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Everything posted by Spotless

  1. Getting rid of fear and anger

    It is interesting to truly examine the secluded life vs the householders life. The secluded can lay bare some of the most delicate uprisings and be with them for prolonged periods. It is extensive stillness with a nakedness rarely possible in an ongoing outside interaction. But it can also be a place to easily hide. And we find many examples of monks that have been asked to go West and teach and fall to sex, money and alcohol abuse. For the householder in ardent practice the difficulty of baring one’s self within a framework in the general population is often incredibly lonesome and isolating. But in either case - attachment is the cause of all suffering and it is no more difficult for the one or the other to drop it - for as was stated in the video and by so many elsewhere including myself - attachment has no value - it does nothing but hold one in pasts and futures - it is at once “not in the moment”. It is always an obstruction. It does not help in anything - it is always a dragging anchor and acts as a catalyst to further obstructive obscuring patterning.
  2. Abortion

    One of the reasons for declining rates in abortion is longer duration birth control methods: Depo-Provera - long lasting epidermal implant Nuva Ring Interuterine device that lasts around a year. And also: Online access and fulfillment via mail. When it is delivered to your doorstep automatically it’s harder to forget and have an unwanted pregnancy. Also: A general decline in fertility rates.
  3. Abortion

    Please reread what you quoted and move beyond the assumptions in your question. The notion was put forth regarding the “killing of a Being” - the idea that a Soul cannot be killed - that it exists independent of a body. Nothing more was projected into this but it is certainly different than some previous posting that imply that an abortion is the end of everything for that which might have been born - that it has somehow met with oblivion. This is not a belief held by more than half the world. The death of a full adult is not oblivion for the soul. It is not murder of the soul - even Christians believe that in most cases.
  4. Abortion

    The above was in reference to: “Some speak of murder - but a great many would say that no Being has been killed. Over half of the inhabitants on this planet would say that no Being has been killed - that a possible body for that Being was dis-allowed - but no murder took place” Perhaps you Aetherous should examine your bubble instead of projecting it upon others. By far the majority of humans on this planet believe in reincarnation - and MANY studies show that a very very sizable percentage of Christians do as well. Your positioning and insulting reference and lackadaisical reference is why joining in this conversation was done with great trepidation. Buffoons unable to respect intellectual discourse because of extreme rigidized anchoring in core beliefs. Even a Buffoon can look up such statistics - and even a Buffoon can politely question what one was referencing - but most buffoons do what buffoons do - the play their buffoons.
  5. Qi/Energy Practice Over Years

    Carry bag of salt and a tape measure: It is good to listen and take in teachings but do so with a grain of salt. Do so because of the obvious - do you really now “know” what they have said or are you becoming a believer and have skipped over coming to know this for your self. Use the grain of salt to slow your own assumptions - ask what words meant to them and do not assume. Use the grain of salt to check your extreme standards and judgement and remind you to use your tape measure - to measure your head and see if it has swollen with pride. When you have gained the whole world there is so much more.
  6. Abortion

    I am going to put forth the following as simply a concept and not an opinion of mine or belief of mine or not: Some would argue that the soul of a person is indestructible and that a few weeks or months of being attached to a life cycle and then having it unattached in no way kills the soul or necessarily affects it in a negative way. Some would say that participating in such a scenario would be pre-planned to begin with - in the sense that the spirit chooses the parents and is fully engaged in the general prospects and would certainly be aware of such a possible immediate scenario such as a termination. Some would say that a soul is barely even involved with the general interweaving in the human experience during the first several months. And in fact changes can be made regarding the soul to that body for seven years fairly easily. Some would say that this is indeed the woman’s choice to bare. Some speak of murder - but great many would say that no Being has been killed. Over half of the inhabitants on this planet would say that no Being has been killed - that a possible body for that Being was dis-allowed - butno murder took place because ownership had not transferred from the mother and her body to a birthed child that is separate and autonomous in breath and body. I have no opinion in this but thought these ideas might also be pondered. I have no intention of defending these ideas so no need to act as if I am in any way invested in this subject.
  7. It is not a project - the You that you wish to be receptive to is blocked by you and it will always be just one step away from "placing yourself in a state where you will be receptive to this". Breath in and Be the light that You already are - You are spotless, unstained, complete. The projections and modeling in your mind - the holdings of past models and "understandings" make a linear map of where you are not and where you need to go. there is no time and no space - every bar that jails You is of your own making.
  8. The "Mind" that is not quiet is in Trance - the trance of your habituations: Imagine that instead of just your one personal phone, tablet and computer - you had 10,000 of them. It is tough for many to put down just 3 of these for a day or two - but imagine 10,000 of them and you are always using one or 100 of them with a tension extended to all of them all of the time. This is the state of "Mind" - this is Waking Sleep - this is constant Trance - this is the illusion, the cloud, the veil. It is all the things you like, don't like, believe in - and definitely do not believe in - it is every diversion you have a proclivity too and hold dear or resist. The fickle flighty Timbuktu of me-ness that you happen to be played by. It is relatively easy to give up hatchet murdering and picking your nose in public - but this is not the greater thick trance cloud of mesmerizing sleep - its far more the positions of little things and things "you are certain of" and about which you identify yourself. Try: I Awareness I cognition "I am" can be taken as possessive - the root of the sleep Move to just your Awareness - to the center of the head - Cogito - Sum Sometimes you may open a door and suddenly a breathtaking view stops all thought and momentums - you are simply awareness taking in the beauty and smells with no judgement - for a moment you are Awareness - Awake - Presence. Then Mind labels it and describes it and contrives it and diminishes it - or not - but think back to those times when for a moment your breath stopped and time stopped and Presence was breathing striking golden light. This resides in you - it is YOU - Self - but the mind has places to go that must be gotten too - until it is realized that the the Mind was never meant to be the driver.
  9. Silence and spaciousness go together. The immensity of silence is the immensity of (Presence) in which a center does not exist. (“the mind” deleted in exchange for Presence) The “center” is the me-ness, positions and habituations that obstruct and constrict and create the gravity of fear and grasping. One’s 10,000 favorite radio stations, thought forms, desires and fears - that mesmerize one’s Presence. In which one’s Presence is held in a-tension. Suspend 10,000 tensions and in the moment you Awaken. meditation is Presence - for those as yet held in tension - it is Presence while practicing non-participation in the noise of one’s tensions.
  10. Dark Night of the Soul

    Find the quiet in the wee hours of the morning. Meditation around 3:30 am Find music Find the flowers Dont imbibe in the bleakness Shower in the Light
  11. Devotion

    Devotion equanimity expanding along with Devotion - communion with the highest aspects of Presence. And a newfound revival in reverence with Divine Beings and Celestial Beings.
  12. Devotion

    Devotion and Worship may be something you secretly dispise or are attracted to. It can be for some a sign of giving up on autonomy and or willful self journeying and isolation from mass hysteria and lazy followership. But it has nothing to do with these things - though all elements of human frailty may be found as is true everywhere. In abiding wakefulness grace is ever present - gratitude pours forth to nothing - it is not in devotion - it is the light But Devotion simply dawns - it dawns as one sheds the ebbing rude coarseness that stood solid on so many willful grounds of insanity and ignorance. In the beautiful stillness - the boundless Presence - the magnificence and majesty - Devotion is camaraderie with the highest light. It is attending a dance with Angels. IN NOTHING great transcendence radiates within - one cannot but be in devotion. It is not a choice or a falling or failing - it is the twilight of all holding - the touch of one finger to the hand of Divine Essence in Living Light. Love unbounded - unbinding
  13. In the video the teacher used the reference to “bare awareness” and refrained from the use of the word mind. Bare Awareness is mesmerized in the cottony fluttering fog of habituation and labeling - in the positions of mind and meness. IN meditation one is IN Bare Awareness - the cottony fluttering fog outside of its sphere. This Awareness state is not easily understood as one “of focus” but rather as one not diffused and parted out. The Awakened Abiding state is not one of focus in any sense in which that might clarify to someone in word what it is like. But like a clouded glass that has clarified as the refracting particles have settled. Awareness typically is identified in the refractions and defends and organizes the many “I” they contain and the kaleidoscopes of mesmerizing patterns and rainbows. IN meditation Awareness is vital clarity in no inertia (stillness). It is so true that the means of physically aiding this to happen is not more than basic practice.
  14. 40+ years later and the mantra is always there - it might be a year or ten and someone brings up the subject and in the background it still plays
  15. Regarding the original post and the attached study: It was not mentioned if the chair seated meditators were utilizing the backs of the chairs and no mention was made regarding the vigorous ness of the posture discipline. Often chair seated meditators fall into a slouch and are simply relaxed and not in proper meditation posture. Seated chair meditation is best on the forward edge of the chair and or if one starts a bit back as the meditation progresses one will naturally tend to move forward on the chair as posture becomes invigorated and energies are moving well. In long chair seated meditations of 10 + hours the chairs back is generally not needed or touched. One is very upright. Most practitioners such as those mentioned do not meditate in a chair seated position regularly - but we can certainly assume that most do sit in chairs regularly to relax and or work. Many seasoned meditators sitting in chairs will actually slouch somewhat when asked to close their eyes and meditate at a lecture/satsang. Few sit up into good posture. I am not arguing here that in fact the Lotus would not do what is being stated to a greater degree than sitting in a chair - certainly in such very short intervals as in this study.
  16. Several hours of standing has not been a problem and in general it gets better and better and easier as the energy moves well. Highly recommend messaging the feet well and the toes and the end of the toes prior to Qi Gong and Standing Meditation. Also - If during Standing Meditation or Qi Gong practice foot pain becomes high - take a quick break and message the feet, toes and heels - then continue.
  17. It is interesting to note: When doing Full Lotus or Standing Meditation the legs can have difficulties - but interestingly at a certain point the legs do not go to sleep, turn blue or become inoperative - to the contrary - they are quite alive and pink and ready to resume activity with only a mild bit of flexing or none at all. Though i I cannot speak for lengthy standing meditation - but at the end of 10-15+ hours seated (full lotus, half lotus or in a chair) the legs are generally very full of energy and not paralized and unable to walk. This is radically dependent on where one’s awareness is seated, posture and whether one is in trance or not.
  18. In so far as regarding meditation and its highest forms - lotus is unnecessary and completely non-essential. It is fine to be a fan of it (as I was for years) and I still enjoy it from time to time and often sit in lotus at the movies. But - it should not be considered an important wall to climb in order to reach the most brilliant light. It is useful for many lesser achievements and I am not talking against it - but in a scale of importance for meditation at its highest levels it is not on the scale at all. It is not important, required or integral - it simply offers some excellent benefits but is of zero necessity. Some very good teachers may have incorrectly stated otherwise and or their followers and translators but It is unequivocally not in any way necessary nor even necessarily highly advantageous to the highest states.
  19. I originally meditated in full lotus - not as a weekend warrior but 3-8 hours a day. I have also meditated in half lotus - particularly when injured and a knee was delicate. I have also meditated standing up and in a seated position. My meditation has generally been from 3-18 hours in a single sitting. My original base practice is traditional Yoga - wherein 98% of the practice is meditation and asanas are adjuncts to the meditation. Qi Gong and standing meditation necessitates the opening of the leg channels far more than anything I have experienced in any other form - (though it may be that this is true for me because I came to these practices about 40years after initial practice - but I do not think this is the case). It has been my experience that any of the various typical meditation postures are equally effective more or less. Certainly as one has come to Be In meditation then the differences are removed even further. Distractions due to discomfort are important considerations to consider as well - and a cold blue leg is not a good thing. Simple sitting meditation in a chair or standing offers up considerable advantages - the leg channels are not touching other channels or crossed. The feet are on the earth. The back can easily be properly positioned. In uncrossed positions such as this the subtle bodies do not spin or spin far less. The hands can still be positioned to radiate upward or on what ever mudra that might be wished. And the breath is not confined particularly as might be the case for a “laughing Buddha” with a gut might experience in lotus - though this can be mitigated with a pillow easily. What is entirely more important is the general posture and where the awareness is held and if one is in trance or out of trance. At the end of 18 hours in a single sitting - one can be WIDE awake and very energized and embodied with the legs and bodies in light and be in no breath - or - one can have a very different set of experiences - Lotus - Half Lotus - Sitting upright in a chair - Standing - These have no big bearing though Standing Meditation can easily be argued as the most powerful on several levels. A meditator distracted by discomfort and health and health concerns such as blue legs is much better off not distracted. Also - subjugation of the body is a disservice to practice. It is fine to work with and on the body - but the whole no pain no gain thing is fiction. (That is not to imply it is a cake walk - it is to imply that beating a horse may make it obey - but in de-spiriting a horse you have tossed aside a great deal and confirmed wilfulness and controlling in your nature).
  20. A good teacher definitely is a great boon. A great asset in an old lineage is that one may meet with many teachers from that lineage. Because of this one may find that a new student teacher is excellent in the beginning and a seasoned teacher much better after a few years. Then one may move away from a teacher and yet may find a very advanced teacher when it comes to pass. Newly constructed Qi Gong may also be “tailored to the Western Student” - it is a very diminished view if done generally by Eastern teachers. recently an Eastern teacher of medical qi gong was quite on airs that Qi Gong was not being practiced correctly and that meditation is the key feature and the forms are additions. I explained that this was the same for Yoga and provided him with my “western” background of long meditation (1-18+) hours in a sitting and postures as about 5% of the practice. Also noted that the Pantanjali Yoga Sutras were written from a time in which it was ALL meditation and no postures. That the Way of Yoga through one’s life was and is the Teaching. This appeared to be news to him on both fronts - that Yoga was like this and that a westerner actually meditated for hours at a time - as it turned out he did not meditate particularly long in any of his years of practice - typically under an hour. We are wandering into a new era- the West does have many emerging fine teachers - and while the East also does - it is also full of teachers that are very substandard and along the lines of “Yoga” teachers in the West that are teaching exercise and stretching regimes with a dose of technical terms and heaven and earth energies mentioned. And unfortunately China is actively trying to snuff out this incredible teaching. While Chinese Masters are actively keeping secret much that they know from the West. Fortunately - secrets cannot be kept long from any of the emerging bright lights - and 100% of the BIG secrets are not secrets at all - they are part and parcel of Basic Practice and the Way.
  21. A lineage is not dependent on a master. A lineage can be traced to a master or to a group that created the lineage. And it may be that a new form is emerging that will become a lineage. In general a lineage simply refers to a time tested form or teaching. One of the great things about older forms is that they generally work well and have a great deal of input. The only problem with older forms is the dogma that can be attached as significant teachers and their devotees add “rules” and rigidity that is often very biased to the proclivities of that significant teacher. Doing - can be something heavily added when “doing” is both unnecessary and unproductive in the larger scope - but makes “manipulation and controlling” key features rather than occasional use practices. Nearly everyone loves controlling and manipulation - they are key factors in slow overall growth and in obscuring the much much larger picture.
  22. Watched the intro vids - only comment is they had the legs together close - in general the legs are not together as the fingers are not together as the arms do not touch one’s sides - this confuses the energies of the respective channels by touching channels directly next to them.
  23. Similarities among religions

    It was somewhat unclear what you meant in the above quote but to clarify my use of certain term: By “faith” I simply meant that when one embarks on a Way as a practice - vs a belief in. Religion - that they have done some semblance of research or spoken to someone at length regarding the upsides of such an endeavor. All true Way’s do not have a downside - other than perceptions of such from the relative viewpoint. As an example True Yoga will benefit one on countless scientifically fully verified levels: increased mental acuity, greater general integration and calm, better hand eye coordination, higher longer attention levels, less stress, better sleep, less sleep, and on and on and on and on. If one has done a considerable amount of home work and then gravitated to a path/Way then one typically has a relatively healthy faith that proceeding reasonably has very little in the way of a fear of wasting one’s time since at any point in time the experiment can be ended and the result will be a net positive. Worship was never a portion of Practice - in fact care was taken (salt) to constantly circumvent assumption and over zealous interpretation. Otherness is also not revered. Worship and Devotion are not the same thing - though it is a matter of definitions clearly - they could certainly be considered the same. Worship tends to have a more forgiving and complete surrender aspect to the following and teachings of that which is worshipped - in the West It is often relatively extreme in its acceptance of generally absurd aspects casting a very blind eye. Devotion is often more of a general association with divinity and or High Being - often with little real association with the teachings. Devotion does not necessitate one being a devotee. In any case - this is easily argued but from these definition the idea of Worship is generally not part of many practices but an awareness of higher being - and calling upon it both within and without in the essence of practice and in the essence of reverence is often a great light in the darkness of practice.
  24. Similarities among religions

    It is all able to be directly experienced. It has all come from direct experience. None of it was made up. The dogmas are what they are and the institutional religions necessarily degenerate in the noise of unconsciousness - living on only echos of the original enlightened teaching. But not all Religion is dead or dying - some look like both a religion and a practice. Some are truely a practice - if they become the living of the individual. They REQUIRE NO belief - but simply faith in taking steps on the Way. One is expected to carry salt and constantly measure the size of one’s head.