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About cheya

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    Please don't drink the Kool Aid

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  1. Mysticism and activating your pineal gland. Really interesting interview, Dispenza shedding more light on his approach.
  2. PS: So far, neither in the book, nor in the description of the meditation have I seen anything related to retention or semen turning into CSF. Thankfully. LOL And if it's a cult, it's not an MCO cult. It's a self-induced drug cult. Most fun thing this Niwan junkie's seen in quite awhile.
  3. I just got the book, so can't answer any questions, lol. I have read recently from another source on CSF, that the CSF goes down, but is then reabsorbed in the blood stream. But CS therapists have said it goes up and down with the CS rhythm. (Actually, I realize both can be true.) I'm particularly interested in the breathing and encouraging the CSF to go (press) up, pressurizing the pineal crystals to do interesting things. Anybody who gets actual sensations of pressure build up in their head trying to do this probably shouldn't. Years of taiji ruler and a circulation practice keep energy flows open and nothing builds up in my head. So far, anyway. Time will tell. I'll post here if it gets interesting.
  4. Jambon, never in million years would I have come across this fascinating book, much less bought it, if you had not posted this. Thank you! It just arrived today, and I can already tell I'm going to be exploring some amazing territory that is clearly connected to my previous Niwan explorations and the energy circulations I've been doing for years. (If I hadn't already been experiencing some of this stuff, I would think the man was just plain bonkers, lol) I hope you're experimenting with the breathing methods and spinal mechanics Dispenza describes and that you will report back on your experiences.
  5. Ping Shuai Qigong

    Yes, when your arms come down, you rock back on your heels and your toes rise. In addition to the lymphatic push, moving the ankles activates a couple of the extraordinary channels, which is also really good energetically. I think I learned his practice slower than I do it now, but I base the speed on where I feel the chi flow, too fast or too slow, I tend to lose it. I was doing short practices a few times a day, but find a couple longer practices (100-300 reps) are doing a lot more for me now. The short practices weren't getting the breathing going much, and doing it longer creates a stronger, more global effect.
  6. Ping Shuai Qigong

    This is a great little book, both as a review of the five versions presented, and as reminder/motivation to actually DO it, lol. I'd already been doing a little arm swinging as an antidote to too much computer sitting, but not nearly enough to make a big difference. The book has encouraged me to do it more often, longer, and properly (according to Jahnke anyway) One thing that stands out. I learned the exercise before I learned much about the lymphatic system, and now understand the many levers into the system this exercise provides. Swinging the arms loosens and stimulates the lymphatic dumping mechanism behind the collar bones, where the lymphatic fluid rejoins the blood stream enroute to the liver for detox and elimination of toxins. Modern life and aging have most of us tight and relatively immobile in this area, and arm swinging loosens it up quickly. The deeper breathing from doing many repetitions (100-300?) activates the large lymphatic duct at the bottom of the diaphragm, which is one of two major pumping mechanisms for the lymphatic system. Lifting the heels and toes activates the calf muscles, which are the other major pumping mechanism for the lymphatics. Doubling down on this exercise is providing noticeable changes in blood circulation as well. I strongly recommend it!
  7. Ping Shuai Qigong

    Decades back, swing arms was the first qigong exercise where I started to feel the energy circulation. It was so subtle! I couldn't really tell, but something seemed to be happening, and it was the only exercise I wanted to do for awhile. Forty five minutes of swing arms. Nobody wanted to practice with me, LOL. I think I learned it from Roger Jahnke, and I think he was the one who told us that, in parks in China, you would see some of the old practitioners, hardly making any movement at all, but benefitting greatly from the circulation they'd established over the years doing this simple movement. I ordered the book. Thanks Dainin!
  8. Let me first comment how beautiful and intelligent you are @cheya ..... ! LOLOL @Apech Even after all these years, you still can make me laugh more than any other DaoBum... actually probably more than all the rest of the DaoBums combined! A good belly laugh is so precious these days. Grats
  9. Our comments about others often — if not usually — describe ourselves much more closely than those we mean to target.
  10. Chyawanprash

    @Miroku Curious which brand you got that was "more bitter than sweet." Sounds like a version I'd like!
  11. Chyawanprash

    Sugar free, but sweetened with sorbitol and sucralose. Nah. I'll take mine with honey. Just can't go crazy with it, lol
  12. The TM rabbit hole

    @escott A totally fascinating video. Thank you! I mean Self-Induction! I'd love to learn that.
  13. Your opinion about reiki?

    This was really helpful to watch. Thank you!
  14. Oh look, I got covid

    @Earl Grey So glad it's going well for you! You're going into a transition phase (7-10 days in) according to this chart here... Probably not an issue for you, but do keep your eyes out in case it is! Best of luck with this, and thanks for keeping us updated!