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About hyok

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  1. I've had a chance to reconnect with Gendao. I've known him for a very long time. He was actually the person who introduced me to the Dao Bums many years ago and played a big role in getting me started on the path. He actually logged into his Bums account while we were talking and he discovered one warning from a mod regarding a post about women who cheat on men. he also added that he was never given any previous warnings, at least none that he can recall, and he was also never suspended from the forum previously.
  2. I would not know where to start with that. lol. It is just odd, it felt like something similar that occurred 15 years ago almost to-the-day. I was hoping some of the old members who felt this at that time could also confirm it but it looks like they've all moved on. Ah well. Thanks Nungali!
  3. Hi @effilang. That was a great read above about souls. Thank you. I am just curious, was this knowledge attained from actual experiences (i.e. past life regressions, astral travel) or from knowledge that has been passed down? Apologies if this is too direct. Thank you again for sharing.
  4. lol. hey thanks for the response! I hope that was just a mosquito bite.
  5. Chunyi Lin and a few Buddhist monks held a 3 day global blessing event on YouTube over the weekend. He eluded that something may happen in the next 6 months and that we should prepare to stay calm. The blessing event was powerful -- full of chanting and guided meditation geared towards self-healing, blessing the Earth and humanity. Please participate if you can. It does not matter if it is over. You can still contribute.
  6. successfully pulling qi into the dan tien has been a life saver for me--it pulls down bad qi from the organs as well as some from blockages and pushes it into the furnace.
  7. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    “What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s folly – that is the first law of nature.” —Voltaire
  8. Phone addiction

    I turned on the Screen Time feature on the iPhone to guilt myself into putting the phone down. I'm not sure if it's working but it's good to know.
  9. Gendao, as I remember him, was very mildly tempered but was not the type of person who would let others push too often without a push back. I am completely unaware of the details of what happened, but I can say with some confidence his positions were usually well-thought out and he typically expressed them with an intent to be effective. I rarely if ever detected malice or ill-intent in his expressions, and if there ever was it was usually brought upon by another party. but above all the details (many of which i am ignorant of) I think we can agree that it is a good thing to be open to ideas even if they're not ideas we agree with, particularly from someone who has had a long-standing position during a previous era on this forum.
  10. Looking for an old member

    Thank you for the response, Kakapo. I sent you a message.
  11. Hello. I am looking for an old member, his name used to be Vortex. Perhaps he has changed his user name? He is an old friend and I am just trying to reconnect. Thank you.
  12. Politics and The Dao

    Strange thing happened after I posted this. All the news of election fr@ub came about and I went on Tw!ttt3r to ask about this. Genuine questions. Suddenly my PC detects network intrusions. Files are deleted. No F'n joke. Being a rebellious Taoist I continued asking FULL FORCE. Suddenly, my p0rn collection is being displayed every morning on my monitor full screen. Honest to Tao truth. Conclusion: Truth is being suppressed by dark forces, my friends. Be wary. Be nimble. Be strong. Build your energy and don't take the vaccine.
  13. It's fascinating to me how the providence of Yin and Yang are so prevalent in today's politics. It seems TOO apparent. TOO obvious. Yet this polarization feels like it's edging towards a resolution that may not be so equitable for all parties involved. Maybe I'm watching too much TV. Maybe I should delete Twitter and turn-off the internet. You can say this, and you might be right. But there's more to this than what's churning on the surfaces of not only legacy media but even along the fringes. The lines between the Fringe and the Mainstream have become blurred in the age of COVID. Yet, as a Daoist, I feel compelled to step back and observe. I feel obligated to avoid taking sides and remain centered in that things must happen as they do and I should not interfere in the process. But am I wrong? Are there moments in time where the Sage must also pick a side? (i am not Sage but a follower of Sages and their derivatives). In the bowels of who I am I WANT to pick a side. In the shallow innards of my being I WANT to protest what I believe is wrong. But I also want a threesome and really good Belgian ale. These things, as important as they may seem to me, feel irrelevant at the same time. What say you, Daoists, in this precarious moment in history? The universe is old and this has probably happened billions of times before. What makes this any different? IMHO, nothing makes it different. There is nothing new under the sun.