to go out of the eyes. So if you loose to much yin qi energy as the heart's fire this causes sadness and in extreme form can cause death as lose of yuan qi energy. This is documented by science - people can die from the right side vagus nerve to the heart being overstimulated. So I had to quit my job as I had gone to far - the tantra could not be continued in public - my hours had gotten changed - I could not work at night. I was still dumpster-diving my food and eating tons of garlic and I filled the workspace with the garlic crap smell. Meanwhile I had this strong mutual love with the coworker but ironically I had never been physically attracted to her. Sure there had been tantric lust but as science documents sex drive is not the same as attraction and yet love is based on the oxytocin body. I had discovered the secret connection of lust to love via tantra but I still didn't realize I had been using up my yuan qi energy. In fact the Taoist Yoga book says this is the main cause of failing in the training - the creation of qi energy increases the very passion that causes the loss of energy! I then left the city on my old three speed bicycle and I went to a Buddhist monastery set up by my Burmese friend who had been a refugee but now was a successful person and so he had brought a monk over from Burma. But as he and I discussed me moving to Burma to become a monk then I could read that this monk in his house was actually a perv - a fake monk - and he hit on me! The Burmese friend was also upset that I was fasting to purify my energy and I was sitting in full lotus to meditate - and he said this was not real Buddhism and he told me to study the books he had in the monastery. I did and I discovered that the first level of real samadhi in Theravedin Buddhism is called "Achievement of Cessation" and it requires a week long fast. haha. Also my understanding is that the Theravedin monks of Thailand - Phra Achran Mun - had sat in full lotus. But from my academic studies on my own - I had discovered there was a tension in the Buddhist training - especially in Thailand and Burma. The Vipassana tradition relied on mind meditation whereas the "power" monks of the forest tradition relied on full lotus. The King and royal family would patronize the power monks to get their power but the royal family was considered corrupt by the democratic urban vipassana tradition. But as part of the democracy movement then the cities were taking over the monasteries as community charities run by the local community which did not have the experience in actual spiritual training. But meanwhile I had left the Burmese monastery in the middle of the night in the cold freezing rain - and I continued my dumpster diving tantra practice. I continued biking for 250 miles - I dumpster dived a big gas station chain that has packaged hamburgers. I had garlic with me. I continued on to a Cambodian monastery that was 200 miles away down the Mississippi river. It was under construction and as the head monk wondered what to do with me - then the monastery got a phone call. It was my Burmese friend, head of his own monastery, wondering what had happened to me! haha. So then I left the Cambodian monastery and I biked up to the forest of my parent's house. My dad had been at this point a chronic alcohol and his brain had deteriorated as I realized when he had taken me to visit my sister a few years earlier. I began clearing out the European invasive buckthorn which had destroyed our forest plant diversity. I increasingly had precognitive experiences and when I found my dad's dead body my heart was filled with this amazing love. The night before I had psychically sensed he had a heart blockage when he returned from eating dinner with my mom who had previously moved to our second house as my dad was chain smoking and drinking. I had never picked up psychically a heart blockage like that from my dad and that night while I was in full lotus at the computer - suddenly I thought - "my dad just died." I ran up to check him in his bedroom but he was quiet and seemed to be sleeping. I'm not sure what happened but in the morning when I went into the bedroom his body was blue and I immediately called 9-11. But my heart when seeing his body was immediately overwhelmed with the strongest love I had ever felt. I knew he was experiencing that love when he had left his body and so I knew he was in a better place. I had studied NDE experiences as part of my training and I had seen ghosts and so I knew he was in a better place. A few years later my mom had gotten sick where she had almost died but then the qigong master Jim Nance was offering free healing sessions at the qigong center. My mom was desperate and so she agreed to go with me. At one session I also brought an AFrican-American coworker of mine who had been interested in the qigong. My mom felt stronger after each session and she was really happy but the healing would not last. I had been sitting in full lotus for 2 hour sessions of meditation but suddenly Jim Nance called me. He asked me to help him with his qi-talks at the center. So then another time he called me and I asked him questions and he said how he could see in 4 directions out of his skull at the same time - the third eye. We talked for 2 hours but suddenly he said he was having a "conservation with my mom" as he was talking to me. She was asleep upstairs and I realized he meant he was healing her but I didn't ask him for details. The next day my mom who previously had been barely able to walk now for the first time in months cooked her own breakfast. My sister was in shock but my mom didn't know why she had so much energy. The next day she walked on her own to the mailbox which is a half mile walk there and back! She just had too much energy so she felt like walking. Her friends asked her what had happened. I still didn't say anything to her since I didn't want her to dismiss the healing. Finally after a week and she was still wondering what had happened I told her that Jim had done a healing on her while he was talking to me on the phone. Then when Jim called again I confirmed with Jim and I asked him if he had to send more energy and he said that he had to send energy several times and it was easier to heal her while she asleep so that her mind would not get in the way of the healing. Jim and I continued to have a lot of interaction as he was working a book of his qigong training and also continuing his qi-talks and doing more phone healing. People online then asked me to contact Jim and we began interacting that way. And that continued until last fall - Jim made my head go on fire two times - the first time in 2005. At that point doing long distance healing was newer for him - when I had returned to class he said, "did you feel anything?" I was in shock since the energy had been so strong I had stopped meditating. When I shared that story with him ten years later he laughed and said that was my true Self manifesting - it was not something "external" to me. Another time I was ranting at Jim about politics while he was in the car - he got real quiet and suddenly I felt deep in my heart this strong qi energy. He explained he didn't want to listen to me so he left his body. But then he wanted to see where I was talking from and he said I was talking from my heart.
  16. MMO & The Microcosmic Orbit

    1) Is it normal to lose your erection after avoiding ejaculation through PC squeezes? Study the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality for the real training on this - it is referred to as "retraction" in that book. So yes it is normal. 2) Is the Taoist MMO technique practical for real life sexual encounters? practical depends on how you define it when it applies to those type of things but obviously "staying power" is practical. 3) Where can one learn more about Taoist MMO techniques and the microcosmic orbit? Is the book Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy by Eric Yudelov a good source? Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality is the best book on the subject but it requires a lot of study. 4) I have heard of cases of people climixing with others (or by themselves) without any physical contact. Where can I learn more about this as well? I personally discovered this ability in 2007 and I dubbed it the "O at a D" or orgasm at a distance and then I used it everyday for years but there are many problems with this. First of all it is detailed in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality as "evil fire" of the heart from "evil thoughts" and so the practice actually burns up your Yuan Qi or prenatal Qi. What happens is when you have thoughts about reproduction it causes the pineal gland to be triggered to shoot qi down your spine to create fluid. So that goes against the training to create qi energy. It is true that for old people who are impotent then physical stimulation will trigger this qi activation but then, as Taoist Yoga teaches, it has to then be not only sublimated but also purified again - and by doing so you are able to also transform the post-natal jing energy from food into qi. So for example Mantak Chia teaches physical stimulation but personally I would never recommend this - I tried his method and found it goes completely against the real training since again physical stimulation causes the creation of fluid. Also - qigong teacher Gary Clyman corroborates my view about Mantak Chia - in his free Qigong Bible pdf online. So if you learn the above technique of mutual orgasms without physical contact also you take in the jing energy of the females you do this with - and this is their jing energy from their lust also - so it is dirty jing energy, not pure jing energy. So then that also pulls down your energy level. You can try to purify it - to convert the jing back into qi and then send it out again - but there is still residual low level spirit energy information stored in your body. The qigong master had to clear out those blockages in me. The technique also relies on your prenatal spirit going out of your eyes - to send the energy - and so it is pulling up the energy from the front channel - as the reverse small universe. So as I said - the pineal gland is shooting qi down to create fluid but then also your eyes are pulling chi up the front channel - and this is the opposite of the purification process. So for example - by doing this tantra practice of astral sex you can go without food since you are taking in jing energy and then transforming it into qi - but since you are relying on this reverse small universe practice it will always be a dirty practice that stays in the lower level of energy. Because - again - the energy is being pulled up from your lower body, up the front channel - whereas purification relies on the mind-spirit focused on the Emptiness so that your pineal gland prenatal qi is added to your spirit which then descends down the front of the body to then convert more of your postnatal jing energy into qi. So for example I fasted this summer for 5 days but I was also taking in the jing energy of a young well-endowed female - and so I was able to work while I fasted - doing strong physical labor - but also I was receiving high level shen energy from the qigong master. But since I was also transmitting qi into the female then she was taking in the high level energy and I was taking in her lower level jing energy and it was done through the reverse small universe - so even though I went 5 days without food I was still pulling up all this anaerobic bacteria from my lower body since the process goes again purification. So the process constantly leaches out of the skull the lower body impurities. And I wasn't even consciously transmitting energy at this point - it was just being in close proximity with a randy young female full of lust for hours at a time - and so the energy exchange just happened like that. On the other hand since the mutual orgasms without contact have no ejaculation then you are staying in your parasympathetic relaxation system - with no increase of cortisol stress that occurs from ejaculation since male ejaculation triggers the sympathetic stress nervous system. So then both the male and female go into deeper levels of parasympathetic energy which converts the dopamine into serotonin and then finally increases the oxytocin of the heart - and so from continual mutual orgasms then the love bonding energy of the heart keeps increasing for both people since again there has been no trigger of stress cortisol by the male. So in this sense tantra is very good for healing the lower emotional blockages (converting sadness, anger, fear, worry and lust) until the heart center does open up as strong mutual love which then begins to create stronger qi energy. The reason is that you are converting your jing energy to qi and transmitting qi into the female while also taking in her jing energy and converting it to qi - and so through increased mutual orgasm practice you create a mutual qi energy field between yourself and the other - so it feels like your hearts are mutually interwoven electromagnetically at a distance. But, as Master Nan, Huai-chin points out, via Bill Bodri, this is just beginning to empty out the lower realm of form, and it does empty out the realm of desire too, but it just begins to empty out the realm of form - so it's just a low level of samadhi Emptiness and not even the real activation of yang qi energy. The reason being is that you are not storing up your qi energy in your lower tan tien - instead you are constantly sending out energy via the pineal gland and then taking in low level jing energy via the pernineum - and so it is more of an emptying process since the type of jing energy you take in is not food based but already direct yin jing energy or lower emotional energy. Also this energy does go through walls, ceilings, and is not affected by wind and can be exchanged long distance, etc. and it is omnidirectional since the energy is from the pineal gland - so it can be transmitted out of the back of the head, top of the head, etc. So the final result of this practice is what is called a Ghost Immortal which means you are then dependent on taking in other people's jing energy - I mean theoretically you could just live off that energy instead of food - but at the same time you have depleted your own prenatal qi energy - your storehouse of qi energy - and so you are dependent on just constantly converting other people's jing energy into qi. But the limit of this qi again is just a lower level qi (post natal yin chi) since it is still dependent on the lower emotion of over-excitement of the heart from the original lust that triggered it - and so if there is any detachment from the jing sources then it also causes heart-break which is the pain from overusing the qi - or transmitting too much of it into the other people. This is called "forms of love stealing the qi" in the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book. So the heart-break is sadness of the lungs which is because the lungs are the element metal as passion and are the connection of the prenatal qi energy of the right eye. So yeah I did that path of tantric mutual orgasms at a distance for years - all because I just had not studied the Taoist Yoga book well enough. haha. I was posting my experiences all online and looking for critical feedback but no one else had studied the Taoist Yoga book either and so they couldn't provide me with any real good physiological explanation of what was happening. It took the qigong master to read my energy at a distance to explain to me that actually the energy was going up the front channel and out of my skull that way. And that got me more curious since I had assumed my energy was going up my spine. So then when I studied the Taoist Yoga book more I discovered the specific details of what was going on. But also this technique is only possible after you have the third eye opened a bit through an enlightenment Tai Chi experience - which first requires building up the lower tan tien energy and most people never even get that far anyway. I've only discovered Gurdjieff being reported as having that ability - also Michael Winn writes about it also - but that's the only accounts I've found of it besides my own experiences. Oh yeah there's the Tantra Mongoose dude who has videos of his mutual orgasms at a distance - online - and he does that professionally as his healing practice. Well we can assume Mantak Chia has this ability - but also the person who started this website was a student of Mantak Chia and reported that Mantak Chia didn't really see much light when he did his dark cave meditations - in other words Mantak Chia does not have his third eye fully open. So maybe he is good at taking in jing energy for maintaining his health but it is again very limited. For example - there's a book called Bones of the Master by George Crane - the dude hooks up with this Ch'an Master from China and they go back there and the master discovers one of his former students has set up this tantric cult where he is surrounded by all these females. So then the former student basically tries to challenge the master - I guess by taking his energy or something and the master just sits in full lotus and does nothing. The thing is that if the third eye is fully open then you can recharge your energy from the shen source - spirit-qi - directly and not from having to try to convert jing energy into qi. So people can take your energy because they are coming at you from a physical perspective - defined by dualistic limitations which is what tantra is still based on - but not until the realm of formlessness is embraced - the Emptiness - is then the proper foundation for practice achieved. So then if a person keeps taking your energy but you keep recharging it from the Emptiness as shen-qi energy - then finally the person realizes - wow their whole mentality based on physical materialism is wrong and it's wrong to take other people's energy since in reality only the Emptiness supplies the energy and the Emptiness is neither you nor me, etc.
  17. The Secret Science of Spiritual Healing: Potential anatomy of qigong master John Chang as a case study By Drew Hempel, MA So my relative called up and mentioned – “I heard you healed your mom with qigong.” I clarified: “Well actually it was the qigong master.” He said: “Can you explain how he did it because I’m an engineer so I don’t understand.” This was of course a double-forked tongue comment. I know my brother-in-law is a big fan of the skeptical cable show Mythbusters but at the same time my mom also had previously been a skeptic and now she was promoting qigong to her friends. So what happened? She said she woke up one morning and suddenly felt better – normal again. In fact she had more energy than normal. Considering she had a close call with viral meningitis after being a strong drinker at age 77, and then put on serious drugs with dangerous side effects, her new energy really was miraculous. For a long time she was barely able to walk up the stairs and the day after she suddenly felt better she walked a quarter mile! Her overnight recovery was something her friends noticed and commented on. At first I let my mom wonder what had happened but then I told her how the qigong master Jim Nance had called me and we had talked for over 2 hours during which time he informed me he was also having a “conversation” with my mom. Haha. My mom had already seen qigong master Jim Nance twice for his once a month “Free Friday” sample healings and every time she got healed she left the Spring Forest Qigong Center feeling stronger and brighter. This time though, after that phone call, her health was dramatically and deeply transformed. So anyway I explained some of that to my brother-in-law but I didn’t really get into the science of qigong or any of the related spiritual healing traditions like yoga meditation or trance dancing shamanism of Africa and the Americas. Qi is translated different ways – energy or just function while gong means work. I mean my brother-in-law knew I was way into this topic but I had tried to explain the science to him before and he just kind of brushed me off. O.K. I admit I went to the opposite extreme to tell my brother all the crazy stuff I could think of – just to make him admit he didn’t really want to try it out. He never indicated he was insincere! He said he wanted to call the center to get a healing himself. Of course I gave him the information of the website but I also said – yeah when qigong master Chunyi Lin was in deep meditation in full lotus yoga position in the mountains in China he even levitated up nine feet! I said – of course most people are not going to believe this. You know – just trying to expose my brother-in-law’s skepticism. Haha. I did say how the skeptics like to claim the science results are just a placebo effect or the lack of a good placebo control but how these skeptics have not gone to personally investigate the Spring Forest Qigong masters. Meanwhile one of the top research hospitals, the Mayo Clinic, has several doctors on record as positively supporting Spring Forest Qigong – doctors like the oncologists Dr. Nisha Manek and Dr. Neil Kay. Of course the Mayo Clinic does not promote nor recommend Spring Forest Qigong but again there are individual doctors who have positively worked with the qigong masters. Mayo Clinic Dr. Ann Vincent called the results of her “randomized, controlled” aka “gold standard” study of “external qi” healing to be “especially impressive” because the patients had chronic pain for over five years, previously untreatable by Western science. The skeptics claim that because these patients wanted to be healed then it was not really an objective study – well hey if qigong worked and the western medicine didn’t work then why should it be objective? Haha. Medicine is about getting results. But still the scientists want to know how qigong and all the other nonwestern spiritual healing traditions really work. Qigong: The Highest Technology of all technologies The irony is that to scientifically understand spiritual healing there has to be a deeper understanding of science which, of course, delves into either cutting edge research or the philosophical foundations of science itself. But the skeptics want repeatable, “off the shelf” technology so to speak – a commodity or product that can be purchased and used – made to standards that are replaceable parts, mechanized. Qigong master Yan Xin states that qigong is the “highest technology of all technologies.” How is this possible when the nuclear physicist testing Yan Xin and the other scientists, medical doctors at Harvard, etc. – they all get positive mind-blowing results from external qi energy but the results cannot be explained nor replicated to satisfy the demands of the skeptical scientists? The answer is in a field of science that has just been recognized by the mainstream scientists only in the past five years – the field of “quantum biology.” For example in 2006 I was satirically promoting quantum biology and qigong on the top science blog of University of Minnesota professor P.Z. Myers. Of course Myers, a staunch NeoDarwinist atheist, banned me but only after I had created enough of an impact to cause his followers to repeatedly ask me questions on the topics at hand. Sure most ignored me but a few were intrigued. O.K. to be fair to the subject matter, we have to consider the claims of the qigong masters, themselves. I finished my master’s degree in 2000 by taking the qigong classes from Spring Forest Qigong master Chunyi Lin through a local community college in Minnesota. My final master’s degree credit was a self-directed research in the African Studies department under the topic of non-dual, nonwestern philosophy. I was using the book The Racial Contract as my theoretical foundation, challenging the concept of Platonic Natural Law. Literally a stretch. Haha. PreSocratic African Taoist yoga training. So I trained using a traditional manual called Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality. I received ongoing energy transmissions from qigong master Chunyi Lin and also from his assistant who is qigong master Jim Nance, the first African-American qigong master. So I was trained in healing which I did successfully but I also accidentally pulled this old lady’s spirit out of the top of her head – without touching her. I forgot not to pull energy blockages out of the top of the center of the skull. I didn’t realize how powerful my energy was compared to hers and I had been recently fasting for a week on just half a glass of water. This is called “bigu” or energy feasting and Chemistry professor Rustom Roy held a conference on Yan Xin qigong students going into bigu – he documented qigong students going without food yet maintaining their nutrition. One scientist speculated bigu could be some sort of gamma ray energy transmutation as qigong master Yan Xin had increased gamma rays as a byproduct of his healing energy. Anyway the old lady’s spirit coming out of her skull felt like a heavy electromagnetic blob. She couldn’t see what I was doing as I was standing next to her and she was sitting in a chair. But as soon as I felt the heavy electromagnetic blob get pulled out of the top center of her skull she immediately bawled and she kept bawling for at least 15 minutes. Others comforted her and she realized I had just made an honest mistake. Also at the Level 3 Spring Forest Qigong retreat class I saw yellow forms shaped like humans created out of the top of the skull of qigong master Chunyi Lin when he was in full lotus yoga position, healing people. Qigong master Chunyi Lin, without me saying anything, said someone had seen these yellow human shaped forms out of his skull and so he explained that they were his “yin spirits” going out to heal people. Then I saw yellow forms shaped like humans float in from outside the room – and they were hovering around Chunyi Lin while he was in full lotus doing his healing. Again I did not say anything but Chunyi Lin repeated that someone had seen this so he explained that those were dead people who came to him for healing and that this happens to him regularly. I had recently read of this same phenomenon of dead people spirits going to get healed from a spiritual master – only it was happening to the most famous meditation master monk of Thailand – Phra Acharn Mun who has his biography free online: Anyway I kept practicing qigong but then there was a spacetime vortex spinning around me when I was in full lotus meditation – the room was literally spinning around me. I didn’t discover until ten years later as detailed in my training book – a very intense read btw! So Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains that my spirit was leaving my body without enough chi energy enveloping the spirit energy. Not enough electromagnetic energy to power the light energy – and so this causes dizziness. I needed to store my spirit energy in my lower tan tien, below and behind my navel – where I could build up the electromagnetic chi energy stronger. Then after that meditation I experienced: who I am did not really mean my body nor did it mean my brain and so I came back feeling unattached to my material items. I “recycled” my old journal of 500 pages and I threw out one of my meditation cassettes as it seemed no longer necessary. Qigong master Chunyi Lin said I had an enlightenment experience but that my mind was confused and that I should have called him and that it’s important not to get too excited or too afraid. Instead I had stopped practicing for a couple months and my energy channels closed up but before they did so fully qigong master Chunyi Lin stuck his finger to my forehead to further open up my third eye. You now like when E.T. says “ouch” and there’s light from his fingertip? Same thing. It felt like a laser bliss in the center of my brain. After that I had a permanent magnetic bliss in the middle of my brain that did not go again even without practicing. So that was 13 years ago. I spent ten years reading one scholarly book a day to convert my experiences back into science – I could do this scholarly reading because I was in full lotus yoga position “flexing” my pineal gland to exorcise out any emotional blockages that would otherwise slow down my mental concentration. I documented all my research online and then converted it into a free online book with 725 scholarly footnotes. I didn’t have any delusions that somehow my experiences could be “converted” into science – only I thought science might provide me a level of “intellectual defense” to justify my further training. So as I continued my research I was also doing third eye healing – but just lower level emotional blockages. People, strangers, thanked me and described my energy as “orgasmic” and “charming.” Etc. I was healing deep anger blockages of the liver or deep sadness blockages of the lungs. Anyway the heart energy reproductive bliss -- I reported my experiences online and dubbed it the “O at a D” or “orgasm at a distance.” It was a psychic mutual climax. I could only find a few other verifications of this ability – one is a teacher in S.F. called Nitayama aka the Tantra Mongoose. He has posted videos and testimonials of females thanking him for giving them repeated orgasms – at a distance; each time moving them deeper into a state of loving energy. I realized that this is what it meant to be a “real man” and yet even Aleister Crowley, the most famous sex magician, did not have this ability! Colin Wilson points this out when he describes Gurdjieff’s ability of the “orgasm at a distance” as described in Rom Landau’s book God is My Adventure. Anyway finally as I kept researching I realized what I doing was all wrong – I was not purifying my energy. This was a dirty tantra practice. Also I was burning out my energy by constantly healing people – and so I told this to qigong master Chunyi Lin. I “flexed” my pineal gland for him and he said – “it is great that you can give females bliss but your energy transmissions will always be weak until you store up your energy in your lower tan tien.” O.K. so anyway I was blogging on all of this and of course causing quite a stir as the typical male either wanted proof I could do this, preferable video, or got really mad at me if I could read their energy online and I called them a “perv.” Haha. Finally the brother of qigong master Jim Nance noticed my blog and so qigong master Jim Nance called me up. I said to him – oh no am I in trouble? Haha. I said – whatever it is I will delete it. I had deleted my previous blogs a few times already. So that gets back to how my mom was actually healed by qigong master Jim Nance. When he called me he was driving and I joked that I trusted he could talk and drive since he had 360 degree vision. He said – “well actually it’s 4-D vision: Front, back, right and left at the same time.” I just went – o.k. He goes: “You can learn to do this!” I said. O.k. He goes: “No really you can do this!” I said: “alright!” haha. You Were Born A Healer: On Quantum Consciousness So the really exciting message of these qigong masters – besides the testimonials of people they have healed who had serious conditions like late-term cancer, M.S., a rare lung disease that would have required a transplant (Esther Trejo) or severe epilepsy with seizures 22 hrs a day – besides all these amazing healings – the qigong masters really want people to know that anyone can be a spiritual healer. Chunyi Lin’s book is called Born a Healer which means that all of us where born healers. But the question remains – how is this possible? What does it mean, scientifically, to be a spiritual healer? So first of all science is founded on quantum physics which is the only physics course I’ve ever taken! I took quantum physics my first year of college at the experimental Hampshire College. The course is taught by Harvard-trained physicist Herbert Bernstein and he states that everyone should take quantum physics as their first physics course because quantum physics is the foundation of science! So I just googled his name and sure enough his “quantum teleportation” model is being used to potentially improve NASA communications, among other uses. I know he stated that his research had been declared top secret by the military at one point. But his teaching assistant was amazingly reading the same book that I was reading in my spare time – Mind and Nature: A necessary unity by Gregory Bateson. That book is about social systems theory using logical contradictions like the “double bind,” a term that now is common parlance – sort of a fancy term for “mind fuck.” Haha. It fits quantum consciousness. So the thing is that quantum consciousness remains a taboo topic in science even though Bernard d’Espagnat, a physicist quantum textbook author, won the Templeton Foundation award for his argument that quantum physics proves non-local consciousness is real – beyond spacetime. The crucial discovery is that consciousness can only be logically inferred and it can’t be reproduced by technology. This is the exact same teaching as nonwestern, non-dualism philosophy, how I finished my master’s degree. O.K. so this is the fundamental point of quantum physics which has huge implications but of course the skeptics claim quantum consciousness really does not apply to living organisms – unless, of course, you accept the cutting-edge quantum biology research showing otherwise. Do I really need to go into the details of quantum biology and quantum consciousness? Not really because it’s such a new field but the one thing that everyone can agree on is that the topic of quantum consciousness in biology is now officially acknowledged as being worthy of study. So for example Scientific American devoted a cover story to Vlatko Vedral’s quantum research. The summary: Macroquantum behavior is very real and most likely does exist in humans. “These effects are more pervasive than anyone ever suspected. They may operate in the cells of our body.” That was May, 2011: Pretty recently. So then we have a popularizer of physics do a lecture to the Royal Society of London, the founding institution of science: Jim Al-Khalili - Quantum Life: How Physics Can Revolutionise Biology and that was 2013. So these are not fringe scientists but the thing is that they are affirming what previously had been fringe science dismissed by the “skeptics.” When we get into quantum biology consciousness, then quantum teleportation and quantum non-local entanglement become real possibilities. One of the main scientists who have researched quantum biology consciousness is Dr. Mae-Wan Ho who personally is also a Taoist. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho does think that this field of science also explains seemingly supernatural or paranormal phenomenon. So in her “Quantum Jazz” interview online she states: I have no doubt that at least some of the more esoteric things people ascribe to quantum effects are real, such as instantaneous communication at a distance, remote healing, etc. But we can push the boundaries from the very conventional toward quantum coherence of the organism, to complete quantum coherence of the universe. I believe the universe is quantum coherent. Quantum coherence is everywhere. And if we know how to tune into it, we see it. If we ignore it, if we’re very reductionist and mechanical in our thinking and in what we do, we’ll miss it (see Nature is Quantum, Really and other articles in the series, SiS 22). O.K. so finally we can start to get into the “nuts and bolts” of the secret science of spiritual healing. I say “secret” because consciousness can only be logically inferred but also because this science is still on the fringes of the mainstream. The subject of quantum biology is accepted and the topic of quantum consciousness is acknowledged but still often dismissed. The thing is, again, that while these phenomena can be documented to exist they cannot be reproduced as technology in a science lab or as a mass mechanized commodity. For example when I read quantum chaos mathematician Ian Stewart’s book Evolving the Alien that he co-wrote with a biologist, I then contacted him to give my opinion. In the book it’s stated that if an alien does exist then they have to be basically like a Taoist hermit. I said, somewhat jokingly, indeed Taoist hermits can travel into outer space already and so they are the true aliens! But it is not like how scientists define it – rather the spirit travel is into another dimension and the traveling is done by quantum coherent biophoton energy. Ian Stewart responded to me that he did not believe in natural telepathy but he did think that in the future quantum qubits would enable real telepathy. Soon after Ian Stewart had his response to me reworded and published in the prestigious science journal Nature. (“Play It Again Psam,” 2005): “The adverts play up the advantages of installing a 'telepathic interface', don't they? They tell you that it will endow your mind with ESP, psi, supernatural powers, whatever. So, like everyone else, you had an Extel neurochip implanted in your brain, connecting you to the Espernet…. They don't tell you about the downside, do they, Charlie? What the adverts don't mention is that as soon as you hook your brain up to the Espernet, anyone who can hack the net can hack straight into your mind. Not just to read it; to control it. Like I'm doing.” So as a quantum chaos mathematician Ian Stewart is well aware of a hazard I had predicted in 2001 – having it published online as the Actual Matrix Plan. The Matrix hazard is inherent to the logarithmic mathematics of science – originally called the “music logarithmic spiral.” The attempt for a unified field theory as techno-spiritual evolution is the secret agenda of the skeptics like Richard Dawkins promoting the selfish gene and even synthetic biology using Buckyfullerene Platonic sacred geometry. If I have lost you, as a reader, that is my point – the singularity is the realm of “spooky-looky land” where military contractors and research labs like Sandia and Los Alamos combine with places like the Santa Fe Institute and the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, etc. Professor David F. Noble argued that science arose out of Freemasonry and the NeoPlatonic Benedictine monasteries and that science still carries its secret techno-spiritual agenda which is apocalyptic – to replace man with a techno-Adam or atom as AI technology. Quantum chaos mathematician Steve Strogatz states that with the extension of quantum chaos math: “We'll be stuck in an age of authoritarianism, except it'll no longer be coming from politics or religious dogma, but from science itself.” (Steven Strogatz, “The End of Insight,” The Edge World Question Center 2006, “What Is Your Dangerous Idea?”) So we can use science as a model but we cannot expect to replicate quantum consciousness in a lab, as a gadget, etc. Still science will attempt to do this and the results will be that the Machine takes over – the Metropolis, the Matrix. Automation is the number one cause of job loss, as the Luddites originally knew but now it’s even known in China. Humans have been an incredibly successful species on Earth but at a cost – with exponential population growth and exponential energy use growth has co-evolved exponential growth of technology. The supercomputer quantum chaos math increasingly questions the very concept of human rational control of Nature and human rational control of society. Maybe human rationality has always been a myth. The ecological crisis is another area of contention in science just as much as quantum consciousness – a lot of money is backing the idea that global warming is not human induced or not really catastrophic to human society, despite so many scientists stating that the political organizing is too little too late. Nothing is out of question when it comes to quantum consciousness – how mathematics is defined, the future of humanity, the secret of spiritual healing, etc. Everything is connected. Quantum Biology: Qigong Master John Chang says he is like an electric eel! O.K. let’s finally consider an example from science – from quantum biology – one acknowledged and analyzed by the quantum chaos mathematicians. It’s called “quasi telepathy” (or pseudo telepathy) and it refers to the paddlefish (over 300 million years old as a species but threatened with extinction since the last 200 or so years of industrialization). The paddlefish is an electric fish and this real model for quasi telepathy very likely is also mirrored by the qigong masters. I know it is a stretch – but consider this – the infamous qigong master video of John Chang lighting paper on fire with his hands and shocking the scientists who come to study him – John Chang states that his energy is just like an “electric eel.” What if this was truer than we realize? “96 percent of vertebrates -- including humans -- descended from ancestor with sixth sense” Let’s just consider that as a scientific hypothesis. So how does quasi telepathy work and what about an electric fish? First of all – how is it connected to quantum consciousness? Ian Stewart explains: “The researchers found that the presence of random noise in the fish's sensory nerve cells improved its ability to detect plankton. What happens is that the noise can push the plankton's weak electrical signals over the threshold at which the paddlefish can detect them. In effect, the noise interacts with the signal and amplifies it.” Is this “random noise” what Taoists call the Emptiness – the mystical nothingness described by spiritual healers worldwide? Quantum physics calls it the time-frequency uncertainty principle and according to chaos science it may not be random at all! (“ is randomness anything more than an invention of our superstitious minds?” Ian Stewart, New Scientist, 2004.) So the electrosensitive fish and sharks using quasi telepathy work through quasi-crystal or liquid crystal phonon superconducting quantum chaos of the ampullae of Lorenzini. I know I just threw out a bunch of meaningless terms that can be dismissed as – umm – psychobabble. Haha. Seriously though, this quasi telepathy has been researched in quantum chaos – a “secret” science. Electric fish convert serotonin in the pituitary gland to ACTH and this is used to dramatically change the potassium to sodium ratio for the synapses which then creates an electromagnetic field that is transmitted. O.K. so how does that grab you? Those are things found in humans and potentially applicable to humans also! Now if you want to immediately get into quantum strangeness consider this: potassium is a byproduct of the left-handed weak force which accounts for radiation. In quantum chaos radiation is not necessarily considered random – it’s still up for grabs as I quoted Ian Stewart. The weak force creates asymmetry – like the Tai Chi symbol – a complementary opposite that does not fit into symmetric math models. Guess what? Qigong master Yan Xin was proven by Chinese scientists to change the decay rate of radiation. O.K. let’s consider some empirical data from some qigong masters: “It's unbelievable!" says Gerhard H. Eggetsberger, biochemist and technical head of the Institute for applied Biocybernetics and Feedback Research, in Vienna. “This man is able to change his electrical skin resistance in a split second from 60 Q up to 6080 Q and to lower it down again. We even know how he does it - through a kind of sympathetic reflex. This means that he can simply switch from the Nervus Vagus to the Nervus Sympaticus. An untrained body would never do this as completely as he does this. We are scientifically proving spiritual knowledge that is 6000 years old!” (Through the Power of the Inner Smile, So activating the vagus nerve does what? It increases the brain’s serotonin levels. Think of the electric eel which relies on serotonin! But also it’s now been proven that substances from the lower body can be transported via the cerebrospinal fluid into the brain – bypassing the blood brain barrier – into the pineal gland – via the endothelial cells – by ionizing the vagus nerve. O.K., I know proven is too strong a word – but it’s been researched on some levels. How is this possible? I’m going to let the readers consider this subject a matter for further research on their own. It’s just too much to get into in one article. Read this article from Dr. Mae-Wan Ho: “The Acupuncture System and The Liquid Crystalline Collagen Fibres of the Connective Tissues Liquid Crystalline Meridians.” Suffice it to say collagen is the most common protein in the body but collagen is also piezoelectric and gives off ultrasound waves. The piezoelectric energy is then conducted via protons without the need for nerve transmissions and so the conduction is quantum coherent and nonlocal – as holographic biophoton spirit energy. I know – I’m not a scientist – so just read the paper if what I wrote is psychobabble. Haha. So how is this energy stored in the body by the qigong masters? A Taoist engineer sex Dr. Lin gives us the details: But, without the powerful parasympathetic function, all the internal organs can not work properly. It is like the appliances working under a low electric power supply. Each organ must store sufficient parasympathetic bioelectricity you call it “Yin Chi” such as the “Liver Chi”, “Kidney Chi”, “Heart Chi”..., so that the sympathetic nervous function in each organ can convert the bioelectric energy into “work”, output of forces or products. The Science Secrets of the Celibacy Internal Orgasms to create Spirit Energy Healing And how is this related to being a sex doctor? Because in 2004 science proved that internal orgasms work via the parasympathetic vagus nerve connection to the reproductive organs! Here is describes it: “The role of the vagus nerve in orgasms is a new discovery and there's still much ... University conducted a study on women with severed spinal cords in 2004.” Indeed when I contacted Dr. Komisaruk, an expert on this subject, he said while males reported these internal orgasms and females were proven to have them via the vagus nerve, it has not been proven for males to be a vagus nerve orgasm. The qigong masters would seem to indicate otherwise and similarly the yoga masters have considered the vagus nerve as the secret physical connection for the center chakras energy. At this point I would be remiss not to mention a culture that is frequently over-looked when it comes to studying spiritual healing and that is the Bushmen original human culture from 100,000 BCE! Westerners want to project onto the Bushmen so for example Graham Hancock recently got his TEDx talk censored from youtube by his sponsor because the skeptic scientists claimed it was fake science. Hancock was trying not to make any definitive claims but even while acknowledging the amazing visions from DMT ayahausca medicine of the Amazon and the similar psychedelic serotonin agonists of mushrooms, and other DMT-containing plants – Hancock projected this onto the cave art of ancient humans, ignoring the reality of their actual spiritual training. Dr. Bradford Keeney has studied spiritual healing all over the world but he is now recognized as a Bushmen master healer after he has spent over a decade traveling to Africa to trance dance heal with the Bushmen, several weeks a year. So the Bushmen males rely on celibacy training with fasting during puberty – a month of long solitude training called Tshoma. But the internal orgasms are not “sexual” in Western terms – rather an “impersonal eroticism” – in other words the goal is not male ejaculation. Sex is not the intention. In fact Dr. Robert Sapolsky has documented how the male external ejaculation is precisely the problem when it comes to trying to build up parasympathetic energy: What happens next, if you are male? You are having a terrific time with someone. Maybe you are breathing faster, your heart rate has increased. Gradually parts of your body are taking on a sympathetic [nervous system] tone....After a while, most of your body is screaming sympathetic while, heroically, you are trying to hold onto the parasympathetic tone in that one last outpost as long as possible. Finally when you can't take it anymore, the parasympathetic shuts off at the penis, the sympathetic comes roaring on, and you ejaculate. Robert Sapolsky, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (Holt Paperbacks, 2004), p. 124. And so what happens through the trance dancing is similar to the strenuous “beyond human” Shaolin training that qigong master Chunyi Lin went through. When the sympathetic nervous system is pushed to its extreme then it rebounds to the opposite extreme of parasympathetic relaxation. “Parasympathetic rebound” was actually first documented by the MKULTRA-tied psychologist William Sargent who studied trance worldwide (although he did not discover any real true energy masters). When this trance dancing is combined with the piezoelectric ionization process of the pressure on the collagen through deep breathing of the diaphragm then the vagus nerve is able to bring up the serotonin through the cerebrospinal fluid, along with the lecithin of the seminal fluid, to build up the brain neurons for increased serotonin cycling in the brain. This is also exactly how ayahuasca visionary plant medicine works – the MAOI is the “force” that, due to the particular chemistry of the vine used from the Amazon, actually increases the neurons that uptake serotonin while at the same time inhibits serotonin from breaking down in the body. The DMT then blocks the serotonin uptake neurons and then the pineal gland is seemingly activated for visions which otherwise the thalamus would inhibit. A materialist skeptic interpretation of DMT visions is that they are just hallucinations of the mind but as quantum biologist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho has indicated, this rainbow vortex of the neurons, made apparent by the DMT, is actually quantum consciousness in action: “Ho: We discovered an imaging technique in my lab that made all organisms look like liquid crystal displays. We put little organisms under a microscope, the polarizing light microscope that earth scientists use to look at rock crystals. The microscope has two crossed polarizers, so the field is completely dark as no light can get through, unless you have these rock crystals that are ‘birefringent’; that have a particular kind of crystalline order that changes the direction of light, so they appear bright and colorful. These crystals have a special atomic order. Liquid crystals do the same, they are also birefringent. They have special molecular alignments, and can appear bright and colorful too; but you need a specific setting of the microscope to bring that out, as the birefringence of liquid crystals is weaker than rock crystals, though the principle is the same. However, in a living organism, there is nothing static and that was what puzzled us at the beginning: How can they look like liquid crystal displays, even if they are liquid crystals? They’re moving around all the time, so there can’t be any static molecular order to give the brilliant colors.” The Qigong Master Spiritual Healing Science So what is the potential of this astral spirit rainbow energy? Qigong master Jim Nance told me that indeed he has been able to not only see into the past of a person but to travel back in time and then heal the person before an injury occurred to them. So he has told the person the scenery of where the injury occurred, say 15 years ago, but this is too emotionally traumatic for the person being healed. Qigong master Jim Nance no longer reveals this information to the person being healed. So the point is that qigong master Jim Nance says he then heals the person before the injury occurs and then heals them right after the injury occurs – the injury is now lessened due to his “back to the future” healing - -and then he heals them in the present. And so another technique that qigong master Jim Nance uses which he has found to be very effective is to have the person repeat in their mind as fast as possible: “light, light, light, light” and the person should visualize laser light shooting into the injury or say tumor. Then qigong master Jim Nance sends in the laser holographic energy which melts the tumor. Using this technique a large tumor can be almost reduced to nothing – say reduced by 85% -- in one healing session. The person being healed uses a Shaolin technique called “sword fingers” to point their index finger energy at the injury, thereby transmitting biophoton energy to break up the blockage. (see: Increased Photon Emissions from the Right But Not the Left Hemisphere While Imagining White Light in the Dark: The Potential Connection Between Consciousness and Cerebral Light, Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research| December 2011 | Vol. 2 | Issue 10 | pp. 1463-1473 Dotta, B. T. & Persinger, M. A.) O.K. according to classical physics, energy is measured by amplitude but with quantum biology energy is measured by frequency and this is why Dr. Mae-Wan Ho calls the energy “quantum jazz.” As she states there are over 80 octaves of energy frequency being activated all at once through non-local quantum coherence. The math to explain this is obviously complicated but involves a statistical probability correlation using wavefunctions. So as with the quantum paradox of the double slit experiment there is a 50% probability that the particle of energy goes through one of the slits. When the measurement detection is activated then the 50% probability shows up but when the detection is taken away – despite the measurement probability of 50% there is a non-local wave of consciousness represented. Somehow the choice to not detect the energy changes how the energy travels or exists, changes it into resonating with non-local consciousness. This has been proven to not be due to actual energy interfering with the experiment – so it is only due to a non-local beyond spacetime interaction as consciousness. It is the “potential” energy or the quantum infinite potential – based on phase and zero frequency. This is what quantum physicist Louis de Broglie called the Law of Phase Harmony – when the frequency is zero then the amplitude is infinite but it cannot be measured or detected as such so that there is actually a second time clock as phase. This phase energy is sometimes called scalar waves – again it is controversial – and it cannot really be reproduced with technology. There are ways to utilize it “after the fact” by not violating linear causality but logical inference proves that this superliminal signal which de Broglie called the pilot wave – it is a real signal and so as information it is non-local consciousness. Most scientists argue that this pilot wave does not exist until it is actually detected – after the fact. So before that it’s just a mathematical probability – and yet the double slit experiment shows that detection does change the outcome of the energy – and yet the detection is not energy interference! This is the Aharonov–Bohm effect. Nonwestern Sound and the Frequency of Consciousness So de Broglie admitted he did not know what the frequency was the he was measuring. In other words what “was” frequency? Because of probability this paradox is called time-frequency uncertainty and it is before the Heisenberg uncertainty and therefore less known. The more you are accurate in the time amplitude measurement then the less you know the frequency as it spreads across the whole time domain. In fact this dynamic is non-commutative math and so it works through resonance and it is also eternal. It is called “squeezed light” and so limits the energy level of the biophoton measurement. So while gravity relies on symmetric math some have argued that inertia is this quantum zero point energy from the non-local consciousness. The measurements of the classical physics differ but it’s recognized that spin or phase is dependent on this non-local connection. Since the quantum potential as infinite non-local consciousness is not symmetric math then it cannot be contained by geometry or some matrices with boundaries. We always already exist within this non-local consciousness – so some call it Allah, God, Buddha, Tao, or Brahman, like how physicist Dr. Amit Goswami uses Vedic philosophy to help describe quantum consciousness. It is not a light spirit in the sky or being but quantum consciousness is an infinite formless process of energy-mass and spacetime creation. You can’t see the Emptiness as impersonal formless consciousness. So, just as the Tao cannot be spoken of – the process of logical inference is the source of the I-thought as a listening process. Physically this means nonwestern sound is not measured by amplitude with symmetric logarithmic equations as is taught for Western music or physics. Quantum sound or phonons can travel superliminally – faster than speed of light sound, again, is assumed to only be a classical trick of statistical probabilities – the group wave that bends the pilot wave. Yet sonoluminescence is real – how sound causes a shock wave of acoustic collapse creating heat stronger than the temperature of the sun! There have been many claims recently of sonofusion alchemy from this sonoluminescence effect which is explained in various ways – by quantum mechanics or a relativity spacetime folding. Ultrasound is used for sonofusion. What quantum physicist Louis de Broglie discovered is that when Einstein relied on the Doppler Effect to explain relativity Einstein was ignoring his violation of the Law of Pythagoras – the wavelength is inverse to the frequency. So as the frequency goes up in the quantum energy going towards the speed of light – time actually also increases because time slows down which means a bigger wavelength. So de Broglie pointed out this cannot be true since it violates the ancient yet empirically true “Law of Pythagoras.” Well since relativity is true – the only way this paradox is possible is that quantum physics has a second time clock as phase wave and so the phase changes in direct proportion – or the Law of Phase Harmony – but for this to happen the phase or “pilot wave” has to travel backwards in time – from the future. Similarly qigong master Jim Nance travels backwards in time to change the future. The classical interpretation is just to state the group wave has not yet collapsed into the actual detected measurement and so no actual “faster than light” signal took place. So the phase velocity is the group wave before it is detected or measured and it can contain a pilot wave that is superliminal. O.K. how does this work physiologically or biologically? I actually communicated with Stuart Hameroff about this – he had mentioned ultrasound research at his University – something I had already looked into. His angle on it was the quantum consciousness implications. O.K. so we have documented the ultrasound increased from the piezoelectric collagen, the most common protein of the body. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho argues this creates a proton energy that does not need the nerves and is also quantum non-local consciousness. Hameroff provides a physical structure for this to take place: the microtubules. “Beginning in 2001, experiments began to show coherent excitations from living cells in the low megahertz range, with microtubule vibrations the most likely source [40,42]. A recent study shows specific resonant frequencies in single microtubules from 12 kHz to 30MHz[43], precisely in the range for ultrasound (8MHz used in our study is one particular microtubule resonant frequency).” (from Brain Stimulation, (in press), “Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study”). So what happens in quantum biology is a phenomenon called the Quantum Zeno effect which means that, for example, birds use non-local consciousness to convert photons to electrons, by delaying the collapse of the wavefunction – or, in essence by increasing the superliminal phase pilot wave, so that no classical measurement takes place. Again this is beyond any reproducible technology and yet it exists! It has to do with the rate of frequency versus the time and so the phase is reversed. In meditation this is called “turning the light around” so that normally the spirit is housed in our heart as biophoton energy but with our eyes open the spirit then leaves our body. The light must be turned around by closing the eyes, thereby delaying the actual measurement in classical 3-D spacetime. This is contrary to how classical science interprets vision and this is how spiritual energy is increased – the frequency of consciousness by listening to light. So we have a quantum consciousness spirit that can holographically heal our physical body if we can change the information signal of the spirit energy. For example with qigong master John Chang there is “yin chi” which is the electromagnetic energy made from the sex energy, from lunar food and from stored up celibacy. Then there is “yang chi” which is from the heart spirit energy as laser solar energy that creates the electromagnetic energy driving the heart. When this yin and yang are combined there is an explosion – this is spiritual alchemy – the fire of the yin chi is the cauldron which then creates steam as spirit shen laser holographic energy – called yin spirit energy or yang chi. Finally this yin spirit energy is stored up to create a yang spirit or physical transformations – even another physical body called bilocation. A good book documenting bilocation in the Western mystic tradition is D. Scott Rogo’s book Miracles. O.K. so let’s consider how this alchemical combination of yin and yang chi energy might be translated into science. First of all there’s the Quantum Zeno Effect I mentioned – it relies on the geomagnetic field of the Earth: Now, Iannis Kominis at the University of Crete, explains this by means of the quantum zeno effect: the act of observing a quantum system can affect its evolution, maintaining its state for longer than expected. …“A similar thing happens in birds: the presence of a geomagnetic field extends the lifetime of the singlet-triplet mixture from which the ions recombine. This gives the magnetic field time to bias the outcome of the recombination,” said Kominis. For humans this “grounding” of the Earth’s geomagnetic field to delay the collapse of the light energy as non-local consciousness – it could also rely on the ELF Ionosphere-heart resonance of the theta REM brain wave. To build up this earth energy is called “rooting” instead of just “grounding” which is cycling the energy through you. For “rooting” in trance dance training it is now known that about 7 beats per second entrains the brain as the heart-mind to activate the theta REM visionary state. “In 'A Physiological Explanation of Unusual Behavior in Ceremonies Involving Drums,' Human Biology, 1962, Dr. Andrew Neher suggested the predominant sound frequency in most trance drumming is about seven to nine beats per second. And independent analyses of a wide sampling of trance drumming from Asia, North and West African and black American cultures, conducted by students at Bowdoin College, under the direction of this writer, point to a range of approximately seven to 13 beats per second.” Robert Palmer, “Trance Music: The Beat of a Different Drum...Drum...Drum...” Mother Jones, June 1977. So for normal Western music it’s been documented that when chills are experienced – called “frisson” or skin orgasm by the musicologists – this, via the inner ear, activates the vagus nerve, thereby first increasing dopamine, just as with sexual arousal. But again with the normal male sexual build-up at ejaculation there is a switch from dopamine of the vagus nerve to stress cortisol of the sympathetic nervous system. So that’s the limit of most music in the Western tradition aka “cock rock.” Instead in the trance dance training the next step is called the Mozart Effect which is the slow movement of Baroque music as 60 beats per minute. This slows down the brain wave to the alpha brain wave harmonics thereby changing the vagus dopamine energy to vagus serotonin energy as right brain dominance. The same switch happens with the internal female orgasm. Finally when the left side vagus nerve kicks in that goes to the heart as the theta brain wave trance drumming effect which originally came from the trance dancing of the Bushmen culture. This theta ELF trance increases the oxytocin love energy of the heart and then increases the electromagnetic healing energy in resonance with the ELF waves of the ionosphere. This could be the secret of building up the energy as “rooting.” So as CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich argued in his parapsychology research – the ELF waves actually are a byproduct of the ultrasound creating a subharmonic with the protons of the body. Remember the piezoelectric collagen emits ultrasound but the piezoelectric bones are resonated by ELF waves. So ultrasound, when heard internally, is the highest pitch sound, and then Dr. Andrija Puharich argues this ultrasound energizes the nervous system – the vagus nerve. Quantum chaos is based on significant increase in amplitude from subharmonics of frequency. With Tibetan throat singing it is actually achieved by relaxation of the autonomic nervous system – the throat has to be relaxed by activating the vagus nerve. The diaphgram must be flexed, just as it taught with Western singing – or reverse breathing in energy healing training. For more on these subharmonics from ultrasound as alchemy see Andrija Puharich’s book online: ELF Magnetic Model of Mind and Matter: Obviously there is a lot of speculation on the part of Puharich and also nefarious military connections to MKULTRA mind control experiments, as exposed by Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince and others. So I emailed Dr. Michael Persinger to ask him what he thought of Dr. Andrija Puharich and Persinger responded that he thought Puharich was greatly underappreciated. Soon after Persinger actually conducted the ELF telepathy experiment that Puharich recommends in his ELF Magnetic Model of Mind and Matter book that is linked. At any rate, like Puharich, some have implicated Persinger in using ELF waves for mind control experiments as part of Navy research yet Persinger has argued that when there was less ELF electromagnetic pollution then people had stronger theta brain telepathy and visions. Persinger’s latest vision has been a very direct promotion of what I exposed as the Actual Matrix Plan -- Dr. Persinger has documented that this telepathy is increased when the person can increase their own person brain's 7 hertz field so that it synchronizes with human brains' around it and also resonates with the earth's geomagnetic field. Dr. Persinger says that the windows computer operating system blocks telepathy because it uses all frequencies and also modern technology has caused a dramatic decrease in natural paranormal abilities. Yet with the proper focus on the energy of the paranormal abilities – the Earth's resonance energy – then technology can be developed that will mimic what I call the natural resonance revolution. Dr. Persinger then argues this new technology will bring a utopia because of the inherent empathy and because there will be no more secrets. Dr. Persinger says the technology will be holographic but the military implications are not discussed – nor is discussed who will be in control. From Dr. Michael Persinger, in a March 2011 university video lecture called No More Secrets: So Michael Persinger has used the same type of math that Puharich used to argue for a quantum phase wavelength – based on de Broglie’s quantum relativity science – so that the human mind consciousness could potentially interact with the universe as a whole. He is coauthor of a paper on how human thought might affect the universe and goes about measuring the size of the universe as a wavelength of apparent consciousness. All I can say is that Puharich did a similar measurement with the ELF wave and the size of a galaxy. The Holographic Universe Confirmed as Real by the Qigong Masters! Now without going into the wild speculative science I will offer the qigong master claim of Chunyi Lin having his heart stop for over two hours and yet he was functioning fine the whole time! This is on the video archives of the international Spring Forest Qigong Guild –which has free membership registration to access the videos at This is how qigong master Chunyi Lin describes this level of Emptiness: “You see something without feeling anything.” And “It's way beyond the vitality in your body alone.” Qigong master Chunyi Lin emphasized he does not recommend this experience for others! From a science perspective qigong master Chunyi Lin has read the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. Chunyi Lin said that the book is an accurate portrayal of how qigong masters experience the universe. For example qigong master Jim Nance described being able to go see inside the body even on the microscopic level and this is also described by the spiritual healer “Adam the Dream Healer” – confirmed to have his third eye fully open by qigong master Effie Chow. Qigong master Jim Nance describes dimensional travel as like through a portal or gateway – like a wormhole or black hole into a white hole. Suffice it to say, science has begun to document that there are real energy masters out there who are spiritual healers. But this skill is as old as humanity itself! The best book on the original human culture healing energy is Dr. Bradford Keeney’s Ropes to God: Experiencing the Bushman Spiritual Universe. Actually the cave art, as Keeney details, depicts astral travel (“ropes”) from the trance dance celibacy training. The ropes are the astral light ropes out of the top of the head to go into heaven or astral ropes out of the belly to have telepathy and travel across Earth. Here is how a Westerner experienced the real laser holographic love healing from a true Bushmen spiritual master. This was actually shown on cable t.v. – a very rare documentation! Andrew Zimmern describes it in his book: Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer, and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life. I saw images of my childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket. As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal. Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5. So I hope this article has given a decent overview of how spiritual healers could shock people like an electric eel, as John Chang is shown to do. Remember just because someone can fake something does not disprove that others are doing it in a spiritual manner! That’s a logical fallacy of the skeptics. Like John Chang, Chunyi Lin also experienced a master at Shaolin who could light things on fire with his eyes! From Chunyi Lin’s book Born A Healer: Then, he said he wanted to make another demonstration. He grasped a piece of paper from the table, newspaper. He put it in his hand and just stared at it. Within one or two minutes, smoke came out and then, Voom! Fire. I just said, “Wow.” After my first master's meditations, my back pain completely went away but I still had two bone spurs on my spine. So, I asked Master Yau if he could do something for my back. He said, “Oh, yes.” He used two fingers to touch my back. Within one or two minutes, his fingers felt like two burning hot iron stakes. Very, very hot. Oh, you just don't know the sensation. It was like fire burning there. Later, when I got home I found two fingerprints on my back where he touched me. To tell the truth, I also wanted to test Master Yau to see whether the burning paper was real or not. Many people called themselves Qigong masters but they were fakes. They would make demonstrations like that but put some sort of chemical on the paper and hold it in the sun and it would burst into flames. Like a magician's trick. So, I still did not trust him completely. But, after he touched me with his two fingers, and the bone spurs completely disappeared, I totally believed in him and told him I wanted to have him teach me. And so folks there are real spiritual healers out there! They are rare and science can only really speculate on how they are able to have such amazing powers. I have personally experienced this laser holographic love energy! The qigong masters can see inside people’s bodies! They can do long distance healing! I encourage people to investigate this energy for themselves. I first went to experience qigong master Effie Chow in 1995. I was so skeptical I asked for the admission price to be reduced and she allowed me to attend for half price – only $10. Then she transmitted electromagnetic chi energy – or I don’t know – shen laser holographic spirit energy. She had us make “chi balls” between the palms of our hands and sure enough I felt strong electromagnetic energy pushing my hands apart. Then when everyone was leaving the University room where she had given her presentation, a female security guard wandered in wondering what was going on. The guard said the fuse in the room behind us – the fuse had been blown – in the room behind qigong master Effie Chow. Here are the qigong masters I recommend: Effie Chow, Wang Liping, Master Zhang of and Jim Nance and Chunyi Lin of and John Chang but he has made himself scarce to Westerners since it takes a pure harmonization environment to build up this spiritual energy. Qigong master Yan Xin is now a “national treasure” of the Chinese government after the government cracked down on mass qigong healings in China. So the government controls his physical movements. You can read a great overview of qigong in China called Qigong Fever by Professor David Palmer.
  18. Where is the love?

    Yeah when I posted the Tantra Mongoose before on thetaobums someone complained that Tantra Mongoose takes energy from females. Actually that is how the "O at a D" works - the female energy taken in is the electrochemical jing energy and then it's transformed into male electromagnetic chi energy to be transmitted back into the females. Michael Winn discusses this: Michael Winn, “The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm: Daoist and Tantric Sexual Cultivation in the West,” Universal Healing Tao, 2002 So yeah Michael Winn corroborates what I discovered by accident and dubbed the "O at a D" or orgasm at a distance.... Umm. Gurdjieff is mentioned doing this in Rom Landau's book God Is My Adventure... Otherwise -- this is actually very low level energy -- it doesn't take much chi energy at all to activate the vagus nerve - it's mainly just jing energy being transmitted. So Chunyi Lin qigong master told me that my transmissions would always be weak until I started storing up the chi energy in the lower tan tien. So that is the difficult part -- storing up the energy. That's why the males traditionally go on retreat away from the females for a month at a time or three months, etc.
  19. I can't recall any account of direct energy transmissions except the one you probably mean when Fritz Peters came back exhausted from the front line in the war, there are various stories of Siddhi type powers but Gurdjieff generally taught that unless you earn something for yourself you won't appreciate its full worth so you would have to develop your energy yourself and deal with your own karma rather than rely on a master to do it for you. Perhaps the way energy is used is one of the differences between the Fourth Way and Taoism as the intent in the Fourth Way is to open up and allow the higher energy to come down to the body, so there is a meeting of the vertical energy of the earth and horizontal heavenly energies and the purpose of humanity on this planet is to allow this meeting to take place, but there is no intention to manipulate those energies for healing or anything else, which is why it is perhaps more Christian than Taoist. Perhaps in that story of Gurdjieff giving a woman an orgasm at a distance was an example of him using his Siddhi powers in order to get her as his student, perhaps he saw enormous potential in her and needed to use that power at that time in order for her to be convinced enough to follow him. It is true that in the beginning when In Search of the Miraculous was based he taught various yoga type exercises perhaps even the full lotus, but he stopped teaching them later on in life so I assume he wasn't happy with the results they brought.
  20. Yeah it's kind of strange that Seth didn't mention Shantam Nityama and yet he asked me if there is one teacher who teaches the "O at a D." haha. So Seth did you watch the quicktime video of Shantam Nityama bringing females to orgasm at a distance? haha. I mean is that video not proof enough for you? As for "teaching materials" I did mention how Bodri and Nan discuss this in detail -- saying how that it is definitely a practice to take in female jing energy and to transmit chi energy back at the females. I stated how Bodri and Nan then state this is limited to emptying out of the realm of desire and getting to the lower level of the realm of form but it doesn't get to the realm of the formless. So this is discussed in the book "Measuring Meditation" -- their 900 page plus tome. Sorry that I can't quote from that for you. haha. But I do highly recommend the book. Personally I am not trying to prove anything -- I am just reporting my experiences and then I am doing research and also getting critical feedback. So for example when I posted about Chunyi Lin on theparacast -- the "gold standard" for paranormal research -- there was just mainly denial and anger and disbelief -- and all sorts of ad hominems. haha. I pointed out the randomized controlled research proving qi external emissions doing healing -- through the Mayo Clinic research. In fact "randomized controlled" is also called "gold standard" -- but this wasn't good enough for theparacast and the thread was shut down claiming I was "pandering." Pandering! haha. If you look up pandering - kind of like harlot -- it's old meaning is to focus on people's lowest desires in order to try to sell something. It is ironic that qigong relies on celibacy by males for it to truly be powerful -- at least long periods of celibacy like three months. If you go by the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" then it requires total celibacy -- and Master Nan, Huai-chin says the same. NOt just celibacy of the body but also of the mind. haha. So yeah Nan and Bodri acknowledge this phenomenon but also give its limitations -- and I truly appreciate Nan and Bodri for doing this. Chunyi Lin also acknowledged it and pointed out its limitations to me. So Chunyi Lin didn't say that I was not able to do this and he should know. haha. But then because of Chunyi Lin I also do not do this anymore. But the skeptics are not satisified with John Chang's video -- since it can be faked. Nityama's vid could be faked -- but I know it isn't. haha. There's the videos of the O at a Ds in action.
  21. MY QUESTIONS FOR DREW First off I am glad drew is back here even though I find him [or his writing style] very annoying at times. I appreciate that he loves the full lotus position so much that he actually changed his name to it. It really is an awesome position! But I believe he has come across his theory's, and to try and make them true, he has drawn the needed back ups from multiple traditions rather than just one tradition. When someone ask's him a single simple question, he will bombard them with 'evidence' from Bonobo society, Gurdjiefs enneagram, Kalahari Bushman, Music and number theory, personality types, Chunyi lin, Taoist yoga, conspiracy theory, and god knows what else... Now several of his theory's which he backs up with multiple traditions, are simply not found in any single tradition! I believe this is why he desperately reaches for so many confirmations from such divergent sources. One example is his Perv theory. I might be wrong but nowhere in any tradition has a teacher been paranoid about Pervs stealing his energy, and said I need to sit in lotus all day to protect myself from pervs, or to counteract their energy draining tendencies... Drew would have us believe via multiple cut and pasted 'evidence', from various sources that Pervs and protection from, is a really Important part of any cultivators life. So my first questions to Drew are: 1) Where is a 'single' teacher, who also teaches this? 2) And If it was so Important, why isn't there multiple traditions with whole teachings on this? 3) Why doesn't Chunli Lin or any chigong master anywhere Talk about this? 4) Why don't we find talk of this In any 'single' text, or more Importantly in most of the main Important texts, from Taoism, Tantra, or Gurdjief? 5) Show me something in any single Important text anywhere, that says any of the following statements: -Full lotus protects you from pervs! -The signs of accomplishments are giving a woman an orgasm at a distance! -Pervs make your energy drop into the lower centers. Now Drew would also have us believe that any 'real' teacher could also give O@AD, to any women. For instance, He claims Crowely was not a master because he did not learn to do this. By this logic Drew is actually telling us that he is way beyond most teachers out there, as very few if any give random female strangers O@aD. If many teachers did this, It would be regularly talked about, and the term O@aD wouldn't have been coined by Drew {or by someone who knows him here}. Now mutual energetic climaxes are fairly common in certain circles, and I have them at times as well, but a key difference is that the woman is Interacting consciously with me, which I believe is a very Important aspect to mutual energetic climax... On the Perv subject, Drew claims to be able to read peoples energy on line, and says that very few people can do this - But of course he is one of them, and he makes pronouncements against fellow bums based on his 'rare' insight. Again it is totally un defendable for the accused, and is totally safe for drew. In his mind he won't have the chance of being wrong? Then you get him talking about giving babies climax, and see his interpretation of the baby holding its finger up, meaning something to do with erections? And then from that he comes to some conclusions about the kids father. For someone who writes so much and claims so much, you offer so little... So for my last question: 6) Please for the record, show us yourself in action. Set up a camera, sit in lotus in a park next to a foot path, or where ever, where female strangers are walking past, and use your pineal gland to 'make' them climax. Till you show some kind of evidence to us, everything you say is just hearsay and potentially just the nonsense of an intelligent and unbalanced individual. Or better yet, Would a female Bum other than Witch {who would probably orgasm just at the thought of having an orgasm} Volunteer to visit Drew for a free hands off energetic Orgasm? I really wan't to put this to rest, one way or another. Real of Fake?
  22. Yeah the dudes in the background too can be called into question although they are students. haha. Well the experiences have varied over the four years -- but as for McDonalds that was the first time I discovered it. I was in full lotus with a friend. A young female worker then stood in front of me -- she was from China btw -- anyway she was five feet from me or less and her backside was right in front of my eyes while I was in full lotus. The result was fairly instantaneous -- suddenly she yelped and jumped into the air and then I climaxed internally and semen shot up my spine. haha. So then I pretended like nothing happened but the next day I returned as I was buddies with this old obese dude who sat in the same chair everyday at McDs (he worked in my fav. used bookstore). Anyway so when I got down to the cash register the same young female literally pushed aside her co-worker from the register so she could serve me and then she was jiggling with joy that I recognized as confirming what I had suspected. So after that I wanted to see if this was really true. So then I was in the University in a reading room and I sat down at a table across from a young female -- I sat in full lotus and I commenced reading while she was reading. The chi energy shot into her and then right when I climaxed she seemed to also climax but tried to hide it. So then I just kept on reading and then when I had the second climax she then immediately put her head down to "pretend" to sleep. So I just kept reading in full lotus as the chi energy kept building up to a third climax and right when it happened she looked up at me but she had tears coming down her eyes. So obviously I felt really bad about this but at the same time it further confirmed to me that we were having mutual climaxes. So I felt bad but I also felt something strange was going on. the reason I had been sitting in full lotus in public anyway was because previously I had been hit on so dramatically by females -- I mean literally females sitting next to me and making strange sex noises in my ear -- or young females sitting in my booth at mcdonalds -- strangers -- and staring in my eyes hitting on me -- flirting super strong. And when I say young -- I mean underage and with their parents watching and not doing anything. Ugh. Or else I would be reading on a bench in a park and a group of young females would walk past and suddenly begin saying explicit things to me. Or at work the females were crossing their legs pumping them while staring in my eyes while talking to me or staring at my weiner, etc. haha. Anyway so I continued sitting in full lotus in public as self defense even though I realized that this orgasm at a distance was real. Literally the next day I was in full lotus reading at BK and this young female entered with her dad and she sat facing me and they were talking in spanish -- I was reading so I didn't listen in although I can get the gist of it. I mean I was just concerned that the O at a D would happen again and sure enough the chi energy went into the female and then at the exact same time that I climaxed the young female arched her back and trembled like she was shaking off stress. But what really amazed me was that she worked her experience into her conversation with her dad so at the moment that she did this it fit with what she was expressing in her story content wise. Now when I say young -- I mean young female. So again this was very shocking -- not to mention that there was now clear preseminal fluid coming out of me. So that was -- call it what you want - but the psychic mutual climax had now entered me into this realm of secret female orgasms that led me to believe females know a lot more than I realized and also have the ability to work with their orgasms in ways that leave men in ignorance. haha. O.K. so obviously I was really creeped out by this experience -- I felt really bad but at the same time all I was doing was sitting in full lotus reading. I wasn't staring or anything. O.k. That was maybe the third day after I had discovered this. The next day was a weekend. I went to the local cafe where I always went. It was busy. I was in full lotus at their computer. Then amazingly the same thing happened. A young female sat facing me - but this time she was in the table right next to me. Her dad sat across from her. So I'm thinking -- not again! I was here first. I am not doing anything -- but then I could feel my chi energy going into her and then amazingly as the orgasmic energy built up she swung her leg over her chair right before she climaxed. So she was spread eagle facing me and she pumped her leg over the arm of her chair a couple times and then we had a mutual climax with semen shooting up my spine. Then she immediately took her leg off the chair pretending as if nothing happened. She was keeping her dad in conversation the whole time. I just remained in full lotus -- practically stunned at her ability. Again she was young. Then this happened two more times -- so we have three climaxes like that together. I went home creeped out but also baffled -- again this was all new to me. But the whole time I was there first. I was sitting in full lotus but otherwise I wasn't doing anything. Anyway over the years there was some verbal confirmation. One time a female in a booth across from me at an anarchist cafe - I was reading in full lotus. When her friends arrived she pointed me out and told them that I was orgasmic. So I suppose since they were in an anarchist cafe they could talk about these things more openly. Another time I was in BK in full lotus reading and this female went out of her way across the restaurant to my booth and stood next to me lewdly dancing next to me. A couple females on the other side of the room began commenting about her - saying she had seemed completely normal when she ordered her food but not now. haha. then soon after I was in full lotus reading in Taco Bell and the same female literally stuck her backside in my face while lewdly dancing. She was out of view of the workers and there again was only a couple other females at a table nearby -- staring at us wondering wtf? haha. I figured - o.k. if she wants to do this to me then go ahead - let her do it. I looked at her backside while shooting chi into her and we had mutual climaxes. But then a man showed up in a velvet hat with a feather in it -- purple suit -- saying he had a customer for her -- his pimp. The second man was there too. The female looks at them and points at me and says she is "cuming already." haha. So that was the second verbal confirmation. Anyway another early McDs incident was when was at a different McDs reading in full lotus and there was a young female behind the counter. The place was not busy although it usually is. She had served me at the counter -- so we had made initial eye contact. So the energy kept going into her and then as it built up when we had the mutual climax she again arched her back and just shook off all these stress. haha. Then when I went back to the restaurant her boss -- also female - gave me special treatment in a nice way. They were both AFrican-American - just saying that possibly the one had told the other or had seen what had happened and so they at least talked about it or something. Anyway there was another McDs manager -- and several workers would -- they would all then when I showed up in full lotus reading -- would make a point to clean the floor mopping with extra attention around my booth. Haha. Again it was the female backside display -- and this is a term from primatology by the way. The "female backside display." So that was such a regular thing -- but then one time in McDs a young female was sitting across from me in her booth with her boyfriend and I was in full lotus reading, eating, etc. Anyway so we began having mutual climaxes. Her boyfriend fell asleep. The female was young, white, attractive and so she looked me in the eyes. Normally the eye to eye contact is the rarest because it is the most powerful transmission - but then she made a kiss gesture at me and then we had the third mutual climax together. haha. Anyway those are just some of the incidents. Some are more strange than others -- the energy goes through walls. Sometimes there was moaning sounds with the orgasms. the energy is not held back by the wind. The display behavior varied but was sometimes dramatic. I agree with K again that first there has to be chi energy transmitted -- it can't just be sitting in full lotus. So if I didn't have my chi energy built up then the "O at a D" wouldn't work. But also the energy cycles so that female jing energy is also taken in while sitting in full lotus and this jing energy is then converted to chi energy. So I began to wonder to what extent do qigong masters also do this -- taking in jing energy to then transmit it back as healing energy -- and using that jing energy to power them for more power healings. Bodri and Nan state that this taking in jing and transmitting chi is real and can be done but again it is limited to the realm of form. As I stated that if there are about 30 mutual climaxes or 10 "real" ones -- then the heart chakra opens up and it is real love energy. I continued sitting in full lotus in public for four years and over that time there were several females with whom I had this number of mutual climaxes and our energy together was real love energy. Other times I was not just taking in the female sex jing energy but also taking in any other lower emotional energy -- anger, sadness, fear, worry. But the heart over-excitement is the strongest and this then converts the body to strong electromagnetic energy. At this point the body needs to run pure -- actually this is true the whole time for this practice. Since it is a dirty tantra practice. O.K. so also there was the problem of male pervs chasing after me and they were the opposite of what I was doing - trying to deconvert me chi energy back to external ejaculation for themselves. I wondered if I could convert the pervs by sitting in full lotus around them long enough and shooting chi into them and then sublimating their energy. So I befriended a few pervs to see if this was possible but over a few years I gave up. The perv is an electromagnetic blockage in the lower body -- it's the opposite of having the electromagnetic focus in the middle of the brain. Gurdjieff says the same about the Number 1 person having this lower blockage -- saying it's hard-wired and a lost cause. I just think it would take a number 5 person - someone with a fully opened third eye. Anyway so as Master Nan and Bodri state -- this practice can maintain health - and do lower level healing at a distance -- and I had mutual climaxes with maybe hundreds of females over four years. I had a few perv females also stalk me besides the perv males stalking me. But also my diet was dirty and so all the impurities in my body leached out of my skull when I transmitted the chi energy so I had to constantly have antiseptics or do fasting. But more importantly the level of emptiness is crucial - the formless realm. So even if the heart chakra is opened for true love so that the body fills with electromagnetic energy and the heart is throbbing with love -- such that if there is physical separation from the other person then there is heart break -- even this is still limited to the realm of form. There must still be a deeper focus on the formless realm and this is the limitation of tantra as Bodri and Nan point out. There is a critique of Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama online claiming that it is sexist control of female sex energy. But again this is due to first of all a misunderstanding of what chi energy is -- and how it operates -- but more importantly the foundation philosophy of the emptiness or formless realm and what this means. I think that the formless is female though based on the complementary opposites. So I think the origin of the energy is female -- that formless consciousness itself is female. This may seem a contradiction seen to be female may seem to have form -- but I don't think this is a contradiction.
  23. Basically it is a trance situation with the chi energy going out of the third eye and the jing energy of the female going into the perineum. So then as the energy flows it builds up to mutual orgasm at a distance -- at the same time. The reproductive organ is full but the semen shoots up the back and there is an internal orgasm. The thing is the jing energy has to be purified when it is turned into chi but this practice is dirty in that the chi energy that is created is immediately transmitted out of the pineal gland -- so then the jing energy also gets leached out of the skull as dirty energy. This will clear the body of impurities but it is a dirty process -- with the dirt - crap -- coming out of the skull. haha. So then there has to be antiseptics used and also the system has to "run clean" which means no food in the system - fasting. So this is a challenge. I did a three day fast first living off "O at a Ds" and then a ten day fast -- but it requires a steady supply of female jing energy (not just sex energy but any lower emotional energy) and also being able to sit in full lotus the whole time. Then after about ten mutual climaxes -- meaning full on semen up the spine -- the heart chakra opens up for both people. The first two climaxes are build ups -- not full on semen up the spine -- so the third climax is the real one for the female also -- so it's actually thirty mutual climaxes. But after that the heart energy is opened up and it is true love and the heart is then creating chi energy. So that's what Bodri and Nan mean by the lower realm of form and the upper realm of desire -- but the practice is limited to that. Still when the mutual heart chakras open up it is electromagnetic connection at a distance -- so physical separation also creates heart break. This practice will heal the body of illness and maintain health -- but again requires the body to by purified. So if you get the jing source from food it is too dirty. AS I said I no longer do this practice. I did it for four years though every day. Definitely a fascinating experience.
  24. Sexual Urge

    Right? It's like what could possibly be more spiritual than creating life and love with a partner? Shesh. I can't remember who said it, but it was the orgasm at a distance guy, had a theory that as we have a lot of chi built up (haven't had sex in a while, guys you know what I'm talking about) when we have sex it causes us to generate love. Non, Who says you have to do anything with it? In fact part of the issue is guys feel tension and you don't enjoy/act on it or let it drive you. You try and squirt it out, or escape it some how. Which I wonder may have to do with how open or closed your body is (meridians, organs, etc). But then too as Matt has pointed out in other threads, it is definitely about your relationship to your own sexuality and these different parts of your self. I know guys that did the no masturbation thing for 30 days and ended up with a girl at the end of it. .... but I and others talked with you at length on all this shit. John
  25. Sword Fingers

    Thanks for the correction! Does it "fundamentally disagree"? haha. Chunyi Lin does say not to use the sword fingers on the heart which is what I also stated. I just got the reason for not doing it incorrect -- I got the yin and yang part turned around. MY FAULT!!!! You ask "Why did I give wrong information?" The answer is I remembered incorrectly! haha. That's why! It's very simple. If I had remembered that I didn't remember correctly then I would have looked for some source for further clarification. haha. Thankfully you corrected it! Yeah sometimes I get the yin and yang energies turned around -- since the yin and yang are within each other on different levels. I encourage people to provide any details to correct me -- that's exactly why I like posting online for the dialog. As for me posting widely on the internet -- that's just free speech -- and yeah it's just my opinions open for correction, of course. So I appreciate the correction! So, for example, if the body's small universe back channel is yang and the front channel is yin and the heart is yang and the sword fingers are yin -- then what exactly "types" of yin and yang are those? Would you care to help me out? haha. Is it jing as yin or is it shen as yin for the swordfingers? For example there's "yin spirit" as shen energy which would be the light energy. So we can assume that the yin swordfingers are the shen light energy since that's what is being visualized. Then there's also shen "yang spirit" as shen physical energy that has turned back into jing energy (which is yin). So my guess is that if the front channel is yin this is referring to the shen energy as light energy while the heart as yang is referring to a deeper shen energy as the physical jing soul energy - the yang body. What's your take on it? The jing is considered yin (called "negative vitality" in "Taoist Yoga") while the qi is considered yang ("positive vitality").... On the other hand sometimes people claim I've made some error but they don't provide any evidence to back up their claim. haha. So I greatly appreciate you providing actual quotes from Chunyi Lin!! It makes sense that the heart is yang as it states in "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" that the eyes are yang and that the body's spirit is expressed through the eyes via the heart but then during sleep the spirit moves to the liver. So then the yang energy of the heart must be referring to chi energy - "positive vitality" -- while the yin energy of the front channel is referring to jing energy (or is it shen energy?). And then the swordfingers as yin is referring to the "Yin spirit" of the shen energy since, again, it's "light" energy. That sounds pretty good but again I'd appreciate any clarification on these yang and yin differences of the back/front channels and the heart and swordfingers. The thunderpalms as yang energy would, again, be chi energy I would think. As for me "taking in sick qi" -- that's not something I try to do. It's a more interactive phenomenon of the energy -- I would say that "opposites attract." The energy is changing all the time -- but it's the emptiness that balances the energy!! What's the emptiness? I would say it's this eternal process of the complementary opposite resonance of yin and yang itself -- which self-organizes as formless awareness. For example my sister was visiting recently -- she was sitting on the deck, smoking outside. I had been in the garden and then I joined her. Immediately my lungs began buzzing with this tingling electrical sensation along with the strong emotion of sadness. So I could feel her sadness really strongly and I knew it was from her smoking. She's smoked since high school and got depression in high school. My dad smokes but since I'm regularly doing full lotus pineal gland healing on my dad I keep his sadness cleared out but I used to get the same lung tingling sadness activated by my dad smoking as well. He's actually cut back on his smoking (and his coffee drinking and his alcohol drinking!!) Anyway I didn't "try" to take in my sister's "sick qi" -- NO! haha. At the same time that I felt her sadness through the tingling of my lungs, I also felt my chi energy going into her to heal her. I wasn't even in full lotus! I was just sitting about 10 feet from her. As my chi energy went into her -- via the center of my brain, again an electromagnetic bliss sensation, my body also was off-gassing my own internal jing blockages from bad diet. As I stated I have to eat a very pure diet or else the chi rejects it. So I sense that bad diet jing blockage also as a tingling sensation in my body. I think I had had a bunch of cookies and other processed food with sugar (peanut butter, bread, etc.). haha. My sister could smell this bad diet off-gassing just as I could smell her smoke! haha. So all those energy interactions were going on at the same time!! Anyway I know from experience that people who smoke also suffer from depression. Once my coworker entered into the room where I was working. He didn't say anything to me, he "seemed" normal but I immediately was overwhelmed by the strongest emotion of sadness. Again I didn't "try" to take in his sick qi -- it's actually sick jing energy to be specific -- but it's an automatic flow and transformation of the energy. My chi goes into him and then my body sucks up his sick jing and it was the lung tingling sensation as sadness. haha. So I just said to my coworker -- "why are you so sad?" He was shocked that I could feel his sadness but he didn't want to admit this. So then I just said to him: "if you quit smoking then your sadness will go away." He was only 24 and amazingly he quit smoking and his sadness went away!! It was very cool. The thing is I knew he was sad because he made me sad! It's true I was probably sitting in full lotus when he entered the room but that's not necessary as I was not in full lotus when I was with my sister. Still I usually sit in full lotus at least a few hours a day -- usually in half hour or hour segments, depending on if I need to take a leak. So these dynamics are sort of difficult to explain. Another time I was reading in full lotus in BK and ... well I'll spare you the details -- but suffice it to say my liver got really hot and then this dude who suffered from alcoholism -- a total stranger -- after I cleared out his liver blockage -- he came up to me, out of nowhere, and all he said was: thanks. Now before that healing took place again "automatically," his reaction to me, because of his liver blockage, was anger!! So yeah that was a dangerous situation. haha. Still that energy healing transformation only took about 5 or maybe 10 minutes. But the reason I started sitting in full lotus in public was because I'd be reading in public places and, I kid you not, but females -- total strangers -- would practically attack me! Well I could tell tons of stories but you know what I mean. I mean even young females would be hitting on me so strong. I wasn't in full lotus I was just reading -- on a bench, or in the library, or in a restaurant, or bookstores, or in the park, etc. Of course I would try to be nice about it but they just wanted my chi energy without knowing what it was and I would have to reverse the effects of their attraction to me. So I began to sit in full lotus in public and that way I would reverse the effects without it being an issue. In other words the females could "attack" me all they wanted and it didn't matter anymore -- problem solved. Also my work office had a lot of aggressive young females. haha. Of course I have tons of stories about what I called the "O at a D" phenomenon which is the psychic mutual climax -- the internal orgasms that are mutual from my chi energy going into a female and then the female's jing energy going into me. That happened literally hundreds of times in public with females over the past four years after I first discovered this "O at a D" (orgasm at a distance) phenomenon. It was always at a distance -- through walls, ceilings, back to back in the same room, across fields. I would just be reading -- the only difference now is I sat in full lotus -- and so it was like a multi-tasking as my left brain could read while my right brain would be transmitting the chi and the perineum would take in the jing energy. So again I claim that it is taboo to talk about this in energy healing -- because energy healing in the East comes from a tradition usually where there is suppose to be a separation from females and the females are not suppose to hit on the males based on their attraction, etc. haha. But there is the taboo tantra tradition which is more for the poor people who couldn't afford the training with the energy masters. Professor Hugh B. Urban discusses this tantra of the poor in great detail -- about tantra and class dynamics, mainly in India, -- he has an excellent article on Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and how the poor couldn't afford to study with them. On China Dr. David Palmer's book "Qigong Fever" discusses the class issues with qigong and the government - it's a fascinating topic -- how some qigong becomes officially sanctioned but then it also becomes too expensive. So the jing energy is not necessarily "sick" jing energy -- it's life force energy as the internal reproductive energy and once that gets flowing then there's mutual climax after mutual climax from the chi energy going into the female and the female's jing energy going into the male. Then after about 10 mutual climaxes (which is actually 30 internal female climaxes) the heart chakra opens up and there's strong mutual love as chi energy between the male and the female. As Chunyi Lin says first the energy builds up in the kidneys as reproductive energy then it goes to the liver and then to the heart and then to the pineal gland. Of course I'm just talking from my own experiences. Food obviously increases the jing energy but it's also an impure source of jing energy. Gurdjieff talks about this as well -- how sex energy is actually the best source of energy if it is transformed properly. I remember Chunyi Lin mentioning jing energy ONCE -- and that was during a guild meeting -- which are practice healing sessions for the students outside of class -- anyway he also said at that time it's crucial to not think about sex. I had my copy of "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" in my backpack at the time so I was happy to hear Chunyi Lin practically quoting from that book!! He quoted from that "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" book another time -- very specifically -- how he had reached a state of meditation that is detailed at the very end of the book which happens right before the yang spirit as a physical body emerges out. I had the book in my backpack that time as well. haha. But that was fairly early on in the classes -- around 2001 -- and then later on Chunyi Lin said he was more "Americanized" and that normally Chinese culture doesn't talk about those things, etc. That's exactly the process that happens in terms of reversing people's jing blockages -- so basically if it's a liver (anger) or lung (sadness) or pancreas (worry) or kidney (fear) blockage then it gets reversed -- the full lotus creates the kidney will power and the liver creates the wisdom healing through lots of green energy and then the heart opens up and that's the love energy. Now too much love as over-excitement can even be a problem -- and the reverse of this over-excitement of the love is the broken heart -- and that's very real too -- that aching broken heart sensation. But still once the heart love energy opens up then it converts to the chi energy via the pineal gland and also via the slower breathing as the lung energy creating more courage -- combined with the heart to make compassion. After that the chi energy gets real strong. That also goes along with fasting and more of the tantric energy exchanges. That's basically tantra because it's through interactive healing with other people based on complementary opposites -- the male and female energy. Again I rely on the full lotus for this -- the energy just flows on its own. I just sit in full lotus. It's true that I also "flex my pineal gland" to transmit the chi energy but the chi energy builds up in the brain and then will transmit on its own as well. So by the continual transformation of the energy through the pineal gland transmitting and then the perineum taking in the jing energy -- then I can sit in full lotus for hours nonstop -- unless I need a bathroom break! haha. Of course this can be done with males as well but it's not quit the same since the male doesn't naturally sublimate their sexual energy as does a female -- through the parasympathetic internal climaxes. The love is very real and strong but as I mentioned the tantra still only takes you to the 1st Dhyana level of the bliss realm and to the beginning of the realm of form. That's why for "real" meditation beyond that there needs to be a special training environment -- most importantly with the personal supervision of an energy master to guide the training. Because at that level of energy when the chi is really strong then in a normal mundane environment you're going to be doing serious spirit exorcisms of people -- again the energy just flows into people and their attracted to it, etc. Their emotional blockages will get exorcised real strong -- a lot of times it will be their liver anger blockages!! So I was at that more powerful level just briefly -- after I did my week long fast on just half a glass of water. That's when I could see dead spirits as well -- the shen energy -- the dead spirits come to get healed by Chunyi Lin. So usually a teacher will do a closer supervision training at that advanced energy level but most teachers just have one person they train to be an energy master -- for Chunyi Lin it's Jim Nance. So Chunyi Lin told Jim Nance that he had to sit in full lotus two hours nonstop every night, without missing a night! haha. That was just to get to the real meditation of the nirvikalpa samadhi -- or emptiness -- the Dharmakaya. Chunyi Lin has trained several other "master healers" but they're not "qigong masters" like Jim Nance is. Usually at that "Master healer" level the person does healing professionally -- requiring payment, and having a special location, an office or something, to do the healing, etc. So there's now several SFQ "master healers" with websites, etc. Just because I post online doesn't make me an expert obviously! haha. I just share what I know and welcome any criticism. There is an official online forum for questions about SFQ that I mentioned on the other thread -- but then since you're quoting one of the training manuals that's an excellent source of information. Hopefully Sean Denty will present the answers to the questions that people on Taobums asked Chunyi Lin -- that would be very fascinating. I've had a couple online interviews -- one in Spanish! It's just because someone wants to interview me! haha. If you read the interview I'm very honest about all sorts of details which make it plain I'm not an "authority." haha. Still I have had some pretty wild experiences and I did get to take quite a few classes from Chunyi Lin which was fun. He said "Drew is a healer" but, of course, Chunyi Lin says we are all born as healers! haha. Chunyi Lin did say I had an "enlightenment experience" once soon after I had it and I shared it to him in a class he was teaching. That's when he told me to not get too afraid or over-excited when the energy gets that strong and next time to call him on the phone! haha. Chunyi Lin also told me once that my "mind was confused" and another time he said to "stop eating crap." haha. Yeah here is the full version of my interview -- it was highly edited for the website but then in small print at the end of the website interview there is this link for all the nitty gritty details: That was just about a year ago! Since then I've been able to reread "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" as it's available online. That's how I realized I had gone through everything from chapters 9 to 11 in "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" -- all the problems AND the solutions! haha. It just takes a long time to adjust to the energy and figure things out from books, etc. I had given away all my previous qigong books, etc. -- including the manual that you're quoting from -- just because I had a lot of coworkers very interested in learning more about the energy healing but they were all too poor. haha.